Faithful or surprising

>changes the Mandarin
People complains
>changes the Skrulls
People complains
>Faithful Misterio
People complains

What the fuck you want?

Attached: confused venom.jpg (512x384, 13K)

I want a Venom and Hulk team up movie

Attached: venommo3.jpg (620x605, 120K)

I want you to fuck off you faggot
Cape movies need to be banished to Yea Forums, this board would instantly become several orders of magnitude better

You sound like a dork

>Faithful Mysterio
Also maybe it's different people and complaints are contextual?

I just want a Spider-Man that is close to the Ditko era Spidey at least in origin.

>faithful mysterio

Attached: Peter Parker Laughs.png (203x279, 177K)

I must have missed the issue where Mysterio worked for Stark

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I want a proper World Breaker Hulk movie with a lot of big muscular monsters nad gamma powered beings taking on the fucking HULK. The REAL HULK, not that shit they did in Endgame.

Finally,someone said it.

>Implying the people shitposting about Mysterio have any actual problems with the movie.

The Skrulls and Mandarin were bad characters trapped in shit films. Mysterio was a great villain in an okay movie.

>Faithful Mysterio

Correct me if I'm wrong, since I haven't seen the movie, but isn't he changed to being a fake hero who is angry at Tony Stark? That seems like a bit of a departure. The suit and gimmicks apparently are on point, though.


No one complained about faithful Mysterio. They complained about all the other unfaithful stuff.

Mysterio debuted as a fake hero in comics as well

because the mandarin being just A DUDE isn't as cool as him being a Chinese sorcerer. I cant say much about skrulls because I gave up on the MCU after age of Ultron, but I could extrapolate the same thing about "rule of cool" with Misterio. He's all smoke and mirrors, and that isn't cool. It's just about whatever's cool, it's not about being faithful or not.

If Mandarin was not a fake out, but actually some weird Afghanistan based terrorist leader warlord, people might have actually liked him.

He wouldn't be the cool alien technology using powerhouse, but he would at least be an interpretation and a villain. But his being a drunk actor while the real bad guy was a knockoff Human torch just sucked.

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I don't understand why the studio did what they did with his look if it was all a fake out. Why go through the trouble with things like making the rings, and claiming in interviews before the movie that they will do things, if it was all a lie? Why waste the effort?

Attached: mandarin-rings-10.jpg (1100x629, 551K)

Doesn't Tony have a really shitty rogues gallery anyway?

How did anyone take this shit seriously?

Most of them are other guys that also have armor like Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo, or guys with some kind of super invention that they wrap a villain persona around like Melter, Blizzard, Living Laser, or Unicorn. Mandarin and Fing Fang Foom kind of stand out among that crowd.

Based Peter and Flash

It was written to be consumed by eight year olds.

The problem some anons on this board are having with the MCU Skrulls is that they ain't a ferocious warrior race with Shape-Shifting powers like in the comics. In the MCU all the Skrulls we have met and seen have been pretty chill people so far, though I think that might be just all be an act for there big betrayal for the secret invasion movie (if they make one). I'm more sad about how little of Thor's mythos and stuff was used/handled and the fact I ain't ever getting an Inhuman's Movie because they got banished to the TV only side of things.

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I guess it depends on what you consider faithful I guess, obviously there were changes to fit the universe but Misterio is pretty much still the same concept.

I think they did a good job with beck, it is a shame they didn’t do anything with his past as a film maker but they did a good job with his powers and general character.

>>changes the Mandarin
>People complains

they are about to undue that with Shang-Chi

it was the 60s

>Completely shit up his backstory to be more Tony Stark fuckery

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>it is a shame they didn’t do anything with his past as a film maker

His actual costume being a literal motion capture suit was great, that's all the SFX artist I need.