Watch iron man 2

>watch iron man 2
>Tony creates a new element
>it’s never brought up again
>it doesn’t even get named


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It had no use except as a non-toxic core for his reactor. No reason to share or make more

>doesn't even get named

u wot

Wasn't it what the Cosmic Cube was made out of?

I thought it was synthetic vibranium or something.


Which makes me wonder, can Tony make elements from the other infinity stones?

>>it doesn’t even get named

Yup. Tony recreated the stuff that The Red Skull used to power his guns and stuff, which in turn was power by cosmic cube energy.

Lots of shit like that in the MCU.

He tapped into the Power Cosmic.
That’s how they’ll bring in Galactus.

I always assumed that it was Vibranium and that "new element" was an exaggeration because of how rare it was.

I always took that as a silent connection like how the kid with the Iron Man helmet was Peter Parker.

Depending on the source it's named either "Starkium" or "Badassium".

No he wasnt. Thats head canon with basis in reality, and his age doesnt work with when Spider-Man is introduced. You are a schizo.

I'm not sure but i think that that kid was in tony's funeral

user's talking about a random cameo of a little boy with an iron man mask. completely different place to the blonde kid.

then who was that guy?


That was the kid from Iron Man 3, they were talking about the kid in Iron Man 2

I mean it's a key component to a clean power source that outpaces nuclear power and fossil fuels

>Iron Man 2 is set in 2008/2009.
>Kid looks 6 or 7.
>Spider-Man: Homecoming is set in 2017.
>Peter is 15.

It lines up.

>create a new element
I fucking hate capeshit.

ekusu di let me just look at a map and oh whaddaya know we're selling real estate on the island of stability. Fuck off.

Imagine being this uneducated.

>can Tony make elements from the other infinity stones?

No, because Tony didn't make an element from an Infinity Stone. He recreated what the Tesseract was made from. The Tesseract itself was just the device that contained the Space Stone, not the Space Stone itself.

I assumed it was uru

I didn't realize this headcanon was a thing and I totally support it.

Kind is the accepted theory these days. Tom Holland even confirms it.

What's bollocks is that in IM2 Tony was on the brink of dying due to the Tridium which powered the reactor which stopped the shrapnel entering his heart.

In IM3 they simply take the shrapnel out. So why not do that in the first place Tony?

Shit ass writers is why.

It's not canon
>Update: Minutes after we posted this article, I just happened to have an interview with Tom Holland and I asked him to clarify how he got this information. Here’s what he said: It’s funny, I literally had a conversation with Kevin like 20 minutes before [The Huffington Post] interview and he didn’t confirm it, I took it upon myself just because I thought it would be a good story and it’s exploded

Holland isnt a writer. By that logic Carol can pick up Mjolnir

He didn't have Extremis in IM2, so they apparently couldn't remove it. The real question is why they threw Extremis in the can after IM3.

Would he have survived the damage from the snap if he had Extremis?

Vibranium can’t make infinite energy.
It’s far more powerful and useful than vibranium

>robot with giant ass gun walks up to you
>every adult in vacinty is running for thier lives
>first instinct is to raise his utterly useless toy at it
Even if it wasn't Peter that kid has the biggest freaking balls in the entire MCU

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>The real question is why they threw Extremis in the can after IM3
It did have that whole "turns people into city block leveling bombs" drawback

He was able to stabilize it which is how he fixed Pepper.