General Fortean gets expanded upon.
Immortal Hulk #21 Preview
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I guess he's attacking Alpha Flight.
I hope he ends up in a bulkhead.
Be a funny anti-climatic end.
>Redeemer armor right off the bat
Uh oh. That doesn't bode well.
Aw shit, Fortean's about to become Brundlefly.
>That riff on Dr. Manhattan's monologuing
Yeah, he's fucked.
Oh hey, it's Jackie. What a funny coincidence.
Thanks OP!
Redeemer Armour vs Gamma Flight. Gonna be sweet.
Thanks for posting these.
He is going to come back fused with that suit in a horrifying way.
So, Hulk has been around for at least 14 years.
Gonna get grosser before it gets better
Oh man
>Delusions of grandeur and messiah complex
Goddamn they found the perfect replacement for Ross
He's gonna go full Baxter Stockman with the suit as a life support system.
Hea gonna be a hulk by the end, aint he?
I don't think a Hulk Hulk but a monster.
for deepest lore this would be this town in that exact page
Something really Bad is about to happen for this fellow.
W-What is this? IH (68) ~#295 or so...
What are you getting at, you maniac???
that that ruined town in the flashback would be the exact same town that banner personally rebuilt brick by brick
this girl had her life ruined, but it got better
Hulk-Bro, a-are you seeing things that are not there?
I genuinely do not understand.
I feel like that would have come up before if it were the case. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if events precluded Jackie from hearing about her old town being rebuilt within a week.
Cobalt Man??? So it was all true?
Crazy, wild speculation, but I appreciate this user's depth of Hulk-lore.
Love the old Mantlo stories.
But does the Immortal Hulk know carpentry?
Stop it.
You're not supposed to get past the female agent's tits flowing freely in that pink blouse.
Banner nailed her.
Damn I just noticed the very form fitting blouse she's wearing...
But I can't stop thinking about the Hulk giving that man his dream back... A dream that was sacrificed to his nightmare!
Nightmare, with a big N, son.
Just a funny detail, and I'm saying this while realizing they aren't related, but in the Guardians of the Galaxy Annual, right before Quasar gets snatched by what's presumably the Universal Church of Truth you can see a very similar word balloon saying "have faith". Just a bit of synergy in different themes, which is curious considering both were written by Ewing.
I just want to be sure about this,
Since, you youngin's have failed to recognize a simple fact of life.
If you nail enough women in this lifetime,
You gain automaticl-ly Carpentry skills.
The reverse is true also.
So how old is Bruce by now? Late 30s early 40s?
i went back to samson's first appearance and he's still how he is best portrayed
he desperately wants to be a hero and loved but everyone else wants him as a shrink and scientist
>it got better
That girl is the journalist. Considering the psychological scars she's had to live with that led to her literally following the Hulk into hell, I wouldn't say her life really got better.
>He's 28
He's 42 now
So Hulk has been around for at least 14 years?
From the subjective point of view affected by the sliding timescale, yes.
HYPERCRISIS! I mean... Wait, what's the Marvel equivalent of interconnected storytelling?
Just hazarding a guess, based on the relatively short time between him graduating college and working on the bomb, between 35 and 38. 40 at the oldest.
What to say, props to the ones who got it right, i thought it was a too far fetched theory.
>Everyone I send has failed
>Fuck it I'll do it my self
Absolute madman I love it, Gen Ross would be proud
>tfw my cobalt man theory was right
I'm hoping we get Guilt Hulk sometime down the line.
So that means that the FF have been around for more than 14 years. So that means that the Human Torch should be in his 30s now.
So Bennett isn't the artist for this one, i wonder when pic related is going to happen then, probably next issue.
>Hulk teams up with Gamma Flight
Redpill me on this run, because while I like the current story, majority of the references are going over my head. What comics should I read because based on previous storytimes it seems like I have to read ALL of them.
>The original Lee/Kirby/Ditko Hulk stories
>Peter David's Hulk, in particular the Joe Fixit and Brian Banner stories
>Avengers: No Surrender, at the very least the issue that explains the Hulk's many resurrections
I really hope the Carnage tie-in will have Bennett, i want to see him drawing a symbiote.
What said, but for more in-depth reading, try this.
Looks like a Kirby design alright.
>The Thing's the orange one, Reg
Oh hey it's the reporter lady as a girl again
You should probably also read General Fortean's initial appearances by Jeff Parker. It was in Red Hulk's solo series that I think was just titled Hulk.
Very likely in this issue.
I love Betty
I feel you brother
>There's already fanart
Man, this series has the best fanbase, I like y'all.
Papi The Harpy memes when?
Any more Harpy fanart?
Betty is a harpy is what Betty is!
Is there any porn yet?
I would like some, yes.
why wont leave hulk alone?
>Sure the Redeemer Armor and Cobalt Man's Armor have a 0% success rate, but if I merge them into one, that ratio is doubled!
Where is Cobalt Man mentioned anywhere in this preview?
People predicted Fortean would become the next Cobalt Man by abandoning his humanity, due to Ewing posting pictures of him like he did to foreshadow Abomination with Bi-Beast.
It wasn't 100% spot on because he isn't really the new Cobalt Man, but it was very spot on.
We already have theories of Ewing and Morrison pulling a stealth-hypercrisis crossover.
We can kick it into the next gear.
W-W-Why are typing like that, you fucking stuttering retard
>70 replies
>33 posters
What killed the hype?
>What killed the hype?
Next sales figures we get Hulk will be deflated like it deserves and the natural order of things will be restored.
Why cant we get a b/w version of these?
>Takes 3 steps
>Forgets who Bruce is
This week was fucking jacked with Batman comics, let's see the post count on each of their storytimes
>Batman #74: 102 posts
>Detective Comics #1007: 84 posts
>Batman and The Outsiders #3: 68 posts
>Batman: Universe #1: 53 posts
To compare, here's the post count from the last Immortal Hulk storytime:
>The Immortal Hulk #20: 424 posts
Yeah man, what the fuck happened Where did all the hype for Batman go?
>being a dishonest shill
Let's do some math.
Do you really think a 117 phoneposters samefagging is impressive?
This kills the bat.
It really is amazing what dishonest variant covers can accomplish.
It's so sad, Yea Forums bro.
Don't do this to yourself.
Why are you replying to a retard? Leave him sperging, he needs it.
You don't understand
I was so invested in the Bat Epic for so long
And not just that, I'd been following Tom King's career, been a fan of his writing for YEARS
>Sheriff of Babylon
>Omega Men
>Mister Miracle
Everything he touched turned to gold. The Bat-Epic was going to leave Morrison and Snyder in the fucking DUST when it got going, and it would forever be remembered. Morrison gave Bruce a kid? King gave him a wife. Snyder made The Court of Owls? Tom King made KITE MAN FUCK YEAH
King went deeper into Batman's psyche than anyone since Miller had had the balls to do
It was all going to be so great when it finally came together
And then... it got cancelled because THE FUCKING HULK OUTSOLD HIM? Seriously? THE FUCKING HULK? The big green retard who smashes?
Jesus Christ...
>Where did all the hype for Batman go?
There was never hype for Batman, just people who would buy it out of habit, now they are losing their habit. Haven't seen anyone posting the preview for any Batman's book in months, because what there is to discuss? How shitty it is? Everyone knows that already, besides a couple of retards who dream how getting Batman to fuck them.
Man, don't soil an IH thread with those garbage titles.
What I'm upset about there's not enough hype for Hawkman. I blame that one spammer.
Any ideas for improving it are welcome.
The June sales report came in
Hulk smash puny sales!
Ouch! Fucking called it weeks ago but this guy didn't believe it.
Puny Batman can't keep up.
Parker was Spider-Man for 13 years when Silk was introduced, so...makes sense.
Wouldn't change a thing.
We live in a world where the most ambitious deconstruction of the psyche of a superhero in the style of Miller or Moore, combined with the epic jaunt of Morrison or Claremont is outsold by a crappy gimmick title where every issue you just have the stupid green man smile ominously and zoomers going "oh that's so fucking scary he's about to do something TERRIBLE I'm literally SHAKING rn lol" and it's just not okay
When did we lower our standards like this? When did we abandon all that was good and turn to lowest common denominator schlock? Tom King's Batman run was going to change everything. But you... you chose Hulk. You chose angry green man with his wicked nihilist smile.
It didn't have to be this way! Tom King served his country in the CIA, doing literal Mission Impossible shit in Agrabah, and what was Al Ewing doing then? Playing with his dick and fantasizing about red bird women.
I'm sorry. I'm just... just so tired.
How possible is it to become a major in the military in a 10 year span?
Considering its the marvel universe, the fact that military men don't just jobber up and die on a week seems already good enough for a promotion
New cover tentatively revealed by Alex Ross just now. No idea of its number.
Who cares about Batman, we know this is the status quo now, but how is it possible to have TWD so low?
i would kill for a black and white issue
>Peter was canonically 15 when he became Spider-Man
>He's 29
Sounds about right.
Which Hulk is that?
Wait... Did Ewing subtly give an actual in-universe chronology of events beyond the sliding timescale?
Disappointed that it's literally just "Redeemer Armor but blue". Maybe that'll change?
He's gonna become a fucking Brundlefly/Virus.
This is clearly where it's going, hence the blue.
The Redeemer Armor was yellow before, now it's blue. It is, at the least, a Cobalt Man nod... and with the solicits of Fortean turning himself into a monster, I can imagine it'll go further than that. Unless it's the other theory, that he'll climb inside Blonsky's hollowed-out corpse and wear it like a suit.
I imagine that he's gonna go Cobalt Man and Blonsky's somehow gonna come back as a mindless Shadow Base weapon like before until Fortean gets his shit pushed in by Rick, Hulk, and Betty, at which point after Blonsky's just missing in general and nobody knows where the fuck he is.
Banners life has left him so fucked in the head that he needs a devil hulk parental figure to be his surrogate father when he’s almost a middle aged man
So how olds Betty then?
It got cancelled because he got so hyped in himself he tried pitching ideas to WB, above his eitor's head.
According to his gravestone, Ross was only 57 when he died, so... I guess her mid-30s, if we assume she was early 20s when the Hulk was born?
>and with the solicits of Fortean turning himself into a monster,
Maybe he'll use the original Hulk to fight the Hulk.
Yellow and blue make Green.
don't forget that samson used to be jealous as fuck of banner/hulk
and whent out of his way and try and seduce/steal any of the women that banner or hulk had loved.
of course he got the shit beaten out of him by savage hulk then
>fortean gets the same fate imbued onto him that hulk did to dr frye as a mirror of albert poole's fate
I imagined him fused into the armor, and then what remains of Abomination fusing to his Biomass.
I genuinely like the Red Harpy more than Red She-Hulk. It makes it feel less like a She-Hulk clone and more her own thing.
There is porn already?
Oh lord, that would be too much. I hope Ewing goes for it.
Based Ewing.
>He was strong enough to break Moljnir
Hulk must have been 200.0% MAD
Gotta be honest, this totally looks like the story who would get a reference.
I love it, but the lack of plumage is disappointing.