What's with Andy?

What's the cartoon with the most creative humor, and why is it this one?

Attached: whats_with_andy_title_card.jpg (339x291, 23K)

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It was okay, but not outstanding. Pig City did humour better, and it wasn't focused on pranks, either.

>Pig City did humour better
No it fucking didn't. That shit was even more unwatchable than The Kids from Room 402 (not an easy feat, I assure you).

The studio actually hired excellent writers for WWA for some reason, and it showed. At least in season 1

What the fuck was his problem?

It was one of those rare shows as the protagonist is an insufferable asshole and rest of the characters are just normal people and just don't want to be bothered where the opposite usually happens.

Also, the show with the most underwear shots of a male lead.

Aside from Rugrats, I guess

Fucking shit, someone else realizes this.

a.k.a. France>USA>Canada

Shit taste confirmed. Pig City and Kids from Room 402 had more personality in one episode than WWA did in all of its seasons.

Attached: 34f.png (450x1043, 937K)

Anyone want HQ DVDRips for this show? Well I'm posting them anyways

Season 1 multilingual: mega.nz/#F!6rRjjYJI!BaLecDVONGU9auM8FwnYKw

Season 2, German only - that's the only DVD release because fuck you: mega.nz/#F!OuwDBQpR!s4pV522d5P6si8vC7XzWgQ

Such a bizarre and annoying show. I think the only show that ever managed to annoy me more was The Tofus, which somehow managed to made in the wrong decade.

How is he an asshole? Life in his town is so boring the people should literally be thanking him every day

What I'm wondering is why the fuck none of the theme songs try to rhyme

Because rhyming isn't cool
It's for fools

I hated this show

haters OUT

The Tofus was pretty bad though

He did just mess around with everyone even though the majority of the people (except for that punk bullies) were generally kind towards him. It was one of the rare Canadian shows where Andy got into trouble because of his own fault and not because of the unforeseen circumstances.

>that episode where Andy played literally dead in order to not go to the carnival and yet his family still took him with them
I sitll don't know if his family are just that dumb or used reverse trolling. But that shit was too bizarre even for Andy.

>The Tofus
You just triggered my PTSD, user

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>The Tofus was pretty bad though

Some are just dicks

They knew he was faking from the start.

Man, now I've rewatched that episode, it feels like a Stranger Things episode.
>tfw all townspeople are laughing and throwing balls at Andy to dunk him when Andy's mother says he's dead and can't prank back anymore

Well it wasn't quite as bad as fucking "here's a generic SoL cartoon but WITH PIGS" Pig City but that's a rather low bar I'd say

Basically WWA >>> 402 > The Tofus > Pig City

Half of the live-action shite that was being put out at the time was leagues better than that piece of uninspired 'wow our parents sure are LAME-O'S' garbage

>tfw after rewatching episodes you realize Andy had it easy despite all he did because of his sister secretly protecting him in school
Jen was actually a really nice sister. How heartwarming.

That post was about The Tofus retard

According to the pig episode, genetics.

>the pig episode
Literally nobody but the most hardcore fan of the show will get that you mean Mind Games
You could've said the counseling episode


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