Old women shouldn't give off the vibe she does

Old women shouldn't give off the vibe she does.

Flirty old men in cartoons are hilarious. In women it's always unsettling.

Attached: sylvia sundew.jpg (600x901, 389K)

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no need to be afraid of your feelings

Attached: Amphibia - S01E16 - Family Fishing Trip; Bizarre Bazaar.mp4_snapshot_04.57.701.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

I blame Slappy Squirrel and Genkai from Yu Yu Hakusho for my love of older women.

can i get a " yaaassss " lads ?

Flirty old women are top tier if they're not completely disgusting

So did Ivy's mother get crushed on by Sprig's father for a 3/3 generations of Plantars wanting to fuck Sundew women?

take the greypill

Cute frog grandma

Attached: cut scene.jpg (961x1644, 343K)

we are 2 for 2 so far, I hope Marcy is as good as Anne and Sasha

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Greenpill me on this cutie.

Flirty old women are lots of fun, what the fuck are you even on about

If it because you know you're so starved for attention you'd be tempted to reciprocate her amorous advances?

I take it back. Tex Avery made it funny.

I actually didn't care for Slappy as a kid.


I was a fool.

Attached: grandma.jpg (384x288, 26K)


Flirty old women is best old women

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Sprig certainly isn't afraid of his.

Attached: Sylvia is hot.png (702x792, 558K)

Well, this thread had to happen sooner or later.

Attached: 2631142-chew_23_22.jpg (1095x1788, 501K)

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300 years old and still hot.

Attached: Dth8Bp6VAAAp30d.jpg (1047x1200, 163K)

did Tree Trunks scare you?

she got better

Doesn't count she was frozen in crystals.
I think she is younger that Moon.

Old women still have sexual needs and desires, and often have many, many decades of experience. Sylvia could probably do things with her tongue that would drive you insane.

It's unsettling alright. I can't get my penis to settle down at all.

The post-nut clarity of smashing a woman decades past child bearing age.

But that's why it's not pre-nut clarity!

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Hmmm, monitoring this interestin' thread.


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How'd you get this?

I was so intensely aroused by the Hypnosis Queen Bee episode of Slappy Squirrel and I was like, 7 when I saw it.

Which episode?

>anne is too old for him
>GILF is not

You're thinking of Secret Squirrel. Slappy Squirrel is the Animaniacs character.

I think by "too old" he really meant "too tall, therefore threatening my masculinity"
Once Anne femdoms him he'll see the light

Oh, you're right.

The magical land of a storyboard artist's twitter account.

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where's meganon

Look at it like this user
You can creampie a menopausing woman as many times as you want without ever worrying about getting her pregnant, her vagina is a consequence free cum dumping facility.

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>I have chosen you...
>for procreation

>Been fishing with Hoppop since he was a baby
So... where did Polly come from? What happened to their parents?

Probably eating by some big creature


Maybe their parents stayed in the farm or something while Hop Pop took Sprig to fish.
Then after Sprig grew a bit they had Polly.
And then they got eaten by a super bird monster.

Attached: babby sprig.png (955x537, 523K)

how does frog reproduction work? Do we really need detailed answers on this?

No episode tonight, next one is sunday

She was probably an egg around that time

Sprig is 10, and we don't know Polly's age, but she's described as being a baby. It's likely there were at least a few years between Sprig being a pollywog and Polly's egg getting laid.

Is this the sexy old lady thread now?

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It should be, I need more refs.