ITT: Boomer memes.
I'll start.
ITT: Boomer memes.
I'll start.
Way to out yourself as a tastelet, idiot.
I can see where it might have been great for its time, but it's basically just another "chosen ones save the universe" with a unique art-style. Not unique enough to make it worth reading.
Not a good way to start a thread, but I'm not a fan of it either. Moebius is one of my favorite artists, but I still didn't care for this one.
The Incel
>But Monsieur Jodorowsky, we do not have ₣15,000,000 to pay Salvador Dali to masturbate on a live peacock for 15 seconds!
>Then I will make my own Dune! With blackjack! And hookers!
This shit is so fucking nuts
Here's a better one.
Why even try to make Dune if you can't afford it?
anyway i can get a copy of this without the bendis forwards?
Dalí would have done that for free
Kek I love it when people repost my work.
Is there a better way to get into Moebius? I tried to start with the Incal because I loved Jodoworsky's movies and Gravity Rush, but I couldn't get into it.
They should've just filmed his meetings. I would have killed to be a fly on the wall during these talks.
pic related is about 1000% better than Incal or what I've read of Metabarons
Getting him in English is pretty fucked sadly. Dark Horse has that recent line of hardcovers, but honestly none of it is his best work and they haven't announced a new volume since the last one came out a year ago. Dark Horse why are you determined to die off, just fucking print Arzach or Airtight Garage
So the Silver Surfer Parable is probably the best thing of his in English you can easily find
He didn't draw Metabarons
I know, I just figured as long as I was calling one Jodorowsky work overrated I might as well throw another one under the bus.
i exist in a world inhabited by pieces of shit like everyone in this thread. im out, dont @ me you ugly plebs.
OP is a faggot
Explain why The Incal still deserves any recognition outside of its historical place.
You sound like someone who reads too much TV Tropes
Get a load of that poor individual's tastes.
Get yourself Arzach. If I remember correctly there's no text inside.
Wouldn't this thread have gone much better (working from the premise the OP isn't just shit posting, which he is) if the argument for the Incal's general irrelevance was articulated?
It's in bad faith to state an argument with no validation and then expect others to do more work with any counterarguments.
rot in hell nigger
His short comic The Long Tomorrow is a good introduction to him if your aren't a fan of Western comics he usually did like Blueberry
Have sex