Heres your new crystal gems bro
Heres your new crystal gems bro
what the fuck is that anatomy
SU was never a show with good anatomy, so this is an improvement
how did they manage to fuck up pearl so badly
One can only hope and pray to god.
My lord, I would nut so much.
>an improvement
stop thinking with your dick
Fuck you.
Rather please my dick then pleaser nothing at all.
They look awful and are a perfect illustration as to why you shouldn't let your minuscule penis think for you.
garnet's hair is more appealing this way
the only design I like here is Garnet.
This. When I watch a cartoon I want entertainment, not lessons in respecting women and minorities.
You're all insecure and impotent manchildren who watch cartoons targeted at children as a form of escapism from your tragic lives as kissless, handholdless virgins, and you're not worthy of any pity.
Why does Pearl look like an unfinished wireframe model?
gimme pearl wife
>You're all insecure and impotent manchildren who watch cartoons targeted at children as a form of escapism from your tragic lives as kissless, handholdless virgins, and you're not worthy of any pity.
Firstly, pic related
Secondly, there is nothing wrong with liking cute girls or fan service, if you dont agree then the faults on you prude faggot
Here's a tip user, when you need to multi reply you're losing.
More liek the crystal bimbos
I don't need your pity, retard.
I come here for boobs.
Pearl needs more cushion for the pushin
Based george poster
i like all of them, pearls face just looks retarded.
They look like fucking crash test dummies!
Start thinking with yours and don't report comments that hurt your fee fees faggot.
>Heres your new crystal gems bro
Garnet is an upgrade. The other two are downgrades.
Heres your new Rose bro
This is porn isnt it?
are these robots drawn by the pit ? I bet I could do better re-designs
>Firstly, pic related
Of course, the same image everyone here likes to use as a rebuttal, appeal to tradition and all that.
>Secondly, there is nothing wrong with liking cute girls or fan service
There is plenty wrong with being so obsessed with sex you want to practically glue your hand to your frank and have a show, one specifically made for children to tell heartfelt stories and introduce relatable characters nonetheless, be edited for your degenerate pleasure.
The fault is on you for being a social and moral failure, and being so stubborn with your non-existent pride that's inflated with your insecurity to delude yourself into thinking that this is normal.
There's the porn boards, my dude, and while you don't need any pity, you do need some of your brain matter defibbed.
>I bet I could do better re-designs
I dare ya faggot
SU is a show for literal braindead people already. At least this makes it entertaining for my dick
>waghhhhhhhh muh cartoons need to be PC and wholesome
Lel go fuck off back to tumblr you whiney puritan cunt.
Probably because nothing else will entertain it, right?
I thought Yea Forums didn't like circlejerks. You're all warriors of free speech, right? Or is it "free speech", as in ones that conform to your safety bubble? Because it seems like it.
Ask and ye shall receive
More like your social justice garbage isnt welcomed here, tumblr tranny
>Because it seems like it.
It feels more like a circlejerk that spirals to a more grander circlejerk.
Ever wonder why This show most of all has an army of people willing to attack the fuck out of anyone who redraws the main characters in any other style but the original style of the show?
Seems like most any other show in existence if someone draws a character with a bigger chest or something, no one really cares. But any of the characters from this show, and there will be an endless supply of people come to defend the honor of the series and try to stop the evil people from drawing Pearl or Amethyst immediately.
Seems pretty fucked up.
>tranny! buzzwords! safe space! conform to my safe-space!!
Your coping would've been pitiful had it not been hilarious.
Literal circlejerks, even.
I agree, though desu i get triggered by images like because i like variety in my waifus and want more thicc qt3.14s in cartoons
looks good but cant save this shit show
Thanks for proving my point even further, dont let the door hit you on the way out tumblr trash
BE is best vanilla weird fetish.
thicque has been trending upwards some in recent years
I know, one of the only positives from this decade is the influx of thicc pandering
But none of your points were proven? You just screamed your bogeymen at me, as if it's a real argument, and you consider any speech that doesn't conform to your speech as "anti-free speech", so you're just speaking out of reactive emotion rather than a rational mind.
The Yea Forums hivemind's inconsistency is funny nonetheless.
Youre acting just like a tumblrite, hence proving me right, now fuck off dyke you arent welcomed here.
Pearls of all shapes and sizes are exclusively for mating press
They look like weird dolls
Cry about it.
Guys, do you know why I can't log in my twitter account? Do you have the same problem?
>Youre acting just like a tumblrite
More like what you *think* a "tumblrite" would act like, meaning that you're using your insecurity and bogeymen as a basis for how you act and react towards certain individuals and ideas, but without consulting your rationale since it's nonexistent.
From this, I can sum that I don't fit the description of one, but you think I do since you're too comfortable in your safe space bubble.
>ow fuck off dyke you arent welcomed here
Says who? You? This is the free marketplace of ideas, is it not?
Need some tissues? Y'know, since words somehow personally attacked you and made you tear up.
Not a smart idea to type with emotion. :)
Yea but I have never seen the weird amount of fan backlash at some random internet person drawing a sexy version of a character from a show before. For some reason Steven U fans go fucking insane when that happens.
Cry about it more.
Twitter is down for everyone it seems
Why are they BJDs?
Sounds like you already did. It's alright, you can borrow my tissue box, whenever you're comfortable.
twitter purged the "bad" people today
That's good. Twitter deserves to be a less toxic place.
>Projecting this hard
I prefer Ass expansion my self.
>no u
Pitiful reply.
Irony Alert.
my man
>no u again
No pity deserved.
Unironically soulless
Let me see if I understand... Me explaining why all the girls aren't the problem when it comes to start a romantic relationship with me was translated as "He wants them all at the same time".
How is that even possible when a few moments later I explained how much I despise the idea of Harem?!
looks like fucking shit even by porn standards
Absolute improvement
Here's your new crystal gems bro
Actually based, we need aliens that don't look an act like humans for once just because it woulld almost always be the case IRL.
Pearl looks like something out of Hollow Knight
Thats actually cool
Sexy that's what it is
I still want to fuck Pearl
The show is only popular with people who place identical politics above all else
So someone drawing a character incorrectly because an attack on their belief system
> this is what gems naturally look like despite having polymorphic non-physical bodies of light
> after the first few hundred years on earth they realise humans just fear them because 2different4me
> every time most humans are nearby, the gems have to conciously "smile" by smoothing their forms into something more human proportioned/shaped
> but even a "smile" gets tired and relaxes to a neutral position eventually (try smiling all day, you can't do it)
> eventually one or more of them get "stuck" looking normal (for a gem) for an episode or two and has to deal with it
for a show centered around an identity drama, the alien-aliens design would actually work very well
the "bad" people are whoever disagree with the SJW and SJW-approved systems
Everyone who disagrees are the alt right and /pol/
Everyone else just loves sjw
It's not new or singled out to one series. People are literally just tired of assholes like you who only want characters you can jerk off to and nothing else.
Should I keep going or does it suck?
it's called being fat
Work on your hands and you'll have the potential to be Degas 2.0
> new content based off someone elses OC for a dedshow
in this moment, today is a good day.
also learn to get your goddamn images right side up
CHAD universe
Going as far as to drive a artist to near suicide with their harrassment. People like to talk about "toxic" fandoms never bring these guys the New Vultron guys enough.
Just what makes someone Alt-right really? I've heard several different definitions and a lot dont line up with the people other people accuse them of being.
p-put her in cute underwear
the show is all about thinking with vagina, this is just levelling the playing field
It's a buzzword the media came up with to discredit anyone who disagrees with their political views
Centrists are alt right to these people
But won't Steven's penis get in the way?
Hot but amethyst should be chubbier.
Thanks guys
Coming up
user ever since the beginning of this thread you have done nothing but project and throw childish insults, of course people are going to go down to your level. Please, I’m not even that user but lurk more or kill yourself, either or. In addition, what makes you think this place was a circlejerk? People will pile on you if you post conterverial opinions, but that’s much better in contrast to being banned, downvoted, or what have you. Better be called a faggot by a faggot than be fucked over by the tryanny of the majority.
It won't.
I like these monsterous inhuman gem designs. What is this for?
Looks pretty generic
>What is this for?
living vicariously through fan art, a timeline we were denied from experiencing... because the industry says "art is subjective" and the investors say "fuck taking risks" and the consumers say "feed me more shit please"
based draw user
seeing the other pearls and some scenes from the show redesigned would be amazing, but don't stress about not doing any. this is already enough
*enough to prove the concept works
I fucked up
oof, them yaoi hands on Pearl lmao
Not bad considering, at least youre drawing user
I can respect that piece very much. composition
nope that's fat like follow you around with a tuba fat
I did my best but my stomach hurts right now because I haven't eaten in a while. I'll take a quick lunch break and hopefully my sketches look better with a happy tummy.
same energy
oh baby!
consider: stockings
Here's your new off color grandma bros
Genuine improvement
Damn straight
I want to fuck her in the ass
which one?
garnet fell apart because she was lied to once (for thousands of years)
imagine the trauma it would take to seperate all ?6? of them.
Not a virgin m8, but feel free to keep projecting
All of them
No, have sex with dilating incels
I like the hair more than the original designs above all else.
Everything else is just really nice.
Thanks user, who's the artist for this?
>who's the artist for this?
it's directly beneath "Steven Universe"
Technically that's bombshell. Bimbo also includes make-up, certain mannerisms and accessories.
drumstick legs
>I thought Yea Forums didn't like circlejerks. You're all warriors of free speech, right?
hurrrrrrr yes the site that tells everyone slightly left of center to fuck off and go dilate is a circlejerk-free haven of free speech. where could you have possibly gotten that idea?
I'm still doing Pearls but I gotta do some chores so here's a sketch I'm working on.
Hopefully the thread doesn't disappear when I get back.
Explain why homeworld gems look like humans, too
Does anyone have the thin rose pictures fluffy drew where she says if she ever got fat she would kill herself? that shit was great, Pretty sure thats why his old tumblr got nuked.
there's lewds and whining to be had, it'll live
Eh. I get what the artist was going for but they missed the point that they are all different body shapes. All three of them have an hour glass shape and insect joints? kinda boring imo
There is a difference between making the anatomy simplified and cartoony than just downright ridiculous.
THANK YOU OP, I been searching FOREVER for this drawing, its like it was completely scrubbed from the internet.
> doing pearls
Do they have a pudge? No. Do they have disgusting double chins? No. So they aren't fat.
so much drama came from these
if that’s what you consider “fat”, then i wish all women were overweight
Ughhh. You can make her more curvy and hot without going full loli.
> drama
beach-ready rose quartz probably harpooned some whales
though sometimes i wonder what the japanese anime fans think about SU and all the references.
SU had far bigger problems than its designs, thats for sure.
Oh shoot I missed that, I'm sorry user.
Penis? I mean, Steven?
I like it
Has a jointed puppet/mannequin aspect akin to the mostly featureless forms you see when they first manifest physical bodies
Anymore like this from Samson?
I gotta drive to work. Luckily, it's a graveyard shift, I'm alone, and in the middle of nowhere. So I got all night to be a drawfag.
Draw spoopy alien pearl getting fucked
If I include Peridot and Lapis fusing in my fic will people think I'm Zuke
> So I got all night to be a drawfag.
Be careful user or you might get promoted to permanent drawfag.
Looking at your designs reminds me of a version of pearl I drew myself as a joke once, that's stuck with me for years.
Porel, god of destruction.
And of course, her true form
Too squishy to be rock lesbians
....Actually this is still kinda bad. The idea of bottom part is ruined and now looks like the human cenipede project.
I love her
would you like to see my designs for other gems?
what about her friends
and predot
Do it
Fuck it, this whole thread is just Gem redesigns. Go for it, user.
To fit with the theme so far, here's the three aspects that make up PORL. Porl's true form is impossible for your mortal form to comprehend, so you must instead imagine a combination between the three aspects
The rest of the christl mems
What if they're just fusing because they need to for a fight
> garnet is just ruby/sapphire in a trench coat
Some pieces of fuck broke a wall before I came to work. Scratch the fact of being a drawfag all night, I got paperwork to do.
I'll be back, tho.
It genuinely makes me happy my doodles make you laugh, user.
This has potential
Was Pearl ever a plague doctor?
Where do you think you are?
>White Power
You're right it was better before
>Thread devolves into shitposting and meme redesign garbage instead of just being about bimbo Crystal Gems
Yea Forums continues to disappoint
>Implying Porel isn't hot enough for a red board
What? Shut the fuck up.
im not gonna fuckin lie, the pilot artstyle would have made the show better. it fits far better.
No, but sketching it out I had masquerade masks in mind.
Also, here's alien Yellow Pearl.
don't get fired over doodles user
ALL MY YES HERE! Dude honestly what I thought it was gonna be like based on the piolot is so NOT what the show really is. Rebecca's personal style is really good, but the generic style the show uses is ass.
Centrists aren't alt-right, but they usually are fucking stupid.
Thanks for your concern user.
I manage to work a little mini schedule that gets work done and doodling. I'm alone in my area and my supervisor has to drive city to city to check on other sites. The only downfall is that I'm working minimum wage and that barely pays the bills.
I did all main Pearls
> all main pearls
thank you for your efforts
can you do a alien version of this Pearl?
if not that's fine, just thought I'd ask
Thanks I hate it.
I want Ame to be bbw, maybe even a ssbbw
Ill take it
I wanna slap that garnet's tiddies
Shinji-ven and Steven momswap when?
It's actually a term fascists came up with for themselves. Because they didn't like being called fascists. But didn't want to stop being fascists.
>Shinji-ven doesn't want to go back to the constant /ss/exual harassment
>Steven comes back with tiddy related ptsd
I'm so glad none of you faggots work in the character design industry.
I genuinely fucking hate (((thicc)))faggots and wish you all death and Hell.
I love it
Lose weight Brenda.
ya boil? maybe try hitting the weights
Amethyst needs pudge
>everyone here wants the characters to have a perfect body, perfect as the media sees it
>at least 2 stick-Pearlfriends here
I can get that you see it like that, but open your eyes and look at this thread, I dont think that alot of people here agree with the garbage designs OP posted.
I'm a fan of bombshells and thick but I still like that there's variety in SU because it's good character design
I hope you're still with us, user. I might be a little late but I got your Pearl here.
Literally just yet another rebranding of the far-right that the far-right came up for themselves. See also; nationalist, TRUE patriot, etc.
No, thank YOU anons for encouraging me to get off my ass and draw.
Is All in your mind
No one care, stop believing and listening to SJW you idiot
I'm a fan of drawing SU in different styles, because I like seeing how the characters can maintain their designs (pic related). The problem with the OP isn't that the characters have different styles or different chest sizes, it's that the art is bad (look at the construction lines, bad anatomy and samey poses)
You forgot to mention it also makes their outfits more generic and skintight like some western capeshit. But one good thing I'll admit is the way it makes Garnet's hair look like a combination of Sapphire and Ruby's instead of just a copy of Rube's. Although even that was probably not intentional.
You're free to say whatever you like. We're also free to call you names and tell you to fuck off.
what a shit artist.
especially deleting his old work and pay walling it twice.
good thing wayback and exterior galleries exists
I do agree with that. But I think that this artist has the problem of being a chinese brand the pit which doesn't help it at all
Got any links to his older work?
I will love her for all eternity
She's a shapeshifter, she can be whatever the fuck she wants.
not him but goddamn yes that's nice
OR here, I love her!
>all characters are reasonable heights of 5 1/2 heads tall and despite their ridiculous poses their bodies are also proportioned well
Sad as it is, this is an objective improvement.
Notice how you were told to fuck off instead of being banned, doxxed, and having your career ended?
That's the difference.
I always like this idea the other way around. Like the gems see Steven as a bunch of meat and biological gunk grasping onto Pink Diamond.
>Secondly, there is nothing wrong with liking cute girls or fan service, if you dont agree then the faults on you prude faggot
so, basically in context of this thread, what you're saying is
everything should be exactly what i like and no one can enjoy anithing else! right?
>not keeping thicc short stack Amethyst
Aaaaaaaaaaand its shit.
what are you talking about, how is that not shortstack
you're complaining that she's not fat, don't twist words with "thick", you want fat
OP, the fuck am I looking at?
The crystal thots
all of you people criticizing this show need to go find something you actually enjoy instead. Find a hobby, try actually enjoying something other than being spiteful
because it is YOU who are cringe
we are literally talking about how garbage this redesign of the group is, not the show itself
i'd say keep it coming, im curious.
your'e welcome user, please come back anytime you want, and we'll greet you with open arms
It's called you being a faggot.
akcualy iz bimbo
user, I think you forgot some people are literally pic related.
>Gay rocks that reproduce by literally growing off the earth
>They have breasts
Why tho?
>clearly have sense of aesthetics and consideration for how others, including humans perceive them
durrrr, I wunder wai doe
He didn't say it didn't make him horny, just that the anatomy is bad, which it is
that's terrible
Would honestly watch this.
wtf? you faggots have autism
9... what
Back to Ireland with you
You were close to being correct.
The problem isn't that they think with their dick, its that they always design them in the exact same hot way.
Characters that are sticc dont need to be thicc.
Everyone goes to the same exact hot, when theres so many ways to make characters hot.
This is obvious especially for steven universe, where people want to fuck every body type of every character by default.