Black Label publishes ANOTHER Joker book

>Black Label publishes ANOTHER Joker book

Bravo DC

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Don't know what i hate more: The fact that they keep forcing this uninteresting shitty character, or the fact that every attempt at making him character feels shallow and uninspired.

or the fact that every attempt at making him *interesting feels shallow and uninspired.

He was interesting but the writers didn't know why he was interesting
Joker was better when he was just a criminal trying to shame the batman

For reference, we already have this

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and this

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Not to mention this one

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Suits are still convinced that Batman and Joker are literally the only marketable characters they have. Meanwhile, Diana and Arthur laugh at this foolishness.

Seriously though, this is how you breed audience antipathy.

And Joker (or at least his head) also plays a major part in Last Knight.
It really is the Clown imprint.

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> Diana
It's really weird how they just outright excommunicated her black label book

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DC is only giving people what they want, and Joker sells.

Neither WW or Aquaman is setting the comic sales charts on fire.

>those earrings
>le bvs skirt
and nothing of value was lost

Any plot details?
I honestly hope it's taken in a totally different direction, just because it'd trigger my autism if only the movie did that

>a character that people keep eating up and has a movie coming out soon

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They won't (imo). One of the new editors there is the former editor on the main WW book.

What in the hell is going on with DC right now?

So Black Label really is just a new banner for Batman and Batman adjacent titles. Damn DC needs to purge itself and get some fresh minds to come up with new ideas

Who else is getting a black label book

People complain about a Lemire book, but they will eat up the mediocre shit in Tomasi's Tec or whatever trash DC is releasing today.

It's run by the former head editor on Batman. It's basically his two favorite things: Batman and Vertigo-lite.

Do the edgy kids who wear punk joker on their sleeve actually read the comics?

I’ll give Lemire a chance.


I think people are more upset that it is another Joker book over the fact that it is Lemire.

I want the joker to be a comedian who does observation humor(pretty much sienfled). No over the top edge, and make him actually funny in-universe or at least funny to other inmates

Serious Mode: why does DC do nothing but publish or push Batman and company? Wonder Woman and Aquaman movies proved people'd eat up non-Batshit gladly, even a bunch of people want more Superman to at least be done right, but all DC ever cares about is Batman, Joker, and Harley Quinn. There's been no real prestige Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, or Flash projects announced - even more ridiculous in light of the money the movies made above - and even the regular titles get overshadowed creator-wise by whoever they slap onto Batman.

What's gonna happen when people get tired of Batman enough to actually vote with their wallets?

Even worse is that Rucka isn’t doing the book about her daughter anymore, probably the only black label book I was looking forward to because everything else announced sounds derivative or done a billion times before (Batman:Damned)

Meanwhile DC is struggling because for some reason they can’t capture new audiences. Gee I wonder why

These books are about Harley Quinn not the Joker

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>Rucka isn’t doing the book
That's actually a good thing.

Harley is not Joker. In fact, she is an actually interesting character because she's morally ambiguous and at least somewhat complex character who flip flops between being an antihero, villain to even a hero.

The problem with Joker is that Joker is not a person, he's a living foil to Batman and Harley and pretty much nothing else. He has no character depth beyond 'he's crazy and unpredictable!'. The only writer who ever gave him any real depth was Alan Moore who turned him into a dark (bright?) mirror of Batman, but nobody ever really followed up on that (except for White Knight, which people on this board hate because muh politics).

People like to crib material from Killing Joke, but they don't understand what made said material interesting, that Moore's Joker was more than a crazy 'we live in a society' edgelord.

Because DC does a damn good job of making sure audiences don’t know they release non-Batbooks. All special interviews and marketing an events is Batman so only people think about Batman. It’s a cycle that needs to be broken. Guarantee if DC did the same push for WW after her movie success that Marvel did for CM, we’d be having a different discussion. But instead they released more Batbooks

Finally a book for us gamers. Fuck Veronica.

Not really. Because now Black Label is nothing but a label for edgy Batfags


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That's better than reading another WW book by Cucka. His latest run should've been the last straw. It was worse than Byrne, Finches and Picoult.

Ah you must be a dickless Azzfag. No wonder you want less Wonder Woman stories

Say it to my face, you pussy.

A very stupid therapeut (not harley this time) decides it would be a good idea to take the joker home to his family.

Yet the previews have Joker all over in them

Seething Marvelfags are seething.

This should have been Sejic going full Sunstone and making it a Harley/Ivy book. He dropped the ball hard on this one.

You know DC wasn't going to let him make his /u/ book with Harley and Ivy.

is that jim carrey?

do people genuinely like Sorrentino's art?