Does he mean the REAL Tony Stark died in The Crossing and every Tony after that is a copy or is he referring to his own new body out of the Bendis coma?
Iron Man: Tony Stark and the Ship of Theseus
Bendis coma, I doubt Aaron is aware of the Crossing.
Bendis coma. Do you really expect modern day writers and editors to remember or know anything about Tony pre-Civil War?
>Do you really expect modern day writers and editors to remember or know anything about Tony pre-Civil War?
Extremis is probably as far back as they know. Plus an awareness of Demon in a Bottle without having read it, and a similar awareness of the Doom/Camelot story because it was the one Iron Man comic Bendis had ever read and he kept referencing it.
“Tony Stark” has gone through so many reboots, that whatever your headcanon, it’s pretty much more or less valid. Yes, both the Tumblrfags and even Starkfag can claim a version. So whether you think he’s an emotional mess and a burrito or whatever, or some shady racist villain, you’re both right.
I mean, we're many degrees of separation from real tony.
Heroes Reborn /Teen Tony, Extremis Tony, mindwiped Tony, restored from pre-civil war backup Tony, Post Secret Wars recreated Tony, restored from coma during Ironheart and Doom's stint on his title Tony
And I'm sure I'm missing a few
Can you put that in a chart?
How long till it's explain that Tony is revealed to be a universal constant and that is why they keep reviving him from the dead or try and fix whatever else happens to him.
>the eternal central cog of the great Cosmic Machine
It’s not even mystical or whatever, so it could fit.
Well he already stole "Superior" for m Spider-Man.
Might as well bum "Immortal" from Hulk while he's at it.
Post civil war 2.
Tony was talking about The Crossing with Ms Marvel during Standoff.
Tony Stark has been dead for me since they retconned him being a Stark and his adoptive parents being part of an Oceans 11 team that fought a bunch of Mafia don alien greys in a secret space casino on Earth. Seriously retcon this shit already. It's painful to see a character that I grew up with and made me pursue an EE degree and work for the DoD to help defend my country fallen so far. Pick up any 2010+ book and every page is just cringy as sin.
OG Tony->Teen Tony->Heroes Reborn Tony->Teen Tony/Heroes Reborn fusion->post-Secret Wars Tony.
If we're talking about the Slott comic he has said in that ongoing that his body was remade and his mind was a backup from his run during Dark Reign. Since his mind and body aren't the originals then he considers himself not real. As others have pointed out, Tony has gone through a lot of other deaths and rebirths but the two I talked about are the ones specifically mentioned by Tony during Slott's run.
I think it's the Slott comic that's been bugging me. Thank you!
BENIS leaves properties painted into these impossible corners, nothing creators do afterwards can make up for the mess. It's a "gift".
I know that feeling all too well...
What the actual fuck? What series was this and can you go into more detail?
One run is Infamous Iron Man.
Gillen's Iron Man has the adoption and Greys. BENIS Iron Man gives him the SHIELD Momma.
It's... not Benis son. Gillen was the one that did that plot
And like most of Gillen's work I like it. Adds a neat if not entirely successful wrinkle to the self made man ethos
>restored from coma during Ironheart
It's even more convoluted than that. He was in a coma since the events of Civil War 2 and throughout Secret Empire, then his body got inexplicably kidnapped, nobody knows how it happened nor who did it (seriously look it up, not even Bendis knows), and he got his body reconstituted from scratch. So if you really get creative, you can say there's another Tony Stark stashed somewhere as we speak.
Even better, there's a fanfic about it already. ("All I Ever Needed is Twice Removed" @ ao3)
Fujos are more continuity-competent than Marlel editorial.
>Fujos are more continuity-competent than Marlel editorial.
Yea Forums likes to pretend it isn't the case but in a medium like capeshit fujos tend to be the most knowledgeable about a character and their mythos. They're the ones putting out most of the fan created content. A lot of the time it takes proper research to catch any continuity errors that may crop up due to retcons, dropped plot lines, and overall bad writing that may impede their fanworks.
>The Immortal Iron-Man
....I'd read it.
>Tony goes full nihilist after concluding that the number of times he's swapped bodies means they're expendable, starts mass producing clones to transfer his conciousness into
>avengers' shock the first time they realise that the suit that fin fang foom or whoever crushed actually had Tony inside
>their shock when he turns up a few moments later