Well Yea Forums? Are ya gunna shut up and
Well Yea Forums? Are ya gunna shut up and
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>the little mermaid
>ancient story
Yea Forums - Bitching and Screencap bait threads
It's a ye olde dutch story. If it's in a fairytale book, then it's ancient to me.
I don’t care for soulless Disney live-action remakes unlike other sheeple that mindlessly eat up trash because of nostalgia.
white male includes trannies of course
The same thing, but reversed for Little Mermaid.
Didn't Mulan originally do really well in china though, and was received exceptionally well?
Well if the Chinese want to watch it they sure can.
Even if they kept those characters and songs in it I doubt I'd watch it though. Not interested in these live action remakes really.
Try again.
Was it really out of respect or because China isn't big on musicals? Couldn't Mushu as a character still work if they toned his humor down?
Why Doesn't Disney make a movie about a REAL Chinese feminist hero?
Mulan is Chinese Joan of Arc.
>can't even spell "cultural" or "significance" in the midst of all his rage about a fictional story about a mythological creature in the Caribbean
Classic /pol/cel
When are we gonna get the Song of the South remake that's more culturally sensitive to black people. I just want that movie out of the Disney vault!
>respect for chinese culture and history
In other words:
>we are making our movie more palatable to the chinks so it can rake in the BIG BUCKS in China
Disney is only doing Mulan the way they are because Bob Iger loves to slurp Chinese cum.
Does China even want Disney's take on Mulan? Don't they already have several adaptations of their own which would be made by and for Chinese people? I'm not sure what the remake could really offer.
Fairy tales are ancient, yes.
The best thing the remake could offer is to give some big opportunities to asian actors. That's the best way disney can push their "inclusiveness" agenda while being more accurate to the source material. It's infinitely better than what they're doing to the little mermaid.
It was written in the 1800s
>over 200 years old
That's old for a story.
It's actually Danish i believe
I always get them mixed up. They need more cultural represented.
>needing cultural representation
>watching or caring about shitty live action remakes in the first place
Little Mermaid had cultural significance? I don't even know which country the original fable is from.
Mushu is better than the souless modern reliefs like Olaf, Baymax and Flash and seeing the chinks blaming him for nothing makes me want to nuke them for once.
Probably not. I'm not interested in the new live action rehashes if you want my honest opinion. I really hate sounding like this old timer but everything was perfect the way it was. What is the point of this? But I did enjoy the new Mary Poppins film, I took my wife's daughter to go see it.
that's literally considered early modern
i hate zoomers so fucking much
Why couldn't they just make an alternate story in the same Universe with a Black MC is just beyond me
>It worked with Peter Pan twice
>It worked with Disney Princesses
>It worked with The Lion King
>It worked with 101 Dalmatians
You don't need controversybux when you're the mouse
Disney live-action adaptation of pic related when?
>I'm a communist
I thought the early modern period starred started with the renaissance
What happen to the old corrupted children's coloring books threads?
What made suicide rates for black guys so high in the 20s? Did they just put unaccredited lynchings as suicide?
Soon, no redheads will be left in all of media.
No, fuck the English. Other races need representation.
Mulan is based off of a real legend; the little mermaid is Hans Christian Andersen's outlet for being upset he wanted to fuck a dude
Suicide is something people do when they feel have nothing to blame for their problems but themselves; non-white males can blame racism or sexism, white males can't.
I prefer these innocently funny children's coloring books threads
>Respect to ancient Chinese culture
Asian here. Does Mulan get raped in this one?
No, it will have as much in common with the original story as the animated movie, but without the comedy.
>maybe shit up and C U M S U M E?
>100k+ likes
holy cucked
Wasn't The Little Mermaid's casting to stir up controversies and hide Bella Thorne's molested story? Since Bella Thorne is an ex Disney star and rumored to be the initial Ariel casting
You sound like a grouchy 2000 year old vampire.
possibly, the accounts that started the controversy where no name ones that "mysteriously" jumped up the trending roster.
Mulan I couldn't give two fucks about but Lil Mermoof is my first waifu. The mouse casting a black girl isn't offensive to me because I don't like black actors playing white characters, it's more that I don't find the actress they cast, and for that matter most black women, that attractive. So I'm just disappointed I won't see my waifu translated into 3D.
Still racist, but not as racist. Although Terry Crews as Triton might make it worth it.
Does Mulan really gets raped? I thought Joan of Arc had it hard
there's not a chinese or white person in that image. what?
>still forgetting Alicia
I know the fantastic four movies were shit but they still count.
And Disney is using the race discussions as a way to silently murder stylized animation, 2D and 3D. Hope you like anime, Yea Forums!
It's so obvious they are trying to appeal to chinese audiences with Mulan. Disney can't get a foot hold in China so they make a big stink to try and appeal to the CCP's boner for itself so they can make more money.
Modern SJWs and the media thinks its okay to be racist if its against white people.
Nah she just had it a little bit heated.
Nope. She decline the military promotion and returned home in the original. In an adaption created by a completely different writer, she might had been Tom Kinged.
It seems both sides hate Mulan because they cut the music. The chinese are pissed off as well
She basically went to war instead of her father but when she came back home her father already long since died and her mother fucked / remarried some other random guy
Then the Khan took over and demanded her to become his concubine. She then process to an hero
I spend too much time on /pol/ to recognize the chart title from the thumbnail
China loved the animated movie, why not do that again?
Because it is souless and purely driven by a desire for profit. As someone who grew up watching Asian Media I know there are more interesting stories that could be told other then this. it's too obvious.
Proof? I believe you, but I would like evidence of China not liking the reboot.
I haven't been to the movies in years. Shit, I think I've only watched two recent movies in the last two years.
Remember the one episode of the Little Mermaid TV show where Ariel saves Hans Christian Anderson from drowning and it inspires him to write a story about her?
Except he made it 1840s edgy as fuck?
That's hilarious.
Too much jazz.
The fact that it's so different from the Disney animated version unironically gives it the highest chance of being good out of all these trashy live-action remakes.
Note that highest could still be 10%.
>But the general excitement has been tempered by some serious criticism. The original Mulan tale comes from a ballad about a girl born in northern China during the Northern and Southern dynasties period, around the 5th century A.D. The time period and location are key to the story, as her journey kicks off because of the forced conscription to fight invaders threatening the northern border.
Yet the Disney trailer shows Mulan living in a round “tulou” house, a traditional communal living structure of the Hakka people unique to coastal, southern Fujian province that became widespread in the much later Ming dynasty — more than a thousand years later.
“Disney shouldn’t be so careless and just think that because tulou are beautiful, they can make Mulan live in one. She’s not Fujianese!” wrote one detractor who wondered how Mulan would manage to make it north to fight the Huns, adding: “I guess this Mulan has to take the subway out to join the army?”
Another PhD student expressed a similar sentiment in a video that has itself gone viral, racking up some 8 million views in two days. “This film is just trying to ingratiate itself to Western audiences. It’s like they thought, oh, this element is really Chinese, it’s very Oriental, so I’m going to shove it into the film to make everyone feel this is a very ‘Chinese’ film,” he said.
>This mess of mixing unrelated Oriental elements is really disrespectful of non-Western cultures and audiences,” he added. “This is not about [the producers] truly appreciating elements of a culture that is different from Hollywood’s, but using them to create something that [Americans] find comfortable and appealing.”
who is that above Ariel?
The regular people yes. The government probably would ban it. The animated movie was never shown in China.
>Mexican claiming to speak for the chinese
>Uses black people to represent white people
>One is about being Chinese in China and the Chinese army and Chinese history and Chinese customs and Chinese prejudices against women
>The other is about a fish who LITERALLY DIES after being cucked
Disney's Little Mermaid wasn't true to the original story from the beginning. Also the RACISTING has been a very enjoyable rollercoaster to watch.
Live action is cheaper to hold onto their copyrights. Disney well and truly does not give a shit about these and they only exist to renew interest in the animated-style toys. The fact that adults are giving them so much publicity ala SOULLESS LION KING and MUH BLACKS is a big win
They're Americans, user. They think the civil rights era is ancient history.
The graph unironically gives me hope for the future
>Not Daji
I thought it was a joke that US whites had no culture, but it turns out the fuckers actually think My Little Mermaid is ancient and sacred.
Isaac, from the Castlevania games.
It literally can't be understated how low the IQ of the average US citizen is. Our public schools are the equivalent of Sweden's third grade, but with moldy food and asbestos in their lungs.
at this point Disney will never satisfy China for Mulan, the 1998 one bombed because Mushu was a "westernized dragon" among other things. honestly good for China, let this film bomb once again
no they don't, it only made US$51,500.
Please kill yourself you pathetic manlet
>hating on mushu, a black character
that's racist
Thanks for posting the original. Since the left cannot meme for shit they resort to steal memes.
>What made suicide rates for black guys so high in the 20s?
It's the age they committed suicide at, not the decade they did it in.
okay this is baste
I dont wanna. Remakes sucks
Mulan is also a fictional story of China.
>th-th-the left can't meme... the left... can't me-mem-mmeme...
>"Y'know Jimbo, I find it interesting interesting how females account for 62% of suicide attempts, yet males account for 69% of actual suicide deaths."
>The original
White males will always have IQ on you, mudrace.
if you're still alive in three years I'll pretend you matter bb
You know, I'm all for the Mulan live action remake, but they should at least put an instrumental of Make a Man Out Of You in a training scene. That's all I ask.
Well you know women, always looking for attention.
And if you want something done right, have a man do it.
With Mulan I really like that they are going with leaning more towards the original poem, so really I have no qualms with an absence of Eddie Murphy's "I'm Black" jokes.
I don't care that Ariel is race changed, but acting like its a shock and offensive that some people don't like it is willful ignorance.
>I don't like it kneejerk reaction
Honestly understandable, humans hate change. Literally hate it even if the change makes something better (which I'm not saying this will, I mean humans are so afraid of change that the US doesn't even use the metric system)
>I hate it it's going to bomb I WANT it to bomb and I'm a grown ass adult devoting my personal energy and time into hating it and trying to make other people hate it
Quiet goy.
Nah. It doesn't matter who they cast as what, none of these remakes have looked very good to me.
I don't know how much it made, but I went to Disneyland when the movie came out and there were Asian girls that were super excited and buying a bunch of Mulan merch. I think this is a case of people being offended on behalf of other people.
Well, Mulan is begging to be remade as a trans or gay. After all the general fell in love with her thinking she's a boy.
The general has been cut from the live action remake.
Well I'm glad they admit that Chinese culture is soulless crap that apparently allow something that is enjoyed all over the world, such as music.
Please continue to shout memes in the street.That's made it easier for the police to shoot your kneecaps when you inevitably chimp out and be an hero IRL
Meme knowledge make it easier to spot the retard in a crowd
>mfw the new Mulan remake premieres in China
>first shows an advertisement for winnie the Pooh
Can't imagine white females/roasties enjoying that chink shit. Its alright for them only when it's a cartoon or anime. It will fail.
>Mushu better than Baymax
Woah there
Denmark you pickle
This is fucking stupid. Name one (1) movie that is perfectly historically accurate.
Nah to Little Mermaid
Might still give Mulan a shot for the war and girls bathing with boys but apparently Chinese people are already annoyed they mixed up the cultures and time periods