Black Spider-Man

>black Spider-Man
>the powers of spider-man
>plus electricity powers
Come the fuck on. Why does every black superhero have electricity powers. Even the black Spider-Man ?? What does electricity have to do with spiders?? Do the writers know they’re doing this shit?

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They dont you fell for a meme.

Miles suit would look better with red eyes

>a dozen new characters with electricity powers are created
>one of them is black
>people jump on it like they found an illuminati message in their comics

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>create black version of spider-man
>also give him electricity powers just cuz
You don’t see it? Or are being purposely obtuse ?

cause nigger cattle needs a power to defend themselves agains cattle prods

>Why does every black superhero have electricity powers
Because it's the only way we'll ever actually have any.power

Miles doesn't have electricity powers. He has venom powers that *look* like electricity powers.

>Black "Spider-Man"
Not cool.
>steals everything from Peter
Absolutely not cool

Miles should hang. Bendis should hang. Nu Yea Forums should hang.

>bitten by a radioactive spider
I guess we'll never know user, it's just one of those mysteries with no clues.

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>white spider man
>bitten by spider
>spider powers

>black spider man
>bitten by spider
>spider powers
>electrical powers

>Miles suit would look better with red eyes
Miles would look better being unceremoniously killed off-panel and never mentioned ever again.

Holy shit is that you Mr. Marvel Comics? I'm so sorry that someone broke your rules that have been set in stone!

True. Sad how ITSV made Miles this fleshed out and likeable character in two hours and no one at Marvel can do shit with him period.

We'll see about that

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Looks better, I guess he’s right

There are a dozen variations on spider-man and I think Miles is actually the first one to have electricity powers and he isn't even the first minority that goes to 2099 if I recall.

There’s already a Miles outrage thread on the catalogue. Let’s keep them to a minimum since these are the only threads he has that hit the bump limit.

Japanese Spider-Man would be the first.

He stole the venom blast down to the name from Jessica drew, the first spider woman

>electricity powers
I assumed it was an electro-chemical neurotoxin.

Looks way worse

Yea Forums liked Miles when he first showed up. Nu Yea Forums is the one that hates him. You are right it should hang though

t. historical revisionist

Nice historical revisionism, you dumb faggot.
Yea Forums has been ripping on Bendis' blackface donut steel OC since Day 1, for almost a decade now.
The only time anyone on Yea Forums has even remotely liked Miles was ItSV, and his current ongoing in still garbage.

Peter never got spider powers. He got super strength, low level precognition and and the ability to alter the attraction of atomic particles. The only thing actually spider related is the webbing and that didn't come from the bite.

Spiderman is a fucking sham

Black eyes?

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But his powers are literally magical spider powers gifted unto him by the metaphisical emobidment of the spider god.

that just looks like a gimp suit


Peter clearly got a bite with depleted venom. Miles got the full dose.
Had the spider not managed to get a moth before biting Pete, he could have probably got even more powers.

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>and his current ongoing in still garbage.
It's not garbage. It's decent. Not great but decent.

Try black eyes but white eye liner

make the outline around the eyes white and I think it'll work


Because electricity on black skin is way sexier than on white skin due to the light and dark contrast.

Pink eyes.

What exactly is this supposed to mean?
Who are you mad at?

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Make it yellow. Like in the spiderman unlimited cartoon.

it just makes visual sense

I don't really care about the black guy electricity powers thing but why does it seem like every "legacy" character is propped up as better than the original? I don't understand why they do this it just makes me hate the new person.
>Reader you must accept this nu Spiderman

I hate this page so much.

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>Effortlessly beating Peter with a single attack
>Peter goes full "wow you look so much cooler than me"

Disgusting. I don't hate Miles, but this writing is shit.

>Yea Forums liked Miles when he first showed up
The only defense anyone ever had for Miles was "you don't like him because you're racist"
It's been this way for 8 years. No one's been able to defend him using his stories.
It's like saying "you don't like OMD because you're a devout Christian". It might be true for some people, but the other issue is that OMD was pants-on-head retarded and I think more people dislike OMD for that than because they're offended that Mephisto showed up

>big cock and better powers
No wonder he will be the one fucking gwen now.

You're trying too hard.


But seriously, why does Miles have electric powers?

>Not great but decent.
No, it's fucking garbage.

> why does it seem like every "legacy" character is propped up as better than the original?
So we can sell more comics, movies etc of the new character before it fails and we bring the old one back to save face.

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OZ serum, same stuff that gave green goblin his abilities to shoot out fire bombs.

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People can't even say "it's actually a poison touch" since he's shooting it like a beam or exploding it around him now.

Ah yes, the time that the God of Thunder gave away his name
Like the Time Captain America told Sam to start calling himself Steve because Cap didn't deserve the name anymore.

Because he is black

Some spiders shoot lasers
Spider-sense doesn't make a whole lot of sense either

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Spider sense is loosely based on Spider's ability to use their hairs to detect their surrounding. Spider laser is just all kind of retarded

I'm pretty sure now that everyone is done with shitting on the originals to make the new version look amazing Peter is squarely the overall best Spider-Man again. Definitely the most skilled at hand to hand and the second strongest physically (what with Khaine being swole Peter).

Miles has more powers but lacks experience and has never done anything close to Pete when he lets loose

Gwen has no spider powers now and mimics them with a Symbiote

Silk was presented from the start as faster but weaker

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Isn't it just a taser touch? Are there spiders with paralyzing venom?

I think Kid Arachnid has become more than "black Spider-Man" at this point. Give him a little credit.

No i agree with that user. It is not amazing or anything like that but Miles is finally starting to have his own stuff going on. Now i just hope they drop off the whole Spider-Gwen relationship.

>What does electricity have to do with spiders??
static cling is how spiders climb walls.

also his "electric powers", are him sending out an undefined bio energy. electric powers don't repel legos and he was shown to be able to repel anything non ferrous with his venom blasts

So I guess we just ignore the part where Parker predicts Miles Spider-sense and effortlessly kicks him off the roof? Or the fact that Miles only 'won' the fight because he pulled out moves that Parker has never encountered before in people with similar power sets that he has?


Actually I think it's some bullshit bio-electrical venom blast.
Don't ask too many questions the truth is, it's just Bendis' "end the arc" button because he's a hack who can't write interesting fight scenes or resolutions and can only write himself into a corner where Miles can't simply overpower the villain.

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C'mon pete, you have like 8 variations of a black spiderman costume sitting in your wardrobe.