Why they haven't made the new star wars cartoon yet?
Nustar wars cartoon
Because nobody cares about Star Wars anymore.
There's Star Wars Resistance
Resistance you shit snorting cocksucker
It feels like a spin off than a cartoon of the movies.
I was turn off after hearing that they going to have OC as main characters.
Star Wars sucks now
Everything that's not the main movie is doing pretty bad (even if they're good). Everyone likes Star Wars but only a very few are true believers.
Is resistance good?
I've only seen bits of early stuff and heard other opinions
Conclusion at the moment, it's really not. But I won't pretend to have the full scope and experience, if you're really curious, give it a look
Rey needs donkey teeth.
It is about Poe and BB8 meeting I think
I want to sniff Rey's human armpits!
Kylo Ren in DC.
Show about Rey avoiding getting raped
wut in tarnation is butter brickle
About them doing what?
Anyways there’s LEGO
>It feels like a spin off than a cartoon of the movies.
Because it is. There's never been a cartoon of the movies because the movies already exist. Lucasfilm has made it clear they're not too keen on telling the same story twice. Hence why we didn't see Scariff in Rebels. It's a miracle that the Thrawn comics exist.
It's a bit iffy, but it has potential. Most of the episodes is the protag getting himself into situations on account of his lack of ordinary life experience (he's a spoonfed rich kid who's the son of a Republic Senator), and his Nikto friend making things worse because he interprets EVERYTHING he hears literally. So, of course most of the first season is a slog. But in those slog episodes the only ones that really shine are the episodes when Poe comes around because he needs Kaz's help on a mission or two Those are the ones that give the show some much needed world-building. Beyond that, the season's plot only really picks up when the FO starts making major moves to take over the Colossus. The potential in the show lies with the season finale that basically ends with them moving the Colossus to an unknown location, effectively possibly removing them from the events of the ST and actually giving the show's staff much more creative freedom and not be bogged down by the garbage that JJ and Rian produced.
Doesn't Kaz's dad die in the starkiller attack?
No, his entire family dies. Not just his dad and only his dad.
that's good, I couldn't stand him in the few early eps I saw so hopefully that means he'll start going through some proper change
Ice Cream
As ridonkulus as that shit was, you're thinking of REBELS, user
>Nikto friend making things worse because he interprets EVERYTHING he hears literally
That’s literally the running jokes in the Guardians of the Galaxy Disney XD show. How can disney be this brain dead that THATS the only joke they like?
>Hurr Durr me alien species no understand sarcasm.
I hate it bros.
which is really weird because wasn't Clone Wars full of Niktos that behaved normally and understood social shit just fine like Hondo Onaka and his gang?
OK who cares
It's not his species though, it's just Neeku. At least we've not been given any indication that all Nikto don't understand sarcasm or lies.
No, wait, shit. Those guys were Weequay. Nevermind
>which is really weird because wasn't Clone Wars full of Niktos that behaved normally
I wouldn't exactly say full of, but yes.
>like Hondo Onaka and his gang?
Hondo and most of his gang were Weequay.
>How is thing
>*posts thing that's a completely different thing from what was asked about*
>user that's not thing
>w-well who cares a-anyway
nigga no
I just meant how the running joke in Guardians cartoon is Drax takes everything literally, like in this show, and it’s annoying how it’s the SAME dumb running joke “sarcasm isn’t part of their culture, so they act dumb becuase of it.’
>tfw we're never going to get anything as cool as Genndy Wars or TCW ever again
We're literally getting more TCW in a couple months though.
>Because it is. There's never been a cartoon of the movies because the movies already exist. Lucasfilm has made it clear they're not too keen on telling the same story twice. Hence why we didn't see Scariff in Rebels. It's a miracle that the Thrawn comics exist.
No, I mean clone wars type of show. Where they expand the characters of the movie. Instead of using OCs.
Because Disney killed all interest in the series
I still see TFA toys for sale at stores. The merch doesn't sell.