Scoob and Shag thread. Let's talk about it and how they waste Daffy and Bart

Scoob and Shag thread. Let's talk about it and how they waste Daffy and Bart.

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I can't believe how much more the story could ramp up.
I hardly even understand what the fuck is going on anymore, but goddammit I need to see where it all ends up.

I think you sum up how anyone reading this feels, I really don't know what to expect and everything that happens actually shocks me. I just hope it doesn't devolves any further into "lol Shaggy is OP" kind of shit that has been ruining de DB Fandom Althoug, I believe the author could handle it in an excellent way.

i love the fact having to much power makes you break the 4th wall and how micky is a fucking coward

posting this because someone made a epic OST for this and i fucking love it

He has the most powerful ballyhoo, between him and Bug they could easilly take on all the infected Martians, both Popeye and Yogi are OP af too when you think about it, specially if they work in tandem. I'm sure the rest of the commanders we haven't seen fight are OP too, but let's wait and see.

Thanks a lot user!

so is "Intentionally retarded fan fic full of random popular characters with with an actually good serious plot" just a genre now?

Yes and I love it.

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When Daphne shows up, she is either dead or a greater threat bigger then Mickey. There is no in-between for her.

yea. this was supposed to be a meme comic only for the plot to derail the meme

That always happens with meme comics

>so is "Intentionally retarded fan fic full of random popular characters with with an actually good serious plot" just a genre now?
you gotta list at least 3 other examples now if you wanna consider this a "genre", user.

the Frollo Show is one right?

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I love it when that happens though. When done right, adding an actual native to the underlying chaos of a surrealist parody gives you a world that is ridiculously alien yet easy to believe in. Introducing a story like this as a joke lets the writer get around the viewer's suspension of disbelief by presenting it at first as a farce.
That's why properties like 12oz Mouse or It Hurts inspire such divisive reactions and create such loyal fanbasses. Everyone who stuck around past the silly shit got hooked on the lore, and everyone who didn't assumes they're nothing but silly shit.

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>Scoob and Shag
>Tails Gets Trolled
i feel like those sponge bob anime OPs count.

12oz Mouse had lore?
Shit I need to check it out

The important question is: When is Goku showing up and what's his Ballyhoo going to be?

His Ballyhoo is [SUBTITLE]. He only speaks in Japanese, but he can create his words, translated, appear at the bottom any ones eyesight.

What's his ballyhoo?

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His ballyhoo is zenkai, just like Mickey but more Japanesey

He doesnt have access to Ballyhoo, he has the opposite negative force that they mentioned because he's a hated character.

Cartman's Ballyhoo would be 10 Second Delay. Everything his opponents see and hear are ten seconds in the past.

Impossible, Cartman is a Martian

It'd make sense that Goku's Bollyhoo would be incredibly strong, given that he's an extremely beloved character like Micky Mouse, I hope to god they end up butting heads and fighting.

How do you even fight Mickey? his Bollyhoo is just an insta-kill.
Im sure they'll reveal some limitation on it, but still as it stands i dont even understand how there could be a "fight"

Goku's Bollyhoo could be a direct counter. I can't imagine anyone else being slightly capable of pushing in Micky's shit outside of the Carrot boy.

>I can't imagine anyone else being slightly capable of pushing in Micky's shit outside of the Carrot boy.
You're forgetting the most beloved fictional character of all time
God and/or Jesus

user, you're beautiful and I love you.

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> Scoob and Shag
> tails gets trolled
> Sherwood
It's a genre alright.

Was this a conscious decision, or did the authors decide to make something gold?

And recently LMAC

Forgot how good this series was.

Is the writer of this just going on Yea Forums and shilling every day now? There's no conversations to be had that haven't already been had the last four threads that got sub 100 replies.

no. its just that people like it and are trying to get others to like it. Not even going to lie, i was the one who started it but i only wanted to get people to like it and it kinda kick off from there

Fist of the B0rf Star

>t. artist


Goku were he hit by power would grow stronger as he's crushed until he reverts it into a supernova

i didn't make the art or webcomic. i just made the first thread about this and got people to talk about it

What is LMAC?

Before the real Mickey was revealed, I thought that either Goku or Shaggy was going to be the #1 Comander. I actually doubt he or any anime character will actually appear, but who knows, Goofy had faith in him early on.