Kids even watch this shit?
I swear throwing sand in your eyes is more entertaining than this fucking show
Kids even watch this shit?
It airs more than any other Disney cartoon airing so the reruns are most likely doing well.
Yes and its a hit now please go back to Yea Forums your loli thread has made it to 6 replies and it will get archived soon
Well sorry to call your shit show shit
Gonna enjoy watching how Disney cancel it in 2 months
This is now a Big City Greens thread, GTFO Gloria & Green Lady fags
Green Lady is a valued part of the show!
it has a whole season to air
I can't believe Bill Green is fucking dead
>2 Seasons of 30 Shorts, the show making multiple appears at Disney California Adventure & now D23 Expo.
>Multiple reruns per day as
opossed to the other Disney Channel cartoons
>Getting Canned
user please
Show apparently is popular here at Tacoland, it got nominated to the Mexican KCA
Dropping Season 2 posts by the crew
user it would have been canceled already if that was the case.
Disney knows beforehand if they are chugging out a show everyone will either love it hate.
This is why Billy Dilly got canned immediately, they knew it was shit that wasnt worth airing more than once.
i remember they where 30 episodes user
My brother loves this show. Who am I to stop his enjoyment just because of my negativeness? That'd be uncool of me.
Tilly is an angel
Big city sneeds, amphibia, ok ko, and SU are the only decent shows i watch anymore
They deserved better, Aaron deserved better
same here
>I swear throwing sand in your eyes is more entertaining than this fucking show
Pics or it didn't happen, you coward.
Also TLH occasionally but lately its gone to shit. I miss when star vs was good.
Look, sorry man but when your main is just that goddamn uglier than sin, there's no saving it. That's fucking HIDEOUS
you ever think maybe cartoons on the disney channel aren't aimed toward your demographic, OP? that might be part of the problem here?
Agreed, you need to make the main characters appealing to look at or at least bearable. The other two look fine but the MC himself is just ugly.