OS Ben vs Midoriya, who wins???
Ben Vs Midoriya
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Midoriya gets murdered
How about miles or jon kent vs midorya
Ben, as much as I like Midoriya he stands no chance against all those aliens.
If its only one alien he has to worry about then he'll have a chance.
With Miles it’s closer. But Jon fries Midoriya.
Hal Jordan
Current Midoriya, no fucking chance.
Potential future Midoriya is a literal god among men.
Depends on which form Ben picks. Certain aliens would wreck Midoriya without him even trying, but if he picks the wrong alien then a full force punch from Midoriya WILL kill him.
You basically have to think of this not as 1 matchup, but as 10 different matchups individually, with which matchup Ben picks being almost random unless Midoriya telegraphs a specific strength or weakness that Ben picks up on that would influence his decision.
Ben gives off the vibe of reckless, as a kid. So he might be able to tell Ben would pick a heavy hitter.
Unless its one of his extremely weak aliens like.......................................................walkatrout, most of bens aliens stomp the kid by virtue of midoriyaonly really having control of a decent of his strength
Yeah I think we need a concrete version of the characters we are comparing.
Because current Midoriya for example would stomp Ben if he recently just got the omnitrix.
oh I didn't see the os, but still its most likely ben honestly
Current Midoriya against Ben at the end of OS
OS Ben includes Way Big, so it's just a stomp. Even with the original 10 aliens he can't do anything to Ghostfreak.
The original Ben? Depending on the incarnation of Hal, he could probably beat OS Ben. He would require a version that can trap/hit intangibles and resist ring hacking.
It’s a reference to the Death Battle that had Ben 10, where Ben used Alien X and got literally stomped
I mean we're talking about 10 year old Ben here, if this was 16 year old Ben then by all accounts Midoriya would be one shot.
We have to take into account how reckless pre timeskip Ben is.
Ah, okay, I never watched that one. Sounds like a hot take though.
We need to see what the other 5(?) Quirks Midoriya has but as it stands now he's not fast enough to beat XLR8, he's not strong enough to beat Way Big, and he's got nothing against Ghost Freak
Lot of controversy in that one, dislike to like ratio is bigger than Goku vs Superman, there were like a shitload of threads about it
And even without the other 5 Quirks, getting full control of 100% One For All would already make him immensely powerful.
Get the fuck back to Yea Forums
>Another anime thread featuring MHA, Naruto or DBZ
Make me. Do me a favor and report this thread
He doesn't have Alien X in OS. His strongest alien was Way Big, ignoring specific powers on ones like Upgrade or Ghostfreak. Way Big can blow up planets, though I don't think that level of power was shown in OS.
it wasn't, but he did have enough power to through a giant squid man into outerspace, so there's that
> Heatblast
Could go either way. Heatblast is dangerous, but Midoriya is pretty well learned about superpowers and Heatblasts weaknesses are both obvious and fairly easy to take advantage of. Fire enemy gets beat by water is not exactly the most difficult to guess thing in the world, finding away to douse him with water and then punch him to death would do the trick.
> Wildmutt
This almost certainly is a Midoriya win, since Wildmutt is blind and dumb. Sense of smell isn't going to help in this fight, and while mutt is fast Deku is fast too so those are going to cancel each other out.
> Diamondhead
A very tough fight for Midoriya that is weighted in Ben's favor. The only move that Midoriya has that might work on Diamondhead is to full-force clap his hands together and use the sonic boom of the clap to shatter Diamondhead (because sonic attack) but that will break both of Midoriya's arms so unless it is an INSTANT victory Deku is in real trouble. He only gets one shot at that.
> XLR8
Ben wins before Deku knows the fight has started.
> Grey Matter
Not a fighting form. Ben probably won't pick this, but if he does I can't see him winning.
> Four Arms
The most direct matchup for Deku. Super strong and tough, but unlike Midoriya not as fast. this actually might end up being a loss for Ben if Deku can use his superior speed to his advantage, but even with full cowling Deku is going to have trouble making his hits counts on Four Arms. Its basically the Muscular fight all over again, so while the odds are against Deku victory isn't impossible, just unlikely.
Sure, he could punch the air, changing the air pressure in the immediate area and cause it to rain
But Midoriya isn't even close to controlling 100%
Punching Heatblast to death is a lot easier said than done. In the OS, he was punched through several buildings by Vilgax himself and got up with no issue
> Stinkfly
Flight + ranged attacks + very durable body. This is almost certainly a winning form for Ben, because it puts Midoriya on poor footing and neutralizes most of his strengths. Unless Ben does something really stupid, he wins this one.
> Ripjaws
Honestly? Not that useful. The dependence on water to keep from drying out is way too much of a weakness compared to the meager bonuses to strength and the teeth and claws. Midoriya almost certainly wins this one, especially if he can prolong the fight and give Ripjaws time to dry out.
> Upgrade
Upgrade is broken, while Midoriya might win a fight by splattering him across the map this probably won't actually kill Upgrade, because gooey nanotech body.Upgrades tech powers are not directly useful to this fight, but Upgrade can do all sorts of hax bullshit so its hard to count it out.
> Ghostfreak
And you thought Upgrade was bullshit. Deku cannot harm ghostfreak directly, but miiiiight be able to destroy his outer skin to make him vulnerable to sunlight. Also while Ghostfreak can go intangible he isn't ALWAYS intangible, he has to concentrate on it, so its not impossible for him to leave himself open due to stupidity. Still, this is probably an easy Ben victory considering spooky ghost powers.
Midoriya a cute but Ben would absolutely wreck him with Ghostfreak or XLR8
That, and the baby Heatblast temper tanturm probably puts him above someone like Endeavor. Then again it seems like Ben never really got that mad as an older Heatblast so it might be harder to pull off.
If Deku is willing to wreck his arm again, he can probably get the job done.
Probably wouldn't want to kill a kid though.
Then again, Ben is pretty prone to goofing around and running out of transformation time.
>Then again, Ben is pretty prone to goofing around and running out of transformation time.
This is a good point. As long as Deku doesn't break his fucking limbs, he can just run out the clock and destroy Ben in a moment of weakness between forms. Thats a valid strat, especially if Ben doesn't realize that Deku can make ranged attacks and assumes that distance grants him safety.
Considering how much ice a single finger break can shatter, I have to assume that the damage that kind of attack would do to a human body would be pretty nasty.
Grenade Fist rapes Gwen to death and everyone praises him for it.
Many have tried, Ben’s shown he’s pretty good at dealing with it or kicking out
I think Cannonbolt would do well
>I think Cannonbolt would do well
Cannonball is tough, but has a pretty predictable trajectory IIRC.
Deku is pretty damn nimble on his feet; he'd run out the clock and knock Ben the fuck out.
What if Ben plays dodgeball?
Eh promotes some decent discussion. Plus MHA is a bit more grounded compared to the other two so its easier to compare rather than the shitfest we get when Goku vs Superman is brought up.
Again, it's been a while, but I recall Cannonbolt just moving straight ahead and richocheing off walls.
That kind of movement is easy to read, especially for Midorya who uses similar movements.
Well, he’d only need to be hit once, because Cannonbolt’s shell is tough enough to handle a fall from orbit. And Cannonbolt himself is strong enough to handle the Yenaldooshi
Yeah Deku would never kill a kid, probably at worse knock them out.
Also Deku is far more smarter than Ben, he makes strategies before jumping back into a fight and is very knowledgeable about super powers. Ben has raw power but Dekus intellect will definitely give him a chance in these 1 v 1 fights.
If he's aware of the timer Ben has then all he'll have to do is stall.
>Well, he’d only need to be hit once
Yeah, but he's not THAT fast, so I don't see him landing a hit.
Honestly, the only clear-cut win I see for Ben are XLR8 and (depending on the enviroment) Upgrade or Ghostfreak.
Everything else is strong, but not too fast for a trained and enhanced combatant to dodge.
Are Benfags the most autistic action cartoonfags on this board?
Kinda tied with Avatar
Its just a flavor of the month thing after the Green Lantern vs Ben death battle. It will pass.
Why them?
They’re very annoying. Even outside of vs battles.
So many people over estimating Ben here. A single 100% smash killed every single alien except MAYBE Upgrade
No way is Deku tougher than Vilgax
>ban fags are so mad about Hal winning that they need to make him fight someone else to feel better
Tougher? No. Stronger? Maybe.
Its hard to compare, because Ben 10 and MHA express strength in different ways. Vilgax can punch a dude through 3 buildings, but Midoriya can snap a finger and shatter concrete with the air blast from across a football field.
Which is 'stronger'? Fuck if I know. Vilgax's strength is only shown in a very direct way: punch thing A, strength affects thing A in an exaggerated way. MHA portrays strength mostly by secondary effects: punch a dude so hard that the air pressure drop changes the weather.
I always thought Ben's watch sort of choose the alien it saw best suited for the current situation.
I dunno, he doesn't always get the best alien on the first try. Its really more of a plot convenience thing.
You're just casuals who are noticing it more now that it's registered in your head. Though the DB threw a lot of disinfo out there and makes him sound a lot less interesting for hypothetical fights.
From Omniverse, but Way Big overpowered a planet destroying ray. A lot of his powerhouse aliens are stronger than what has been shown in BNH thus far.
Cannonbolt's trajectory can be controlled, and is apparently skill-based but Ben is good with him even as a kid(body-swapped Gwen as Ben crashes with him and stuff like that).
Found the Ben autist. Thanks for proving my point. Oh, and everything past OS was trash
Low IQ
Vilgax has no feats that make me think he can withstand a 1000000% smash hit.
He took a nuke
Way big threw him into space
twice, once when he was enbiggened from omnitrix dna
Fuck you for bumping this off-topic thread summerchild
Holy shit, are bencucks this desperate to win at anything?
The whole fight depends on which Ben we're talking about but Ben wins in most situations
I did this specifically to piss you off
Learn to read instead of bumping dead threads
Please tell me this is a joke, even kid Ben's aliens can level cities, it would be a better match if it was teen mid tier aliens vs all might.
It's a joke cause kid Ben is nothing without Alien X
Of course, but this is co.
Plus benfags won't accept it, just like when Hal won, hence this thread.
I think you're just overestimating deku. Granted I only read until chapter 100
>Implying he wouldn't just start crying
avatar fans would make you think the show is a gift from God and nothing will ever top it where in reality, it is just a good show
And still would win.
He’s not Steven Universe
That’s a feat for Way Big, not vilgax
When a Kaiju throws you into space and you don’t die. That’s a feat.
Being a rag doll isn’t a feat
surviving being used as one, is.
>Heatlets learning about Ben 10 only know about one alien, and even then they don't even understand what it's capable of
If you think Way Big would lose to Midoriya you're disabled, but you're likely just entry level and retarded
>implying benfags aren't already retarded enough to think this way
I would've said Ben, but the Ben shown from the Original Ben 10, only had 10 minutes per use, with 10 minutes in between uses. So, if the ONE choice Ben chooses can't defeat Midoriya, then Ben get's an automatic loss for unsustainable combat ability.
I don't remember the last time he cried, why is this a meme whenever Deku is brought up.
Miles and Midoriya is a pretty good match. But Jon literally breaks Izuku in half.
>Japanese protagonist