>Warner Bros. Animation and Elizabeth Banks’ Brownstone Productions are teaming up for a new “Flintstones” series, Variety has learned exclusively.
>The project, which is in early development, is described as a primetime animated adult comedy series based on an original idea featuring characters from “The Flintstones.” The series will be produced by Warner Bros. Animation. No network is currently attached.
>is described as a primetime animated adult comedy series based on an original idea featuring characters from “The Flintstones Fucking finally. As long as it's not Family Guy 2.0, it should be good.
After shit like this, it's time for Flintstones to go back to it's roots
It's Eliizabeth Banks, so she'll probably voice Wilma and make her the main character to get the most screen time
William Jenkins
She didnt do that on pitch perfect. Wilma will likely be an empowered woman though
Camden Wilson
inb4 "Barney! My Pebbles!"
Christian Wilson
We already knew about this
Owen Howard
That's Timbox being a lying faggot
Dominic Scott
No way,it appeared before these news. It must be true,they didn't announce any writers.
Ian Jackson
I'm pretty sure it'll end up in development hell.
Angel Reed
Nice try, Timbox.
Ethan Cook
Why not just adapt the mark russel comic?
Robert King
In b4 Fred is an idiot Barney is an idiot and Pebbles and Bam Bam are Sassy and Sarcastic
Nolan Russell
Watch this show getting bombed with zoomers with their Vinesauce memes.
Honestly sad that people these days associate Flintstones with Vinesauce.
Jose Hill
...Dude, she was kinda empowered in the first fucking place. She clearly had power over Fred even if she was a stay at home wife whereas he was the breadwinner and there's a classic episode where she and Betty beat the fucking piss out of professional wrestlers. They weren't even holding back because of a reticence to hit women, they got fucking *trashed*.
Jace Jones
Juan Stewart
why cant the past stay dead
Jaxon Carter
Why not just do On The Rocks?
Justin Nguyen
Imagine if it is so bad that we could wish we had the Seth Macfarlane version
Angel Brooks
Only on the internet. Everyone else just knows who they are because of Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles ads.
Jack Martinez
>Looney Tunes >Scooby Doo >Oswald >Flinstones Is it me or is there a disproportionately high amount of reboots of really old cartoons?
Liam Price
Wilma was one of my earliest boners so I'm pumped.
Ryder Hill
Jeremiah Ortiz
I already know what the characters will be like. Barney will be FTM Trans, Wilma will be black, Fred will be Bisexual and Betty will be MTF Trans and a Muslim. Oh and Pebbles and Bam Bam will be two Chinese orphans. We need to be inclusive after all
Cameron Cook
What happened to that show? Was it ever released?
Nathan Ward
It hasn't been released yet. Some are saying it's been canceled, but I can't find a reputable source for that.
Ethan Nguyen
I can’t imagine that comic being animated in any way that wouldn’t disappoint me. The art in it was too good for what most studios have to offer. Wishful thinking, though.
Jace Adams
It's the hot new trend and will probably be that way for some time. It needs to stop though.
Jonathan Barnes
>Fred has to deal with career difficulties when trained dinosaurs threaten to take his job at the construction site >Wilma gets fed up with gathering nuts and berries herself and becomes obsessed with services that deliver exotic ingredients and recipes directly to her house >Barney gets a part time job as an Under driver and eventually finds himself having trouble standing on his own two feet >Pebbles get iPad
Matthew Perez
As seen with The Orville if Seth cares then he will make it as true to the source as possible.
He actually gave a shit about The Flintstones so I wager it would have been pretty good.