Are western animation studios also gonna be as lazy to repeat the same body styles in all their cgi movies as well?

are western animation studios also gonna be as lazy to repeat the same body styles in all their cgi movies as well?

Attached: D_OHakZUYAAsGR-.jpg (1308x522, 112K)

oy vey

Who is the last on the right?

I think it's the nerd nigga from that movie where the black spy turns into a pigeon for no reason
Reminder that I need to sue the company for whiplash endured over the course of that trailer

I would fuck all of them.

>inb4 durr dragon ball z creator does the same face in all his series and for dragon quest
well yeah, is one guy who does all that work vs studios who have hired more than one character designer and they all do the same faces, is not an excuse


Oh nigga don't you start. Anime has sameface syndrome just as egregious as cartoons

Sameface is a rarity, Westerners just can't tell things apart.

Funny man

I wasn't making a joke, I was making a simple factual statement. Westerners are terrible at telling things apart. Almost everything in anime looks the same to them, no matter how different it is.

You may not understand this as someone who clearly knows nothing about animation, but there are things called visual shorthand and archetypes, and what you see before you is a visual archetype.

It's like how in the no doubt copious amounts of anime you watch a girl with pig-tales is going to have a surly attitude

oh ho ho ho

They're trying to make Jews sexually attractive
It's not working

*honk* *honk*
look at the size of those honkers, jesus christ

I wasn't making a joke, I was making a simple factual statement. Westerners are terrible at telling things apart. Almost everything in anime looks the same to them, no matter how different it is.

Learn to read.


Prove that I was joking. Unless your next post is a serious attempt at doing so, you concede that I am right.

left to right:

the trendsetter that was never meant to be one
somewhat more conventionally handsome
ew, wtf
a bastardized version of the trendsetter
slightly changed to appeal better to teenage girls


Ok, then you are now admitting that I am right.

Krasinski Face?

Attached: fDhwmd7yUpHx.jpg (650x433, 85K)

Of their noses weren’t so big at the tip they would be very hot designs. I don’t understand why they would give them freakishly large noses.

Hmmmm I wonder why...

Easterners just can’t tell differences in faces apart, lol

You admitted I'm right.

No reeeeaaally they just can’t tell the difference. It’s honestly pretty embarrassing for them to be so blind

You are the one who can't tell the difference, and you just admitted that you can't.

Fucking hell, Famicon.

You either have no idea who that is, or you are knowingly making a false accusations in the hopes that the topic can be changed and attention diverted away from your embarrassing failure.

Yea Forums can't argue worth shit and it always devolves into something like this.

I'm not him. But fucking hell, you make the exact same points defending anime every thread.

Fuck off Cal Arts style


Are you kidding? Most of these CG movies look the same already without regurgitating the same character designs over and over.

You have autism

Triangle Nose Man

You make the exact same attacks against anime in every thread.

You can't prove that. Not a single person on this entire website can. You could spend the next 6 hours spamming this accusation (like you people always do) and you would not bring yourself even an inch closer to proving the accusation. There's almost nobody on this site who even has the capacity to look up what the word means. That's how dumb you are.

Why don't you go to the anime board instead of spamming the same exact posts in every thread, Famicon? We don't want you here. Take the hint.

they all look like jay baruchel lmao

I didn't make this thread nor did I bring up anime. Blame yourselves.

You have no idea who famicom is or you're making a deliberate false accusation. So you're either admitting to being stupid or admitting to losing the argument and having to resort to desperate shitposting measures.

What argument? You realize I'm a different person, right? Answer my question. Why don't you go to the anime board, Famicon?

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Holy shit, it totally is.
I wonder if it was intentional. He really does have kind of an affable everyman thing going on.

tell them apart. completely different shows btw.

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How come they never give the girls this look?

Can this "visual archetype" die then

Large noses are fucking disgusting

Pearl, the detective lady that married Gru, that teacher from Milo Murphy’s law
They’re not super common but there’s some out there

Tom Holland voices two of them.

Far right is pretty cute.
I'd fuck him.

Arthur is for kinky elf sex with bryony

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You have no idea who famicom is or you're making a deliberate false accusation. So you're either admitting to being stupid or admitting to losing the argument and having to resort to desperate shitposting measures.

Been refuted already. Why do you keep posting this?


plot twist: it's actually the same person each time

No one gives a shit for Dixar or Illumination, either way.

Hey, Autismo

Prove that I have autism. Unless your next post is a serious attempt at doing so, you conceded that your accusation is false.

>Prove that I have autism.
Ok, here are the proofs:

Pure cohencidence.

Too broad. Needs thinner jaw.

Linking to posts without explanation is not proof. You concede that your accusation is false.

Other than the black and white I have no clue who these characters are.
I'm assuming the one on the far left is a CGI adult Snot from American Dad.

It is when your autism is so evident in those posts.

You concede that your accusation is false.

As a teen I had a huge skinny jew fetish, this shit would have suited me just fine.

Nah, I am right, and you're wrong and autistic.

You concede that your accusation is false.

Are they trying to normalize incel facial structure?

Nope, cope harder, faggot-kun.

You concede that your accusation is false.

why does 2nd from the right look so JUST

>she can't even read
first autism and now functional illiteracy
it must have been hard for your parents to raise such a failure

You concede that your accusation is false.

>she now can only repeat one sentence like a broken record because something didn't alight with her autistic worldview

You concede that your accusation is false.

You just proved my accusation is true.

You concede that your accusation is false.


You concede that your accusation is false.

not to mention a general downgrade in artstyle, color coordination, and character design

Attached: !.jpg (750x1066, 627K)

Vaguely Jewish ugly loser.

Since pedos afraid of human features took over

It's working on me though

It’s the most egregious with danganronpa and its anime. I know it was a game first but the sameface is awful and white cosplay chicks eat that shit up. Sorry you’re not high iq enough to play Phoenix Wright and need flying bullets and torture porn filler

3rd one does, the others not really