/swg/ - Scarlet Witch General

What's up, it's been too long since we've had a Scarlet Witch thread. /ourgirl/ btfo'd Thanos in a movie and (kinda) featured in a wacky infinity warps story this week, so that's kinda neat. I just need excuses to justify making this.

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Infinity Warps is really 90% X-23, though.

mcfucking kill yourself

Plus the red hair and tattoos, that don't come from either X-23 or Wanda.

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90s Wanda was a redhead for a bit. ANd early days Wanda was drawn with red accents, for an Amber/Copper Redhead look.

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>that waist
>those tits

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Will we get any news on WandaVision over the summer?

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Is this gonna be like those Carolfags?

It's going to be better.

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She is overtly feminine in a way most characters have lost.

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In the latest issue of Doctor Strange, she's finally back in a better costume.

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unironically perfect


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Hnnng. 10/10

Nah. The Coipel version in Avengers v3 was much better.

Wada Wanda is wonderful.

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Yes. At San Diego comic con.

I am predicting the cast will be:

Elizabeth Olsen
Paul Bettany
Frances Conroy as Agatha Harkness
Nathan Fillion as Simon Williams
Dominic West as Eric Williams/Grim Reaper
Alexis Denisof as Chthon
Aaron Taylor Johnson as Pietro Maximoff
James Spader as Ultron

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i was finna cum in the theater

Elder God Tier.

Falcon & Winter Soldier is filming around the same time as WandaVision, but the latter is due to air later, likely due to Post production VFX required for WandaVision.

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Would prefer a longer cape and a good but other than that great. Mix it with Coipel's light armoured sorceress look and it could be perfecto.

Getting Ultron and Quicksilver back would be good, but Wonderman is a bad idea for the show, a potential love triangle they don't need.

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I don't think it will be a love triangle At all. I think they will avoid that and Wanda's interaction outside of Vision will be with Agatha. I think Simon's relationship with Vision (Simon treating Vision as a brother would enrage Eric, who is likeky already pissed at him becoming a movie star, likely in the 5 years post snap) will be the catalyst for Eric manipulating the locals into waging a campaign against Wanda and Vision (whom is perhaps being possessed by Chthon in Wanda's absence and is deliberately creeping the fuck out of the locals to make them scared and prone to Eric's manipulation).

I also love the idea of Agatha being a sneaky mentor and "accidentally" leaving a book on witchcraft with Wanda who gets curious and starts reading it and loving it.

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>I think Simon's relationship with Vision (Simon treating Vision as a brother would enrage Eric
Why would they be like brothers in the MCU when they aren't connected at all? MCU Vision is pure AI, he doesn't have a human's brain patterns. Eric being the human villain makes sense.


I'm just speculating, is all.

Will Marvel ever let them be together in the comics again? Do we have to wait for Brevoort and Zub to retire?

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Simon's brain patterns used to fill in the gaps where Shuri didn't compete the process in Infinity War.

But he would literally be some random human with no connection to Vision. No reason to do this except to make it more like the comics. Give us back Vision as he was.

I don't see them ever interacting much in the MCU, as MCU Carol is very much Captain Marvel who has had nothing to do with Wanda, with Kamala, Valkyrie, and Monica likely to be the gal pals.

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We don't even know if Wanda (or Vision) will ever be in another MCU movie or if it's Disney+ only now.

Obviously we will only get concept art and cast reveal at SDCC as the series hasn't started filming yet.

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6 hours of feels.

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