Big Al

What the fuck was his problem?

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He was a greasy balding fuck who would trample over others in his desire for wealth.

He is a businessman
If he finds something expensive he will sell it, it’s called capitalism

In the case with the Woody doll its called theft.

Fat, selfish guy who only thinks about himself. Did the research on the toy and gave in to his base instinct as a thief.

His only mistake was that he tried to buy a toy that wasn't for sale at a yard sale.

He probably shouldn’t have stolen it. That was another crime

>who would trample over others in his desire for wealth.
And you wouldnt?

No, I wouldn't. I'm not a thief.

Nothing. With Woody the collection was worth a fortune, hinted at being in the millions. He didnt know they were alive. I would have stole him too.

He literally did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong.
If he was good looking people would realize this

The rules in the TS universe make no sense and its hard to care about anything

>t. Incel

Thats not how you memearrow

All it takes is making him not look disgusting and downplay his greed while showcasing he is doing it for the history and the museum because he legit loves figurines and it would have made for a much more interesting and deep villain and plot
He is so lazily written its sad.

Nigga really liked toys and money. Can you blame him?


He wanted to fuck-fuck-fuck Buck Cluck from Chicken Little for a buck-buck-buck.

Fucking based, user.

Literally was never allowed any toys as a kid, so he feels no pity for stealing them.

He's a thief.