How would an episode of this cartoon go, Yea Forums?

How would an episode of this cartoon go, Yea Forums?

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like a normal episode.

why? you think someone's race affects their personality or intelligence? :-)

>I know what we're gonna do today!
>Pay our child support?
>...I know what else we're gonna do today!

They should be called Ayyyo and Lil Nug

>"Ey ey, ey nigga what are we gonna do today my nigga?"
>"We gonna change the world for somethin' better my guy"

Yes. Black people have lower IQ and are more instinctively aggressive than other races.

I miss Most Offensive Video.

>I know what we're gun steal 2day

So like, are we just waiting for /pol/ to get here or what?

where is this from?

they're already here...
they're always here!

/pol/ is made up of people from other boards, not vice versa
I've been here since 2005 before there was even a /pol/
Really if there was porn on /pol/ it would be a close approximation of old Yea Forums

>Yes. Black people have lower IQ and are more instinctively aggressive than other races
>saying this when arabs exist

>saying this when it’s white people who have been actively starting wars for eons
>saying this when the Mexican government is being run by the cartel

>only whites start wars

TIL Atila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great and Hannibal were caucasian

Yo mean, weren't.

arabs invented something.

they harvest jenkem.

I didn’t say only whites but that 100 year war was shit though

If its phineas and ferb but black it would literally just be the same since they are geniuses

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Implying black people can be intelligent.

I unironically know a 21 year old black girl who sometimes gets her left and right mixed up and spells basic words incorrectly.

Humans have been having wars since we existed. The only difference is some of us actually had ability to write them down.
Africans didn't have a written language

This is phineas and ferb not random black people you retard. Phineas and ferb are literal geniuses

Each invention is actually made to go do something illegal or wrong. Instead of building a roller coaster, they build a device that gets them into a theme park for free, or makes a roller coaster leave the park and appear in their back yard.

All of them but Genghis were of Nordic origin, so yes.

Pretty sure they would just mug someone

Perry's job would be to stop their illegal inventions

There's 365 days of gubmint gibs
Til the Klan comes along just to end it
So the annual problem for all of us niggers
Is finding a good way to spend it


Robbing a Walmart or drinking some Kool-aid
Or saying 'fuck whitey' on Twitter
Pointing out racism that doesn't exist
Or exalting the virtues of Black Panther

Knifing passers-by, selling stolen goods
Or hitting up KFC
Creating single moms, or claiming reparations
By retconning history!

As you can see there's a whole lot of chimping to do before from trees we hang,
So stick with us, cuz Niggeas and Nog are bona fide kangz!
So stick with us cuz Niggeas and Nog are bona fide kangz!


*bass guitar chord*

Cadence trying to tell on boys to their father, but he is never there.

What? Alexander was definitely Caucasian

Guys we are all humans we shouldn't hate each other just for something as simple as the color of our skin, we should all come together and kill the homesexuals and transexuals


>Boga, boga, boga...
>Lets ride a bicicle today!
>Come with me Tyron!
>Where is Purry?
>What are you stealing?

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That may be on average but that doesn't mean all black people are stupider and more aggressive than all white people. P&F are extraordinary members of their race regardless of what race that is.

Ethnic Macedonians of classical Macedonia were mixed. They were a hodgepodge of northern barbarian tribes and Hellenic urbanised tribes.

Alexander was a mutt.

>one person I know irl shows otherwise!

The real retard here is you.

Yes, thanks for cataloging your fuck ups white race

I’m a white woman and I never think of black guys beyond my one completely platonic friend who is a black weeb but for some reason Yea Forums constantly spams shit about white women fucking black dudes. There is nearly always a thread about it. Why is it always on their mind?

Congratulations, your message of peace between races killed 40-50% of Yea Forums.
you made it a better place user, godspeed

>completely platonic

i.e. not Chad

Arabs were corrupted by religion. At some point they were top dog in mathematics and medicine.

And we unironically have you.

I'm all in for we wuz memes but keep the non-sense shitposting in /pol/ my dude.

the idea that someone they hate could be more attractive than them is crushing to them
so they obsess over it in an attempt to overcome their insecurities
but they refuse to see it as an insecurity, so they just pile stress and frustration onto themselves instead of letting it go

>Arabs were corrupted by religion. At some point they were top dog in mathematics and medicine

You do realize that "top dog" era was also an Islamic renaissance, right? Islam was actually the religion of scholars and intellectuals at one point early on.

And then they started blowing up buildings in the name of allah.

So white

Why are white posters on Yea Forums always so angry about black people? What is this obsession about? I know it's not just an American thing, so what's really going on?
As a black person, it sometimes makes me sad

Nice try, but you know the rules girl

Yea Forums is filled with left-wing white pedophiles, so it's no surprise most of them are cuc.kolds as well.

56% white

>some Sunni extremists are the entire religion of Islam

American detected.

I can't wait for a vocaroo thread

As a femanon don’t let it effect you. Become emotionally numb and join in on shitting on your own group. You will soon find pleasure and joy in it. There is a reason /pol/ is 80% brown.

Do you think Boondocks would be the same if they were white?

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2D Kenan and Kel for Disney Channel.

I'm interested in the concept of Black Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

>why? you think someone's race affects their personality or intelligence?

No but the cops would be less lenient when they see them on the streets with a lot of weird stuff.

it's not race, it's culture


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So what, my mom does that too.

Does anyone have the Divine Cybermancy edit of this?

>anecdotal evidence
you can't be serious

I look forward to your debut on blacked
t. neither black nor white

Best idea in the thread.

>Shitting on your own group to fit in.
>Not just becoming numb to it and realize that must anons are just retarded.
>TFW your story isn't unique and many others actually do that shit.

It's all so tiresome.

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Instead of finding new and bizarre things to do to pass the time, the show is about evading new and bizarre things so they can chill out doing nothing.

>everywhere in the world the results are the same
>its not really their fault

> Aren't you a little young to steal a car?
>Yeah mah nigga

>Hey, where's my dad?

That idea is actually pretty damn cool.

yeah, but thankfully black people died out millions of years ago by killing each other off.

im thankful knowing white people, who were born out the the arctic ice shelves, don't have such savage impulses like they did.

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Then why is every random nigga I know more eloquent than you?

It be great if they had this dynamic.
>this eventually leads to the perfect society by the end of the series
Unirnicaly a great concept.

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I get being immediately defensive, you could just make them suburban as fuck but I kinda think the cultural background difference would be interesting.

>Ayo Phillip we finna winna take l on this muhfuggia poppin cap the wap shap dawg, forreal bih muhfuggin yo yo nigga bix nood

Post black main characters by Dan and Swampy in this thread

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>putting a show where the race of its cast is a large part of how the show operates and a show where it isnt in the same catagory