Whoa... so this... is the power of John K

Whoa... so this... is the power of John K...

Attached: 51MHWZ6SA8L.jpg (350x500, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This was peak John K. character design.

Attached: GHGEEB.png (1024x680, 1.08M)

John K. with limits is always better than without. In this case he was limited by a Japanese company's requests.

Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o4_1280.jpg (592x381, 28K)

Those don't look like John K designs for the most part, it was probably someone else at his studio

I want to fuck that blue rabbit-like thing on the top right corner

The characters were modified from the concept art. All of the character concept art I've seen is credited to him. Others at Spumco did contribute other designs to the game though, such as level design concepts.

Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o3_1280.jpg (589x537, 33K)

There is no way in hell he designed any of those characters. Maybe he drew the first draft and a competent artist completely redid all of them.

Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o2_500.jpg (457x530, 26K)

She's a cat. In game she had more human like proportions, which wasn't part of the original concept art drawings.

Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o8_500.jpg (409x494, 30K)

Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o9_540.jpg (389x783, 42K)

Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o10_540.jpg (529x494, 39K)



A nice reference to a fellow employee, or John forcing his creepy shit onto somebody else's design?

Attached: katie's saloon.png (1236x1016, 1.2M)

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Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o6_540.jpg (523x507, 32K)

Attached: tumblr_o3ecjqwHBG1rx9er0o7_1280.jpg (640x458, 33K)

>A nice reference to a fellow employee, or John forcing his creepy shit onto somebody else's design?
Both, but mostly the latter.

>that level with the giant tits

>the age of consent in Japan is lower than in the US
Makes you think...

Is that furry jsr?

Federally, but local laws all raise the age to 18.

As opposed to America where the majority of states have the age set at 16 or 17.


>John K thread that isn't entirely shitposting yet
Good time for me to ask if anyone is interested in this Spumco coffeetable book.
I don't know if anyone has posted it here before, but I have a pdf of this book if anyone wants me to upload it. There is a lot of great art in it, and stories I had never read before about John K and his mentors.

Attached: children's crusade.png (713x706, 735K)

Gabe Swarr was the character designer. I'm pretty sure John K didn't see any of this because I heard he never even saw the Tenacious D video Gabe directed. Also way too much "''tude" in these, John would've went apeshit if he saw these.

Is that a Bogdanoff?

Gimme that pdf

John K didn’t make any of these you faggot

No, it's a skateboarding game


Here you go sir.
we.(delete this)tl/t-z3IjiEbsAM

Attached: ptm.png (759x619, 1.05M)

His character designs for this remind me of *whipsnap* Johnny *whipsnap* Test *whipsnap*.


He had some kind of involvement, Spumco. is branded through out it

Attached: Untitled.png (329x352, 206K)

It's whipcrack you poser

Here's some John K. in Japan

>The call that saved animation

Seven clever boys!

I don't know why I like cel-shaded games so much

Holy shit, I used to love Go Go Hypergrind.

Hell, I really miss that era of cartoony roster multiplayer games. GGH, Freaky Flyers, Whacked, Cel Damage.... not all perfect games, but I really loved them all.

Attached: ps2_freaky_flyers-110214.jpg (300x300, 28K)

How does this link work?

That chin... I've seen it before

I want to fuck the cat

Is it not obvious? Just delete the "(delete this)". I had to put that in there because when I just pasted the link, it thought my post was spam.

Why do games have to suck so much now, where did the soul and creativity go


Please do

Yeah his sketches are a lot looser too. These are very tight.

Oh wait you did, I’m retarded, thanks user.

No problem. Enjoy. The formatting is definitely shitty, as they point out in the article I linked, but there is a lot of great content.

How’d you get ahold of it anyway?

I forget how I found this person but I was talking to someone online about John K a few years ago and they ended up telling me about the book and sending my a link to the pdf. No idea how they got it.


The cutscenes in Freaky Flyer's are gold youtube.com/watch?v=kq4AZIWUpj0

Hey, that's my upload from years and years ago, neat.

Too bad we'll never get an HD remake of it, and even if we did, I'm pretty sure the humor would be... questionable these days.

I'd kill for an HD remake of Whacked.

John K is posting a lot of this girl on his blog, since we know he's blacklisted from the nimation "world" due to false accusations do you think she might end up as a comic book like George Liquor did?

Attached: Blop.png (1472x1152, 3.95M)

Attached: 24.png (887x878, 434K)

>waifu hail mary
Godspeed, John.

Attached: 26.png (787x970, 1.1M)

>Unproduced Cartoon Stories
I will continue to post stories featuring my characters in outline or storyboard form and sometimes in animatics.
I even have some vintage stories from the 1980s with Ren and Stimpy that I'd like to share.
For those of you have found the blog and free cartooning lessons interesting or useful enough to donate I am very grateful. Also to those who have bought things from my store, because that’s basically how I make my living now – and how I pay my assistant.
If you haven’t thought about checking out the cartoony merchandise there, I hope you might take the opportunity now.

I know almost everyone and it's granny hates John but I kinda feel sorry for him to be honest.

Attached: 13.png (640x910, 340K)

Attached: animeBoopnonalias-01_bak.png (893x1600, 259K)

Attached: bintoblop2.png (1533x1264, 3.62M)

John can’t draw anymore

Attached: 5Cruise.png (659x733, 466K)

his hentai is top tier

Attached: johnK.jpg (450x327, 50K)

Attached: Blop.png (660x880, 246K)

Attached: anime2withcolor.jpg (1600x1481, 322K)

>put Lum in a Star Blazers outfit
>now it’s anime

He was his own undoing. He might have been able to salvage something of a career if he hadn’t spent his entire career being awful to deal with. His greatest contribution remains his blog and his prodigies who learned from it.

>was his own undoing
How so?

This is really cool, thanks user!

Was a lunatic bully in the workplace, didn't turn shit in on time to the network, and he was a sex criminal

>and he was a sex criminal
Where's the evidence?

This. He might've been able to salvage his career if he was able to get shit done on time, but Cans Without Labels proved that he will go years over deadline and still turn in an unappealing work.

With how skewed towards Tezuka his anime frame of reference is is it's shocking that he would use 70's anime as a source of inspiration.

Attached: 5.jpg (1600x1175, 156K)

Yes pls

Were any of these that weren't based on some other property actually successful.

Attached: Cel Damage.jpg (1206x800, 263K)

this is sincerely some of the worst art ive seen in my whole goddamn life, john can play the "DUHH BUT UH SYLIZED UH TEX AVERY UH UH UH CLASSIC" card all he wants but even taking that into account its still really fucking awful.

I'm just so utterly underwhelmed by everything John K is directly responsible for. Everything I see him do looks so basic and uninspired. I have no idea why anyone admires or is even remotely interested in his style and output.

Remember, approximately 10% of accusations of rape are false. This still means the odds of him NOT being a sex pest are about 1 in 1000.

Nah he's still good

You just have no taste or realize how he influenced everybody else