This franchise is cursed as fuck. A witch legit cursed it...

This franchise is cursed as fuck. A witch legit cursed it. There is no other explanation for that constant shit stories and editorial decisions.

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The explanation is that his popularity causes editorial to constantly meddle and fuck things up.

Clone Saga is a prime example. All the writers of the various books came up with the idea and had a planned ending in mind. When the sales got a boost editorial told them they had to stretch it out until the gave the word it could end

They just cave so easy to the whiners hence making the shittiest editorial decisions.
A curse shared by Batman as well

Isn't it the opposite? I remember Quesada straight up saying they make shit Spider-Man comics because angry fans buy them.

Spider-Man his suffering. Therefore being a Spider-Man is suffering. Marvel is just making the best meta narrative story of all time, but your'e not 4th dimensional enough to understand it.

There are absolutely explanations.

I'd say one of the big ones is the beginning of the era of the "superstar writer"

Brevoort said that.

He of the "Spider-Manifesto".

That's Tom Brevoort who doesn't actually manage Spider-Man.

At least it isn't Slott.

He was Spider-line editor after Alonso took the big chair, right after OMD.

Parker luck leaks into the real world often. I'm glad Spencer's run is at least decent

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Maybe don't type on your phone

The fuck are you talking about? Spencer's run is fine. In fact the only real criticism I have with Spencer is that in his efforts to clean up 10 fucking years of trash canon it's hurting his storytelling. The Hunted, while arguably necessary, completely put Kindred's story on hold.

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No that was Wacker, but Brevoort would oversee a lot of lines.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he's one of the people that mandated Spider-Man not be married to Mary Jane.

I don't actually mind Spencer's run.

I just don't know if I'd call it good. My standards are all fucky; Dan Slott's been around for too long.

>The explanation is that his popularity causes editorial to constantly meddle and fuck things up.


Well, I guess it was a little more complicated than I remember. At least I was right about the fucking manifesto

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Executive editor at Marvel and post-New 52 DC is essentially the second in command/pointman.

New Coke

out of the loop, what happened to Spidey?

I think the best thing Spencer has going for him is that he isn't Slutt.

The man's got his work cut out for him. He's trying his best and it's good so far. If he gives Pete and MJ a child I'll praise him as the best Spidey writer of the 21st century

People whining about Peter and how "he isn't good anymore" which is something I think they've been spouting for like the past 400 issues of ASM.

Nick Spencer has to undo all of the more boring aspects of Slott's run before he can really get his feet on the ground with new adventures. People are mixed between wanting him to speed up and others are waiting for the run to really grab their attention. Spencer's run averages right down the middle with more people leaning toward it being better than the shit that came before it.

At this point I'm tired of Peter having nothing but daughters. But it somehow seems fitting for the guy who all the bitches love to have a knock-out daughter. I'd still rather see him with a son for once---oh but wait that's what we have Miles for.

Some of this stuff is sort of true I guess but they flanderized all of it so fucking much

It is always daughters isn't it. May, the one from OML, and that red head Slott gave him. Do we know the kids sex in the Clone Saga

>Do we know the kids sex in the Clone Saga
Not yet we don't.

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The worst part isn't on this page, it's on the next- which basically mandates broke-college-dropout-loser peter as not just a status quo to bounce back to, but a status quo that should *always* be true.

>planned ending in mind
that peter wasn't the real spider-man? are you mad?

Amazing Spider-Man is actually miraculously consistent in quality, Slott became a real sore after so many years and he managed to do some actual damage to the character during his post-Superior run. But that has all been rectified and Spencer's run has been putting things back on track. I'd say Spidey is actually in a really good place right now.

This. Out of all the A-list superheroes out there he's had by far the most consistently good writing for decades. It only really started getting dubious in the nineties (and even then it had plenty of good arcs and spinoffs, like the Untold Tales of Spider-Man), picked back up in quality with JMS' run, got rough again from Brightest Day up to around about Slott's post-Superior run, and has picked up again with Spencer's run. Batman and Superman might have more iconic stories with great writers but they've also had far, far more awful runs with awful writers.

What are you even talking about?

You provide no examples whatsoever

>Spencer's run is fine
Only because it's following Slott

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Spender is a retard running the lowest possible denominator,
it didn't work before and it won't work now

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Mayday IS the kid from the Clone Saga. That's the core concept of her universe.

Well played sir.

I just downloaded it from a filename thread

its working fine, he is fixing everything thats wrong with the series. Get rid of the Spider-manifesto.

the file name made me laugh

Spencer is good though

Every franchise ever.

>There is no other explanation for that constant shit stories and editorial decisions.
Name one A-list character who has more good stories and editorial decisions than bad ones. Hell, name one A-list character who has a ratio of good stories to bad stories of 1:30.

The problem with A-Listers is that everyone wants to write them, and the problem with everyone wanting to write them is that everyone has their own interpretation of what they should be. The end result is usually that they're constantly getting jerked around in a number of terrible new directions which all inevitably get undone by the next guy who comes along and says "no, THIS is what he should be like"

This problem is less prevalent with less popular characters both because fewer people get fewer opportunities to write them and because those people are usually very knowledgeable or genuinely invested in their character enough to respect previous iconic interpretations, which are usually what inspire them to use the character in the first place. With guys like Superman, Batman and Spider-Man, they're so popular and ubiquitous that people can be "informed" about them without actually having to read that many of their stories, which, again, leads to them coming in and stamping all over previous runs/interpretations.

>who has a ration
who doesn't have a ratio

You're right. Super popular franchise with well received movies, cartoons and even a video game. But at the high cost of some criticism from random anonymous people on Yea Forums. Truly cursed.

The curse is that the vast majority of those suck.

Yes, MJ refers to her as the girl she'd lost in the post-Clone Saga Spec.

Until Joker fucks Catwoman and bares his children Batman will never ever be as cursed as Spider-Man. Reminder THAT is still canon.

Also this thread is hilarious because


Spider-Man’s bad stories are way worse than Superman and Batman.

Daily reminder Sins Past isn’t even the worst ONE

They were high on crack when they approved that. I mean, at least go with Harry not fucking Norman.

No, the kids were supposed to be Peter's, then Quesada comes in 2 issues in and demands change of plot, because "it makes Peter look old" as if his college peer Gwen having them doesn't.

Because getting cucked by his arch rival is so much better and less humiliating!