Why are Mexican girls in cartoons never brown?
Why are Mexican girls in cartoons never brown?
What the fuck are you talking about, only one of those girls are pale, the other two have darker skin
Because Mexico has a lot of white people
Ironically no one white crosses the border that’s why Americans think we are all brown
I'm so fucking sick of identity politics on Yea Forums. just stick to /pol/ you fucking retards we don't care what skin color fictional characters are. There's other shit that matters, like oh I dunno, story? Character development? Art style? Literally anything comics and cartoons related and not /pol/?
Spaniard Mexicans are mutts just like Americans so they blend in.
is this a """""subtle""""" loli thread?
Doomentio, please
>I'm pale as a ghost
I feel like my existence would blow the minds of you fucks
But what about the times people inject cartoons with politics
Mexico is a pretty big country. Theres people with all kinds of different ancestral lineage here
She's a yellow cheese ball.
Being pale doesnt mean you're white soo
lolis > racial discussion
Why are anime characters never brown. Same reason.
Mexican is just a nationality
Because mexican is a nationality not an ethnicity.
post more Frida
What do you mean they're never brown?
What qualifies as "white" to you?
I'm being forced to do this.
This is a Mexican ghost.
they really know mexico, right?
Mestizo is super misleading.
I've met mexicans who call themselves that even tho they look spaniard.
"Oh my great grandfather was 1/8 zapotec so im not actually white".
>anglo-saxon/germanic origin
>no shitskin blood
sorry paco, you're not gonna make it on the dotr. if you have to ask if you're white, you're not white.
Oh shit.
Is real shitposting hours
If you want a non meme answer,
1- Think of china in the sense that while very rarely people are black or blonde hwite, in our mutt spectrum we are actually quite diverse with the tone of skin. A lot of people are pale and a lot are un monstruo de las americas. is not qrong when saying we are mostly mestizo and natives, but the big BUTT is that the natives here were extremely geneticaly diverse (pic related) and the europeans that came here came from the entire mediterrarean.
Only true blacks and true hwites are rare but pale and obscure tone people are as common
Not to mention the fact that every predominately catholic European country has sent people to Mexico to spread the religion. You bet the priests and their helpers got some spicy ass while there. Also the wars people seem to forget.
i bet her half mexican kids would have looked like her too
Isabela is half jew
because not all Mexicans are brown
Most Jews look like Arabs.
Sometimes I wonder who are the type of people that sit down and take the time to make this.
>what are castizas
Perfectly pink nipples
Something about dark skin girls getting fucked by beauty standards
You've all seen the statistics on black girls being undesirable on dating websites
Because not every mexican is brown in the same way not every american is fat.
Because Mexicans themselves run the gamut of dark and light skin and aren’t solely brown?
They are talking about skin tone rather than race
There was also another study that talked about liking white people with slight tans more than really pale whites
Also caucasoid ethiopians
Are those three not swarthy enough for you?
That's still not white compared to the few white characters we saw
>implying she would ever get Marco's seed
>implying Marco isnt slave to cock
Shut up and keep posting little cartoon girls
Its pretty clearly a factor, comparing how many latina actresses look more like sofia vergara than zoe saldana
>Its pretty clearly
Only if they're Mexican.
The biggest factor is attractiveness rather than race
which is why there are so many shitposters in int making threads like "wow do [nation] males/females look like this?!".
Skin tone and race plays a role, but it starts being subjective which tags you search in porn like latina ebony arab wathever
Threadly reminder that the mexican autist Yea Forumsmrade cried twice playing toystory about how he was a beta and a girl rejected him
Learn punctuation.
The vast majority of mexico is white.
Scottish Latinos, eh?
I know how to write
I just don't think is worth the effort trying to make *nglish look decent
Luz is brown though.
season 2 fucking when?
el tigre first
also dravidian>all
God I love her 34.
no, she is a mexican Astral Projection
>Cartoons in colonial/independence times
>Cartoons in modern times
>No cartoons set in the revolution, even though most of the stereotypical depiction of Mexicans originated from that time
It was like a mini WWI, bureocratic clusterfuck and all
Your new is showing user.
Mexicans are all mutts. There's bound to be variety of skin tone, though the majority tends to be brown. Lots of people with asian features tho.
>No cartoons set in the revolution, even though most of the stereotypical depiction of Mexicans originated from that time
You answered your own question. Nobody wants to reinforce stereotypes.
Only Americans think/care about that.
you reek of underage
mexicans hated that shit, user
Certainly not.
Nigga they are not stereotypes.
Mexicans did dress like that.
Big mustaches and hats, cowboy type culture, mariachi and zarape clothing pieces, etc.
Ever being to Polanco?
You are stupid
Was a popular cartoon in Mexico. There was merch and branding deals around when the cartoon was on air in nickelodeon and canal 5
But everytime a chicANO makes a cartoon or anything they are always “¡Salsa arriba arriba yepa ayy caramba mis burritos!”
Chicanos and their creations are the unwanted kid from America and Mexico.
Everything has politics in it already. It only seems like some things aren't political because you agree with their politics.
Theya re more angry about the negative depictions of border jumping and chicano cholos, rather than folklore ones
very rarely would you see someone getting mad over people with sombreros or shit like that
the closest to that were stupid anglos getting their nipples twisted over mario in a mexican level
also this
fuck ch*canos
Hello retard
You seem to be a tumblarina or /pol/ack that got mixed into these boards.
Let me explain your dumb politically morally puritan brain how this works.
>Allegories that reflect a struggle, like putting your characters in a sittuation that is similar to world problems, good
>Directly referencing what you should think, like saying "Naruto votes democrat, Chester from the fairly odd parents wearing a transgender flag, goku struggles against islamic oppresion and the chinese gov." etc. is cheesy and bad.
Now get the fuck out back to wathever shithole site you came from
You had one job.
Wait. Those two besides Frida were Mexican?
Am Mexican, not true. Never visit out land our land you white fuck
I honestly thought two of those girls where white before.
And even if they inherently aren't people will find a way to make it seem so.
I always forget where we are of course you never been outside.
>Penny Sanchez
>Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
I can understand not realizing Isabella was one but Penny was pretty dark.
>But everytime a chicANO makes a cartoon or anything they are always “¡Salsa arriba arriba yepa ayy caramba mis burritos!”
Unironically makes me seethe everytime. What is up with chicanos?
Also I should rewatch this show.
Funny enough, in real life it's Caucasian lolis who are brown. Maybe they just tan easily? I'll need to run experiments.
Racial loli thread.
I love her.
Those eyes...Zoe is the bastard daughter of Risotto Nero.
whos this qt
People that care.
Don't bother using Google Image search. It's beyond fubar
Between pale white, white, mixed white-brown and brown, there's a enormous pallet of skin tones
Selena, a minor character who doesn't appear much in Baskup, an already obscure show that has no English translation.
>>No Basquash/Baskup
Lost potential
some people tend to forget there some asian descent in Latin america, Yes this is a Latina Chinese from Latin america
Looks like a tranny.
Not being hispanic
What about Dora?
What about Dora?
She has a cute tummy
This girl fells very lonely, give her some love, she's one of few things that's good from her show she resides in. "I ain't got nobody that I can depend on, No Tengo a nadie ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYc-zH0Ak6Q
OP is just pointing out a seemingly odd pattern jfc calm down.
No one crosses the border because white people promptly get kidnapped and beheaded nowadays.
She's a sweetheart
This might come as a surprise but most animes take place in Japan.
user has a point though, most Asians whiten their skin and use filters out the ass to make themselves appear brighter.
I'm Mexican and made this thread as an excuse to post Frida.
There are probably more brown Mexifus than not
Was OK I guess, but it was never popular.
No that's just Chile.
Not like the Simpsons but in therms of regular cartoons, it was popular enough to get merchandise in junk food and rip games from nickelodeon to put them in flash game pages like juegos juegos (or wathever your page of preference was to play stolen games) and so on
You had one job.
Unlike most Mexicans.
This is a lie. White people are a minority, probably like 10% or less. The majority of the poblation had mixed blood, tho. So there a good amount of "pale" mexicans.
Pequeño hijo de puta inteligente
>The majority of the poblation had mixed blood, tho. So there a good amount of "pale" mexicans.
Stop exposing the business.
You're the Pantha guy from the waifu threads?
If only she was in a better show.
I've been avoiding waifu threads as of late, as they turn up too frequently these days and have also recently turned into "roll to see what kind of food your waifu would cook for you and how would you enjoy your date"-borderline roleplay weirdness.
My guess would be a mix of misplaced hubris and simply overcompensating/Try-Harding for not being born down south wile having an inferiority complex towards other Mexicans and American nationals. The worse part is IIRC that contemporary Mexican culture banks heavily on remembering descendants, yet the average anchor- baby knows nothing but superficial Tumbler tier cultural aspects, which they double down on, which is mostly Tex-Mex in all reality. It’s depressing, really.
Yeah, it's sad.
They only have that going on for them and I think are the same guys posting the same things over and over again.
I remember when I proposed to add topics of discussion or make content but nobody gave a shit.
If only she was a better character.
Or a little older.
Mexicans technically aren't a race
>I remember when I proposed to add topics of discussion or make content but nobody gave a shit.
Yeah, if it was something that involved creativity, it's probably because people dislike effort, hence the same exact content being posted thread after thread.
Anyway, I read that Susan Vandom was Mexican.
Huh, I would have assumed the purpose of the thread was to bait people into posting brown Latinas given the topic
That too.
>colonize Brazil
>get left with nothing
>colonize everything else
>get left with nothing
>fuck around a bit down there, mostly work on North America
>still have territories
How are Iberians so cucked?
I don't want to fuck Dora so she doesn't count.
>when your mom is the hottest girl you know
Can't tell if Will's life was heaven or hell.
>superficial Tumbler tier cultural aspects
Most of which are American stereotypes shit. It's really funny once you think about it.
Top lel
>If only she was a better character.
Too bad the writing's generally pretty shit.
She's still the best thing out of the show and pretty much steals any scene she's in
Nah. She's fine the way she is.
>steals any scene she's in
yes but only with the creepy randumb thing it gets tiresome with time.
>Nah. She's fine the way she is.
user, I don't know if it's legal in Mexico. But outside Mexico it's pretty much a long time in prison and a continuous rapefest in prison with you as the center piece of it.
You need to go back.
Nigga, have you forgotten she's a cartoon, a fictional character, and can't get hurt?
You go to prison over -real- children.
The reason going after real children is illegal isn't because of their looks (though they're pretty gross looking to begin with), but because their brains aren't developed.
They don't know what's going on and therefore can't consent.
That would be taking advantage of them.
Fictional kids don't even act like kids most of the time.
They often have the personalities and intelligence of adults, so they would be able to consent.
They'll be fine.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go jack it to a bunch of lines, shapes, and colors like I'm supposed to.
Buenas noches.
they should care for something else
>officer, this drawing is underage!
Where the fuck do you moralfags come from? Why even come to Yea Forums? It's like if a nazi's favorite place to hang out was Harlem.
All the pedos in denial.
i made that last loli crush thread as an excuse to post Frida too so it all came full circle
dude there are a bunch of brown animes
For one second I thought this post would unleash witchguy but I'm glad it didn't happen.
god penny is so cute. Post more penny
If you gotta explain it to me like this it just seems to me you're avoiding facing the truth, moron.
I don't remember much from that show and don't have anything saved sorry. Those two images were just the first google results.
i get mistaken for asian for my pale skin lol
go outside some more
>Whole thread
>No Dora
You guys are homos
yeah sure
I shoot fictional people in games, should i go to jail for murder?
Man it's not fair they got a girl THIS cute to play fucking Dora in a live action adaptation.
Acceptable, but I'd argue that the okinawan is a close second.
>Taking dick.
Who let you off the short bus?
Gonna be a yikes from me.
Desperate to have an identity.
More like an argentinean self-projection
Nah, its shit
>implying that future will happen
He'll grow into a soft twink now magic is dead
>Allegories that reflect a struggle, like putting your characters in a sittuation that is similar to world problems, good
Yet you get fucking mad about these all the time. Remember that one OK GO episode that was an allegory about gun control?
They're literally only and ever brown, look at the movie Coco. The only Latinas you ever see in any USA movie/cartoon/show are always brown. They're always tan or brown.
She's a-Dora-ble.
Depends how in the face it is and how true it is
If it's like replace guns with magic wands and gun control with magic control or some shit then yeah
If it talks about the price of people willing to pay to have some kind of defense, despite their family and friends being part of the gamble then it can be very touching
Unfortunately most writers are fucking idiots who can't differentiate the two
This bitch was Mexican right? What the fuck was her problem why was she such a bitch all the time? Why were her feet so big?
it had an English dub that never even got released
Why is it cute when a girl eats a burger?
She’s drawn like a mulatto so highly doubt she was supposed to be Mexican (who are mostly mestizo). More likely Puerto Rican.
But the chalk thing is so cute.
and her too I guess
Princess Marco is canon
Because they don't want to be.
I’d write a song about it, dubbed “Iberian Rhapsody”, but I don’t know Spanish.
She could wear a strapon
Big black woman mouth and face, broad shoulders. nothing about this looks asian.
I know their were other types of Europeans that went to the Carribean and South Americs like Scottish and German and theirs a good chance that some ended up in Mexico
Pretty sure this image was conoghi and it sure was.
She was mexican, her mother was dark skinned amd her father/grandfather was light but both Mexican.
It is kinda that Hispanics have large noses but I don’t know why in some cartoons, they draw them with such huge dick noses, that some people mistake them to be black. Don’t judge on my perspective, art imitates life my ass sometimes.
Mexico has me cracking up.
Lel,Bolivia is turning into eren yeager.
>Made in Mexico
He is Mexican American and was born in the state of California.
i bet you that a lot of the people that try to lighten their skin color here in Chile also claim they are of Mapuche blood.
You don't know where his parents made him
Reminder Mexicans were legally classified as white by the U.S. census for the majority of the the 20th century.
I know a lot of light skin Mexicans in the USA what are you talking about?
Dark skin in Mexico is associated with day laborers - guys out in the sun all the time. People who work indoors can get relatively pale, but I'm sure OP and a lot of other people in this thread knew that well enough first hand.
A bedroom.
can confirm. Most Mexican-Americans are indio as fuck, but there's white, and even asian looking Mexicans (light indios). There's a shit load of white Mexicans - eg. that guy who wrote pooty tang.
Mexico has jews. A few synagogues in the DF, veracruz, etc.
They're calling you a "pedophile", not a "pederasts", so calm down. Why would you be mad at a term that not only 100% describes what you are, but was invented to describe what you are?
Also, why do you love to go off-topic with that "murder in video game" shit, when people talk about you being a pedophile? I don't get the deflection.
a few mexicans did, but it was very regional and class dependent. The stereotypical Mexican look of a big sombrero, serape, and either white clothes or the charro traje is regional to the northern peones, and to the jalisco charros.American propaganda from the Villa invasion, and the so called 'bandit wars' created the idea that all Mexicans looked like hacienda peones.
If you look at photos from the revolution, they mostly dress in the common clothes of north america and europe in the 1880-1920 trends : sack suits, factory made shirts. Some wore the sugar cone sombreros, some wore lower sombreros de charros, but just as common to non-peones was the montana peaked felt hat, which you can see R Lee Ermy, and every other USMC DI wearing.
larping american
Are we just gonna ignore boondocks?
pretty sure she's either cuban, or puerto rican, as was her grandfather.
I didn't mean everyone wore that
>regional exclusive
From what I've seen, traditional clothing trough the states shares a lot of characteristics
Pic related is from chiapas, as an example.
Jordan necessarily exactly the same but have a lot of similarities
Baskup got an English dub titled "The Basketeers" that never even got released outside of a trailer
>it was invented to describe people who jerk off to drawings
Go be retarded somewhere else.
Most of the regional clothing is a romantic post-revolution idea, and has grounding in historical articles in name only. Just look at the 'traditional' clothing of tamaulipas. It's a fucking suede suit. Traditional clothing in general, especially the lederhosen-drindle bullshit, is based on government propaganda and marketing campaigns. in the 40s charro cinema and ranchera music solidified what mexico saw as mexican into a jalisco-norte vaquero hybrid that was more from a costume designers imagination than historic, or even functional vaquero/traditional charro, clothing.
our beloved national tradition begins next tuesday at 8am.
It's called denial user.
He hates what he is.
I agree but there is a big butt
A lot of the patterns and clothing are heavily influenced by the ornaments and fabrics of mesoamerican fashion.
You can actually pin point 90% of mexican fashion having similarities with the female mayan attire
>our beloved national tradition begins next tuesday at 8am.
I don't go out or have a calendar
Is Jesus going to give his bendición to amlo or what
I think he meant that as "all of our supposedly traditional trends are in actuality so new, that some new random bullshit can get added to them next week and people will accept it like it's been given down to them from the misty depths of farthest Aztec and Iberian past."
Yeah and he/she/it would be right, but not completely in the sence that it's all completely new.
There is a lot of documentation about trends and civil day to day customs and traditions (enough to even know they would get fermented chocolate enemas to get absolutely wasted) not to mention the spanish culture as well.
Like I said, more modern mexican designs use a lot of pre-hispanic fashion as a template (or heavily inspired) for decorations and the structure of the fabrics
there is also a famous battalion of Irish that deserted the American side in the America vs Mexico war
Maybe of a lot of people who design these shows aren't from good regions?
Are you actually Mexican or just Mexican American? Most Mexicans I meet don't seem to mind the stereotypes.
>Mexican American
just type Chicano, lol