Music is emotional and unforgettable

>music is emotional and unforgettable
>good moral lessons
>characters are all likable
>faithful adaptation
>gorgeous animation
Why haven't you watched Prince of Egypt yet Yea Forums?

Attached: prince-of-egypt-movie-poster.jpg (580x867, 111K)

But I have. People are just afraid to talk about it because they often associate it with church talk.

I personally love the movie though.

I still say Hercules could beat up God

Back when Dreamworks could compete. Simbad was really good too btw

The movie is great but
>good moral lessons
it is better if we treat it as fantasy

You say that as if fantasies don't have moral lessons

My parents are pentecostal Christians, and had me watch this and other Biblical cartoons as a kid.
This and the one about Joseph were the only ones that I remember in a positive way. It's pretty solid, and an underrated gem.

I watched it when it came out, so probably when half of this wretched board wasn't born yet.

No competition, this is one of the best cartoons (fuck it, Movies) of its day. I love the hell out of it.
Sinbad was the shit. What caused it to fail like it did?
Jesus, that one sucked.
>half of this wretched board wasn't born yet.
Never trust anyone under 30.

>faithful adaptation

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>Jesus, that one sucked.
Wtf? How?

I literally cannot remember a single note of a single song.

>What caused it to fail like it did?

Basically Disney: Finding Nemo & eventually Pirates Of The Caribbean premiered almost at the same time apparently

Oof. I hate to see gems lost because of company wars.

Yeah it's pretty sad. Apparently it was also the end of traditional animation for Dreamworks

I see Prince of Egypt discussed a lot, but how was the sequel?
I don't know my Bible lore too well.
Is it faithful to the source?
How many liberties did it take?
Was this movie just a quick cash grab at church goer's wallets?

Attached: 51D-LXsozvL._SY445_.jpg (313x445, 38K)

Incredible movie. I never felt it was really heavy-handed with the religious aspect either.

I have, and I didn’t like it. One of the worst car rides ever.

>see dvd hundreds of times
>eventually, it scratches so much its unwatchable
>2 months ago
>see that the movie is getting popular
>sudden strong nostalgia
>want to see it with my brothers
>"yuck, a religion movie? Why would we wanna see that?"
>can't convince them for the life of me
I just want them to enjoy it too.

I think it's a definite downgrade, but it's still supremely satisfying in its way

>faithful adaptation


psh, i own the art of book and have it signed by brenda chapman.

chronologically it predates the story of Moses. Not bad at all but nowhere even close to the same spectacle, and the story doesn't call for it, it's a much more subdued story. Family drama is still kinda the centerpiece, but there's less HUGE shit going on so you might say it goes for a slightly more personal feel?

Actually the best animated film to come out of the 90s animation era. Who knew you don't need retarded comic relief sidekicks and pop culture references to make a good animated movie. It's sad that the only reason the story was taken seriously is because it's fucking religion though.

We've got complex feelings about the movie where a man led the Hebrews OUT of Egypt being followed up by the jackass who LED them there in the first place