DC black female superheroes

Why isn’t DC doing anything with their black female superheroes right now ? Marvel is doing a lot with their black female superheroes right now with Moon Girl, Shuri and Iron Heart. DC should use their Black female superheroes to compete against Marvel’s.

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Geoff Johns doesn’t like black people

DC should push Bumblebee since she’s in a lot of cartoons right now. She may be in a lot of cartoons right now but she’s not doing anything in comics right now.

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So you want DC to push her just because she has black skin?
It's going to be Cyborg all over again

Bumblebee is a better character than Cyborg and deserves to be push cause she’s interesting.

No they should push her because I'm in love with her

>Bumblebee is a better character than Cyborg
how so? what's even her backstory? i just know her a was rip-off and token female minority in cartoons

Vixen would be better. She exuded sexiness on the JLU cartoon.

Doesn’t that Black Lightning show have some black girl superheroes in it?

Thunder and Lightning his daughters.

She dates a white man, that's too problematic for sjw

They’re literally the main characters

Just his daughters for now and they're stupid as fuck though.

>DC should use their Black female superheroes to compete against Marvel’s
In a watermelon crushing contest using only their thighs?

Yes but they’re big homo

yeah but they don't exist in DC's Rebirth for some reason

Vixen was doing something, but then JLA got cancelled.

I miss Vixen’s costume having a collar.

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Wouldn't that be because of the New52?

I really enjoyed JLA too.

Why should they bother playing catch-up with Marvel again? Let DC do whatever they're doing, and let Marvel play with the enforced diversity.

>Why should they bother playing catch-up with Marvel
Because money is..good?

Do they should be copying Immortal Hulk. That shit selling like hotcakes.

Is Fatality still around? Or did she get killed off like every other likable Green Lantern character?

>Marvel is doing a lot with their black female superheroes right now with Moon Girl, Shuri and Iron Heart.
And they are doing nothing with Storm, Monica and Misty Knight.

Forced diversity makes money?

Yeah, tons of it.

Can they start pushing Vixen? She's sexy, has a cool power set, and arguably a better diversity hire for the Justice League than Vic

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DC focuses everything they have on Cyborg and Bumblebee. And make damn sure both appear in every single piece of their media no matter what.

Vic already had a team

They were definitely scraping for any Marvel character they could if they had to add Silhouette in the pic

They gave her her own JL a while back

They should ship Stone off to Doom Patrol like they did on the Doom Patrol show. It worked wonders for his character, especially since he can't play the victim card.

A Team of B listers doesn't really help anybody if the writers aren't interested in it. It's basically "yeah they're still around" formality. Wouldn't say no to a Vixen solo series, maybe throw in B'Wana Beast too

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She also dated a black man.
Also no one serious is outraged by Bw/Wm pairings.

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No. Storm and Monica are being overshadow by Jean Gray and Carol Captain Marvel. I don’t know what’s happening with Misty Knight.

She got her own solo animated movie, and I think has had a minor role in pretty much every cartoon series since JLU. It's not half bad.

>solo animated movie
Yeah but it was CW trash so....

First of all, Marvel isn't doing shit with their black female characters.
Secondly, DC already does more diversity than Marvel.

>Why isn’t DC doing anything with their black female superheroes right now?
They are and Yea Forums bitches about it all the time.

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What? It was straight to video I'm pretty sure like all the animated movies.

>Also no one serious is outraged by Bw/Wm pairings.
There’s a lot of fandoms that hate BWWM ships right now and black white interracial couples in general.

SJW and black people don't like it

Well ya it's bendis

It was based off CW canon

Teen Lantern
That is all

Is she and book good ?

Marvel Black Heroines work better as side characters, or part of superhero teams. They suck as the main lead.

DC has better quality of black heroines because nobody would ever question Vixen, or Bumblbee's ability to kick ass.

Yes to both accounts, unlike some othernew young heroes who don't bother to set up a decent cast and characterization, Naomi immerses you into her life and feelings.

This user is full of hot shit. Fuck Bendis

That's why I said no one serious.
That's just bullshit.

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Give Mari a solo series 2k19.

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is The Silencer still alive?

She is but her series is not.

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who is the bald chick, kinda gray sometime los sometimes good guys. bludhaven sometimes as well?

>Bendis made her last name McDuffie
How long until she meets Static?

Lol ever been on twitter?

It lasted longer than most. Still a fun ride, and she won’t be forgotten

Why do you care about race so much

Yes. Some of the best casting.

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>Marvel is doing a lot with their black female superheroes right now with Moon Girl, Shuri and Iron Heart.
Yeah and the only good one listed there is Moon Girl

Only the boring one

Black Panther would show that it does, yeah.
The go woke go broke meme has been just that for a while, a meme

Best post

WTF I love DC now

Iron heart is fun

lol ever been in real life? People are not upset by a black woman dating a white man.

Why do you write like a retard?

Black Panther is an actual black character not a race bent one.

Yeah but bendis gets paid royalties for it so I won’t support it

Who does?

>So you want DC to push her just because she has black skin?

It's been working for Marvel so far.

>Why isn’t DC doing anything with their black female superheroes right now
And why aren't any of them my mommy

Sounds like you've never seen real life. They are plenty of people who get angry at it. But like with BM/WF some people don't care.

Haha, tell that to the hypocritical black men who love dating out but hate it when black women do the same.

DC's problem is that they don't really give their black female characters personalities when they do put them in the comics.

Bumblebee was only in Abnett's Titans for a little while and nothing was done with her except for a lame amnesia storyline that went nowhere.

Steel was in the same run for a long time and had no personality at all.
DC needs to bring them back in the comics. It's weird seeing Black Lightning without them.

Kinda hard when they don’t do anything with any of their characters who is not a good looking black haired teen angst with in a Batman title

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