Cast 'em.
>shirtless hairy Cavill
Yes please
>wanted to suggest Powers Boothe for Kraven
>find out he died
They don't know Sony are making a Kraven movie for the Venom Cinematic Universe?
Kraven is great, seems like a logical next choice but
Have we really hit that bottom of the barrel for Spider-man villains already? What about the Chameleon, or Scorpion? Or a 'good' Electro/Rhino?
People want Spot because his power set is really cool and can be utilized in creative ways. You could do some really imaginative action sequences with him in a movie. He doesn't really have any memorable story arcs though.
Spot's entire thing is having an insanely good power and being a full retard though.
You make him competent and you've suddenly gotten rid of what makes the spot spot.
Kraven sadly probably won't happen because Sony still wants to give him his own movie for some reason.
Then again, maybe Sony could have Kraven show up in a Spider-Man movie in order to build actual interest in the character from general audiences, and THEN give him his own movie, would be far more logical.
The fact that they even acknowledged The Spot is awesome.
Although his powers aren't exactly anything new since Strange can do the same thing.