I am... a freedom fighter

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What Snyder film is this from?

that's from the ASM2 ending

Is that a goblin glider?

What POS fan film are you trying to pass as a real deal movie?

>rewatching the ASM2 credits scene
>Sinister Six were number coded
Octopus - 001
Goblin - 003
Vulture - 004
Mysterio - 005
Kraven - 006

does it mean anything now?


It was such a bizarre decision to tease the Sinister Six at the end of a movie like ASM2, how on earth did they think this would work out?

> sony

Why wouldn't it?

>It was such a bizarre decision
It was the only thing people talked about the movie
God! It was the only reason people went to see the movie, they showed easter eggs in the fucking trailer

It was the height of the Avengers hype, and everybody wanted to build up to something. An evil team formed by some of the comics' most popular villains is a solid idea in theory.

I hope the twist is that it's not Osborn.

Attached: axishobg2014002cov-c6c07[1].jpg (900x1366, 185K)

Sony's Sinister Six could've worked it they were the endgame all along and were properly set up from the start. But the original buildup was to Green Goblin and the death of Gwen Stacy, and they ended up awkwardly shifting course between movies and rushing through their original two-movie story arc in one.

Harry and Electro's surprisingly genuine evil friendship was still fun to watch, though.

Attached: Evil Buddies.jpg (900x380, 66K)

This is the worst kind of "world building" that robs characters of their uniqueness equating them to a single source.

It was bullshit when in BvS that Lex randomly had footage of people he really shouldn't have and "lol super prepared smart guy" is not a good excuse

The ASM movies still had the best Spider-man movies to date. Especially the way he moves. I don't know what they did differently, but he feels a lot more "spider" to me. And that thwip sound was fucking *perfect*.

*Spider-man scenes

I'm still mad about what they did to Rhino. What a goddamn abomination that was, and pointless too. Extra stupid that the entire Sinister Six origin is basically collecting dust in Osborn's basement. Furthermore, SONY had no idea who the fuck hat guy was and were making shit up as they went.

I can only hope that eventually the MCU does a proper Rhino. They did pretty okay with Vulture and Mysterio. Shame their Peter sucks

Attached: Rhino Redesign.jpg (908x540, 129K)

You're not wrong but I'd take it any day of the week over Iron "sassy Batman" Man and Spider- "bitchmade Robin" Man

>Furthermore, SONY had no idea who the fuck hat guy was

He was Gustav Fiers. He was a criminal mastermind who assembled the Sinister Six in a non-canon storyline. The movies basically made him the Osborns' Alfred.

Attached: Gustav Fiers.jpg (400x400, 40K)

I know, it's weird, I can only say this in retrospect but they were a lot better than what we have now. ASM 1 wasn't great but had good scenes and moments, but I have a lot of nostalgia for ASM 2 of watching it with my brother and his friends, laughing hysterically and having a good time.

They just have this genuine superhero popcorn flick feel. Not the assembly line produced nothingness that Marvel is turning all capeshit into.

it feels like the "true hero" journey that happens for hercules in his movie