Would he be a good dad?

Would he be a good dad?

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His mom would do most of the work, so the kid would be aight

He always struck me as someone who's good with kids, assuming they weren't jungle people.

Yes. Nowhere in he show was he shown as being cruel or indifferent to children.

>or indifferent to children.
He actively hates Susie.

A bigger question would be if he can’t get any chicks, would he fair better in the gay scene?

Yeah but Susie wants to rape him

Susie can get fucked.

Well, which is it, gang?


Mildly annoyed at worst.

He'd certainly give his kid a sense of self-confidence, and that's a real good start.

BASED grammer nazi

No, because Johnny Bravo has serious commitment and responsibility issues. He chases after chicks because he believes that is what cool people do, not because he wishes to fuck them.

He took good care of the demon baby.

He got a pretty positive response when he showed up on the Island of Beautiful Men.

Who’s the mom?

Both of them. At the same time. On me if possible.

I can't believe Johnny is a child abductor. Sherlock Holmes wants his lying sugar-consuming demon back now.

he's like super negligent isn't he?
could have sworn there was a baby episode and he barely paid attention until the end

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this is more common that i thought

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Young + Old pairings are the best.

It's canon Johnny would fuck Suzy if she called him by the time she hits college age.

aaaaaand now I ship it. Thanks.

My father got around and had me very late. After four other women he eventually married my mom. My mother just retired and I have two half sisters, whom I have never met, who are about as old as her. I don't know why men wouldn't try to do this more often in America. Though it's kind of strange to think that the woman I might one day marry might still be in elementary school right now.

He would be if Samurai Jack is the mother


Isn't Johnny a teenager, because in the workout flashback he was about 16. So he is about 18 or 19.

He does though? There was an episode where he was going to be a virgin Sacrifice and the volcano threw him out.
He gets laid, we just see the failures.

Wiki says his birthday is February 14, 1976 so airdate was 1997 so he was 21 when the show started. He would be fucking 43 now.

learning your favorite characters actual ages is never fun.
onizuka should be 44 by now

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whoa the creator drew this

In the episode with his birthday, he says he's 20-something years old.

No, someone on deviantART did. They wrote copyright as in the characters belonged to Van Partible.

Probably not, but he'd try his most at every possible second.

This is assuming his paternal instincts kick in and he doesn't just spend all the time watching TV or scoring with other chicks, now that he has a wife.

Now, if he'd have to be a single dad, then things would get pretty bad for the kid. Johnny's momma would be raising the kid half the time, and he'd end up as spoiled as Johnny.

>I don't know why men wouldn't try to do this more often in America.

Because in America, having just 1 estranged chick means you'll have to pay a metric fuckton of money for alimony and child support. So much that you won't be able to afford a new family.

Oh I meant more older men marrying younger women. My father was like 20+ years older than my mother.

Can you blame her?

That spy girl from the first season.

it kind of stems from older women not wanting men to go after anyone younger than them, they've been doing their best to paint it as a really shameful act when it's honestly a fairly natural choice to make for any man who's looking for a girl.
nowadays though, there's another side.
incel types are trying to shame it since they believe that older men taking girls leaves less chance for them to get with someone.

What the fuck? I thought he was 30 during the show?

This. I've recently began to see it as people attempting to control who you breed with. Those people can go get fucked. If someone over 18 wants me when I'm 30+ I'm fucking going for it and you would be a fool to make mental gymnastics and shame yourself into wanting to pursue that.


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Because the wife has to take care of her old ass husband as if he's her dad and then dad dies before his kids get to high school

How do you even relate to someone 20 years younger than you?

With sex, and children.

He saved Christmas twice and has been shown to actually care about kids despite how much they annoy him.

He actually took pretty good care of that devil baby until he really had enough of it's magic bullshit.

So you have no other shared interests other than that? Sounds like a terrible relationship.

you find ways to relate stupid
any relationship, age gap or no doesn't just start out perfect, you get to know the other person and find enough common interests or values to justify being together.

Similar interests, similar upbringings? My best friend is 18 years older than me

You'd think so, but then, you'd also think he'd do well with women. The fact that he can't get laid despite being a stereotypical Chad is pretty much the joke.

I can imagine an episode where he's a dad or somebody leaves a baby somewhere and he finds it, so he now has to take care of it. At first he thinks it's bad because he can't go out and hit on chicks but then finds out chicks dig responsible dads, so he uses the baby to try and pick up chicks.
>on the street
>J: "Hey there gorgeous."
>chick: "Is that your kid?"
>J: Why, yes he is, the little--
>J: -looks down at child carrying belt- "W-where'd he go
chick: "Up there."
>J: -looks up-
> -kid is on top of light post-

By this time, he would be a DILF. I like the idea.

Fuck, this image is canon given the reality we live it.

Why is that a problem? Suzie got her Johnny and Johnny finally got his cutie.

Neat idea indeed.

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Because we get socially harassed for it.

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Someone draw him with a can of monster and a lawnmower.

Well he wouldn't be a bad dad. He's flawed but not bad. At least he'd try hard to raise a kid well.

>Johnny is a stay a home dad
>Suzy is the bread winner with the trophy husband

Why does this work so well?

>He actively hates Susie.

Who doesn't hate her?

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Boomer here user, I meet my wife when I was a middle age man (35) and she was (18), we bond talking about anime, cartoons, and some videogames.

She has great DD cup size boobs

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She's cute in seasons 1 and 4.

There were two episodes where Johnny has to take care of a baby. The first one was when a baby demon was left on his doorstep and it would do things like summon zombies or make everything in the kitchen fly around.

The other was when Mama asked Johnny to babysit for the neighbor or something and all the girls in the park fell for him because they thought he was a single dad.

I'd like to think if Johnny had his own kid for a long enough period of time, the kid would be comically self-sufficient and even take care of Johnny by the time they hit three. Like, you call on the three-year old to fix the TV or cook dinner.

Wasn't Jonny fairly badass in a few early episodes?
Wrestling 'gators and shit?
And not nearly as dumb.

I think he'd do the best he knew how.

Based Susie being Johnny's young wife.

Wrestling gators is pretty dumb

Less dumb if you actually win. Which he seems to have, since he's still alive.

In the United States the life expectancy was in your 40s and people usually married around their teens. This started to disappear heading into the middle of the 20th century.

So you joke about it, but since you're an American your chance of marrying a girl who was in elementary school right now is pretty high.

Apparently Suzy is a protestant, too

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Why is Johnny greying in these pics?
Assuming they got together when Suzy was 20 (she's 7 in the show), Johnny would only be in his 30s.

Really? I always thought Suzy was Irish and Catholic.

Holy shit, it's Mister Metokur!
Have you let Jade out of her cage yet?

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A dash of grey makes older men sexy.

Did he adopted the child after he realized to be gay for Carl?

Would Susie be the first instance of a kid grooming an adult for sex later?

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Where did you meet her?

Word of God for the series was that Johnny actually gets ridiculous amounts of pussy. They only show the rejections because they're funnier and it's ultimately a kid's show.

He's a less ugly Chris-Chan without Sonichu and a somewhat more competent mother.

University, I was study a master degree, she was in her bachelor degree...but we meet in the chinese class

Yotsuba did it first.

No, he's just in it for the sex, not for what comes afterwards.

I remember meeting a middle aged qt in my japanese class when I just entered college.

She was a hardcore vegan and I'm a hardcore carnivore so things were never meant to work. She had some really nice plump thighs, though.


Usagi Drop and Kodomo no Jiken, but those are Yea Forums.

Mistakes like those are a doggie dog world.

>plump thighs
nice try faggot

Diamond Dozen*

their they're user. There are incapable of learning. Relax

Probably, if he was a single dad then his son would be his literal chick magnet. If he was married then he’d still be a good father with help from his mom.

How many years has it been since then?

The greatest love story ever told. The innocent love of a child and the misplaced life of a hedonistic egoist comes to a head and ends in marriage.

Next august will be 8 years, we married 5 years after we meet. :)

She had no breasts.