My therapist cancelled for the third time in two weeks and said i cant see her until august, what cartoon episodes should i watch before i OD myself later tonight.
My therapist cancelled for the third time in two weeks and said i cant see her until august...
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Ya like Jazz?
What’s the best suicide method?
Pills and liquor?
Don't OD just because your therapist had to reschedule, user. Sometimes people need extra help, and sometimes that means having to bump other people in order to take care of the person at hand. What if you being bumped ended up happening because people were having major breakthroughs?
I understand that it's frustrating to have cancellations like that, and that it hurts. Don't let the fact that you had to be rescheduled make you give up hope. Hopefully you'll be the person that someone else has to be bumped for to help give you that last push up.
do it faggot
A friend told me its hard to od with pills like that cause you just throw them up. She said she knew from experience but i never tried it so i’m not sure. I’d think the best way would be a 20 gauge through the brain, no?
Op, how are you planning on offing yourself? If it works post results.
I dunno, i thought by swallowing anti depressant pills im on
hanging seems best to me
you guys could be naming some cartoons right about now
what sorta thing are you into OP
Don't do it OP, things could always be worse.
At least you aren't me.
>needing a therapist to not kill yourself
Weak as fuck, mate. What's wrong with you?
lol those won't kill you dingus
just take a box cutter to your radial artery like a real suicide
If you don't have the will to put steel in your skin- then you're not serious about killing yourself
Invader zim, steven universe
Thx boco, but i really hate my life at the moment and al things considering dint think i can stomach an entire month of not venting to my therapist
Wanna vent to us? Nothing is so bad as to take your own life.
>I’d think the best way would be a 20 gauge through the brain, no?
Well let's say you really don't want to fuck that up
>Nothing is so bad as to take your own life.
My crippiling OCD begs to differ, i cant have five minutes without obsessing over something or some negative though and putting myself down. Plus im horny as fuck yet i dont want to seem like a whinerr about it.
What are you taking? I’m on zoloft and those are the ones my friend told me youd just throw up.
Also, are you really planning it user? Or are you just shitposting to cope? Nothing wrong with the latter, but i think this board would be less fun without you. One less user to argue about cartoons with really makes a difference for the worst.
Ah, the new Dick Tracy villain. Lemonpuss.
Does medication help?
Try mindfulness meditation. No bullshit. The headspace app tries its best to wring money out of you but it gives you 10 lessons for free, and that's plenty to get the basic concept.
if someone finds you, theyll pump your stomach and put you on a psych hold. just a lot of wasted time and frustration
>Does medication help?
It used to but lately it hasnt been doing much help
Don't do it.
Unless you are Murrlogic, if so, go ahead.
Have you considered upping the dose?
Don't do it, OP. You may be a faggot, but you're our faggot.
As for cartoons, I don't really watch many. I do read some comics, though. How about Aliens, Predator or AVP?
Don't bother reading the original 3 Aliens comics, they suck.
that sucks... but it's not your fault, therapists need/get a lot of breaks/holidays. You don't need her. i know it feels good talking to someone (and you can in august) but everything you need to hear is already inside you, just don't deny yourself the feeling of feeling good about yourself ever
I dont know, i saw my psychiatrist today and while i got a prescription for a higher dosage im not sure if it will help.
Then by all means, try that first. Might be just what you need.
Morel Oral.
Not a good thing to watch when upset, unless you just want to suffer through the cast.
why not watch Ren and Stimpy: Ren seeks help
Lain is the perfect show to die to.
I'd feel bad for you if the last thing you saw was some wacky cartoon.
Helium tank + cpap mask
Holy shit, another OCD user. Dude I know how it feels. Thinking all these thoughts that you don't want to think that you can't control yet feel responsible for. I've been feeling pretty depressed lately, too. You aren't alone.
It's Such a Beautiful Day is very good, if you're looking for some experimental animation stick figures dealing with existential crisis.
Also, please don't kill yourself. There's a future you that exists on the other side of this moment that is thankful to be alive. Speaking from the perspective of a 3-time psych ward suicidal.
Do you have a safety plan with your therapist? Or someone else that you would feel comfortable talking with in the meantime? Would it be possible to try and reschedule with a different therapist entirely if this becoming a regular thing with your current one?
Summer camp island
I've really liked Amphibia lately and it always puts me in a good mood. Maybe it will for you too. I hope stuff gets better for you user
This does sound like the most painless method.
From what I’ve read doing a quick search, Helium has a similar density to air so your body won’t reject it and start fighting.
What episode was pic related from?
Why not just talk to another therapist or express how urgent you feel talking with them is? Also maybe look into getting getting on some meds since you clearly have next to no grasp on reality and think this an appropriate response to something mundane.
Might be Ren's Retirement. Maybe Hermit Ren.
It's true. I tried ODing once and I just got really sick
Just watch a ton of Fraiser desu
Stop being codependent. If she was truly the only thing stopping you then you wouldn't be typing this. You want attention because you didn't get enough or the proper kind. Too bad, I hope things get better.
no wonder you want to kill yourself.
Watch all marvel and dc cartoons before you go.
Don’t fucking bother trying. I had a suicidal relative who tried to off himself three times, and all he got was some crippling injuries, and lots of stays on shitty psych wards, wanting to get out. Read the article in the Whole Earth catalog on suicide as a shitty depressed teen. It spelled out in detail how your suicide attempt would inevitably fail, and the long-term medical horrors you would endure. Keeps my still-depressed and occasionally suicidal ass from trying anything to this day.
List of ways you will be fucked up after a suicide attempt will be posted at bottom.
Helpful links to keep your ass alive also posted. Fucking USE THEM. Every time my brother tried to off himself, we ate ourselves alive with guilt. People you love will be fucked after you die. The assholes you want to feel guilty will not give a fuck.
Crisis Text Line
Text TALK to 741-741 to text with a trained crisis counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free, 24/7
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Help Guide
Samaritans USA
Attempt Survivors
International Organization For Suicide Prevention
A suicide prevention resource with phone helplines across the world.
List of Fun Ways You Are Fucked After A Suicide Attempt
Inhaled carbon monoxide? You have killed brain cells with the CO 2, which will lead to mental and physical health issues?
Cut your wrists? All that trauma and blood loss have given you nerve damage, and reduced functionality of your hands.
Drunk parquat weed killer or Comet-type cleaner? Your slow, horrible death as the chemicals eat your insides out is assured, even if you’ve changed your mind and wish to live.
Ate a gun? Hit it at the right angle and you have no head left, which will traumatize the people who find you, and your loved ones, forever. Hit it wrong, and you’re the new Arseface.
Jumped off a bridge? My brother spent six months in a wheelchair, lost his kneecap and a good bit of his mobility, and had to have screws in both ankles for a while. We lived in a small town with a small bridge. Your jump off a larger bridge will fuck you up even worse.
Dancing with a train? It will take you out, and permanently traumatize the train driver who hasn’t a prayer of stopping in time.
ODed on pills? Either die like Elvis on the toilet choking on vomit, or endure a nasty stomach pump.
You get the idea.
Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.
Man, don’t do it. What you’re feeling will pass, you could wake up tomorrow realizing this urge wasn’t anything and that you would have made a big mistake
I’m also planning to off myself in a month or two.
Want to finish my to watch list before I go.
Get a new therapist she's garbage.
But you arnt user. Your pretty great user
Are you trying to kill him even more?
Dont be a fucking pussy OP.
If my bitch ass can survive a cocaine addiction that cost me over $20,000, 5 years of my life, and a house and come out on top just six months later sober and becoming GM of a store you can stop being a cunt and get your shit in order.
you think you're allowed to die?! LMFAOOO
also rebuild 4 comes out next year, don't wanna miss that
I havent even seen the first three
Another possible outcome of bad aim
He needed to aim up in his mouth, people survive gunshots to the head because they either press it under there jaw or to far into there mouth. If you press it under the jaw there’s a chance the bullet won’t penetrate the skull and if you aim to far down your throat you can do what Ed Norton’s character did in fight club and just shoot your cheek out. Feel the roof of your mouth with your young, that’s where you need to press it, there’s no guarantee that a bullet through your brain will kill you but if you can get it to ricochet inside you skull that’ll do it
Or you can just call someone who loves you and talk. Or call the suicide hotline and talk, there are people there for you user you’re loved and valued and things will get better
Just know that you're loved by something bigger than us. Bigger than the pain, bigger than a messed up society, bigger than a bully, and definitely bigger than your family. Take a breath, clear your mind for 7 minutes, inhale through your nose, exhale through your nose. When you inhale, let the oxygen fill your stomach, all that tension, the anger, the doubts, the sadness , hopelessness, and the disrespect is bottled in your stomach. Exhale strongly, with no hesitation. Rinse and repeat for some time, do not stray away for 7 minutes.
>You can do it
>You can succeed
>You are loved.
>Forget what others have said about you
>Forget the nastiness you've said to yourself
>And move forward
Hello Tumblr.
>Remember that time in high school where me and my friend were suicidal since our lives sucked
>Watched suicide club and other emo-edgy flims
>Were actually going to kill ourselves by hanging
>Did some really fucking gay shit to each other before we were gonna hang ourselves
>After we were done, we felt really embarrassed
>Remember that if we killed ourselves then we would miss all the cool games on the PS2
>We didn't kill ourselves
>Never spoke of that event and just lived our lives happily as best friends
Trust me OP, suicide ain't worth it
>tfw no suicide pact buddy to fuck me
high school sucked
What gay stuff did you guys do?
>Did some really fucking gay shit to each other before we were gonna hang ourselves
That's a real convenient excuse user. Just admit you wanted some dick
OP, you don't want to miss the eventual finale of The Chris-chan Story.
Alright breastcifica, ill listen to your advice
That you have a watch list means you still have interests out there
It's a really fucking stupid thing user and there's a lot to look forward to, and I hope you can realize that sooner then later
Mindfulness can be suffering if one has C-PTSD or bipolar etc. Try taking a walk if you can OP. Maybe EMDR. DBT and ACT in the long run.
For comfy things, watch non-sarcastic or edgy cartoons like Dragon Tales.
Change Your Mind?
The SU special? Please that made me want to die even more
but yes, thank you guys, Yea Forums is love
Shotgun to the face
Dude no, trust me, it was bad. I know it didn't help him either and he was just being a trooper.
Imagine a chubby guy (me) getting bj from his friend, who was in his emo phase, so he has long hair and looks a bit girly. Then imagine that chubby guy hotdogging then frotting the emo kid.
Imagine both of us saying this cringy ultra gay shit like "I'm gonna miss you", "You feel good?", "I love you, man" and other things I don't wanna talk about it
It was just fucking bad, it made me lose weight and get fit, while he stopped being emo, cut his hair, joined the army and get a gf.
I know, I KNOW, if I spoke to him about that moment then he would punch me in the face and say it NEVER happened.
What kind of drugs have you taken? Try a few consciousness-altering substances and then see if you still feel like dying
Go out like An Hero.
Find Chris-chan.
Wander Over Yonder. No specific episode, just binge the series and you'll feel better. Worked wonders for me.
What do you define "best" in this condition?
I'm merely guessing that if you jump from a high enough city bridge, you'll die on impact and probably in under 8 seconds. Doesn't cost you a dime.
But I don't actually know if it's a guaranteed death on impact. I've heard stories of people surviving the fall and then drowning to death, which seems like it would make a painless death the worst it could ever be.
>If it works post results.
Underrated comment.
Doing that doesn’t leave a body (in good shape) so that the family can Mourn the loss of a relative.
In my opinion a good method requires
>Relatively painless
>Leaves a body for the family to cry over
>Easy to do
Not really. My watch list are all shows I saw as a kid. Gonna relive the past for a little while then end it.
>lol just do drugs dude
Mushrooms, LSD, all that shit is only "mind expanding" for over-emotional brainlets that confuse extreme emotional reactions and hallucinations with epiphanies.
Just fucking end it already and stop stealing oxygen you pansy.
user don't kill yourself. That's not the solution to the problem you have.
Some cute cartoons that ya can watch
>Kick Buttowski
>Randy Cunningham, 9th Grade Ninja
>Tales of Arcadia
>Any random golden age animations
That’s the plan, bruh. Should have all my affairs in order by the end of next month.
Forgot to add Jimmy Two-Shoes
Fucking cringe and summerpilled
>unironically my favorite episode of Adult Party
>everyone hates it
Don't do that mate. We care
Really user, if you find comfort in something that's good and there's comfort in other stuff. We've all gone through the depression angle here but it really is the most stupid fucking thing you could do. Don't be the person hurting others
The goal isn't to magically fix your life, it's to attempt to feel "something" other than emotional monotony and depression.
Please don't do it, OP. This random stranger cares about you. Also, think of the Yea Forums kinos coming out in the future.
Shouldn't you try quitting the meds if they make you want to fucking kill yourself user? Maybe just try that before you do anything too drastic
Although I am guessing this is a joke, if it is not, do not kill yourself. Things may be shit now but it will get better and you have already gone this far, so keep going. I have been there. I am still partially there. Call a hotline if need be. Remember how much you actions will affect other too.
/k/ here. Please don't use a gun. Your life will be taken advantage of as a statistic if you do. Use an exit bag.
fuck off back to tumblr if you want to entertain a whiny attention whoring cunt.
No, do it now you fucking pussy. you dont deserve any kind of nostalgia. you dont deserve to live, right? stop being a decadent parasite and just end it already.
Yeah, psychoactive street drugs will sure fix that chemical imbalance you fucking idiot.
I speak from years of experience. weed just makes you lazy and foggy, cocaine just makes you paranoid and horny, LSD and mushrooms are a crapshoot that just make you alternate between manic depression and just plain mania.
the worst thing you could do when youre a depressed shitbag is abuse drugs.
you know what solved my depression? getting sober, getting some good friends, and stop dragging my ass and pursuing things I actually want to do instead of meandering about pissing and moaning about myself and crawling into a bag of bullshit every night or every now and again.
it doesnt do jack shit unless you're a fucking normie idiot that thinks getting high and spacing out at the stars is ~so enlightening~.
You are tumblr and underage
>steven universe
You deserve to die, OP.
>n-no you
I held a rifle under my chin 3 years ago and took a nice looooooong big think about it to myself and pussied out because the instinctual sympathetic reaction of imagining that 7.62x54r ringing through my skull didnt tickle my fancy. I'm 24 now.
OP is just a crying bitch-made pussy fishing for sympathy at best, a goddamn worthless pussy that deserves to die at worst.
He wants to kill himself? Let the fucker do it. Bet he won't. if he does? good riddance. Let him rot in hell or at the cery least google his own shitty cartoons to watch for himself.
So fuck off you goddamn tourist, and welcome to social support on Yea Forums.
>You don’t deserve to life, right?
When did I say this? I said I plan to kill myself. Big difference.
Once again. Don't do it. Please call help. It is readily available.
Get a new therapist dude
Don't do it op if you die you can't watch cartoons.
Do it already instead of stewing in your own ego like the pussy you are. want to die? think you deserve the sweet release of death? same thing you pussy.
just get it over with instead of dragging it out like a goddamn woman. you want to be a spoiled, decadent little bitch, watch your faggy cartoons because deep down you think something will either get your low willpower ass wanting to live again, or are you that spoiled, weak of a cunt you want a last hurrah to end your pathetic life on?
nahhhh man. just get it over with.
>i have no rebuttal so ill just say "edgy" like a snowflake
go eat a bullet with OP.
Dumbasses, he's already dead.