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(Ernest &) Celestine.

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Bad photo but applicable
Also she’s not a loli, just really short

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How do you make that?

imma be honest with you
i dont trust people with more than 1 (one) waifu

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Bobcut Babe.

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Chocolate princess
I also wanna fug Carissa super hard
is it possible to have 2 waius from the same show?

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ara ara

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Jenny is a waifu!

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For nearly thirty years now.

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ban me again motherfuckers lets go.
i was born here and 2009 was not as long ago as it seems.

fucking sue me faggots.

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Do you call her by Japanese or the English name?

>ban me again motherfuckers lets go.
Are you the autist that spergs out whenever they get triggered by /pol/ and posts pony porn?

series is dead, you're a dying breed.
In 1-2 years the global anti-pony rule will be repealed as there's just not enough bronies left to give a shit about. And /mlp will be deleted.

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The Fish Girls of Bikini Bottom.

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Why would you want to sleep with a woman who has sex like a dead fish?

Well then take me.

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What is your favorite drink and what does your waifu like drinking, or you think she would like? Be it soda or alcohol. Whatever

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Just a sassy soda.

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Pink Cadillacs
Most of my waifus either wouldn't drink or slam hard straight booze every other afternoon.

Where does she come from?

I can't tell how big her breasts are.

Her legs look like they don't let go.

i want that plush!

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How do you make one of chart things?

i don't care.
i love her.
if this is my last post at least i spoke the truth.

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I grew up with the dub, so my mind usually goes with Polly, but I don't mind using the name Pururun at all.

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Dr Pepper for me and her as well, but will definitely like whatever alcohol she can find more.

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>Where would me and gwen tennyson go on a road trip
Around the country in my rv

Sure fuck it I'll roll

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I want to make her writhe

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>What lantern corps would recruit her?
Tough one. I wanna say she's likely be a shoe-in for the Sinestro Corps what with being a the daughter of Big G, but she doesn't seem to be actively trying to scare people. Seeing how she's more or less saving Earth For herself perhaps an Agent Orange scenario might be more fitting. Eating any invaders and turning them into constructs for the orange ring, that's how it works right? Yeah I could see it

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I like lemon ice tea, but I imagine Pantha would prefer Coca Cola (that's the one Mexicans love, right?)

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I have but a single waifu, but I've loved her the majority of my life with my entire heart and soul.

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my favorite is probably just sparkling water
she looks like the kind to drink just black coffee

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>What does Lily do in her free time?
Play Gen 1 Pokemon and look after her kid

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>Describe a first date:
It is perhaps cliche, but given her love of musicals, a play does seem appropriate.
I'd have to be much more talkative than I normally am, as the first date is a feeling out of the other person.
But, having something to discuss is the reason for such cliches as movies, plays, or theme-parks being date-spots.

I quite like the Stewart's Orange and Cream soda.
Honestly, I've no idea. I can see her enjoying a quiet tea-time or drinks with friends rather easily.

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fuggit I'll bite and try and make a response of note this time

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>Could she Jedi?
Almost certainly, though I wonder if she would desire to do so. On the one hand, she'd be able to help people as a protector of the old republic... on the other, Jedi are supposed to be stoic and minimize emotion, and she is a soul overflowing with love and joy.

If she did, though, I'd say blue saber.

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Whatever the not owned by the government military complex equivalent of Scarif is.
Or animal riding in some wild hellhole.

>She's sad and dejected, how do you help this?
I'd listen to what's bothering her. If she doesn't wish to discuss it, I'd see about options to do things to take her mind off of it.
Though it would pain me to see her in such a state, one can often only help such a mood by being around as emotional support.

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I drink Coke, but I think she'd drink steep tea.

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I associate this look with mental illness but it makes the penis big
Also I'm into Princesses

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>not Bowsette

I'm into that too but it's already too Yea Forums in here

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My nera.

I have a request

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If you're being serious she's from Amphibia.

>Asuka-chan stepped into the matter transporter at the same time as Milly! What sexy monstrosity emerges?
Her matches would inadvertantly become shoot matches, as she'd be such an absolute unit

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Are you the OR who asked for mermaid Korra?


Based and gwenpilled

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Nice! We need more mermaids in general. I can't believe he actually did two requests. I love how he did the fish tails.

I wish she would burn off my balls and insult me

Google waifu chart template.


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user, let the faggot masturbate with whatever he wants. We can't judge anyone here, specially in a waifu thread.

She is the best one by far

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>No crazy hair Azula
You know this is heresy right?

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>it's been 10 years

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Dude princesses are top notch

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Most of the crazy hair Azula I have is NSFW.

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Same waifu I have every night, Pinky...

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Inb4 3D

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Who's that under Mileena?

I would venture to say Morgana from League of Legends

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death I guess. from the pearl jam video specifically though

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Your waifus are nice, but have you ever had a waifu with the ability to cause chaos?

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With a lot of time and a lot of love.
And with this: befunky.com/create/collage/

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You're not one of those insufferable faggots who insists that she would be flat. Thanks to this, my brother, I cannot be mad.

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Anyone can cause chaos ya dink.

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No, but she flips burgers for .60¢ lower than her co-workers.

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well, she had amnesia and became a dominatrix, so yes she has.


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I respect the mane.

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Believe it or not but Morg is a good girl

i feel like tea or something

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Huh, doesn't look it.

She has a twin sister who things in extremes and will kill the fuck out of and evil no matter how small it is. Morg is down to earth and understands that the world isn’t black and white. She goes around helping people.

Her sister is an extreme holy version of Dredd. Morg is the opposite. A woman who actually cares about the imperfections of people. She also owns a bakery!
Kayle(her sister)
>Umm humans aren’t bad sis chill

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use BeFunky

(chair clattering)

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Based Speedwagon

Kept you waiting, huh?

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You will NEVER have a tall buff brown gf that sneaks into your room at night it's not fair bros ITS NOT FAIR

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Not like it's a common occurrence to begin with anyway.

holy shit. some top teir taste in here. Particularly glad to see Ragyo get some love. Don't agree with your center pick, but it's a good pick.

Nepeta, to fill the "Nepeta" role

>Don't agree with your center pick
Oho? You're replying to me? When you should be running away?

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Elastigirl is babe

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>woman with the mind of a child
>young teen
>stuffed animal
>two anthros
>a lot of weeb girls i'm pretty sure are underage
user, i think you need help

It's all about personality, user.

>woman with the mind of a child

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>a lot of weeb girls i'm pretty sure are underage
like age even matters with most Yea Forums girls, the vast majority are drawn like full-bodied women anyway.

Woman with the mind of a child, so just every regular woman then

Claiming as usual.

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I just finished replaying Ace Attorney Justice for All and that Franziska airport scene at the end, man... makes my chest ache just thinking about it.
Anyway, good taste.

Till the day i'm free of this mortal coil

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Go back to the gutter Troy.

My nigga.

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