Pick one

Pick one

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Other urls found in this thread:




All of them and their feets in my mouth at the same time

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What kind of panties does Alex wear?

ones she's worn two days in a row

Jerry so I can have him send all three to me.

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The one with the long black hair.



Always Alex


Damn I forgot how bad season 6 looked.

The black girl in the middle.


The Choclate One.

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How kinky is Alex?

Alex just outshines Clover and Sam

She likes protein shakes in the bathroom

I like all three, but if I have to then Clover

I'd say she's more of a caramel

Attached: alex.jpg (210x240, 13K)

>tfw no fit gf

I want to put a vibrator into her spy suit.

Clover. She's rich, hot, and a bitch

>protein shakes

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Basically list your fetishes and then pick the one that fit that transformation.

She's the one you pick if you're into muscle chicks.

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Sam looks the best here, but it's between her and Alex otherwise.

Why are so few picking Clover?

The choice is red head, brown, or boring basc blonde.

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I'm torn. I'm torn between my love of redheads, but also my love of delicious ambiguous brown. Smart book need, or athletic chocolate. My heart, nor muh dick, can decide.

But I do know Clover can get gangraped in a back alley by a pack of feral nigs. Worst girl.

>tfw no more

Booksmart redhead please

Did he die or what

always sam
i wrote fanfic in a notebook of sam and my oc when i was 10
no regerts no ragrets

the brown one

Imagine the smell


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I'd say Alex. She's cutest.
Probably open to whatever you like as long as it's relatively basic and doesn't involve tons of poop or pee.
Regular white ones when in civilian attire, sometimes a thong or loincloth if she's worried about it being visible under the spysuit. Can't have pantylines under a spysuit, that's very un-fashionable.

Only people into fatties like her, and mostly for the fat episode; her personality is trash. Even Mandy is better.

If they were to reboot TS, would you want mandy to be added as a 4th member?

Attached: Mandy.jpg (1114x1136, 166K)

I wish it were actually hard to choose. I really do.

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I like asian chicks.


Put a vibrator in her spysuit my nigga.

Mandy was asian?

>Delicious brown
>has muscle growth episode
Literally how can anyone compete with Alex

Alex is too pure for this world

I think she's asian at least.

Honestly, don't know? My best guess is he stopped cause he wanted to start doing professional stuff, or a girlfriend, friend or family found him out so he stopped, or something like that. Things like that have happened to quite a few artists who do certain types of art.
He was doing an X-men Evolution comic with Rouge,Wanda and Mystique, but I don't think it ever was finished. All art stopped some time around '11-'1, I believe. Nothing since then.


Mandy was asian?

Clover. Blonde always best. Sam is a bitch, Alex is a dumb shit, clover is an airhead but also brave and strong

Used to like Sam but now I really like Alex.

Clover is meh.

By having a giantess episode

Attached: totallyspiesgiant.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Macro is the imbecile's fetish

Well, they could do it two different ways.
1. Mandy starts out as #4, but betrays them and becomes a villain.
2. Mandy starts out as the bully girls, goes through a redemption arc, and then makes friends with the regular 3 and eventually becomes a rookie member that comically misuses the gadgets and doesn't know what the fuck she's doing.

I personally like the second one.

Second one is the most likely, since its a commonly done trope.

The 1st one requires the character to generally be pretty competent as the betrayer, and mandy was more of a bully ditz.

Giantess is far more mainstream.

Sam. She was MC'd the most

all three as my mind controlled slaves

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Sammy, the nudist

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Imagine actually picking Clover

He’s in the room. His reflection can be enhanced in universe from the glass.

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I have a thing for Tomboys so definitely Alex
After that is Sam and then that roastie whore Clover is dead-last

This is one of the only series I've watched where all protags are equally appealing.
I could get any one randomly and be pleased with the outcome

>you will never lick Mandy's feet

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Alex is a close second.
Clover is a distant third.

Why choose when you can fuse?

Alex. Not even a contest. Like, Sam and Clover are not even slightly on the radar here.

I've always been a Clover lad meself.

I love how Clover constantly got her clothes blown off.

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Im normally in love with brown girls but in this case sam and clover are the ones getting my dick hard

yes, the imbecile's fetish


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Impregnate: Sam
Just for sex: Mandy & Alex
meh: clover

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>Totally Spies will never get a proper movie
probably a good thing but then pic related will never get to play alex

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It’s hard to say since they’re all my type. I love me some blonde blue eye girls but I also love me red head smart girls and I also love brown girls.

Some one post muscle Alex

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>its all dickgirl-on-dickgirl action
Who does this appeal to?

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Which episode is this?

>tfw a show actually caters to your niche fetish


Celebrity Swipe

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but whos mom would you want. without choosing the mother of your current pick

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I hate how they retconned their mothers.

also mandys mom phoebe

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wait when did they do that was that a season 6 thing like what they did to alexs dad

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She has the worst personality, but fuck it, Clover for the haircut.

its obvious they didnt have a show bible or any written canon based on how many errors crop up in the shows run

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more like season 3, shit was all over the place

only apperance of sams dad

Attached: Totally Spies - Saison 6 - Épisode 6 - MARIAGES ET SABOTAGES.mp4_20140613_154809.555.png (1280x720, 933K)

Originally their moms looked somewhat older and plumper and not identical to their daughters.

Attached: Moms_Confused.png (640x475, 555K)

real show muscle alex, or fanart of muscle alex?

The car. I want to fuck the car.

oh wow yeah completely forgot about that episode

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Sams mom = Alex mom >> Clover mom

the headcanon for me is her parents are divorced, with the white guy being her step-dad.
Was still dumb to retcon it but whatever

I think this was first futa I ever jacked off to, what a trip

maybe her father was always white thats why shes light skinned, but someone took the notes without looking at the older designs, saw brown mom white dad and messed it up

Spoiler: Their moms are actually time traveling versions of themselves, and they're their own mothers

Sam's mom = clovers mom >alex mom

I like chocolate but clovers mom got it going on and sams mom is a closet freak

They retconned them? I just thought they couldn't keep theirs appearance consistent

in a future episode a time traveler killed their mothers, so they went back in time, took rejuvenation pills then the spies became their own moms. Simple really

Clover > Sam > Alex
Although all three are great.

>mfw Apostles set

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forever down with brown.

before anyone asks, yes it's an edit

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>6 tits
>But only 1 vag
Is it even worth it?

With this, the edit thread, that SU bimbo one and all the other shit I’ve been fucking rock hard all goddamn day, I’m gonna fucking die

How did she move her toes like that?

depends, how... many... BUTTS?

...the way those defy gravity

Clover was definitely the best girl.

It looks like just one, but it's a REALLY big butt

clearly even though they only have one vagina, due to it being the result of three being merged into one, it's three times the size of a regular one

she's very fit.

Sam if I have to choose.

Same here


>literally every fetish
>no BE episode

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She's a shitheel

Alex would be the one most likely to date or even associate with the average Yea Forumsmrade. Clover's your average shallow and materialistic thot and Sam's a bit of a prude with conventional tastes in men.

Alex, on the other hand, likes comic books, video games and is a bit of a tomboy. Additionally, she's shown to be the member of the team least fixated on social status and norms, and she also implies that she's attracted to nerdy men.

Besides, she had the nicest and most affable personality.

because the transformations have to give them a power of some sort user. FMG makes her super strong, turning her into a giant makes her super strong, Turning into a cat girl gives her... I don't know, cat powers, even when they had their legs chopped off and changed with a fat person's legs, the legs were useful for holding down the pedals on the vehicle they were flying.
Big boobs have no power to give them, and would only be there for perv potential, and remember, this show was made for little kids.

Hell, is that why they ended it and changed it to be about a bunch of little jr. kid spies instead with no transformations?

Alex can date nerds but she more interested is muscle men, so you better be at leas fit. I go for Sam because I think her prude side would make slowly introducing her to more degenerate things, I mean, she probably would hesitate to do a handy. Bonus points for being smart and a redhead without freckles


Best Girl.

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>literally every fetish
That's bullshit and you know it


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It's not her feet that I want.

Get out of here with your baby shit show

Alex was the best one.

The car. Must be worth a bit.

>mfw I dry humped my pillow as a kid to the thought of Alex

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God-tier tastes, every last one of you.


Omigod, thanks for the huge laugh, chap.


>literally every fetish
Yeah which episode had lactation in it

where was the fairy transformation episode then?

Which episode was the shit episode?

Where was futa?

There wasn't even a straight up age regression episode retard.

duckgirl-on-dickgirl is the least gay incarnation of dickgirl porn

first post
best post

>ending never
>sequel never
Press F to pay respect

I want to fund a project to track down all these old porn artists that never finished their stuff logic be damned

What if Alex and Sam scissored really really hard?

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DTiberius was the first gay shit i ever jacked it to. what a wild ride its been

whatever happened to him?

sam would be burned out by alex's athletic prowess

Sam. I wanna grab a handful of the long red hair while I'm plowing her from behind.

So Alex would keep going, dominating an exhausted and cummed out Sam anyways?


Same universe so I'd pick her.

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They are not even keeping it 'subtle' any more.
(subtle meaning denying the obvious)

Supposedly he started having all kinds of health problems and fucked off. F might be more appropriate then we fear.

>God-tier tastes, every last one of you.
You misunderstand.

It's Britney, bitch.

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As much as I love the reference, I;ma have to correct you.

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harem end

Its the second, least gay is dxf most gay is dxm

>you will never know what Sam's cheek taste like

I'll take Clover, she looks easiest.

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she's easy if you are a bland pretty boy

Sam is snooty, will leave you for someone better eventually.
Alex is dumb as a rock.
Clover is a slut.

Seems like you're fucked either way. Would give Clover a try cause at least if it ends it'll end quick without too much time invested.
I'd rather try Mandy.

Did they ever release the first seasons in HD? Those old gifs could use a remake.

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>Alex is dumb as a rock.
Where's the problem if we can be dumb together?

She’s also the hottest out of the three.


Alex is known to be almost toddler tier. It'll get old fast, nobody wants a partner that needs her hand held in everything they do.

hot dang what a gorgeous creature
too bad i remember very little of this show

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How is having the best taste in the thread brave?

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Scroll up and read the other opinions here.

You think Martin ever tried to hit that?


>Thotally Spies
Sam, of course.

Americans are asleep now so of course Alex will be less popular.

I sure wonder if that's a bathing suit top she's wearing

and Annalise as Sam

Attached: Annalise-Basso:-Captain-Fantastic-Photocall-at-2016-Cannes-Film-Festival--07.jpg (1470x2205, 250K)

fucking clover is like putting a full used condom on your penis

I'm going to browntown


Dxm is the least gay you fag, there's one guy and one girl like the Jesus wants it.

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Is she a gypsy?


And fucking Alex is like taking advantage of a retard with brain damage. What’s your point besides proving me right?


You guys are making feel like shit for picking Clover. Granted I never watched the show, but I don't get the unpopularity when it comes to appearance.

No but Jerry certainly did.

Sam. Imagine waking up next to her after laying on that sea of red hair

I thought she was Martin’s mom so that’s why he never tried to smash. He still should’ve fucked her and his cousin though since there was no other bitches.


>chicks with dicks

imagine the smell

I think I missed the cock vore episode

just BE yourself, user

your loss, it was awesome

that OP pic is extremely porny.

that pig knows whats up

IMHO Sam secretly wants to get brainwashed into being a slutty dumb bimbo doll.

Yes. Alex would turn Sam into a wet mess, constantly arousing and controlling her body.

Would be cooler if the six arms where making the three heads fuse into one.

I thought I remembered their breasts being exactly the same size.

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Always Alex.

When does this ever work?

Sam is a boring whore and Alex is an irritating dumbass. You’d have to be gay if impregnating Clover isn’t the first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning.

>wears a tight bodysuit at work
Alex is perfect.

I don't think that's how homosexuality works.


Sam till the day i die but goddamn if alex isn't growing on me, i'm not big on clover but you do you

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Okay lewdposting aside, I've always wanted to rewatch the show. But where's a good place to start? I've watched the first season and a bit of the second season but it kind of fucking sucks.

It does not get any better
It is terrible and should only be viewed once when there's literally nothing else on so you can figure out which spy you'd fug


>This is the taste of a liar

She would be Sam nowdays

the best waifu

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-20 Cosplay no Instagram “💜 Starfire 💜 ___________________________________ (600x600, 993K)

got you senpai

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I like dumb girls. But I don’t like dark girls. I’ll take the blonde slut instead.

Attached: totally cocks.png (2511x1522, 2.79M)

>1080p web-dl
POST FOLDER NAO! or magnet
I desperately need to upgrade my 480p rip

Attached: 1452879028547.png (679x427, 11K)

This feeds my corruption fetish.

Attached: Alex Passport.jpg (800x800, 280K)

it's season 6

I too can read a filename. That's why I politely requested a folder or magnet.

Are you saying you're stuck with a 480p of season 6?

Yes. Ripped by someone who apparently doesn't care about e-penis status, so no ripper tag.

Someones been fucking with those titles user. Evil G.L.A.D.I.S. Much? is a season 3 episode which isn't available in HD.

Well fuck, you're right.
>mfw i don't actually have season 6 and now have to crosscheck all the files i do have
I suspect this is some kind of fuck up with X amount of episodes getting released in a bundle and then wrongly labeled as a season. There's a Phineas & Ferb rip that has the same problem, if memory serves.

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Nostalgia Critic makes one shitty reference, and sure enough Yea Forums and Yea Forums make threads about it. Thanks Doug.

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Dammit, turns out I didn't actually have season 4, or 6, and season 1, 3 and 5 had a few episodes out of order. Luckily the show isn't particularly continuity heavy so no point in fixing that.

Hello newfriend. We've been masturbating to the spies for years here.
[generic meme e-celeb] may have sparked the creation of this particular thread, but it would've been made regardless.

That old bald boomer still making cringy videos?

That being said, the Spies vs. Shego when?

Are you implying Spies threads are something new?

>you'll never gonna work for her and call her Mom

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You wish. She's not black enough.

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Clover is forever my first and only slutfu.

Who cares about X-men? He never finished that awesome Blackfire vs. Jinx futa fuck-off.

I disagree that the show sucks, I would argue the first 2 seasons are pretty good with most of season 3 being okay too
this is accurate however, it goes downhill after that, the movie looks nice but is terribly written and voiced
Season 6 looks nice too and is a step up from the shit that was season 5


Are you an ultra newfag or something? Search for Dtiberius on E-H and it'll pop up, the comic's name is Queen of the Hive.

Annalise Basso

Growing up I was never really into brown girls, so I was always more into Clover, but after seeing her interactions with Marvin In the Marvin Mystery crossover, I'm definitely on team Alex all the way.

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Wow, she's in her 30s now.

Oral fixation

Attached: Alex suck.webm (1280x720, 184K)

Red > Rest.

Attached: Alex thumb suck.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Attached: Alex's father03.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)

Don't worry user, I understood that reference

>a girl who sucks anything close to her mouth
>a father who takes photos of his sleeping daughter
I wonder just how perverse this man is.

Wasn't her dad white though?

Really is hard to chose isn't it?

>Be me
>Kid watching totally spies
>Always felt weird during certain scenes but didn't know why
>Be me years later
>Totally spies back on TV for some odd reason
>Finally understand why my pp get hard now
How did they get away the overwhelming amount of fetishbait this show had. Like, I know its france and all but christ, they went full force on that shit

Delicious brown. Every time, delicious brown.

Maybe more

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It hurts, but at least we got a GTS episode.

>Hi this is my first day on this site, do you like those EPIC eceleb yootoobers I love them so much I have all the funkopops thehee

i'll concede that alex is objectively the best choice, but my hypno fetish means i'm obligated to pick sam.