Arthur adds a gay rat couple

>Arthur adds a gay rat couple
>everybody freaks out because its for kids
>Kung Fu Panda adds a warthog gay couple
>absolutely nobody cares at all

What's the difference?

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Arthur's on PBS and Kung Fu Panda is not.

there is none, Arthur is just more well known so faggots bitch about it so they'll get more attention
pearl clutching maneuver

You already had this thread why the fuck do you need it again except to bring /pol/ here

So if it was on PBS then people would care?


they didn't have a gay warthog wedding

No, but they implied one.

Kung Fu Panda is a little bit more adult in themes

the show had a literal granny goat that seduced people into doing their wishes (since Po is a fat fuck, she seduced him with food instead)

Reminder Po killed a man with a nuclear strike.

How many people know this show exists?

Longevity of the characters in the public conscience.
Arthur and his community's been around since at least the 90's, the first Kung Fu Panda movie came out eleven years ago.

>tax payer dollars fund gay propaganda

I don't care about kung fu panda, the only knowledge I have about it it's the porn comic some dude keeps making

>good oxygen goes into your lungs
like, UGH

>the only knowledge I have about it it's
>about it it is

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fuck this thread and OP

It's a fair question.

No one has Amazon Prime in Yea Forums.

I do.

This the THIRD thread I've seen about this with that image this week. What's your endgame OP?

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>the first Kung Fu Panda movie came out eleven years ago
damn for real? i was a counselor at a day camp in high school and we took the kids to see kfp and other animated movies that were playing at the time. it doesn't feel that far away
come to think of it those kids are probably around the age i was when i taught them. i hope they're doing ok ;___;

1. Nobody give a shit about TV series of kung fu panda
2. Nobody gives a shit about authur, people was more concern about the show not being cancel a decade ago.

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>Brittany makes millions of girls wet
>nobody says a damn thing

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How am I supposed to explain hot rat dick to my idiot child.

You tell me, OP. You tell me how.

Proof. Post it.

They made a fucking cloaca joke in KFP, and you're hung up on the gay boars?


I don't recall the specific spot, but I think when Rooster tags along with the other characters and they all fall down somewhere. He screams "Oh, my cloaca".

He also thought the princess was coming on to him, even though she's just 15.

I'd bet anything you misheard.

Ratburn and his husband are ugly, while the warthogs are sexy. It's okay to be gay if you can jerk it to them.

I didn't. There's even another one in season one, episode 11.

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I'm gonna turn on my Prime and confirm this and if you're lying I'll kill you.

Obverselty he wants to subconsciously get people to make rule 34

With passion

You were right.
I wouldn't mind the time Rooster says it too, if you can find the episode.

What's wrong with that?

>Implying tax payer dollars has never gone to propaganda before

I'll try. He shows up a lot in the new season, so it'll take a while.

Do you remember the scenery at all? Was it a town, a boat, inside of a volcano?

I mean where else do governments get money

Bump because I want to know.

Nothing wrong with Kung Fu Panda rule 34.

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>tax payer dollars fund president's private businesses to enable the president to play golf
Conservacuck: I don't care because I apply my values in an inconsistent manner!

Found it. Also the episode Game of Fists, near the end, when Rooster is constantly zapped by eels.

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Thank you.

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