Why did this show decline in quality so hard?

Why did this show decline in quality so hard?

Attached: OK-KO-Lets-Be-Heroes.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

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You know this show has a lot of interesting girls, and my favorite is Demon Queenie.

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It was shit from the start.

It was made by a nigger, it wasn’t going to have quality to begin with. Unless SS2Sonic is on board

Better then the rest of the trash on the network

Lol, no.

OK KO is probably the worst cartoon in the decade.

>Better then the rest


Demon Queenie hasn’t shown up in these new episode of OK KO show and neither does her friends in the Point prep sega.

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alright than

Declines insinuate this show used to look better that what it does now. The only thing consistent about that show is how inconsistent it was in animation and writing.

>Why did this show decline in quality so hard?
What Quality?

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Like in perfect high definition.

Not enough funds.

Need new slut moments.

it didn't

Drawfag On Queenie.


You mean it got WORSE? Holy shit.

I dunno, OP, why did it? Let's hear YOUR opinion.

It didn't, it's obviously just not the show for you.

at least we got some R34 fuel from this show

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the only way this show could get any worse is by removing the thicc thighs

the red one looks over designed compared to the rest

only now I noticed Black Strategy is a satanist

yeah because she's a semi-major character, do you even watch the show

It exists only to fill a time slot, no need effort is required.

it was made by rebecca sugar's fuckboy

what do you expect?

SU is also a dumpster fire

no one has to watch the show to know it's shit

It would have to have been good at any point for there to have been a decline.

They turned Enid into a lesbian
No joke that killed a lot of interst people had in the show. People dont want gay waifus

Wanna bet we gonna get a Seven shippuden after the show ends?

I think they sid she bi, she even dated Rad in the show. but they only pair her with girls, which is great for porn, not so much for the show

the creator is in cahoots with rebecca sugar's lesbian agenda

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Only pairing her with girls was a mistake. Like it or most people dont want their waifu to be gay/big
Well they did make that preachy gun control episode

It didn't. There was no quality to begin with.

is that an edit? they're pretty shapely

In fact the 3rd and final season has only just started with the actual original premise of the show, while improving some of the animation quality (fights are still really bad). Not sure why we got so much furfag dogshit, 4th wall breaks, "DUDE CROSS-OVERS LMAO" and retarded propaganda episodes until it finally got axed instead of just leading with this shit.

What part of sucrose fuckboy do you not understand

The creator inherited her bad writing skills

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Since I know he reads these threads: real fucking professional, Ian. We try and launch our series and you have your autistic fans spamming about your show on our announcement? Whose fault is this I wonder? Maybe we'll launch a #fuckian tag next time you're trying to get a project off the ground. Fucking idiot.

What is your series?

What series
The fuck are ya talking about

truth is, the game was rigged from the start

Retard alert!

We do know that you need to have watched the show for your opinion to matter.

Can you describe where the show has began to decline? Because to me it just seems to still be the same as always.

The show had some good designs, its just that the animation is not consistent enough and the humor is too surreal to make them look good in every episode.

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What the fuck are you talking about? You're making yourself look like an idiot.

What did he mean by this? He can't just post this without giving more information.

Are you talking abouf MaoMao?

Giving Enid Elephant feet was a mistake.

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Anyone else think Rad's kinda hot?

why turn Rad into a fish guy when he is obviously based on Piccolo

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He's talking about the CN twitter. Ian told people to spam them about OK KO.

That early concept art, Before Rad was a counterfeit Piccolo.

>crossing out the two best girls

Shame on you.

It's legit.

>had some good designs
stop lying

She's not bi. The comfirmation was false, a Blatant Lie.

but she still gay right? otherwise I misinterpreted some scenes with Red Action

Mega for s3?

Ian confirmed in an AMA that Enid is bi and Red is full gay.


This. If you don't like the quality, then maybe the show isn't for you. I, on the other hand, think that the continuity and humor improved a lot.

the fuck you talking about
the latter half of season 1 had more iffy eps than the first half, but season 2 is an improvement over season 1, and season 3 is an improvement over season 2

I like the new art direction

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Would you guys believe me if I said they didn't actually change background artists between seasons? because they didn't, it's the same people as late season 2 (including some people who have been on the show since the start)

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still looks like shit

We need a side-by-side of both versions of this shot, the one from “Let’s Be Heroes” and “We Are Heroes!”

> Ian confirmed in an AMA that Enid is bi and Red is full gay.

do you have a source for that?


>r/Nintendo Switch

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He was promoting the game at the time.


Nice basic shapes without detail

I'm seeing the "enid is bi" thing but no "rad is gay" comment

>I remember hearing somewhere on the web that Red Action's VA said she (Red Action) was gay. Is that true? And is Enid really bi? (I know she had a sticker of it on her helmet in one episode)
>True and True.

I probably should've said Red Action instead of just Red.

>gay waifu
If Red was straight more people would have watched the show
You would not believe the amount of people that get into a show just because a character is attractive

my mistake. I thought you meant "rad" as in "radicles" not "red"

it's so grainy I'm sure it's going to end up deep fried.

>Rad's abs, muscles, and butt

>decline in quality
It never has quality

Not watching something is the literal definition of knowing jack shit about it.

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I like how they just dropped this whole hero team stuff after the first few episodes and noq its back to same old outfits same old working there with no spark boi.

Shut the fuck up dummy it's good all throughout, just because you don't personally enjoy it doesn't mean that you have to blame the show for it.
You just don't like it, it's okay not to like things you don't have to jump through a hoop to justify it to the internet you big pussy.

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I like the game, it's a fun little beat em up. Also they have their own roboenid design before the AU episode not my screencap (which means I can now com porn of the two robot Enids lessing out)

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I don't know about you but OKKO has spawned a lifetime's supply of quality entertainment for me.

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Was in a thread where they thought they could hide it by only censoring out the last 3-2 digits.
Anons found it in mere minutes and someone made a 200 dollar purchase for a body pillow with the retard's card.

That's fucking hilarious.

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Ian Lied. His Reddit response is not 100% accurate, he could meant anything else, like admiring the idea but not really willing to input it canonly. just like voltron, lying and baiting

Her VA Lied.

I stopped watching when enid came back from the academy, should I pick it back up?

Just admit that you were hoping Red was straight.

It's been hit and miss from the start even for the people who like it for being a campy mess of a show.

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I want Fink to rape me and birth the dozens of our anthro rat daughters.

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OK K.O. is very inconsistent in terms of quality. It's mostly average episodes with a few great one and a few awful ones sprinkled in. It honestly baffles me.

There's nothing to admit. Ian baited and Lied. Were there any kiss between R/E in Season 2 finale? I don't think so.

>entire school arc was fine
>back to townies and KO learning literally nothing
I know it's supposed to be long term and rattling keys in front of babies but sheesh what happened to the Family genre? As in people over 6 can be entertained by more than in jokes and references the target audience will never get.

That's quite a classic. Up there with fixing HDs with magnets, deleting Sys32, and making magical crystals. No idea if anyone actually fell for the last one. Hope not, since it's deadly and a step too far even for 00's Yea Forums.

the first of the two hero team episodes shows KO switching back to his old outfit to return to work (before having to switch back once told they had another mission) so presumably they're still working around at the bodega during their off time

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probably the best boarders writing wise are Parker Simmons (the guy who left to work on Mao Mao), Stevie Borbolla (the gal with the very flat, zany art stlyle), and Ryann Shannon (the gal who came up with a lot of the stuff behind Venomous and Fink, and was partnered with Parker during season 1 and Stevie during later seasons)

Holy shit, he responds like such a spazz. Did someone drop 10 servings of strong coffee into his cup before doing the AMA?

That's what happens with the current system that just lets individual boarders write stuff with a lot of autonomy. You can tell if the episode will be good or bad by the name of the attached boarder. On one side that's a system that lets people's creativity shine trough, letting us see writing from people who's voice would be muffled and diluted otherwise, on the flip side, people who are weak writers and/or shitty artists have no support, so they just consistently deliver weak off-model episodes. I really think Ian should step in and either unite these weak boarders into a group for support, look trough their output and demand better when they turn in weak shit, or even fire them and replace them with someone new if they just keep turning in garbage. The problem is that Ian is as weak of a show runner as his wife and can't keep people in line.


I just need to see a single frame to tel that looks like shit

Fuck off.

I've been watching it since the second half of the first season and think that it's improved a lot since season 2, save for a few small hiccups. On a side note, I love how that GIF makes its way into K.O. threads.

What boarders would you say are the good ones (visually) vs the ones that aren't

I really don't remember the names anymore. Dropped out of the fandom some months ago from all the hiatuses. The rankings were pretty agreed upon, so it was objective, at least as far as this the general was concerned.

>I really think Ian should step in and either unite these weak boarders into a group for support
or, y'know, just hire writers.

they do have writers; the outlines are written by Ian, Toby Jones, Dave Tennant (the show's story editor), and Erin Shade

>or, y'know, just hire writers.
Yes, because that worked for Spongebob, The Loud House, Star Vs., etc.

here's the board teams, in case that helps rack your memory

Attached: OK KO season 1 boarders.png (805x356, 49K)

Attached: OK KO season 2 boarders.png (946x273, 29K)

Attached: OK KO season 3 boarders.png (880x62, 9K)

I honestly watch it only for the villains.

>Implying I ever gave a rats' ass about blatant tryhard lesb, the necessary funny kid

Rad's the only one I barely even chuckle at and even he's a total Johnny Bravo. I'm in it more for rip-off N. Gin, the fucked up guy I'm sure gets chicks aroused but will inevitably be also gay for N. Gin and the rat, even though she's a bit cliché as well, but at least her design doesn't make me want to barf and is just a punk rat and lives up to it.

Ian JQ was at RTX Austin and someone on instagram swiped some pics and vids

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the user didn't get any footage of Ian talking about them, but it looks like Jenny was simultaneously proto-Dendy and proto-Red Action

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>broke a love interest into two love interests
KO cucks Enid with Red when?

Enid cucks KO with Dendy when?

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she's cute. like a classic egoraptor character.

It is the same kind of thing as steven universe, but lacks even the promise of a plot or the barest attempt to stay somewhat close to the character models

But non one cares about Dendy. She's annoying, mean and has Asperger's.

fuck off summerfag

I can only think of two episodes where she was "mean," and they were both back in season one.

Cheap calarts trying to be anime was already scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The writing is great, but the animation is just too cheap.

>draw some shitty, squampy figures
>try to be comedy anime-style
>thick, penciled, ed edd n eddy outlines
>try to play off the lack of consistency in character design as "intentional"

The show is fun overall, and has some decent lore, but the calarts pseudo-hand-drawn artstyle is just lazy work from an untalented creator that got the show hookup from Sugar.

you know the animation IS actually hand drawn; that's how most korean studios still operate, to the point where studios that do all their animation digitally (like Sugarcube) outright advertise the fact they do so as if it were some kind of gimmick

>hand drawn
>still full of animation errors played off as "hey it's supposed to look like it was drawn by a high-school freshman on a notebook!"

ya goof

what errors? Sure the characters are (delibrately) inconsistent, but actual honest to god errors (like bottom left of pic related) are about as rare as most other shows (As in rarely)

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you know with shows like OK KO and SU, the showrunners have to go out of their way to tell the animators to draw them off model; if they hadn't the show would be a lot more on-model (like not entirely consistent, but if we want to talk about shows that don't go out of their way to be off-model, while Rough Draft is the most inconsistent animation studio on Star vs, it's still way more consistent than if they conformed to the boards like the studios on SU and OK KO)

not him and i don't know about any errors
the animation is just plain shitty, it's that simple

that's fucking blake

Isn't it because the storyboarders purposely make it look like shit and instruct to keep it the way it's drawn though.

When are we getting a Pird episode?

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How fucked would the plaza be if this nigga showed up?

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KO is for Fink so no one would care

>Dendy could've been a spunky cool-looking goblin girl.

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Very little, power level is 1. Enid and Rad would probably get annoyed and tell KO to handle it.

So when is the dark and edgy version showing up?

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I think "lol we're not following any animation principles on purpose" is just meant to hide the fact that everyone on the project is a bunch of amateurs who can't keep themselves on-model and draw to standards to save their lives.

Goblin > Kappa

Go back to Yea Forums, nigger.

Easily. Goblin girls are ridiculously underrated. The tech savvyness and the evil race prejudice would make a lot more sense as well. I mean what the fuck kind of weeb shit is a kappa? A goblin Dendy would need a cute mischievous goblin girl attitude instead of her distant amphibian creature autism though.

I was the one who made the post, he actually did it. I hope he changed his info.

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>2400 ATTACK

Attached: 1556652245689s.jpg (196x250, 6K)

I'll do you one better (or in this case worse).
>2300 atk.

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Hire good ones, not just "friends" that just happen to write

>muh character models
OK K.O.!’s strict adherence to capturing the board artists’ drawings works its advantage. This is one of the most visually unique shows this decade. They toy around with angles, character expressions, visual AND sfx gags like no other show could ever hope to achieve. Plus, the show’s use of color is fucking phenomenal.

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>why is show unpopular
>list reasons why it's unpopular
>that black guy who runs the show: "n-no muh angles are the best"

Fuck you and your jew wife too

>using Jew as an insult
This ain’t it, Chief.

I respect your opinion but I haven’t seen this show as unpopular, considering all of the praise and hate it gets.

Yeah the first 5 eps and dendy were good

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From what I can tell, the staff just did whatever they wanted and what was most fun.
But unfortunately, that sometimes does not mean that it is fun to watch for the viewer.

>This is one of the most visually unique shows this decade
so was 12 oz mouse
it's because no one wants to copy shit to make more shit

Why is the hatebase for this cartoon so retarded? They don’t know shit about animation or storyboarding. Are they zoomers repelled by the idea of not animating in puppet rigged toonboom?

>plotfagging a comedy cartoon
>comparing what the OK KO crew does with flexible animation for effect vs SU team’s incompetence


What animation principles are they not following? Be specific.

>the most visually interesting cartoon on television gets lambasted by retards for not looking like the rest of the soulless shit out there

What the fuck

>They don’t know shit about animation or storyboarding
so they're the same level as the staff?

>show introduces plot
>never delivers
>"i-it's just a comedy bro"

Don't introduce a multi-episode plot to your fucking """comedy""" if you don't want people asking "where's the fucking plot?".

>30yo millennial soiboi is upset no one likes his "quirky" decision to ensure no character is ever on-model

It’s an underlying element to add intrigue, not the point of the show. Plotfags are fucking braindead morons.

It’s not a millennial idea, this shit was preached by John K in the 90’s and put to use many years before that. You are advocating for soulless cardboard cutout Hannah Barbera shit. If you’re so afraid of a cartoon acting like a cartoon maybe you should go watch live action, don’t worry, they are never off model.

not him, but I always get a chuckle at fags like you trying to defend the show's overall shittiness by claiming it's all these different things

>it's a post-modern animation
>it's a throwback to newgrounds/hannah-barbara
>it's a le wacky cartoon in the vain of ed edd n eddy, but also has the angle changes of anime

these excuses, and they are excuses, are just more proof how pathetic the show is. the numbers don't lie for how unpopular it is when even steven universe and ttg come closer to pulling in 1M viewers every time

>appeal to popularity
>unable to actually articulate the appeal of the show

It’s not post modern or Hannah Barbera shit. It’s cartooning in the real sense of the word. The cartooning that brought us the renaissance of the 90’s. Characters actually bend and warp for effect, like Aeon Flux or Ren and Stimpy. You are so used to literal soulless flash cartoons from canada your brain is incapable of seeing real animation anymore. OK KO is one of the best looking cartoons on television, and this isn’t really up for debate.

>OK KO is one of the best looking cartoons on television
now i know you're lying

Nope. 100% completely sincere. The fact that it isn’t motion tweened or CGI already puts it in the top 10%.


>The fact that it isn’t motion tweened or CGI already puts it in the top 10%.
So you think technique makes it good looking? You could get some old school Disney hand-drawn shit produce this show and making it look exactly the same, and it's still would be shit. lol Put "Yea Forums doesn't know shit about animation" next to "Yea Forums doesn't read comics".

>do you think technique makes it good looking
It makes it better than those who use alternate techniques. Anyone using tweenshit is automatically worse. You don’t know shit about cartoons and your spamming in every OK KO thread is WITCHfag tier autistic.

tweening is a tool and any tool can be made to look good as long as the creators know what they're doing
here's the kicker though, the creators of this don't

No. They’re zoomers repelled by the idea of genuinely enjoying a fun, harmless cartoon.

>n fact the 3rd and final season has only just started with the actual original premise of the show
oh really? did it drop the capeshit and and went to being vidyashit? if true I'll go back.


>He doesnt use flute of summoning dragon

Attached: TheFluteofSummoningDragon-SS02-EN-C-1E.png (470x694, 734K)

I concur.

>harmless cartoon
Sure, but then why are you so bothered by even the slightest negative thing said about this show? And how come you lot seem to always go on about the show's "harmless fun"? Seems like it's doing you some harm, if you always feel the need to point out how "harmless" it is.

I don't really think it got worse at all - if anything it feels like it got better. The early episodes were clearly just the writers fucking around and I didn't enjoy them as much as the original Lakewood Plaza Turbo pilot.

wtf the dark haired chick is literally Blake


Be my guest, go trough these and think back to the show. They are missing most of them most of the time and some of them some of the time:

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I enjoy this show but the animation is pretty damn weak for the most part and I wish people would just accept that, instead of feeling a compulsion to defend it just because it's one of the few current-era cartoons to do FBF without cel rigs or tweens. Nothing about it past the opening sequence has ever really impressed animation-wise, for the same reasons others in this thread have mentioned. There's series that take more shortcuts with the animation and yet look better.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1600x900, 412K)

Am I insane? I love the animation style and the dumb stretched out faces and expressions and shit. It feels like a real fucking cartoon. Maybe I'm just burnt out and bitter from being an ex-Steven Universe fan who despised how it managed to be off model at times without doing anything funny with it. Just piss poor quality control.

It's the same piss-poor quality control you see here but some of is hidden behind trying to be like old slapstick cartoons but failing miserably because the team has no experience or talent for animation. It's visually worse, but more entertaining to the eye.

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I honestly can't goddamn wait for the OST of this cartoon to be released.

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I got a chick anyway.

the animation is "standard overseas korean animation"-tier. It moves like pretty much any
other modern show animated in Korea; the negatives of it's animation aren't UNIQUE to the show like you guys make it out to be. Same stock korean animation look plagues shows like Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Steven Universe, seasons 2+ of star vs, etc. Nothing about your complaints are unique to OK KO

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God this cartoon has such a hideous style half the time. The designs themselves aren't even bad but the individual drawings get so lazy and I hate the "ball-fists"

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>that outfit
looking good Ernesto.

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>four fingers on one hand
>five fingers on the other

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That's a gross exaggeration, but I am neither very fond of this cartoon, it never felt properly done, something that even mass produced Canadian cartoons actually do. It is a conceptual mess.

because shitting on things is epic and cool in there warped brain, ritualistically stalking every thread on the subject to shit on i using the same 5 pictures for a year plus, scouring the staffs social media in an attempt to find outrage fuel for a hive mind, spouting epic memes in place of opinions with some actual fucking substance, are all fine and dandy in there eyes.

So what?

Well since no one else wants to say it, I'll just detail what the fuck happened here

Ok KO dropped in quality literally after the first 10 episodes. But if you watch the first few episodes, you'll get an actually compelling KO.

That's right, for the first few episodes, KO actually had a personality.

What happened? I have literally no clue. After a few episodes they decided to flanderize him and make his entire personality "oh he's adorable and naive!"

After which, a lot of the more interesting parts of the show died;
- His rivalry with radicles died because he was too naive to distrust him
- it was implied that he could and would become arrogant if given the chance, but now he's too pure for that. Remember that episode where his card glitches and he gets a 100 powerlevel?
- His characterization basically grinded to a halt

I think the lesson we should take from this is that it's okay to have a naive MC but don't overdo it like this show did

KO's been pretty compelling in season 3, especially in TKO Rules and The KO Trap

You're full of shit.

Sesaon 1 Folder is missing episodes:

33 "We Got Hacked"
34 "Rad Likes Robots"
35 "KO's Video Channel"
38 "Plazalympics"
40 "Let's Take a Moment"
41 "Villains' Night Out"
42 "Villains' Night In"
43 "Plaza Shorts"
53/54 "You're in Control"

Anyone know a MEGA where I can obtain them?

>His rivalry with radicles
Are you just talking about Rad jokingly belittling KO in “Jethro’s All Yours”? That was literally one episode. KO and Rad have always been total bros.

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Radicles was straight up making fun of him.

They should've continued with that dynamic. In modern ko they talk about how radicles just acts tough but he never actually acts tough. He's at best a normie, and typically just really sensitive. Back when ko had a bite to him, we actually got to see radicles persona at work.

You'd never see an episode now where radicles calls ko simple and ko stews about it for the whole episode now. Ko would probably misinterpret it to be a complement somehow, and radicles would end up apologizing before the episode ends

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which board team has the funniest eps?

This could be turned into porn.

Ok ko consistently gets laughs out of me

>lol it looks shitty on purpose so it's okay!

Get yo mind outta the gutter

But it's so fun here!

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>how's it feel to get raped, mama's boy

Attached: I ship it.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

The only proof is a shitty Yea Forums screencap

Nothing about the pillow besides a fake story, sure

Fink x user facesitting y/n?

Well, "Plaza Shorts" is literally just five shorts strung together:


Attached: n-nipples.png (1920x1088, 2.12M)

No. CosmaxAnon facesitting is the thinking man's choice.

Attached: I want Cosma to step on my dick with those boots.png (1280x754, 257K)

It was more of the little brother trope honestly. Even in the shorts, Rad treated him like some annoying kid that need his guidance.

That being said, they could have naturally turned the little brother trope into a rivalry trope. Especially since KO reached the same level as him.

Then they could have gone the route of making them true brothers in arms. We could have gotten KO and Rad brother bonding episodes where they make each other stronger. Fuck.

NO. FUCK YOU. BE SPECIFIC. I want to SEE what exactly you're saying. you're talking out your ass. Your zoomer eyeballs are terrified at a real cartoon.

No, you're not insane, you just like cartoons and understand animation. Unlike these clowns.

Because it's not. It's genuinely one of the best looking cartoons on television, and the hate base is so strong it needs an equal and opposite reaction.

You know what I think the problem was? Enid.

Enid with KO episodes made KO look unbelievably naive and pure all for HER character development.

Enid with Rad episodes were character development for both of them, but where Enid's growth was filled with shit that made her stronger by giving her a new power or defeating something from her past, Radicles always ends up in fucking tears. No new powers, no shit from his past, just a romance with Enid that most likely won't even happen because they're gonna play it safe for the audience and make her fuck Red Action.

Fucking hell, the only time Rad visually progressed was either awkward romance with bi-ninja or when his van got an upgrade(and even then, that was because of Dendy and Red Action).

Instead of KO and Rad broventures, we got Enid teen angst.

Read and KO are a great duo and I love watching them
Enid just became boring and unlikable. But you got to have the lesbian romance to show everyone how woke you are

So I was watching one of the newer episodes and I have a few questions. How did the point academy arc end? How did KO gain so much control over his power? Why are they doing high level operations now?

Attached: venomous_is_an_adult_so_ko_wont_worry.png (919x1500, 567K)

Why did you skip episodes?


I wouldn't say no to Cosma, either.

>Injury Jeff
There's no way that isn't a Violence Jack reference

I thought you were just referring to the user getting scammed by Pird. I have no idea about a pillow but I know he actually posted his CC info.

Attached: skipping parts.png (647x315, 241K)

What if this guy shows up?

Attached: yugioh NumberS0UtopicZEXALMACRENSRLE.png (479x700, 771K)

Well then there fucked because of his effect works.

Ian didn't suck enough dicks unlike Rebecca

user was hospitalized 10 minutes later, although he claims it was worth it

Attached: faf.png (1452x1606, 233K)

as it turns out I'm a double retard who can't use spoilers

I love OK K.O.! to bits, but nothing pisses me off more than when eyelids are used to convey an emotion rather than eyebrows.


>the writing team has always been majority women
Should you really be shocked that Enid—the girl of the group—was given much more focus and development?

Attached: D21BC37D-E514-4F50-A85D-1A58FBB059AA.png (1687x2048, 1013K)

I fucking love them so much.

Attached: 2360.png (1280x1280, 476K)

the OUTLINE writing team is mostly dudes (Ian, Toby, Dave Tennant, only girl being Erin Shade)

go back and rewatch the eps from Final Exams onward

Attached: OK KO intended order.jpg (1200x569, 154K)

looks like shit, anyways
what image did you traced it from?

>implying it would look this bad if I had traced it
nah, I'm just a fag with itchy hands and no drawing pad

Why is Jotaro holding his and Kakyoin's CLAMP egg?

Oh, so the series finale ISN’T a half-hour special.

Methinks it’ll work as a sort of epilogue following the aftermath of “Let’s Fight to the End.”

Attached: D81E44C3-EC70-4622-813C-20B3DC486139.png (441x642, 11K)

There's a difference between comically intentional and unintentional poorly drawn art, which this show falls into the former category.

Huh, I guess Ian didn't throw it back at them.


is development art from Bill Otomo back when Lakewood Plaza Turbo was still in the early stages of becoming a series (its working title was ‘Knockout Heroes’ at the time).

Rad has always been a Piccolo knockoff since the beginning. These were just broad explorations to land on final designs with inspiration from the original pilot.

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I disagree with the guy you’re arguing with, but your comment about OK K.O. being THE “best show on television” isn’t helping your case.
It’s not the best (also not the worst) and it doesn’t need to be. It’s a fun show that does some things right and some things wrong. And that’s not terrible.

They didn't even get a twenty minute ep? SU got 44 for its "finale" followed by a ninety minute movie for TV and another whole season (maybe more too).

Based and knowledge-pilled

Hey it’s the user who made this post and I rewatched a few episodes of the show and regret posting this.

Why the regret, user? You now realize that modern Cartoon Network as a whole actually has some pretty great shows after all?

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Nah I watched Craig of the Creek too and didn’t like it. They didn’t even have most of the episodes on the app, what a rip!

it never had quality, wasn't that the point of the show?

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Anyone else want their head to be crushed between Enid's hard yet supple thighs?

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o o f
this artstyle appeals to me way more than the actual thing

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i've heard since at&t took over, they're really penny pinching and trying to make more exclusive content for the streaming service
i've also heard that ian was trying to pitch ok ko to other streaming services

it makes me think there's a plan in place and ok ko is getting left behind while everything else goes on to warner media

>She can even take apart and fix robots

Why haven't they tried to get Dendy to re-program some of the Boxmore bots to fight on their side?

I dunno, you tell me

Boxman's got a pretty itchy trigger finger when it comes to blowing up his own bots.

He did visit Netflix recently IIRC.

People blew that way out of proportion even before we knew OK K.O.! was ending.

I still don’t believe it was anything more than just a simple visit to see some friends and former crewmates (at least five different OK K.O.! alumni are working there now).

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What are those alumni working on?

I stopped playing Yugioh around that time so that doesn't seem strange to me.

>series finale
Since when?

I'd rather have my nose crushed by her smelly asscheeks

Come the fuck on, user. Have you seen the first couple Season 3 eps?

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Attached: Ian likes things.png (817x900, 995K)

Try K-KimCartoon...

John Pham (the art director on the first 2 seasons) is on some netflix show now
meanwhile Ryann Shannon worked on the netflix show Battle Kitty for a bit (and, while this post-dates Ian's visit, Danny Ducker is also on Battle Kitty now)


OK KO is sold as a show about old arcade fighting games/brawlers coming to life but to be honest I never really got that feeling for it.
Enid has thick thighs so that's okay I guess

here's the template if anyone want's too fuck around with it.

Attached: 1548389231179.png (817x900, 547K)

Holy shit! Thank you!

Oh, I didn’t know about John Pham working at Netflix. But along with Ryann Shannon and Danny Ducker, three members of the OK K.O.! design team also moved to Battle Kitty:

>Julia Srednicki (character designer)
>Ryan Cecil Smith (background designer)
>William Gibbons (background painter/occasional songwriter)

Attached: Battle Kitty Crew.png (1200x900, 1.97M)

Can't really say that if there was no quality to begin with. Harr harr.

but now that I've seen the new season 3 episodes, holy fuck this show stepped up in terms of seriousness/creepiness. Good shit, though I still love the good vibes and humor. I wonder where they'll take us for this potentially final season.

I fucking double taked on the first watch of this scene. Bless you, Ian.

don't just bless Ian, bless boarder Iggy Craig for framing the shot that way

>majority of OK K.O.! Krew members known to have left to work on other shows
>the first two S3 episodes are titled “We Are Heroes” and “KO, Rad, and Enid!”
>said episodes actively explore the idea of our main trio as actual heroes (endgame status)
>Season 3 only has 20 episodes
>the penultimate S3 episode is titled “Let’s Fight to the End”
All signs lead to it, my dude.

Attached: dis nigga serious?.jpg (733x733, 75K)

Oh, shit. Stevie Borbolla’s at Netflix, too, according to her Twitter bio.

Attached: ~The Purest OT3~.png (1052x987, 512K)

My dudes, not to worry. Have you seen how season 3 started? KO's gonna get good.

Well, to this show's credit it at least doesn't have to drag itself on when it eventually because stale. Look what happened to AT and SU

CN's new shows are uninteresting. The only show I'm remotely excited for is Tig N' Seek.


>hit and miss
I guess they never hit, huh?

I wish these fucking weebs would copy the flair of the anime they look up so much, not just lift the shots and names. People trying to tell me that SU and stuff are good because it stole a Utena fight scene are complete clowns.

Japan can put out anime from time to time that looks great in motion and doesn't break from being on-model. What's CN's excuse?



Attached: smokehijabi can GET IT.png (689x689, 565K)

The irony here being that /sug/ is actually pretty chill aside from some really obnoxious gimmick posters.

>the music video was uploaded in 360p
Goddammit, I just wanna see dat ass in High-Definition

Attached: Aqsa Malik.jpg (487x487, 15K)

many young creators under estimate the difference between a self contained pilot and a full ongoing show, they got out of ideas quickly and now they are kinda just surviving by putting anything that comes to their mind in it

>~The Purest OT3~
Don’t encourage polygamy.

Attached: 5B5F72E4-D066-4CB9-9170-9E74520C1AB5.jpg (640x358, 33K)

>anime poster
OK KO haters, everybody

not him, but

>Oda was in his mid 20s when bleach got picked up
>Bleach is the 6th best selling series of all time from Jump
>IJQ was in his mid 30s when OK KO got picked up
>OK KO exists

I mean, I'm not even that into bleach but at least it doesn't rely on having le epic reference parodies and it has immersive arcs and nicely paced comedy


Attached: patrickraisehand.jpg (310x163, 10K)

>appealing to popularity
>unironically defending bleach

>plotfagging a comedy cartoon
>flexibility in animation “looks bad”

I bet you think FLCL is shit too what an uneducated and shit taste hatebase

>they cant even care about keep consistent with the hands ...

Thats how you know they dont fucking care about model sheets

They just want to bitch. They want animation to move like live action, stilted, flat angle, unchanging, soulless bullshit.

FLCL has a very simple and straightforward plot.

It’s also incredibly flexible and has references so it’s gotta be shit :^)

>You have to go massively off-model to have good animation

Okay, retard-kun.

FLCL is god tier because it does good storytelling with cool visuals, it doesn't treat its audience like retards, what the fuck, if anything you're proving what I'm saying
having references isn't a bad thing, the problem is when they're tacky, and you're fucking deranged if you can't see how OK KO fails to be subtle

Attached: YFYIbtL.jpg (456x297, 21K)

Difference being that the reference isn't the plot, retard-kun.

>appealing to popularity
maybe when your series is actually popular, you can do that too

only people i see bitching in this thread are the ones defending ok ko

This shit is atrocious, the worse cartoon in history.

You can’t read either, unbelievable. Wacky animation vs “realism” animation has always been able to coexist. Most people can agree that Sleeping Beauty AND Looney Tunes are well animated. Don’t strawman.

OK KO doesn’t rely on its references, just like FLCL. You just want something to hate.

Looks like something in common!


Accepting lewd suggestions

Learn to read


>seething this hard

>Looks like something in common!

> Wacky animation vs “realism” animation has always been able to coexist

It may be "wacky" but it's not good, and we were talking about good animation, retard-kun.

go fuck yourself

>decline in quality
>fucking okko
Lol, what quality, nyegga?

Attached: Ian Jones Quarterly.jpg (1280x725, 159K)

>OK KO doesn’t rely on its references, just like FLCL. You just want something to hate.
>plot from videogames and anime
>characters from videogames and anime
wow ok, you are dense
have you never touched a megaman game in your life? never ever watched anime?
what the fuck

Attached: JGMcUn1.jpg (640x620, 73K)

Please don't listen to them. I have a feeling that they're either delusional or shitposters.
t. actual watcher of the show

Not an argument, buzzword-san

Looks like you have shit taste :^) better go back to stilted tweenshit and stop spamming every thread day after day with your hyperbolic bullshit

Defending Bleach is like defending anything from Naruto. Anyone who likes or ever liked these two turds need to end their lives. Possibly the worse of shonen.

I'm not the one eating up shit and calling it filé mignon, retard-kun.

It’s a mishmash of ASPECTS from various media properties, not LITERALLY those properties. It’s akin to a kid playing in his toy chest and making adventures, not MEMBER THIS???!!?


I'm going to enjoy the tears when this show's dead and forgotten

>I share a board with people who don’t know a good cartoon if it smacks them in the dick

Who are you people? What are your favorite cartoons of the decade? What is animated better than this on American television in the past 10 years? Be specific (there are a few right answers but jesus christ)


No need, three seasons is a solid run and I got a great cartoon out of it. Because it’s not plot heavy and i’m not a plotfaggot I wont be crying about who ends up with who or the finale or whatever you Star VS/SU retards do

no no, don't get me wrong, I totally get it, OK KO is about fun, everything is not to be taken seriously, but thanks to that same goal the series will never be taken seriously, there was never quality not because its inherently bad or terrible, its just because it doesn't want/need to be good
but defending it is like, really, really dumb

Attached: weebposting.jpg (640x506, 55K)

go slice some thot's neck somewhere else, faggot

I don't care about any of the shitty calarts cartoons
i just don't like the shittier "le wacky faces" ok ko style

anything from disney has better animation quality
a n y t h i n g

This explains your low standards.

And just to not say it's only on the rat channel, JLA also looks and moves better.

Fucking Korra.

even spongebob, which was one of the early pioneers of a lot of the off-model for comedy's sake, does everything better than ok ko

Can we just get it over with and post Enid's butt?

Any art of Enid wearing a spandex?

"I like this show because make my weewee happy" is so you know it's shit, horny weirdos

Attached: 868.jpg (600x653, 138K)

Shes ugly fuck this show.


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Anyone tied up in Daemon Shannon's wires to the main pole with every shannon talking about all the naughty ways they plan to break their catch.

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Ian's coveted n-word pass.

So, IS mayonnaise an instrument?

honestly now the only boarder whose fate is 100% unknown is Haewon Lee (who's living in Japan now; they were living in Korea during OK KO's production)

just because something doesn't take itself seriously doesn't mean it's inherently Not Good

Not an answer

Not specific, comparing theatrical to television, implying flash shit is better, etc

You’re on Yea Forums, not surprised i’m arguing with an animefag

Stilted action toon shit, should have guessed

See above, but i’ll actually agree it has life, unlike JLA. No other American cartoons look like that (aside from ATLA obviously)

>spongebob is an early pioneer of off model

You don’t know animation history. Even in the era it was at the tail end of that movement.

flash shit IS better than OK KO though, the mickey shorts are at least, but if you don't count those due to length there's still stuff like, big city greens (I don't like it but its better), amphibia, milo murphy, star vs, nuducktales. big hero 6, tangled, spiderman, thrre caballeros, do you need me to go on?

I agree to that, but OK KO its not an example of pulling it off well, they just don't give a shit

>no I said no! OBEY

i like ok ko. fun show, probably my fave thing on cartoon network right now. mao mao and sci are pretty good too. i hope tko and fink interact eventually subconscious or dad abuse withstanding

>filé mignon
At least you used the accent correctly.

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>rat channel

BOOM! Headshot.

opinion discarded.

>implying flash shit is better
both made using tweening
both infinitely better than OK KO

Is she even legal?

What about Mao Mao?

>The only show I'm remotely excited for is the one created by someone who worked on Uncle Grandpa

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