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>No Husbando Thread
I'm not mad, just disappointed

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Now I know we’re called the white man but this is ridiculous


It’s nice when your husbando ends up being the best character of his respective show.

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>Stop posting cartoons in Yea Forums

You better not be singling out Husbando threads.

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Time to post the chart!

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>Zack instead of Chase

Attached: 0c58b01c-0409-48e2-9398-b28ca5531fc3.gif (364x364, 985K)

Well Zack doesn't gulp down breath mints as an allegory for booze now does he?

Attached: 094fc8c67f0e218ec8a88a5acb31f8cd.png (1254x690, 832K)

You want husbandos, huh?
Presenting the Holy Quartet.

Attached: the holy quartet.png (1744x752, 608K)

who is this?

I prefer my husbandos to be waifus at the same time.

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That's not Ford

Attached: 250.jpg (250x250, 14K)

my gay self-insert fanfic about him has almost reached 60,000 words
not sure whether to be proud or ashamed

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Trannies have ruined him for me.


Doof is unironically lovable.

I unironicaly husbando my own OC. How autistic am I?

Is it just a bunch of random bullshit or is there a plot?

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Can I have 2 husbandos

Attached: 1562883113066.jpg (960x1134, 783K)

C'mon Geoff Johns, we know it's you.

Not very. Like half of all people who create OCs do so for waifuing/husbandoing purposes.

You’re damn right it’s not Ford.

Attached: 79618FFD-BE86-404C-8A7F-5190D816B684.png (1280x1271, 664K)

lmao good

Please rate my taste.

You inspire me. I hope to one day show as much love to my husbandos as you have yours.

You can have as many as you'd like.

Attached: Husbandos.png (1624x1084, 3.14M)

Too much anime for me/10
They are cute though

Oh what, you expect a line of men to just come appear in front of you one day to suck your ghostly cock? You know what they'll feel? NOTHING. You know what they'll taste when you jizz in their mouths? NOTHING.

Attached: mike-tyson-mysteries-gif-4.gif (427x282, 144K)

>A character from Sabrina Cotugno's webcomic
Oh, gross. Fuck off.

I don't even read the Webcomic. I just think he's handsome.

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Damn how could you tell

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Why can't he be real ;_;

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Sorry, not sorry

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Where would you take your Husbando to eat if you two were out on the town?

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Get Stan off your chart he deserves better than someone who only loves him for their fetish.

He seems like someone who’d gay for pay really really hard, if the money is right


Attached: shiro.jpg (640x1136, 41K)

Yeah he probably sucked cock at some point considering he’s been to prison but he deserves better than being on a fat chasing pedofag’s chart.

There is nothing wrong with having husbandos that cater to a particular fetish. My waifu chart is literally all silver hair women. Come at me!

chub chaser/10

it's not exactly random, everything is continuous and connected, but i wouldn't say it has a strong overarching plotline to it. it's mostly just me and kyle falling in love and then doing stuff together, and occasionally dealing with negative consequences as a result of our relationship (like cartman being a jackass and harassing us or our parents not approving).
worth mentioning my self-insert is aged-down because writing a story about an adult falling in love with a kid would be gross.

thanks user
my husbando inspires me

Attached: D_OEgmqUEAAIOzo.png (600x800, 244K)

Don’t ever go to tumblr to talk about South Park.

i don't anyway, but why not?

Attached: Husbandoes big.png (750x750, 1.16M)

I know a decent amount of these are technically Yea Forums but just humor me

Attached: waifu.png (1075x1073, 1.41M)

>the sniper from tf2
he does have a pretty hot accent

stop posting this in every thread

>stop talking about your husbando in husbando threads
based retard.

don't listen to this guy

Authority without question/10
Don't know Jack shit about Yea Forums, but good taste for everything else

Attached: no-i-dont-think-i-will.jpg (680x383, 33K)

How does anyone ever settle for a real man?

Be proud, I wish I had that drive, I've been working on a self-insert story for awhile in my head but never wrote it down.

Attached: scarecrowhusbandochart.png (1593x1600, 3.96M)

>How does anyone ever settle for a real man?
i don't/won't. i've had no interest in actual romantic relationships with women or men for a while now, even before i found my husbando.
now, i have even less interest in a romantic relationship with a real person. ultimately, nobody would ever be as perfect as he is, so why bother?

>Be proud, I wish I had that drive, I've been working on a self-insert story for awhile in my head but never wrote it down.
that's how mine started. you just have to, at some point, open up a document in a text editor and start writing stuff down. find a good point to start from and force yourself to write a couple pages.
now i work on it almost every day.

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> husbando is getting a new cinematic soon

I can almost taste it, Yea Forums.

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Which one?

The one in the middle, Lycus Dion. His new trailer was pure sex so I'm pretty hyped!

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this thread is too young to die

I need to do one of these all-one-husbando charts for the different looks/incarnations of my one true husbando, Hank McCoy, the Beast. I love him and I hope Hickman makes him all better. After reading Mutant X recently, I think just having him be bisexual in-canon, which isn't much of a stretch, and pairing him with Iceman would save the dumpster fire Bobby being gay has been so far.

I can tell you like to bone. Monsterboys were made to love.

Attached: Beast checks Paheal and e621 looking for some fun.jpg (1019x866, 82K)

forgot i made this

Attached: kylechart.jpg (1084x1084, 961K)

Post husbandos and others guess if you are a woman or gay.

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I also like this little green dude. I think it's his teeth. I wonder if he and Bunker fucked when they lived together? I mean, now that Nu52 never happened, it's not like it matters one way or the other.

Attached: 3169739 - Beast_Boy DC DCAU Teen_Titans dandi.png (851x1013, 462K)

i'm gonna guess gay

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Whether you mean all of them or just the beefy minotaur, gay either way. I'd like to get in the middle of any/all of them myself. I was and and here's a two-fer, if you want to play this game and guess me.

Attached: Shatterstar and Rictor - Whose blood is that.jpg (776x1200, 260K)

It needs more discussion. Rather than just post an image alone you should discuss why you like your husbando.

Not him, but for many reasons. I like Hank because he's everything a good husbando should be. He is brave enough to stand and fight for his people and his cause. He's caring towards everyone, and is capable of having long-lasting friendships. He has a fun, bubbly personality. He has a rocking body and giant hands and feet for added fun, with the stamina to do neat tricks like "Spider-Man kisses" or the back-breaking "stand and deliver" position. Never mind the luxurious fur. He's well-read and super-intelligent, but still soulful and spiritual while not being a condescending prick about his smarts. He isn't afraid to be physically-affectionate with people, and isn't afraid to express his opinions even when they aren't the popular consensus. He's open and shares his feelings when appropriate, but remains masculine and isn't a male bimbo. Like I said, he's everything every man should be. At least, when he's written consistently with his original characterizations up through the early 00s. I'm always happy when the other guy who has this same level of crush posts in here, so I hope he shows up to back me up. I'm poly, I can share.

Attached: avengers14 beast wonderman best friends.jpg (1192x687, 335K)

fair enough, makes sense
i like him because he's sweet and kind and always tries to do the right thing (although he's not perfect and fucks up sometimes). he's generally pretty selfless though, and is almost always willing to help people in need, which i think is admirable. in a lot of ways, including the ones i just listed, he's the opposite of me as a person. but i think having someone like him in my life (actually, no, not someone like him. just him. sadly it's impossible) would do me a lot of good.
although we are alike in some ways as well. we've both got a bit of a temper, although mine is a lot worse. we also both get self conscious about things really easily if anybody or anything gives us reason to, even if its not a good reason. we're also both way too forgiving with people we like (friends, family) who've wronged us in serious ways.
also he's cute as hell

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He is pretty much like my irl father but in cartoon form and I am very attached to my dad.


Who's to the left of Swampert

I'm not gay, but if one of these guys carried me princess style out of a burning building and told me that everything was going to be alright, maybe I'd suck his dick or something, I don't know

Attached: Husbandos.png (1230x1230, 2.04M)

does optimus prime even have a dick to suck

Well, if he does, I'm going to find and suck it.


Thank god my taste in real men is nothing like my taste in fictional men (aside from strictly appearance wise) or I'd be fucked

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whats your dream date with your husbando?

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You're alright, user

Attached: tumblr_o4kiw2L7II1r2st15o1_1280.png (1280x1100, 674K)

Going to taco bell four in the morning with Deadpool while making awkward jokes

Do people have a thing for dumbass cute guys or it just me?

Attached: Deadpool_Chimichanga_Truck_Taco_Holder_Whatever_Else_f51bd71f-507c-4086-8fbf-f564c8c11726_large.jpg (345x270, 32K)

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wtf let's be friends now

Kino taste

Kino taste

I think we have similar taste but I exclusively want to top all these guys. What does that say about my personality? And where do I find guys who are up for that, uh god damn

You're definitely a girl.
Midnighter will never love you.

the one in the black hair

Attached: come out come out where ever you are kairu.png (1366x768, 1.84M)

A third of the chart is either gay or incapable of loving anyone except themselves, loving me is irrelevant.

tfw like half of my fictional crushes are dead or in limbo

Attached: husbandos co_.png (1075x1073, 1.74M)

Give me all of your edge

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John from Little Buddy by Meesh.


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Based. He's an underrated husbando.

>Halnestro art I haven't seen before

This is genuinely the first time this has happened in a depressingly long time.

depends on the situation, I can think of instances that are either great or absolutely horrible

R8 please.

Elder god tier taste

Deadpool is a great husbando though, user. Dumbass qts in general are kino but Wade in particular is special because of how damaged he is. I just want to take care of him and buy him food.
Also how extremely eager to please he is while being tsundere about it makes him extremely hot to me

Attached: husbandos.jpg (1404x1408, 794K)

Way too much Yea Forums but thats some really good taste user

Attached: bakshi husbandos.jpg (3264x1088, 367K)

It just depends on how he’s drawn

Attached: Yendor is Huabando.png (792x2288, 1.52M)


it's still classified as a comic jackass

Attached: webcomic.png (1266x726, 509K)

A Japanese webcomic, which like all Japanese comics, belong in Yea Forums.

I like you.
You're alright, too.

Attached: husbandos.jpg (1230x1192, 561K)

You're really into guys who could very easily kill you.

>Waifu Thread deleted this morning
>Husbando Thread left alone
what did the jannies mean by this?


Attached: not a hero.png (660x352, 411K)


Holy fuck, pick up a book sometime.

Looks like Corto Maltese.

Well that's just uncalled for isn't it?

Attached: 1558818296915.jpg (440x440, 15K)

No. This is a comic book board. If you can't recognise the style of one of the most classic artists in the medium you need to shut up, stop posting and lurk more.

Has it ever occured to you that maybe I don't read comics or maybe never heard of this one? Just because this is a Comics and Cartoon board doesn't mean I follow both mediums. There are Anons who admit to not read comics and vice versa

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You don't get it, do you? No one needs to spoonfeed you anything. There's a board for making requests. Learn to stay silent and lurk, newfriend.

Alright. You're just a prick. Good to know.

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Why must new people like yourself scream and cry instead of learning the rules of the places in which they want to post?

Dude. All I am asking for is who that guy is. I know Jack shit about comics because I come here for the cartoons. You know more than me, so I asked you.

>if you can't recognize every single art style then you need to lurk more
fuck you're a stupid cunt, this board is called comics AND cartoons. just because it has comics in the title doesn't mean you need to be a fucking comics aficionado to post here. retard.
asking a question is not a request, retard, nor is it against the rules.

Attached: 1562184066650.jpg (567x531, 51K)

I agree that he's being an asshole; not everyone has read or seen everything ever made, and I didn't know what it was either. If you click the arrow next to the post number, you can reverse image search. It says Corto Maltese is the comic source. The people against so-called "spoonfeeding" are usually either elitists who don't enjoy sharing their hoarded "knowledge" or egomaniacs who don't want to share their "secret internet club" that doesn't function without people to post on it. Hank would never hoard knowledge; he's a good teacher.

Attached: Beast - Fleer Ultra X-Men '92 - Card Image.jpg (736x1036, 428K)

hank seems like a cool guy

Attached: 1504637154066.png (391x497, 306K)

Do newfags really not know about reverse image search?

That is one of the many reasons why he is my husbando.

Attached: Ultimate Henry McCoy, the Beast , by Adam Kubert.jpg (380x567, 40K)


I only need two. Slinkman from Camp Lazlo and Haida from Aggretsuko.

Attached: 480C95AB-7972-447D-8174-88D7257A5DF6.jpg (474x443, 68K)

Still can’t believe someone filled this for you.

fucking amazing!

Two people did independently. One drew the Yea Forums part and the other drew the Yea Forums part. And all I want to do is share this beautiful image with everyone now that I have it in my possession.

These two have superb taste. I really appreciate the prevalence of villains and monsters on some of these charts. It makes me feel lovable.

t. Aspiring supervillain aching for a chance to abandon his humanity

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Great design, shit personality.

An underrated choice

Attached: Richie.png (432x323, 176K)


he's unironically one of my favorite characters in the show.

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Lol okay

This is from an official comic.

Attached: file.png (644x363, 169K)

What show is this dude from? He looks beta and I’m all for it. I’m the user for and I think he might be in the same effeminate vain as them.

Larry from Gumball.

Omg, what? You take that back, Haida is masculine and alpha.

Attached: index.jpg (960x539, 59K)

the first time I got a boner for a man in his 60s

Obscure, and not really Yea Forums but top tier

Attached: harlin1_fullsize.png (270x390, 159K)

He’s pathetic and that’s what I love about him. I love pathetic men. Slinkman is pathetic as well. Beta if you please. They’re both submissive to everyone and keep their emotions bottled up inside, but their voices are my favorite. Clear, basic, yet high pitched enough that you can tell they’re beta. I love them so much, I want to cum on them.

It's stupid how much I love him. I was denied more Brothers Avarius content.

Attached: dennis.png (500x281, 116K)

Dennis is so good and honestly such a good brother to Ludo, this is one good husbando here.

why am i crushing over legos.

Attached: gc.png (1018x752, 253K)

What even happened with Ludo? Didn't Star kill the entire non-human cast?

Too many boys
Grow up and start liking men

Dude, Dennis truly is the best husband. He presses all the right buttons:
>high pitched voice
>family oriented
>socially awkward ("we must go by wing m'lady")
>likes animals
...and he can take you flying? Seriously. The dream bf.

Ludo and the other monsters are not magical beings, so they survived. Dennis attempted to buy back the Avarius ancestral property given to them by Crescenta Butterfly, however he signed a deed designed to trick him out of the property. Ludo confronts the land baron and likely kills him. Ludo enlists the help of the rest of the Avarius siblings to rebuild the castle. At the end of the series, Ludo and Dennis are seen playing basketball outside Castle Avarius and Ludo invites Star to play a game with them.

I could honestly write 15 paragraphs about Avarius family lore and my speculations based on the show and the books but I'll contain my autism.

Attached: ludo's gonna say the L word.jpg (640x329, 32K)

At least they got a good ending.

Mmm. True. Which is more than a lot of characters and plot threads got.

With that said, there's a lot that could be explored with them. Ludo was objectively the best written character in the series and the fact he didn't play a bigger role in the finale was a massive let down to me.

Attached: tumblr_p5hpooC5cD1r29wy9o2_1280.png (989x865, 198K)

I’m in the midst of writing a fanfic for my crackship as well. And I’ll actually post it when I’m finished unlike the kylefag.

what characters?

Look at what I replied to dumbfuck

How would I have known you weren't someone else replying to him?!

I just realized I phrased my first reply wrong. I’m sorry about that, but I am working on a fanfic for that original picture.

fucking A, can't wait!

Badgerclops is better. And possibly gay.

You're possibly gay.

gotta go with the hornse

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Inb4 3dp

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Attached: Coopoffical (1).jpg (1280x1024, 262K)

You're possibly right.

I love these threads

Attached: Husbando chart.jpg (1225x1225, 372K)

>both Brooklyn and Goliath

What if you only had to pick one, user?

he's perfect for me
obviously nobody is actually perfect
but his flaws are almost what i like most about him
he's a better person than i am, that's for sure

Attached: 1562399301274.png (618x521, 220K)

He’s a child

yeah, he is
when i imagine us together though i imagine myself as i was when i was his age
i also don't lewd him

I need to make a husbando chart; would someone mind kindly posting the template, pretty please?

I like men of all shapes and sizes, but bigger men have the advantage when it comes to cuddling. Here's something to add to your collection if you don't already have it, and sorry for the quality, I didn't make the picture.

Attached: 1555985104305.jpg (1125x1875, 1.01M)

here you go dude

Attached: 1562359874519.png (1075x1073, 41K)

He's fat

jonathan is my one and only. my love, my savior, my light in the darkness.

i only feel somewhat outdone. we should be friends.

Attached: husbandochart.jpg (684x684, 205K)

Thank-you! Now to get to sloppily chopping this together, like I'm Doctor Frankenstein and I don't have a date for the prom or something.

Attached: yessssssssss massssterrrrrr.gif (450x245, 1.02M)

Probably Brooklyn. His cool guy attitude is what I like about him.

supreme taste

Everyone in this thread is a girl right?

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nope, i'm a guy
can't speak for anyone else though

Attached: 1506253891898.jpg (500x700, 96K)

i'm a girl but i'm like 100% sure this thread is more than half dudes.

Nope. I'm a gay.

What made you decide to do that instead of imagine him grown up to your current age?

because its cute this way
and i dont want to change his character in the ways that would require. i like him the way he is in the show, and in the show hes a kid. cringey as im sure it may sound, the version of him in the show is the one i fell in love with, not an aged up version of him. its also easier for me to write myself as a kid than it would be to write kyle as an adult.
i also never had much of a childhood i guess so in a weird way it lets me get closer to having one.
but mainly, its super cute.

>He thinks girls are real

All good boys

Attached: husbandos v4.jpg (1066x1595, 431K)

Every damn thread, fuck off fag

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Based and lizardpilled
I'm still salty at the lack of screentime he had.

Attached: Toffee.png (390x332, 264K)

>look at husbando thread
>it’s mostly women posting their shit taste

I prefer his true/monster form tho. While I'm at it Dedan's hot too.

Attached: tumblr_inline_muzysiXrXZ1r1eok5.gif (400x225, 321K)

I may be a woman, but I have no shame.

>but he’s gay, user!

That reveal appeared too late in the series for me to consider it canon.

Attached: E7743277-6F54-4B0C-BD62-8176FF85F20D.jpg (685x960, 156K)

Goddamn that is some great fucking taste

Why you had to remind me of such a sad, suffering husk of a comic.

Attached: 1525469121531.jpg (500x379, 46K)

Pig disgusting
Real men are shit

I believe the phrase, in the parlence of the times, is "bitch go off". Jonathan was my first serious husbando. In high school I owned every comic about him. Ever read "Sack Cloth and Chicken Soup"? It's the best Scarecrow fanfiction. It did what that controversial Darth Vader comic did but a thousand times better. Anyway, I've since converted to BTAS Jervis Tetch.

I'm a grill. It's pretty easy to differentiate them. Gays like fat guys or muscular men. Women like lanklets, woobies, and villains.

Very nice. And yes, Dennis is a good boy. Thank you.

Dude, I'm . Toffee wasn't even my husbando, but I'm fucking bitter over how his character was treated. I was annoyed enough when I just thought he was scrapped after his titular episode. I was very frustrated by how he was brought back in Meteora's Lesson. Like yeah, teenaged Thriller-jacket Toffee was fun, but the episode legitimately felt like Nefcy flipping off everyone who wanted a more indepth portrayal of the character. They reduced him to an opportunistic sadistic bully when he always seemed a touch better than that.

Seriously, at least my husbando got to have a conclusion. I cannot imagine how (pernamently erect, bungee cord like, and scaly) cockblocked Toffee fans must feel.


The best

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