What does Yea Forums think of coraline

what does Yea Forums think of coraline

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probably the only well-written laika movie

I remember that her dad had a very pleasant voice. I didn't actually like the film though.



The best Laika movie ever

Excellent movie. Better than the book in many aspects.

i liked the designs in this better than in the graphic novel.

It was scary in some ways that the book wasn't. It also wasn't scary in some ways the book was. The movie was more loud in your face scary, where the book had a really creepy atmosphere in a more subtle way that was missing in the movie. Also the tunnel.

Attached: coraline tunnel.jpg (851x75, 20K)

the opening scene making the doll is probably the creepiest, and that wasn't in the book


All around Laika's best showing by far

>stop using loli protagonists
>movies start flopping

really makes me think

it's hardly stopping if they only did it once
although Kubo could probably make a passable trap

Probably one of my favorite animated movies period.

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Coraline > ParaNorman > Kubo and the Two Strings > BoxTrolls

One of my favorite movies of all time. It's a combination of perfect stop-motion, likable characters (thanks to their virtues and flaws), interesting premise, horror that preys on childish and adult fears and a soundtrack that does the movie justice. An all around treat and Laika's best cinematographic creation.

One of my favourite movies of all time.

Stop making me feel like a drone.

Holy shit I'm not this guy I just used the exact same phrase. I posted before I read any replies.

Are you my other user

>She spied on our lives, through the little doll's eyes. And saw that we weren't happy. So she lured us away, with treasures and treats, and games to play. Gave all that we asked, yet we still wanted more. So we let her sew the buttons. She said she loved us... but she locked us up here. And ate up our lives.
Probably the creepiest bit in the whole movie.

Yes, I am. Your other user is also a virgin, so don't feel self conscious about it.

i liked it the other mom was hot

Definetly. I also like the idea that as standards of living got better the Other Mother had more trouble captivating children. Coraline was a bratty 21th century little girl; of course she wouldn't pull out her eyeballs. But the other children might come from homes in which they could only eat once a day, or they could be facing other major issues. A full stomach, a warm bed and a loving parent would be extremely enticing for such children.

I really did love the soundtrack.

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It did have this though

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The bit with Other Wybie's face being sewn up into a smile got to me.

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user, pls

I really liked how effective the simple langue was in describing it was there.

Old, deep, and slow. Like the conflict with the Other Mother was just scraping the surface of some other ancient eldritch horrors.

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I'll say it, Shadman limited himself fixating just on Coraline out of the laika lineup

No shame in wanting to branch out, but I'm sad that Laika hasn't touched the horror genre since Paranorman. Their first two movies were easily my favorite, and felt like something you wouldn't get from any other studio.

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This bit was sung by one of the Johns from TMBG.

paranorman wasn't even scary.

It still had horror elements though.

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One of my favorite animated movies of all time. I loved the creepiness, the music, the animation, the characters. Laika has yet to put out a film with comparable writing.

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I just went and compiled everything the book said about it. I think the most likely truth of it is that the tunnel is passing between places, so it's accessible by not-of-our-world type things. I still wonder if everything she felt down there is the same entity, or several though.

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Something about the atmosphere of Coraline really stuck with me. Wish there were more films like it.

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I heard somewhere that the movie was originally conceived as a full musical. I like what we got, but I was always curious how that would have turned out.


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The Other Mother gave me nightmares for weeks after I watched this movie as a kid, as I found the idea of having buttons sewn into my eyes particularly unsettling. I was also a bit younger than I should have been when I initially watched it, so blame my aunt for subjecting me to numerous nightmares of me laying in my bed while a pair of button eyes stared at me.

Watching it as an adult gave me a newfound appreciation for the creepy atmosphere, character design, animation, etc. I enjoyed ParaNorman for similar reasons, and I hope Laika makes more of this sort of thing in the future.

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The soundtrack was finished, but Careful What You Pack was the only song they were able to release. Hope the rest of it surfaces some day.

I thought the saddest/creepiest part about the story was how the other father and other Wybie weren't evil or completely fake. They were real enough to actually care about Coraline and make their own decisions to try and help her, but they were just made to be discarded like everything else in the Other Mother's world.

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Coraline is my waifu and my favorite movie
It pains me that after 10 years there is so little porn.
Also laika social media accounts use her for jewish holiday greetings.

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Yeah, they wrote a whole soundtrack but it was determined it wasn't sufficiently dark for the tone of the movie. The Else, which contained "Careful What You Pack", was released a couple of years before the movie so the decision to scrap it was made well before release, I also hope some more of that gets out there someday. TMBG's involvement, even in the limited capacity they ended up contributing to the final film, is one of the big things that made me excited about the movie at the time

Neil Gaiman himself is Jewish and it's interesting as Americans think of British folk with accents as "English" first and foremost and it's always a bit surprising when they don't celebrate Christmas and all that

Thanks user

It was 3D at IMAX theaters; it was replaced by the Jonas Brothers concert movie which did so incredibly shit that the theaters went back to running Coraline.

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It was probably all just the one entity. Also of note, the Beldam has no idea what the Tunnel actually is. She uses it to snag kids, but she honestly has no goddamn clue as to what it could be because it's older and greater than she is.

Yeah probably, but "something in there with her in the dark" and "the wall is alive" seem different enough that they could be different creatures. Regardless, "She knew that if she fell in that corridor she might never get up again" is definitely one of the horror lines that has stuck with me the most over the years. Creepy as hell.

Keep in mind, Coraline seemingly had no idea that the Tunnel had completely warped and changed until she felt along the 'wall' and realized she was basically in something vaguely equivalent to a mouth. So her feeling of "something in there with her in the dark" could've just been the general feeling of the Tunnel surrounding her.

But yes, that one line is really creepy. We have no sure idea what would happen if Coraline had actually tripped up there, but all we know is that it would definitely be bad. That's what makes it so effective. We know this thing is malevolent, but it's not actively assailing Coraline. It's just waiting for her to slip up and make one fatal mistake.

That is fucking terrifying

Coraline? More like /kinoline

>Neil Gaiman himself is Jewish
Really? I thought he was a Scientologist for some reason.

>Neil Gaiman himself is Jewish

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this and monster house are my favorite

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My nigga

My two favorite things to put on around Halloween are this and non-stop reruns of goosebumps

Wybie a cute

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Gaiman is Jewish but he celebrates Christmas

His last name is Gaiman. How did you not think he was Jewish?

is this image implying that Coraline regularly sexually bullies Wybie?

I thought he was just a Gay man

but he was raised Scientologist
He doesn't like to talk about it, so I assume he left but still wants to be able to talk with his family who are still in it. If you say anything against them, your family has to stop talking to you.

I thought paranorman was better written but I liked coraline just a little more.

Jews can be Scientolgists. They can also be Christian or Buddhist. You can even have someone be black and Jewish. It is both a religion and a group of ethnicities.

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Have more?

Those are the two best ones that Dave McKean did. There's a few more though.

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This reminds me, I think one of the reasons the audiobook stuck with me so much(other than Gaiman narrating it himself, which is always fantastic) was the few songs they had.
They played a little bit of this one inbetween every chapter,
And the rats song was actually sung, but I can't find that on youtube, even though I swear I found an upload on there ages ago. All I can find now is the version from the broadway play, which is kind of shit.

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I figured he was an ethnic Jew vs a religious one. Don't know where I got Scientologist, though.

Pretty chilling for a kid's book.

I need to draw porn of that.

Attached: Coraline gloves.webm (924x500, 2.69M)

Attached: Coraline sleep.webm (924x500, 2.49M)

Attached: Coraline walks around the world.webm (886x480, 2.7M)

Attached: Other Mother transformation.webm (924x500, 2.82M)

Attached: Other Mother trick.webm (996x540, 2.16M)

Attached: Coraline fridge.webm (996x540, 2.21M)

Well deserved Oscar nomination

There was a stage musical with music written by Stephin Merritt of the Magnetic Fields, but no videos of it. Only a album done by the cast.

Best laika in writing.

is very nice I like coraline

Until I was watching the movie and people referred to Kubo as male I thought that he was a girl.

The atmosphere is great. I love depressing looking environments, and the initial scenes displaying the boredom that Coraline goes through in her home somehow only accentuates the magic that permeates the movie. There isn't a single dull moment in the film; every scene carries a sense of odd wonder even through the grayest parts.

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like the begining but hated the finale act with the stupid fetch quest

Why don't you guys like Kubo?
It is my favorite Laika movie, and definitely near the top of my all time movie list.

It's my second favorite Laika movie. I love the visuals, the story isn't a deal breaker like it is for a lot of people, I find the characters charming and it has some of the best animated action I've ever seen. That fight on the boat is unlike anything I had ever seen before, and it changed my view on what stop motion could do.
There are other scenes that do things for me that no other movie has; there hasn't been a single time that I didn't get goosebumps while hearing Monkey telling the story of how she met Hanzo; that scene is simply magical.

So was coraline x wybie confirmed or what?


Kubo is like 90% introduction, 10% conclusion.

I think the movie did a better job at making the Other Mother a lot more appealing, in the book she's just creepy from the very beginning.

I will always be glad I went with one half of my family to see this in theater instead of the younger half that went to see Cars.

Needs a porn parody

There's a point around when the mother passes that the movie completely gives up on its plot.

Do you guys believe the fan theory that Coraline never made it back to the real world and that she's still stuck in the Other World?

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overrated as fuck

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Ctrl+F "Mike Tyson"
No results

I'm disappointed

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I liked Kubo more for its animation and and art style than its actual story, which I found to be a bit lackluster. I still enjoyed it, mind you, but it could've been so much better if more effort was put into the writing.

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>and and

those are >the character was actually in a coma and it was all a dream
tier theories

shut hte fukc up

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I think Other Mother has given me some of the best faps I've ever had.

Fantastic movie. Arguably perfect. Superb soundtrack. Coraline acts like a genuine kid but still a reluctant hero. Also did really nicely into faerie tale style story.

Check rule 34 in a couple weeks. I'll upload a recently finished commission. It's not horrible or anything. But might not be for everyone.

Masterpiece easily

No i despise edgy theories like this

Might as well give us a little warning as to what it is

>Overrated as fuck
or do you mean, NOT overrated
... as fuck

Cool aesthetics, ok movie, boring as fuck comic.

Stop making me feel old. I saw this movie with my future wife my last year of high school

No I hate that kind of shit with passion. "Hurr ash ketchum was in a coma hurr". Anyone that's into that shit is a fucking dullard. Being boring is the worst sin. That shit is one step away from "BRO WHAT IF THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HAPPENED RIGHT NOW EHAT WOULD YOU DO?"

I love a lot of things about Kubo, I also hate a lot of things about Kubo. Mostly anything to do with Mathew McConaughey

Fucking underrated. The animation doesn’t age too well but it’s still decent. The story is pretty heartbreaking

Someone likes ass.

who doesn't

People who like cunt.

I have to say that having read the book, Wybie and his grandmother were probably one of the strongest additions to the story as a whole. It seems like such a small thing but their presence creates somewhat of a grounded reality in the history of the Pink Palace. Usually new characters in an adaptation of a story is an automatic death sentence but here it was handled in a way that makes me almost wish he and his family were in the book.

I found the ending to be wholly underwhelming. The Moon King didn't really deserve the redemption that he got considering everything that he did throughout the story. Even that aside, the story about Kubo's parents and their new incarnations was honestly a lot more investing than Kubo himself so killing them both off before the conclusion kinda took a knife to the strongest part of the film imho.

I don't DISLIKE it, but I always find myself never liking it as much I think I should when I rewatch it.

What a bunch of cunts

I said it before once but they also shoulda shown us the Moon realm. I don't think it would be a total retread of Coraline to make the audience see why it was a place he didn't want to live

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This movie does not need shipping So don’t you tempt me

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you ain't seen laika crossover shipping, guy


but its cute as heck

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Great movie, one of my favorites

And and now everyone sees it, too.
Good job, user

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Confirmed in my fucking heart

user I swear to god if it’s fucking futa like the last drawfag who said he was making stuff for her I’m going to fucking strangle you

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got a link?
futa coraline sounds hot as fuck

and by that I mean post more

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I liked the dad.

that yielded absolutely nothing, you'll need to be more specific


>futa Caroline
Haha yeah, sounds fucking disgusting
you got the link?

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I love his Monkeybone slippers


All the incest porn with her mom is so hot

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Was it really fucking necessary to make the scene THAT intense? It’s already bad enough that she looks like a god damn Siren enemy, I don’t need her fucking desperate wails echoing in my ear.

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Rat Harem.

I don't get it either.

>The animation doesn’t age too well
what does that even mean?

I had no idea that modern stop motion could age.

Monster House, not Coraline.

I think he meant monster houses animation, which has not aged well.

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Paranorman was better. Then Laika's movies took a nosedive

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Bullshit. Hilda's and Coraline's souls are beautiful and precious.

I'm merely implying that Coraline's blue hair looks stupid as fuck

This and I'll add that it's the best stop motion movie to date.

we need more MILF Coraline art

Attached: MILF Coraline 1.png (953x1071, 396K)

Yeah, nah.

This movie (as well as Chicken Run, and Wallace and Gromit), left an impression on me. It made me have respect for those that have the patience and dedication to make anything stop-motion.

Mr. Bobinsky has a liquidator medal. They were given to the people responsible for the Chernobyl clean up. Radiation poisoning is probably why the character ate raw beets.

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I feel the triumph over the Moon King shouldn't have been to memory wipe him but legitimately 'open his eyes' and see the world like presumably Kubo's mom had for a similar revelation of what real love and family is like. A moment that sidelong slams into him that his daughters are dead and his only relative left would rather die than submit to him. I dunno what could do it but It feels like it needed something to tie it all tighter so the themes of the world, eyes, love, all come around. Maybe if Kubo's final rush, the strings that represented his parents and himself did it rather than purge the memories it could be a little better.

I just imagine the old man suffering in the agony he wrought by being such a fucking asshole, at least it's some kind of catharisis, more than amnesiac evil old moon man.


Coraline was selfish, arrogant, and did not deserve the help she received from other characters. Also she was dumb because she was still considering staying with the Other Mother even after all the warnings and realizing something was very off. The Other Mother was more lawful neutral than evil. She was likened to a spider, but spiders doesn't work to earn the consent of they prey nor do they give it a chance to escape. The Ghost Children gave their consent, admited to their greed and the Other Mother kept up the act for their sake even after they had agreed to have their eyes replaced. I have little sympathy for them and only because they admit they have a small part of the blame.
The situation with the Other Mother could had been resolved easily through diplomacy and Coraline not attempting to settle the issue like this lowered my opinion further. There are tons of sad people in the world who could had used the Other Mother's services and would had willingly given their lives in exchange. Suicidal teens, desperate people, orphans from third world countries. It's not like the Other Mother had any reason to continue to live in secrecy. This isn't the Middle Ages. The civilized world takes interest in the bizarre and studies it. She would become a celebrity.

I don't think the CGI for this film has aged that badly. I think its style helps keep it afloat just a bit.

>I was also a bit younger than I should have been
Then you're also too young for Yea Forums.
*checks release date*

Coraline had just moved away, her parents had deadlines to finish stuffs and didn't take care of her much at the time, they were pretty irritable because of it and her behavior wasn't making things better. Also mom got a car accident. I think everybody in the house was really on edge. So much so that Coraline forgot something really important, her parents truly love her.

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Daisy would fit right in the alt world

I'm honestly losing my goddamn mind man I have searched every way I know how and I can't find this fucking thing

Coraline and Paranorman are top tier because they ha e big titied and big assed characters.

What does Kubo or Boxtrolls have? A trap and a crossdresser?

I like this idea though it leaves Kubo in a bit of a spot. One of the movie's big themes or whatever is telling stories and his grandfather's blank slate served as the perfect encapsulation of an audience for Kubo and the others. The running emphasis on the importance of keeping memories going in the movie would end without someone to share them with

Maybe you could have the townspeople serve that purpose to close the loop of Kubo never being able to finish his stories to them

Boxtrolls went too far with the 'dindu nuffin they're just hard working respectable creatures turned into scapegoats by the evil X to blame for their own problems' narrative that has been done to death and is too obvious. It's a real shame because animation wise that one may be my favorite.

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I like to think of the Other Mother as Lois from Lois and Clark who fell into a fuckportal and became an evil hag who sought comfort from vestiges of her older memories.

I fixated on Kubo and Norman and I can't offer a single explanation for how my life turned out like this

Coraline seems to be a book about a kid who just by the merest happenstance avoided blundering into Event Horizon or IT and wound up in kid safe horror book.

It's the kind of art that commands respect.

Dave McKean is too fucking good to be working in comic books or children's literature. Simultaneously, you get the feeling he'd be miserable working anywhere else.

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I mean, it's seems to be implied her hair is dyed in the movie since Coraline got brown hairs family's photos.

Gaiman does distant insinuated horror like no other author I've read. The graveyard book alone has the ghouls and their city which is heavily implied to be connected to the Cthulhu mythos due to being nauseating to look at and the presence of night gaunts
The mysterious details of the men jack, who despite being the main antagonists of the book are largely a mystery, and can aparently pose a major threat to a strike force of fabled monsters. Then there's the fucking Sleer which despite being a very major plot point, we have no fucking clue what they are, what they can do, or what the hell the knife brooch and cup are. All we know is that they're very powerful. I would also bet you anything that Gaiman was behind the bit in Good Omens where deaths wings are windows to "a void of distant glittering lights, that could have been stars or could have been something else entirely." It's all maddeningly enticing, but I almost don't want answers since it would ruin some of the magic.

>probably why the character ate raw beets.
that's more because he's russian

Oh god, I worked hard to repress that movie's existence.

Probably why he's blue.

She's coming out of the box oh god the 4th wall is broken!

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>Dave McKean is too fucking good to be working in comic books or children's literature. Simultaneously, you get the feeling he'd be miserable working anywhere else.
Why the hell couldn't he have done the art for the coraline comic book?
That shit was so stale and boring.

Man now I'm sad that doesn't exist, that would've been a trip.