>Two decades ago, a mysterious artifact of nearly limitless power was buried under concrete in the basement of an apartment building. However, the Mask refuses to remain hidden for long and before humanity knows what hit it, the "Big Head" killer is back on a Tex Avery-inspired murder spree. To make matters infinitely worse, the latest crazed wearer of the object is running for president on the slogan of (you guessed it, dear reader) "Make America green again!"
This I dont care if it's pro or anti trump. I'm fucking sick of it
Thomas Ortiz
And dropped.
William Wood
Fucking obsessed
Gabriel Stewart
>"In a time when we’re constantly being bombarded from every corner by absurdity, amorality, public violence, pure chaos, apathy, and real moral darkness in the country, it felt like no better time than to bring the original punk underground spirit of The Mask back to confront where we are as a nation," Cantwell said in a statement. "The Mask has been gone for nearly 20 years, and now, the world is completely on f—ing fire. The world is ANGRY, HATEFUL, SPLITTING AT THE SEAMS. There is no truth anymore. There is only hysteria and a cacophony of disparate shouting voices. There is so much institutional crime on an ethical and moral scale that it washes over you in waves of misery that also sadly have the effect of dental novocaine. Worse, a lot of people seem to LOVE IT
Fucking cringe. This faggots gonna show the single most biased one sided aspect of all this and only have le evil Drumpf supporters being the bad guys.
Jayden Bailey
But... The mask is all those things he doesn't like in his first sentence?????
Dominic Torres
>Already wearing a black hoodie
Hitting the ground running.
So is he gonna beat up a gay reporter too?
Dylan Ward
>"It’s the perfect time for Big Head to reemerge, because not only have people grown numb to radical extremism, nationalism, hate, vitriol, and politics-as-sport… they thirst for it, like blood," continued Cantwell. "If Big Head ran for President today… he’d have a ton of support. He’d have a real chance of winning. Even though he’s a murderer, even though he’s violently insane. I channeled all my anger, fear, and cynicism into a story, and tried to create something as pitch black, profane, ugly, and nihilistic as my own hopes for America right now in 2019. I scared myself writing this book. I didn’t realize how angry I was. I think we could very well be lurching towards a President Big Head-style Doomsday very soon… and maybe we’re already in one."
Jayden Sullivan
There's no way he genuinely believes what hre is saying right? It reads like clickbait.
Aaron Long
What a pussy faggot oh my god.
Sebastian Price
Wait, is this comic still around, or is it a "Comeback" comic? I thought this died ages ago.
They are making a new Mask Movie so yea. Creator want's someone like Leslie Jones to be the lead.
Alexander Jenkins
Do ultra liberals really think that conservatives are hateful and angry? The left are the ones that calls literally everyone racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted Nazis. They're the ones assaulting journalists and creating hoax hate crimes.
I assume none of this will be reflected in his comics though.
Brody Anderson
Uhh yeah no thanks. My politics are under attack every were else, I read comics to relax and I vote with my dollars so I'll continue to save my money for (the real) Jon Kent's return.
Austin Russell
>no Manhke or Arcudi what's the point?
Brayden Anderson
>implying he isn't right
William Brown
>Creator want's someone like Leslie Jones to be the lead
>What if Droohpf wore mask Inject it into my veins pls
Christian Cruz
I want this to happen so I can watch the shitshow of it being one of the biggest bombs ever
Camden Hall
both sides are hateful and angry, but the right hates people for who they were born as, while the left hates people for who they decided to become
Kayden Jones
>Left doesn't hate people for who they were born as
Yeah they totally don't hate straight white males or anything. You know, those 3 things you chose to be and all.
Benjamin Johnson
I just read the original run a few months ago, very sad to see a once great comic turned into fuck drumpf shit. >In a time when we’re constantly being bombarded from every corner by absurdity, amorality, public violence, pure chaos, apathy, and real moral darkness in the country, it felt like no better time than to bring the original punk underground spirit of The Mask back to confront where we are as a nation," Cantwell said in a statement. "The Mask has been gone for nearly 20 years, and now, the world is completely on f—ing fire. The world is ANGRY, HATEFUL, SPLITTING AT THE SEAMS. There is no truth anymore. Maybe because social justice virtue signaling cucks like you keep inserting your divisive politics into everything, including your comic book you fucking idiot.
Voting for him just to piss them off I'm so fucking tired of virtue signaling
Adam Bell
You literally have it the wrong way around. Right is about individualism. Left is about group think and lumping how you were born into groups of how privileged you are.
Ayden Perez
If Europe is flooded by refugees again because you fuckers couldn't keep out of the Middle East, I'll hold you personally responsible.
Luis Bennett
pol/fags already triggered af lmao
Lucas Diaz
Yes, the Right doesn't have any association with people or groups that explicitly use race as a means for discriminating against others. Keep up that spin!
Jayden Rodriguez
>Leslie Jones Why is the mask creator such a cuckold? thx for talking me out of suicide boco
Jayden Wood
Wow, really? You're welcome.
Asher Jackson
>In a time when we’re constantly being bombarded from every corner by absurdity, amorality, public violence, pure chaos, apathy, and real moral darkness in the country, it felt like no better time than to bring the original punk underground spirit of The Mask back to confront where we are as a nation Isn't he a crazed psychopath?
Eli Richardson
This is why everyone hates you idiots, you let your emotions decide everything.
John Ross
>I dont care if it's pro or anti trump But user, he's the green party.
Angel Bailey
Yeah and?
Isaiah King
We're not to blame for your refugee problem. Most of those people aren't even refugees
I would vote for trump for the next 10 elections if it strikes back against faggots that raped star wars
Jayden Cox
Compared to the left that vote solely based on emotion and nothing else? Youve gone and pissed everyone off so yes they will vote against you out of spite
Caleb Lee
Individualists and collectavists can be either right or left. :/
Zachary Mitchell
What? He's absolutely right. Everyone's hellbent on fucking each other up constantly, just look at all the daily outrage threads Yea Forums gets. You can't make neutral statements anywhere. Hell, HE is making a general observation and you immediately assume he's only talking about conservatives and cry foul.
Grayson Lopez
I dunno man he sounds pretty left to me
Jaxson Williams
John Collins
lol, just don't accept them. How cucked can your continent be?
Nathaniel Turner
These guys get the idea. I'm fucking sick of political shoehorning being put into everything.
Also, neither Arcudi nor Mahnke is involved, so it's going to suck.
Jose Carter
If you actually think he'll show any hate or criticism of anything lefty you're insane.
This will pure orange man bad the comic
Charles Watson
These people definitely read comic books.
Joseph Barnes
Fair point. I thought of it in the sense that, if the author writes it as over the top as he can (y'know Mask style), but you find that it isn't that far removed from reality, it might be time to stop and think.
Logan James
Its nice that they're finally doing something with the Mask, at least. Perhaps we've finally learned to move on and forget the pain Jamie Kennedy inflicted on us all...
Daniel Walker
It's not about being right or wrong. He's just adding fuel to the fire too.
I never referred to conservatives I only referred to pussy faggots and clickbait.
Camden Carter
Alright, we'll send them your way.
Asher Russell
This comic will be used for out of context and in context shitposting for years to come, it'll cause a lot of pain.
Matthew Wright
Nah, we're putting anti air craft missiles on our wall. Missed us with that BLACKED.com shit. Tell them to stay where they are and suck it up.
Connor Price
Pussy faggots gotta express their feelings some way too.
Ryan Rogers
But Jamie Kennedy is just...an awful, awful human being.
Luis Myers
>He's just adding fuel to the fire too. Commenting on current events isn't the same as actually making those events happen. I wouldn't be as dangerous as a alt-right retard simply by highlighting their failures.
Levi Davis
I just want a violent dark comedy film closer to the tone of the original comics, and this is the shit I get instead.
Liam Murphy
Not funny I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad I would have preferred the joke went over my head and you gave up re-telling me the joke. To be honest this is a horrid attempt at trying to get a laugh out of me. Not a chuckle, not a hehe, not even a subtle burst of air out of my esophagus. Science says before you laugh your brain preps your face muscles but I didn't even feel the slightest twitch. 0/10 this joke is so bad I cannot believe anyone legally allowed you to be creative at all. The amount of brain power you must have put into that joke has the potential to power every house on Earth. Get a personality and learn how to make jokes, read a book. I'm not saying this to be funny I genuinely mean it on how this is just bottom barrel embarrassment at comedy. You've single handedly killed humor and every comedic act on the planet. I'm so disappointed that society has failed as a whole in being able to teach you how to be funny. Honestly if I put in all my power and time to try and make your joke funny it would require Einstein himself to build a device to strap me into so I can be connected to the energy of a billion stars to do it, and even then all that joke would get from people is a subtle scuff. You're lucky I still have the slightest of empathy for you after telling that joke otherwise I would have committed every war crime in the book just to prevent you from attempting any humor ever again. We should put that joke in text books so future generations can be wary of becoming such an absolute comedic failure. Im disappointed, hurt, and outright offended that my precious time has been wasted in my brain understanding that joke. In the time that took I was planning on helping kids who have been orphaned, but because of that you've waisted my time explaining the obscene integrity of your terrible attempt at comedy. Now those kids are suffering without meals and there's nobody to blame but you. I hope you're happy.
John Young
Honestly I doubt this'll be as good as Walter: Campaign of Terror was. It's probably the single greatest satire of city-level politics I've ever read. General rule of thumb for the Mask is that if it's not the original team of Arcudi, Mahnke, and Williams then handle with extreme caution.
Noah Howard
Yeah it's just I've always hated fear mongering and if I had an audience I'd want to uplift them, not write an angsty, cynical, nihilistic story. The majority of people just want to live a peaceful life . There's no point in being hysterical. We're in one of the most peaceful times in history ffs
Levi Flores
they may make jokes about them and get sick of them, but they don't hate them outside of a handful of nutjobs whose posts always get cherrypicked and shared around as representing that entire side of the political spectrum
Xavier Peterson
But when the left does that it's fine?
Thomas Morales
Jones's name hasn't come up at all, Mike Richardson just said he has a specific comedic actress in mind. And women have worn the mask before so it's not that big a deal, it's just a matter of who he's thinking of. (Personally I'd want Jennifer Tilly but she might be a bit too old)
Easton Gomez
those nutjobs on the right have much greater influence on the zeitgeist of that sphere than the nutjobs on the left have on theirs. Literally no one likes tankies or radfems, meanwhile alex jones, richard spencer etc etc are quite popular
Christopher Myers
Sometimes you gotta get it out of your system. Don't know what to tell you, but pretending everything's fine isn't working either.
Evan Taylor
You're so gullible.
Connor Watson
If anything, it would be browned.com you dumb mutt.
Charles Rivera
>greater influence on the zeitgeist of that sphere than the nutjobs on the left have on theirs The same who are majority of the media and actively shadow block people with their influence on social media?
Henry Rodriguez
Aiden Gray
Its Hollywood. They really are that stupid.
Aaron Wright
Then why did the labor party require white males to pay more money What about that recent rap concert that tried to make white people pay more money It's not just a few people and you know it
Henry Moore
Outrage is everything to these people. They couldn't care less about the intellectual properties.
Noah Williams
They would be green for all I care, but once we figure out how to lock onto genetic make up for our drones they're fucked.
Thomas Thompson
>durr hurr you dont ACTUALLY care about the product if you dint love everything unquestionably about it
Do you like anything about the subject before you had something to be bitch about?
Aiden Young
"the majority of the media" do not hate straight white males. if they block anyone it's just because they decided they were hurting their bottom line somehow
Samuel Johnson
I'll still get issue 1 to give it the benefit of the doubt. If it does suck their numbers will drop from 1 to 2 like an anvil.
Kevin Hill
i'm talking about US politics, we don't have a "labor party". In the US, it really is just a few people relatively speaking
Elijah Adams
Have you see the blue checkmarks? >it's just because they decided they were hurting their bottom line >Google kek
Zachary Hughes
>he doesn't know
Connor James
Jack is clearly in bed with or at least neutral towards the alt-right but have fun with your delusions. If people got banned there it was probably because they were doing that targeted harassment shit that y'all always desperately try to pretend doesn't exist on your end
Nathan Peterson
Blue checkmarks?
Xavier Martinez
they hate straight white males because of who the vast majority of them have chosen to be - oppressors
I hope you're aware of the irony in that statement.
Gabriel Jackson
o'keefe is well known for chopping up footage like sausage to create whatever bullshit narrative he wants, try again
Luis Martinez
no irony, just fighting the powers that run this world with whatever scraps of power we can cobble together for our side
Caleb Morgan
And that means being outraged at a Mask comic that looks to have Trump jokes? Why not wait to see if it is just a few low hanging fruit politics jokes or if it really goes heavy into political opinions.
Carter Gutierrez
Shut the fuck up nigger
Asher Morgan
t. triggered snowflake
Anthony Hill
>Lies liberals tell themselves
Hunter Foster
Why are you triggered by ultraviolent comedy comics, user? Are they causing little Timmy to act too aggressive in his soccer matches or the cause of his bad math grades?
Lincoln Cruz
More than that at least is going non-stop in thread.
Xavier Martinez
This dude spends too much time on twitter
Caleb Allen
>my life is a dreary malaise utterly devoid of direction and meaning >should I self-reflect and seek happiness from within instead of filling the whole with fleeting hedonistic pleasure >no, it's all Trump's fault, if Trump was gone I would be happy
Looked up Patric to see what kinda art it might be. Guess he is also doing the cover art like OP's pic. Might be good but I hope he goes a bit caricature on most people so Bighead doesn't stand out too much next to the normal people.
Yeah, Mahnke's style early on was very evocative of old horror comics, and Big Head (and later on Walter) was supposed to be very distinct from an otherwise realistic cast.
Austin Perez
>Hell, HE is making a general observation and you immediately assume he's only talking about conservatives and cry foul. >"because not only have people grown numb to radical extremism, nationalism, hate, vitriol, and politics-as-sport"
Yep, that sounds like someone who's got it out for liberals to me.
I want you to remember you said this. I want you to remember you thought this wasn't going to go the EXACT same way all other comics with modern politics have gone, devolving into sloppily-written mouthpieces for some SJW cocksuckers.
I don't know who you are, but sir, I mean this in all sincerity: I would put money down against your claim that this will rag on both sides of the aisle instead of just the right one. I could pay rent for a year on a return with that certainty.
Screencapping your statement for the inevitable dump someone does of this.
Angel Perez
Are you talking about the Klan? Because I dunno how to break this to you, mate, but that's a Democrat institution, born and raised.
Hunter Barnes
I hate that we'll never get a straight adaptation of the comics rather than a comedy
Austin Hill
if it doesn't have art made by Doug Mahnke then is not a real Mask comic
Tyler Powell
i was about to buy it too... oh well
Dylan Bell
"I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask!" is a four-issue miniseries. The first issue will be released on October 16th.
>Looked up Patric to see what kinda art it might be. He did interior art for several Dark Horse comics in the past >Guess he is also doing the cover art like OP's pic He did.
the vast majority of straight white males have not chosen to be oppressores. Show an actual stat to back that up or leave.
Gabriel Nguyen
this and only this
Julian Lopez
>Comes back after 20 years >To make a Trump joke
I'll just have to hope the movie beats the odds and is good.
Nathaniel Barnes
Fuck you yank cunts are insufferable, making everything about your lefty/righty politics like it's a never-ending football match. You argue and point fingers while you have a literal retard leading while the banks fuck your ass, yet you ask for more.
Nathan Cooper
>Lesile Jones Mask Guess when someone said Son of the Mask couldn't be dethroned in awfulness, this cunt said hold my beer
Blake Harris
Yeah, the Subject. As In the Mask Books (At least until World Tour, fuck that nonsense)
Owen Miller
>Right is about individualism
Imagine being this much of a historical revisionist zoomer.
Eli Lewis
>Christopher Cantwell
The neonazi is making a comic book? Fucking Comicsgate, man. I swear...
Ryder Reyes
The Mask vs Lobo had the best artwork in any media the Mask has been involved in. Change my mind.
The left discriminates by race too, it's just that one side discriminates against blacks, the other side discriminates against whites.
They both see the world as black or white.
Lincoln Peterson
That seems like a "when" not "if". Some day enough time will pass that people forget the Carrey version.
Sebastian Cooper
Does Yea Forums like the jim carrey movie?
Christopher Bennett
but you are absolutely right
Sebastian Evans
I'm not against mocking Trump, but I don't like the idea of a ENTIRE SERIES focused on that. It kills the timelessness of the Mask comics. Trump will someday be forgotten and meaningless, and all parodies about him will be dated jokes.
And not longer than a week ago, Richardson himself said to Forbes that he would like the movie version to be about a character dealing with corrupting power. That necessarily means a good person rotting because of the Mask.
If the guy is already a bastard, its pointless. If the jokes will be dated a few years later, it will be pointless.
Dominic Wright
>makes a reference to President of the United States Wow, how politically charged. I don't want this insane amount of politics in my comic, it taints the medium with its obvious bias
Noah Perez
I think he meant Kate McKinnon.
Jeremiah Clark
Kinda a lateral move. I've never been really impressed with her "impressions"
Maybe that's just modern SNL wasting talent
Tyler Wilson
SNL hasn't been good since what? 1995? It's like the Simpsons; it only stays on because it's a TV "institution", not because anyone actually likes it.
Gavin Nguyen
Trump Derangement Syndrome. Every single time.
Jacob Lewis
And its staff is very high in the NBC hierarchy. So that stops it from nearing the chopping block.
Adam Foster
>summary is literally 'WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY!!!'
Oliver Jackson
>Hey guys, what if THING except it was with DRUUUUUUMPF!!!
Holy shit, what an original take on a familiar franchise. This will surely put Drumpf in his place lol.
Jack Taylor
fuck is this shit? the big head killer wasn't some figure of political change, just some fucking serial killer who everyone in universe probably wants to forget about
Wyatt Moore
I've only read the original 3 minis by Arcudi and Moench, but Big-Head behaved differently depending on who wore the mask. Ipkiss wanted to be a revolutionary but ended up just taking petty revenge on people who wronged him, no matter how small. The cop (name escapes me) and his girlfriend just became the Punisher. And the string of teens who wore it in the third mini all had completely different effects. Some tried to be anarchists but were just obnoxious, one had a weird psychedelic meltdown, etc.
So if the person wearing the mask in this mini wants to be some sort of political revolutionary then that'll be what he does, but with mangled results due to the nature of the Mask.
Or maybe it'll just be ORANGE (I MEAN GREEN) MAN BAD or something, I dunno. Probably that.
Anthony Martin
>as pitch black, profane, ugly, and nihilistic as my own hopes for America right now in 2019. I scared myself writing this book. I didn’t realize how angry I was. I think we could very well be lurching towards a President Big Head-style Doomsday very soon… and maybe we’re already in one. What exactly do American liberals see when they look outside? Do they live in a bombed out shit hole? Do they fear uncontrollable bandits roaming wherever they will? Do they go hungry most nights? What's so wrong with their life that they imagine doomsday is right around the corner?
Oliver Gonzalez
Most American liberals live in coastal big cities like New York, Portland, LA, San Francisco, etc. It's a hive mind sort of thing; they're all clustered densely together and miserable and there's a lot of crime but they don't want to blame the governing bodies of their own cities for it, so somehow it's the dumb hick farmers of Middle America that are the cause of all their woes.
Banning plastic straws and imprisoning people for using the wrong pronouns while talking to a tranny will solve all their problems.
John Torres
It's kind of annoying for the rest of us who aren't Americans at this point. It was funny at first, but then it got obnoxious when they went "woke".
Nathan Flores
>It's kind of annoying for the rest of us who aren't Americans at this point.
And yet you yourselves are every bit as obsessed with DRUMPF as any American, with your Big Baby balloons and Trump-getting-sodomized parade floats. Is your country really so inconsequential that you have to obsess over somebody ELSE'S world leader just to have a political figure worth screeching about?
Sadly, I don't live in any of those countries that made those things. (By that I mean I don't live in the UK). Where do I live? Let's just say, my PM takes potshots at Trump too, but it's more on the whole tariff between US and China that concerns him. Also, he doesn't give a shit about being called an Anti Semite.
Jordan Price
>Also, he doesn't give a shit about being called an Anti Semite.
Your country sounds nice.
Landon Price
It generally is, except for the idiots in charge.
Xavier Bell
Where did anyone in the conversation chain use the US's left/right and not a generalization of left/right? > In the US, it really is just a few people relatively speaking topkek
Christian Clark
Broken clocks...
Ryan Clark
my dude, you best be trollin
Charles Diaz
Most people arent that hateful and just get irritated when somone gets in their way. The absolute vast majority of all people especially in the west are docile harmless workers with friends and family, who might get emotional when they feel the news is yelling at them, but would never cause a problem or voice disagreeable politics where it might start a conflict
Justin Clark
Oh a statistical argument, Huh? And no source, either. 13 50
Liam Parker
>I decided to become poor
Carson Ramirez
Christ y'all spout a lot of disingenuous shit but the notion that the Klan is somehow the only organization in the US that's actually racist against black or brown people has gotta be at the top of the list. How am I supposed to even have a conversation with someone who makes that claim, what the fuck
Jayden Perez
Give me a rundown then. What groups are racist? Genuine question
Angel Bailey
meaningful discrimination requires power, and the right has most of the power right now (you can shut the fuck up about the media as if Fox doesn't exist and isn't colossal and the other news stations aren't center-right at best)
Camden Robinson
not far off from how alt-rights sound when they talk about "the invaders"
William Young
>genuine question if there's no combination of English words that would ever cause you to concede a point, it's not a "genuine question". You know what organizations I'm talking about and you obviously intend to claim they don't do xyz or xyz is not racist so how about go fuck yourself
Wyatt Williams
So why act like the left and vote on "feelings"?
Elijah Bell
Well that would make a lot of Orange Fans Sad.
Samuel Young
8m sick of all the edgy fake conservative 12 year old boomers on here who don't know making fun of trump has been an ongoing thing since the 80s. And now we have a new joke every day so you can't even say it's the same one like the hair or being bad at businesses Is this just summer or did the election bring in a wave of edgy 12 year old boomers who don't know Jack shit and they are here to stay
Jeremiah Walker
Just tell me,I'm literally reaching out to be educated in liberalism. I wasn't raised on this stuff, so yeah I do want to know. I understand your paranoia but come on, you should feel comfortable to share your politics freely.
Elijah Ortiz
>could had made a reboot of the comic using the Cartoon and keeping an humoristic but classic vein. >Goes for political shenanigans
jesus fucking christ...
Leo Wood
>You know what organizations I'm talking about Different guy, but no I don't. I'm a stupid, sheltered little liberal and this is your chance to redpill me. Give me names, give me incidents. I'm asking in good faith.
Connor Johnson
>long dead IP comes back just to make the same Trump jokes everyone else is already making Make it stop.
I get it, people ask these questions in bad faith, just to pounce on your answer, but you should be able to say what you mean
Blake Barnes
Its gonna be Kate McKinnon
Camden Rodriguez
You just hate it because its current. Media has always done this. You just got used to it being shit that happened in the past that you have no strong opinion on.
Carter Miller
This actually.
Evan Mitchell
Is this a reaction or an example
Kevin Watson
LAPD can fairly be called racist. Reaganites and a lot of conservatives have a racist effect, though its still not certain if they are each racists or merely negligent of the lower class. ICE fights types of immigrants by definition. NRA doesnt mind making a cool million helping gangs get guns. We hear the CIA invented crack to fuck up blacks. Who else is racist?
Colton Wilson
God, this looks awful
Though watching Trump-fans froth at the mouth anytime someone even references Trump is funny.
Cameron Turner
2020 is coming up, you should probably try and proliferate your politics when people ask for help in a change of heart, rather than snap at them
Jayden Campbell
Where do I know the name Christopher Cantwell from?
Aiden Bell
I'm actually really fuckin disappointed this guy isn't going to offer his politics. I wasn't trying to argue at all, I'm just looking for a clear picture, because yeah I agree there are racist organizations out there, but I'm legitimately not an expert on what organizations are out there and i thought you might have a quick list
Parker Davis
If by 'organizations' he could mean gangs of any type due to them being tribalism made up of race, he could mean commercial banks, news networks, any higher ups in Cali really. It's a vague answer.
>The world is ANGRY, HATEFUL, SPLITTING AT THE SEAMS. Yeah, and the Big Head Killer is supposed to be too.
Ryan Gomez
>tfw nothing will ever be good again
Robert Lewis
>Tfw it actually is a fuck you to people who use politics as a means of power and chaos. >Tfw it will fly over everyone's heads because it just so happens to have references to orange bad man despite not being a big role in the story. >Tfw this foreshadows a Mask netflix show
You know, that just... Takes way the whole point of the Mask (and this is coming from a woman). The Mask is supposed to be an ultra-violent, Loony Toons-esque, rampaging force of unstoppable, gross-out ridiculousness. No matter how much you try to frame a woman to fit that archetype, you will never EVER be able to relate to an audience that way. I'm all for seeing more representation of strong, hilarious women in big roles, but this is just a bad fit. I even thought the Ghostbusters reboot wasn't that bad, but I still knew it wasn't great, because it focused entirely on "hurr durr we have VAGINAS weeeeee" instead of writing a good story. I absolutely hate that shit, and I'm tired of seeing it more and more as an excuse to pump out garbage that only ends up making us look worse to a public that is, for the most part, ACTUALLY willing to accept gender not being an issue. It only becomes an issue when the WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THE FILM/MOVIE/BOOK/FRANCHISE IS CENTERED AROUND WHAT FLESH BITS ARE IN THE PANTS OF THE CHARACTERS. THAT SHIT PISSES ME OFF SO GODDAMN MUCH IT FUCKING BURNS. I JUST WANT TO SEE WOMEN REPRESENTED AS CHARACTERS WITHOUT THEM BEING WOMEN BEING THE SINGLE FUCKING DEFINING POINT AAAAAHGHGH FUCKING CHRIST I'M SO TIRED OF THIS SHIT GOD FUCKING DAMMIT
>It's now a shitty political cartoon like everything else Yikes. Creativity has taken a dip just so fuckers can all do the same cringey soapboxing that won't age well as everyone else. Not an original premise out there today. Just garbage remakes and painfully obvious allegories.
This guy sounds like a giant fucking pussy
Zachary Lopez
I think the time in the comics when a woman wore it Big Head became cold and sadistic
Ryder Morales
>and this is coming from a woman And just like a woman you don't read fucking comics.
I thought the point of the mask was to be tapping into the dark side of humanity. The whole mask itself taps into whatever inner most dark desires of a human which is why each mask user is different. Yeah it's wacky sure but I don't see a problem with a girl with a mask. And I don't care about relating in terms of gander I care about relating in terms of what the character does because because a gender is just a coat of paint
Is this written by someone whose only exposure to The Mask is the movie? I mean, I anticipate the movie they want to do may end up bad but that's because of how terrible Current Year Hollywood is with making things. But a woman wearing the Mask is not unheard of.
Henry Ross
The Mask was literally a woman before you dumb tranny
Hunter Cox
Holy shit femanon got wrecked.
Aaron Garcia
>SNL hasn't been good since what? Since Phil Hartman was murdered and Chris Farley overdosed.
Ryan Fisher
? I literally mean I recognize the name from somewhere
Easton Rodriguez
Its been a long time since I last watched it, but I still go back to the Cuban Pete scene now and then.
Logan Cooper
Charles White
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Cantwell >Christopher Charles Cantwell, also known as The Crying Nazi, is an American white supremacist, neo-Nazi, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist, libertarian pundit, shock jock, and political activist. >Part of the broader alt-right movement, Cantwell gained attention during and immediately after his participation in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Cantwell was featured prominently in a Vice News Tonight documentary about the rally and its participants, and is shown threatening to kill protesters, wielding rifles and a handgun, and joining fellow white supremacists in marching with tiki torches, chanting "Jews will not replace us!" Is this the same guy who's writing the comic, or pure coincidence?
I know at least one of you election tourists have a twitter account. Fucking ask him if he has any intentions of respecting Mahnkes work or if he's just going to do what the blurb heavily suggests and use it as an excuse to soapbox for virtual shoulderclaps.
Fuck you, Joker in a yellow zoot suit is the closest thing I have to Mask related picture.
It's not about that, it's about this being such a lazy joke. It's been well over three years since the "Make America X again!" jokes started and they've run so fucking stale at this point. Of all the funny things you could do to satirize the current administration by just making the wearer of the Mask the president, it has to be the easiest, most low-hanging and unfunny one?
I don't give a shit about "REEEEE POLITICS SHOULDN'T BE IN COMICS!" or any of that horseshit: Everything has and is politics and saying that you don't want them in X thing is basically an admission that your beliefs are weakly held, that you're afraid because deep inside you know you can't properly defend them.
No, I hate this because it wastes a fantastic concept, shits all over the legacy of a great cult title and generally gives off the air of being written by an absolute mouthbreather by appealing to the lowest and dumbest denominator with zero vision, effort, or creativity.
Logan Murphy
Wait, did The Mask inspire Majora's Mask?
Jason Nguyen
Nobody wants to ask them because they're too famous for peasants such as us I guess I dunno
>It's been well over three years since the "Make America X again!" jokes started and they've run so fucking stale at this point. Hell of a hill to die to accuse others of laziness simply for parodying the laziest fucking political motto in the last 50 years.
Anthony Kelly
Carrey movie was '94, MM was 2000. It's possible, but the movie wasn't exactly breaking new ground with the whole magical evil mask thing. There's a Japanese movie from the 50s based on an old fairy tale about a cursed woman who puts on an oni mask and can't take it off.
Jack Green
It's a treat watching Mahnke's skills as an artist grow with each series.
Ha, did he get some online pushback? It's not real but you know damn well the allusions will be painfully obvious.
Nathan Garcia
That means exactly nothing. Comics have been full of bad guys that totally weren't trump for the last 3 years and the blurb in the OP heavily implies it will be the case this time around as well. Come back when you have a cap of him answering a direct question about wether or not he's going to pander for political e-points.
Jace Butler
Ku Klux Klan originated from the democratic party (american left wing) Mussolini was an italian socialist and employed left wing rethoric in his paper which he owned and published and wrote for National Socialism applied the tennants of socialism (left wing ideology) to a specific demographic of people by basically identifying race with citizenship; both fascism and national socialism had heavily bureaucratic, complex and bloated government structures not unlike those of communist russia You might not like it but it is true, anti-white propaganda is really not dissimilar from anti-jew propaganda in the 40s at all, right down to the fact that 'jews' and 'whites' are both so muddled now that it's literally impossible to reduce them down to one ethnic group, it's all bullshit people make up to grab your money with shitty inflammatory propaganda inserted in every media
Angel Allen
There's more to politics than just trump. Literally everyone wants to kill each other no matter what side they're on.
I'm not here to dissuade you reading the comic if that's your thing. Hey, make america green again, man. If you like things that are a bit on the nose and ubiquitous then good for you. I'm going to pass though.
Isaac Baker
The first Mask story wasn't even that, it was just pure mayhem. Only the sequels went in the "absolute power corrupts" direction, because they couldn't do the pure mayhem direction anymore now that the movie came out and turned The Mask a huge hit with the children.
Nolan Miller
>Ku Klux Klan originated from the democratic party Shut the fuck up, Dinesh.
Wyatt Sullivan
The cartoon managed to do a great female mask. She was a shy bookworm who Ipkiss invited over, who was spilling her spaghetti left and right and then accidentally put on the Mask while it was tangled in her glasses.
Then she turned into a 6 foot 4 amazonian babe with red lips, red eyes, red stockings, and immediately took Ipkiss to the Coco Bongo.
>I even thought the Ghostbusters reboot wasn't that bad
Oh why am I even wasting my time? Fuck you and die in a fire.
First three Mask stories all predated the movie. Second and third were heavy on the absolute power corrupts thing, so was the first frankly. Mask Strikes Back was the first post-movie story by Arcudi and Mahnke and it definitely toned down the violence after the success of the film.
Isaac Ross
>*wacky and comedic acts of violence stop* >Hey guys, it's me, the Mask. Just here to tell you that open borders is a good thing, racial and sexual humour is never ok and white people were born with a privilege that they need to spend their entire lives compensating for. >Voting for trump is bad, okay?
>The first Mask story wasn't even that, it was just pure mayhem.
What? That was still blatantly "power corrupts". Stanley thinks he's gonna be a superhero, but decides to settle scores first and it kept escalating to the point Stanley was massacring cops and then his girlfriend had to put on the Mask and kill him.
Jacob Turner
He thinks power is only related to politics, user.
Sometimes I wonder how this board would react to two Jews creating an Ubermensch expy who fights corrupt politicians.
Jayden Morris
# >Walter: Campaign of Terror
Thanks for bringing this up. The Mask already had a political parody series, and it was great.
No one wanted Walter to be the mayor, not even himself. But everyone was so blind by their own desires they chose to ride on the coattails of Walter's popularity. All the while ignoring the fact that they're backing an insane killer. No one wants him in power but they want to be a part of his powerbase. Hilarity ensues and everyone suffers for their own hubris and fails in the end, except Walter. Great satire.
This new series is just cynical trash. "What if everyone went crazy and wanted to make a killer president?" This isn't shitting on the powers that be it's shitting on the American people. The exact opposite of the Walter series which was completely tongue in cheek. This new one sounds like edgy try hard bullshit.
>So, Majora's Mask is basically 'Groundhog's Day' meets Jim Carrey's 'The Mask'? >Mm hm. >Does that mean Link will bend over and pretend to talk out of his butt? >You frighten me, brother Hsu. -Hsu and Chan, EGM October 2000
Ryder Wilson
David Cook
The book are all about how the masks powers basically corrupts people they second they let loose until they are just killing machines
Lucas Perez
Seriously, the best thing about him leaving will be not having to hear jokes about that in every everything ever.
Austin Robinson
What the fuck are you even talking about, The Mayhem issues (Ipkiss' story), First Mask mini (Kellaway as Mask) and Mask Returns (weasley driver for mob becomes Mask, then Ipkiss' girlfriend becomes Mask) were all made long before the movie. Are you some zoomer that's pretending to read comics?