Name a more based moment in disney nu-wars

name a more based moment in disney nu-wars

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Whenever you decide to kill yourself
I actually kinda liked this story but retards like you have spammed it as bait to the point I'm sick of seeing a single panel

Including this crap was an absolutely retarded choice.

I dont geddit. Darth Wader kills a woman that looks a typical American housewife?

I literally can't.
Roasties BTFO

So if it was a guy instead of some lady all would be forgiven right?

Having Darth Vader kill a woman is sexist and bigoted

Crazy bitch was keeping samples of Vader's blood, even kept shit the doctors removed from him. Page before the op posted she walks in and asks to be his apprentice (or something like that, can't find the full comic to makes sure).

Short version, the entire comic felt like a fan fiction self insert, and then when she finally gets to Vader he just smotes her on the spot.

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Not even that, she just walks in and starts rambling about how fucking gagging she's been for his (probably nonexistent) dick while trailing in trashwater after her boss discovered her collection of his body bits and tossed them down a garbage chute and she chased them
It was honestly self defense at that point, bitch was NUTS

This makes me hard.

Damn she thicc

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Really it's a jumpsuit rolled down to the waist and an undershirt but it does look a lot like a sweater or something

The funniest thing to come out of this were those tumblr comics were Vader turned down the nurse, by saying he wasn’t interested.

>wants to fuck thicc corpses

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I loved the outrage over this. Vader blew up an entire planet to prove a point. He killed a room full of children. Slaughtered a whole tribe of sand people.

But THIS was just too far!

It was really self defense if you think about it.

Dude lopped of his own son's hand, but apparently this is beyond the pale.

I've stopped even noticing sound effects in comic books. I don't think I've ever seen them add to the verisimilitude. The industry should try to get away from them altogether, in my opinion.

People got pissed because they thought it was making fun of the fans. Biting the hand that feeds them, no handcutting pun intended.

Like the Mighty Number 9 that made a nerd prom night joke, and the Reboot reboot showing a fan of the original show as a fat gross basement dweller. Or that Punisher comic where he literally tells white trash cops not to idolize him.

Wait, he’d kill a gay man? That would cause serious shit.

I think Chuck Wendig’s original idea was to have the nurse character to be male.

That was the original idea before it got changed

Is she supposed to be a reference to a RL person or something?

>people pissed off that the biggest fictional villain in the world acts like a villain

I mean there’s the general idea of loons that fall in love with the concept of someone they’ve concocted in their heads despite having never spoken to them

You're right that he in his popularity one of the most prominent villains in cinematic history. But I sometimes wonder how evil he really is. Of course he is not against cold-blooded murder to achieve his goals, and he commits truly evil acts, but at some extent he is seeking the ends that are more important and will outweigh the means of evil to improve the galaxy. As it was his own idealism that sent him down the dark path he took. All this time he has been following
the orders of imperial commanders, having to subject his own will to them. Was he as sadistic as someone like Tarkin? Would Vader have made the decision to destroy a whole planet full of people like Tarkin did, had he been in charge?
I don't bring this up in reference to Vader's actions in the comic, this is just an interesting thought to me.

It varies a little from story to story or canons, but generally, p much, yeah
One time he crash landed on a planet, fought his way through the hostile jungles, taming a pack of vicious native beasts along the way, to an imperial outpost and allowed the soldiers there to be slaughtered by the animals he'd brought
In some old comics after an assassination attempt he gathered together a bunch of officers, chose 5 at random and killed them just to send a message to any other possible attackers
In more recent comics he killed a succession of soldiers under his command by putting the mask of Momin on them so he could have the crazy fucker build a super dark side force fuckery thing on Mustafar that he hoped he could bring back Padme with. He totally fucked over Dr. Aphra and kills anyone that sees his exposed face

He was pretty solidly an asshole

Hey, everybody needs a hobby. And for Vader it's murder.

>Short version, the entire comic felt like a fan fiction self insert, and then when she finally gets to Vader he just smotes her on the spot.

Based Vader, slayer of OCs.

>and she had a good butt

That would have made more sense, Vader's a bara daddy

>people who fall in love with Darth Vader surprised he would just kill them on the spot realistically