Rebellious Asian with Colored Hair Streak

Why is this so common?
No seriously- abandon your canned answers for a second and think about it- WHY? I’m legitimately curious here. Are they all just copying from other sources and that’s just how it happened or what?

I mean just off the top of my head I can name that protagonist in Netflix aired movie with the robots, fucking can’t remember the title but it’s still there, and that Trollhunter girl. Right off the top of my head without thinking. What’s up with this?

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>Cloud Atlas

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Calling it racist is a bit of a stretch. Overused and cliche but I don’t see how it’s demeaning to the entire Asian race.

The only reason I can think of that it’s so common is that it adds a pop of color to otherwise all-black hair.

It's just a cliche. People like recognizeable patterns, and "colored hair streak" is (admittedly lazy) short hand for rebellious and/or spunky.
Hell, the whole thing probably only became so popular because people were trying to subvert the "shy asian girl" cliche, creating, ironically enough, another cliche in the process.
It's like John Mclane. Back in the 80s, having a genre savvy protagonist in your big budget action movie was almost unheard of, fast forward a few decades and the witty, genre savvy protagonist is a cliché on it's own terms. It's repeated ideas substituting other repeated ideas, and for as much as we criticize it, the only reason this shit gets popular is because it sells, so the fault is at least partially the audience's.

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Have you ever been to Japan or Korea? This isn’t some design choice. Most young women in those countries are like that.

nobody called it racist user

>cliché on it's own terms

thx bby

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> Most young women in those countries are like that.
Like what? None of the asian women I've met did try to act like an action hero.

Trying to avoid the semi-racist "good at math, respects their parents" stereotype so hard that they create another stereotype. Same reason there's so many black characters with lightning powers.

Lots of asian chicks dye their hair, which their parents and grandparents typically hate.

>and that Trollhunter girl.

She was Latina. The Asian girl in that show didn't have that streak and was the class slut.

Do you know very many Asian people? It's a legitimately common style.
I guess you can wonder if it's a chicken and egg situation.

Hold on. You just called Mako Mori "rebellious". Bruh.

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Because black hair is boring and generic. Same reason 'Japanese' anime characters are blonde, brunette, pink-haired, etc.

And while Somni-451 is rebellious, it's also the hair style for all her "sisters" who are basically sheep. in more ways than one


Would Yea Forums eat at Papa Songs?
Movie sucked btw

In animation it gives something you can see moving when their hair is all black.

In that pic, both Blink and Psylocke had purple hair as white women but were made Asian.


>Most young women in those countries are like that.
Source: Western media.

I think it's mostly and . Pretty much "this character isn't your stereotypical Asian traditionalist/nerd, she's a REBEL!" So yeah vaguely offensive through trying to subvert what they expect the audience to see as a stereotype, but I don't think all the examples of that are based off each other.

As for the similar colorations, purple/blue/red look good against black hair. That's pretty much it.

Also forgot to add this in: not trying to say that I'm actually offended by it, but that I've seen some who were and so
>vaguely offensive
is meant more along the lines of if you want to go there with it, ex. how it affects the portrayal/reception of Asian female characters or whatever.

I’d rather have industrial goth asians.

I don't know, OP it seems like an aesthetic choice to contrast their natural black hair.
What was the original archetype?

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