Successful career that spanned for over 4 decades

>successful career that spanned for over 4 decades
>creative forces never withered with time. his mind is still sharp as ever
>isn't a douche about other people's tastes. won't judge you or call you an idiot over the things you like
>never went mainstream because his work is too smart for the plebeian masses. he's not bitter about that in the slightest
>all of his works always end on a hopeful mote. never fell for the meme of the 80s/90s bitter cynicism

How is it possible for anyone to think that Grant Morrison isn't the greatest comic book writer of all time?

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Yeah, Grant is pretty based. Exactly the opposite of some of his most adamant fans.

I genuinely love him and want to become a comic book writer one day because of him. I've already written a comic but I want to do it as a second job. I need to brush up on my writing.

I also really want to meet him one day too.

Guy looks great for a man pushing 60.

>Happy! is his only creator owned series to get a live action adaption
>cancelled after two seasons, average viewership less than a million per episode
>adapting 1984 for SyFy network now

>fell for the 3deep5you memer

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>canceled after 2 seasons
They unironically shouldn't have changed the original ending for the S1

Invisibles got picked up for TV back in November, actually. I'm totally pulling this part out of my ass, but I'm guessing we'll hear about pre-production news by the end of the year.

I really liked his interpretation of Dark Knight Returns as Wagnerian Opera that just increases in scale with each chapter until it becomes full comic book insanity by issue 4

He doesn't look like that anymore. He got fat.

Man, if The Invisibles really get a tv show they're going to have to tone down a LOT of the Morrison's shenanigans

Grant is a landlord parasite

>isn't a douche about other people's tastes. won't judge you or call you an idiot over the things you like

> Look at someone like Rob Liefeld; he sits on his arse all day, churning out a few pages of barely literate, totally incompetent drivel – and he's raking in millions. Comics is a medium populated and consumed by morons

Brave New World, not 1984.

And it moved to USA.

>tfw you have to jerk off to get the Invisibles renewed
Also, period piece or no? The 2012 stuff is kind of dated now

He is top tier.

Based grant "the silver age" morrison

Truth has nothing to with feelings, chump.

Grants not 3deep5me

Alot of his stuff is fairly straight forward and doesnt require that much thinking

>lex Luthor destroyed a rock that made darkseid take over the earth and the superheroes have to stop him
>a painting is eating paris. Better stop the painting.

P. Ez stuff

>>cancelled after two seasons, average viewership less than a million per episode
Based on a mini series that came out featuring unknown original characters. So yikes, right?

spotted the brainlets

Tell me when your show gets that third season user

Ennis just did it
lol Wynonna Earp is getting a 4th season
Rucka's Stumptown has a 22 episode order so it's gonig to be longer than Happy's entirety

>Morrison thread
Finally. I was reading Final Crisis the other day and it was relatively straightforward to follow, except for one thing. What was causing the Multiversal collapse early? Darkseid wasn't fatally shot yet.

Was Darkseid already fatally wounded by Orion before incarnating (and therefore dying already) or is the death of a god so fucking big that the effects of death happen a bit earlier than the cause of death?

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>Was Darkseid already fatally wounded by Orion before incarnating
this is only my reading of it so other anons may disagree, but
yes and no. the fatal wound in the fight with orion is, as far as i read it, the shot batman fired. it happened after, but also before since the bullet careens through time and also hits orion and plants itself where stewart finds it.

basically, it happens at all points in time as our heroes perceive it. darkseid is always living, he is always dying, hence, he is.

>creative forces never withered with time. his mind is still sharp as ever

He never had any creativity or talent.

>isn't a douche about other people's tastes. won't judge you or call you an idiot over the things you like

What the actual fuck is wrong with Morrisonfags? The man is a hostile lunatic who constantly lashes out at everyone and everything that doesn't fit his exact tastes, but his cultists act like he's this wholesome bastion of friendliness and innocence or something. It's so fucking creepy.

>he's not bitter about that in the slightest

He is EXTREMELY bitter about it. It's probably why he talks himself up so much and shits on everyone else, he has a giant inferiority complex. As he should, because he's a talentless dickhead freak.

>never fell for the meme of the 80s/90s bitter cynicism

This shit right here. This is cult shit. This is a talking point that he always repeats and whines about, and you subhumans parrot it.

you lack intellect

Opinions of Morrison's Green Lantern run so far?

My understanding is that the order of Darkseid being shot, Darkseid firing the shot, Orion being shot and the Monitor Sphere collapsing is deliberately fucked beyond reason because of the latter. The difference in incomprehensibility between a Darkseid falling down the stairs and Darkseid in his fullness falling down the multiverse is like the difference between sleepy Cthulhu being knocked out by a passing boat and Cthulhu truly awakening once the stars are right, is the message I got. Bear in mind Final Crisis: Revelations showed that as a mere side effect of the whole thing, Vandal Savage remembered he was Cain and bitched the Spectre with the Spear of Destiny briefly. And the whole thing is SIMULTANEOUSLY a complex plan to cuck humanity out of 5th World as well as the dying spasms of a dead god rotting on his way down into Hell.

An interesting part of Grant’s interview I found, is that Darkseid was actually the ONLY Apokaliptan who truly revived in FC and all the others were rez’d by him-even though they showed up possessing their hosts before Darkseid finished incarnating in Dan Turpin. He wasn’t just being a dick when he left Mokkari and Godfrey to fester, he was like a programmer telling a faulty program it’s purpose was over. So yeah, the whole thing is in many ways a spiritual sequel to Hunger Dogs.

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No complaints so far, although I do find it a bit odd the Controller Mu arc seems to be a low enough priority for Hal that he went on vacation and found another cosmic horror first. Then again maybe I’m just too used to comics having overarching storylines and I’m enjoying the random space adventures.

Well, the way to think about it I suppose is that it's all basically cop and detective stories. They're going to be working multiple cases or taking breaks still.
Sure it's a cosmic scale and such, but your main cop on the case is probably still going to do other shit in between too. Probably got other guys working the case too.
To Hal and pals, this shit is just another day at work.

I wish this "Darkseid has a corrupting effect on society" was played up more in Final Crisis. Or then again maybe Morrison's just making a point about our society in that interview and then communicating that point through his comics by exaggerating it into mind control.

For me, its doom patrol.

>A random undead rabbi can asspull the Ten Sephirot out of the Patrol’s dreams
>Circe once manipulated whole pantheons into fighting each other to remake the multiverse in her image, including New Genesis and Apokalips
>Dr. Fate is Dr. Fate
>Raven has the excuse of personal issues, and still can energy drain her universe conquering dad

>Zatanna can’t yeet Doomsday or Superboy Prime with spells

Why does Zatanna have so much trouble getting her groove on?

Doom Patrol and Animal-Man are the two most criminally underrated comic book runs ever. I'm even willing to bet that a tv show about a preachy vegan superhero that fights big corporations and takes drugs would be quite popular with our nice politically engaged zoomers

Animal Man is very overrated. It's like reading filler.

I dunno, Seven Soldiers had her do cool shit.

>>never went mainstream because his work is too smart for the plebeian masses
I saw All-Star Superman in a museum exhibit a few weeks ago, and years ago an ex-girlfriend was told to read it as part of her English course at university

No argument, Grant knows how to do a great magic lady. But that’s one appearance out of like, HUNDREDS, where in theory she should be able to yeet most of what gives Superman trouble but can’t because ???, looking at you in particular Superboy Prime.

Yeah, because number of adaptations is equal to quality

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it's a cult of drug addicts

Milligan's Shade is better than both

Yeah exactly, just like Moore and Miller rightfully getting so many adaptions of their stuff
Morrison is one of the weakest M-authors

I like it.
The art looks good too.

Is invisibles his Magnum Opus?

I haven't read his capes outside of all star, animal man and bat epic thiugh so I can't fully say with certainty.

I hear his jla is good.

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JLA and One Million is pretty good ngl.

It's not a complete story without Flexmentallo and the filth

I've read the filth, and liked it. I know they're not connected but are part of his hypersigil. Am I gonna lose out on the magic of I don't read flex.

I don't want to buy the recolour.

Not even 2deep but Morrison's stuff must be really hard to market. Stuff like the Invisibles and We3 have no real target audience other than comic book nerds and/or diehard Morrison fans

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I just finished Morrison's Batman run. Why the fuck is it so fucking sad. This run started so celebratory and now we see Batman reaching his limits and his mistakes coming back to destroy him.

Batman never dies. Is that a good thing?

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I don't like his writing that much but I want his dick in my throat.

Am I the only one who didn't understand The Filth?

Because he had to end it earlier than expected due to DC forcing the New 52 shit on him, so a ton of the arcs he had planned had to be cancelled.

I mean, the double issue of Batman Inc he had with Steph being a terrific Batgirl and Bruce complimenting her, was her getting pretty much ready for her own character arc, and we got the story AFTER she had been pretty much removed from the universe.

Haven't watched the 2nd season but Happy is pretty much a self contained story in the first season, sure they could spin it further along with the posessed mobster and whatnot, but the basic story - Kid gets kidnapped and her invisible friend compels her deadbeat corrupt cop hitman dad into rescuing her, is pretty much complete.