Any positive message in this movie was lost the moment Goofy decided to murder his son if he didn't chose a direction

Any positive message in this movie was lost the moment Goofy decided to murder his son if he didn't chose a direction

Attached: holy fuck dad.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

That's a fair point, OP.
I'll consider it the next time I watch this film.

>if he didn't chose

That implies that the choice was already made. Try "choose."


That is the positive message
You have to choose your direction in life or you're not going to have one

Dont they have toon physics?
A car crash wouldnt have killed max probably.

It was a game of chicken, obviously.

Well Yea Forums?

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Is that a dick outline?

Calm down, Goofy.

I doubt it.gif
Shieeeeet, just tell me if you got a dick, chances are I'm into it. Just be open with me, relationships shouldn't involve this much subterfuge

I acknowledge that it is possible that it is possible, but trans people make up such a small percentage of people that it's improbable.

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also this comic character:
*literally murder when told they are not a girl because they have a chode*

Sorry OP, your shitty thread has become significantly shittier

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>there's no way to tell who's trans or not without them telling you
I don't think so, hon

Attached: 1524933466458.jpg (640x515, 37K)

What's with this and that other weirdo cartoonist and drawing their OC spouting random, unsolicited political soundbites while participating in some sort of sport? Why, and why bring sports into it?

Xtreme Soapboxing.

He knew damn well which direction to take, he was just putting the heat to him, giving him a chance to change his mind

Do this guy really think it's hard to discern a woman from the average ogre "person" tranny trash ?

>Do this guy really

*Does this guy really

See me after class!