This show is a work of art
This show is a work of art
Other urls found in this thread:
season 2 when?
What channel aired this?
It was announced at Angouleme, gonna take place in space, is currently being written, will start production some time after Princess Apocalypse is released, there may be some crowdfunding involved.
I want to fuck Lily
One man's trash is another's treasure, I suppose.
I want to FUCK Dr. Pussy or whatever her name was.
Source or bullshit.
You need to watch this show
Shit, accidentally went with the english dub, my bad.
Nvm, had both languages
WHEN THE FUCK IS SEASON 2 also I want to savagely doggystyle doctor pussycat until my pelvis shatters from the impacts
Prolly in one or two years. They've got their plate full with princess apocalypse and lastman 2
Yeah, where the fuck is it? It's been like a year since the supposed release date and still no fucking news.
those fucking pandas
What episode is that? Someone posted episode 17 but that doesn't happen.
>DR pussycat is canonically super bushy
based frenchies
Is this a fucking Akira parody?
The intro is cute as fuck desu, but I don' speak french . Any frogs care to translate?
sure hope this thread doesn't get deleted haha!
The official site has all 18 episodes available in both the French and English dubs. I can’t remember if English subs are still included, but I highly recommend watching SFF with the original French voices.
Why the fuck do you people think we can all suddenly understand French?
You’re on an American basket-weaving weeaboo site.
French was one of the most widely spoken languages in the last century.
Again, I can’t remember if there are English subs, but if there are, DEFINITELY watch the superior French version with English subs.
The French version just sounds more interesting. I want to learn french but I hear that they get very judgmental in france if you attempt to try and speak it as a foreigner.
French people being snooty and snobby is in their blood.
Then git gud before testing your French on a native speaker.
> calarts Goku
Is there a torrent anywhere with the english and french audio? I only found one with french.
Anyone ever notice that anyone who says "what the actual fuck" is a complete retard?
i am grateful we have moved on from the scourge "dafuq"
Part of me wants to get into this show for the craziness of it but the animation is literally one of the worst I've ever seen I can't fucking stand a single second of it
Yeah, that was awful but not nearly as virulent.
What happened to that cat?
Same goes to reddit spacing, taking place in the same post
Not even combined, singular instances are just as indicative.
You're 100% right. Anyone who says "reddit spacing" is a complete retard.
Watch it anyway because their future budgets will depend on their view count.
Is this the fucking guy who narrowly escaped getting murdered by some Muslim terrorists and had a life crisis, and made this in response?
Alright what episodes feature the most of the big titty cat doctor? Or better yet where are the gifs of her
How the fuck did I not know of this before?
For the longest time all threads were sent to the trash
Actually he made it in response to seeing an episode of Peppa Pig and deciding he could do worse, but the terror attack's the reason one of them blows up in the intro
I too hate popular slang because I feel unspecial
had no idea there was an english sub. watched it all in french on youtube before it was taken down
Question, how do you access the site on mobile because it has a adult only banner in front and I keep clicking ok but it doesn't seem to work?
Buy a computer
Imagine tittyfucking her as peepoodoo watches in jealousy
Odd, I'm surprised, I'm not trying to start anything but is there actually a way it works?
Dr. Monique Pussycat
this show just feels like something people made when they realized they could say fuck. Dr pussycat is waifu though.
Alright I'll probably ask /r/, sorry to bother you all.
This reminds me of retarded animal babies
this just seem literally gay
Those threads were comfy as fuck desu. One of the only times /trash/ was actually worth visiting.
>Dr pussycat is waifu though
Sadly, Yea Forums doesn’t seem to feel the same way. Monique rarely ever gets drawn or requested on Caturdays.
People don't wanna get b&.
On second though maybe I shouldn't watch this, I hear there's an episode referencing castration
you must be new
I want to thank you for introducing me to this show.
I remembered watching the whole show subbed.
Is there anything hotter than a girl creaming herself on your dick while while saying Mon Rois? Especially coming from such a dominant woman holy fuck bros
>Imagine tittyfucking her—
Then explain why there are always deliveries of the cat girls from Gumball, Sw@t K@ts, Wakfu, and T.U.F.F. Puppy.
Dr. Lachatte deserves more love. I don’t think she ever even got to be FotM back when the show was still premiering new episodes.
>His cock is taking over his body by sucking out his brain
Explain why you can't request her yourself like the 6-7 guys who make all the requests for Caturday?
She shows up in nearly every episode, jiggly tits and all. As for GIFs, I think e621’s got your back.
On that note, does anybody know where I can find Balak’s Dr. Pussycat drawings that were originally on his Pixiv? Apparently, he has a PREMIUM account now, so I can’t see shit! Paheal, Rule 34, AND e621 are all missing several of his most recent Pixiv drawings, so I can’t even depend on those sites.
I’ve requested her in the past, but it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth getting banned for over and over again.
It’s also just a bad sign in general if I have to request the character myself. That means very few on Yea Forums know of or care for Monique.
So it's Baru Baru a real girl cosplayer in france or something?
She’s American, IIRC.
What show?
There is a link on this thread.
>that audio of Monique sucking someone off in a porno
Balak is bisexual and also has a fart fetish
there's rough draft animation of those scenes they didn't get to use
Sauce me up right now
proof or fake and gay
art from the actual show artist
>Hey calm down with your micro-aggressions
holy fuck, the music at the end is at least
Princess Apocalypse?
cute/edgy show by one of the girl of their team that made kill la kill futa porn
they showed it at Annecy this year too so it's not on hiatus or anything.
Does adult cartoons have caturday? Or is that a co only thing? I'd like to request her but I've been banned in the past as well for requesting characters like her, even though though they are from a cartoon. Its hard to tell which animal characters are safe to ask for on co without getting banned.
The show fucking sucks
It's sex and swearing for the sake of sex and swearing with the creator shit (sometimes literally) fetishes sprinkled in.
The animation fucking sucks, and the humor is awful too.
Not to mention that incredibly out of place episode that felt like it was written by some resident twitter landwhale they let on the set. if you watched the show, you should know what O'm talking about
Still better than Big Mouth
>Does adult cartoons have caturday?
No and even if they did, you would catch a ban just like Yea Forums.
>I've been banned in the past as well for requesting characters like her, even though though they are from a cartoon
Just use your phone's internet or someone else's phone to make the request. I never get why mods are so protective of the Yea Forums drawthread when people ask for worst stuff from Yea Forums.
This show can help with no fap what with all the grotesque imagery.
premium accounts don't work like that, it's just for extra additions for browsing/upload limit etc.
If you want something unique your best options are trash Yea Forums and /aco/ just too vanilla.
No it isn't. You would be better off in Yea Forums, as the /trash/ drawthread full of funposters and no artists. Plus their requests and deliveries are just as vanilla as Yea Forums and /aco/ for the most part. Even the caturday artists avoid it because of the autists there.
How is this thread still alive, I thought jannies get triggered by it.
I'm wondering that myself.
She looks like she fucks white guys...
will it be the next decade's south park?
so I'm not the only one who wants Beatrix Dominatrix to come back for season two as a recurring character right?
especially if she's still obsessed with Peepoodo's dick
No it will be the next Happy Tree Friends (sex version with a cute pussycat doctor)
i can't remember much from this show other than wolf girl > fox girl > pussycat
What do you guys think Dr. Pussycat's sex life is like?
>French """""humour"""""
its not like its mandatory if you learn french you have to live in France
Look up Marshmellow Maximus
>Talking to actual french people
Talk to the Canadians, Belgians or half of Africa. Spoken french in France is 30% memes and 40% prison slang.
It's like english, when you learn it you can talk to everybody except the british
>that episode telling viewers to avoid fruit juice because it's bad for erections
neat, don't know if its true but this show sometimes does speak the big truth
actually vacant because she has perfectionism anxiety
I was bit disappointed that the show doesn't teach the danger of unprescribed viagra and most impotence are come from stress.
Plenty of African countries talk French too.
>gonna take place in space
Beatrix is definitely coming back, if this S2 promo art is any indication.
>that audio of Monique sucking someone off in a porno
Which episode was that?
They finished it a year ago, they're just holding out for festivals and such.
Also I think the blackpills app is losing a fuckton of money because their economic model never caught on. They're probably hoping Netflix will buy the company to get the series or working out deals with FranceTV
Not all fruits, just grapefruit. There's something in grapefruit, we're not sure what exactly, that fucks up lots of medications
Blackpills has always felt shady and unstable. I really wish Bobby Prod. hadn’t solidified an alliance with them, brand renaming and all. This isn't a good platform for their shows. It makes me sad to see Vermin continue being overlooked.
Dr. Pussycat's tits wrapped around my dick SQUEEZING it bone dry
Based frogs just cannot stop making absolutely great shit
For all their faults, they're the only ones who were willing to fund the kid of stuff Bobbyprod wanted to make.
>not knowing at the very least 3 langauges
Caturday threads have basically been banned for like 4 years now. The new mod almost never allows "furry" stuff here anymore. Good chance this thread gets nuked before it hits 200 posts.
She sucked off an old man and presumably did multiple other sodomizing activities to diagnose and remedy him
Unironically this. It doesn’t sound like realizes the Earth is so much more than his little hick town in Iowa.
Why doesn't Blackpills work anymore? It's just a black guy thinking on a loop.
Monique Pussycat > Mrs. Witch >>>>> Beatrix Dominatrix
I expected it to be gross and horibble.
It was gross but actualy informative and funny
Dr. Lachatte is kind of ugly compared to the rest
Don't forget that she also jerked off a married Panda, anally stimulated Peepoodo, and took part in what mentioned.
Monique must be a beast in the bed. I'd assume any sex doctor would naturally have an active sex life.
>I'd assume any sex doctor would naturally have an active sex life.
not necessarily. You've heard about cobbler's children growing without shoes?
If anything I can see such a person's life being dry as fuck as either they are sick of dealing with it as a job and don't want to deal with it, or have seem some fucked up shit and is just too traumatic.
Sheeeiit, you right
>ywn pound her womb so hard she squirts into unconsciousness while moaning out that you're a god
they only get pissy about it in Paris
the rest of France really just doesn't give a fuck, but they will try to swindle you out of money and claim it was due to "miscommunication"
I thank the heavens everyday for how casually Bobbypills always posts big-titty Monique pics:
What even is this?
Disney is making the whole world into that little town in Iowa, in 10 years your extra languges will be more than obsolete, they will be illegal
I do know 3 languages: English, Python, and Javascript. French is dumb, you can't code in French
it’s still morning over here. please don’t make me a phat nut this early
Imagine Happy Tree Friends but with sex "education".
>sex "education"
nothing of educational value if it can't teach me how to jerk off more efficiently
>return of alpha wolf bitch
>counting coding languages as spoken langues
cringe bro
not even 1/100th as difficult to become fluent in
Say what you want, but you still can't write code in French.
That’s what Season 2 is for, fellow wanker
I never actually watched this. Does this actually deliver a new and good experience? I've seen pletny of Japanese porn cartoons but we all know those autists can't direct anything without "UHUHH UHH SQUEALING BABY NOISES AND DULL REDNECK GEEK MALE VOICES. ALSO REUSED ANIMATION"
I love the lengths this guy goes to defend his weird armpit hair fetish
Come on dude it’s a fetish, you don’t have to justify it
Modern science can’t even justify it yet
I think the most spoken languages go Chinese, English, Spanish, and French
Okay this feels ... no not like happy tree friends. This feels like I'm watching Axe Cop. It's lol so randumb like an internet clip (no not adventure time). Actually it's inferior to The Aquabats Supershow which is another form of lol so randumb, but with a plot to it.
It's eeeehhhhhhhh..... I was expecting a series like Zone Tan's cartoons. Less of a flanderized version of The Mask, The Tick, Freakazoid and more .... comfy wholesome normalcy
calm down buddy, you bring this up anytime this guy is mentioned
This show and Axe Cop are exactly what I thought The Simpsons, South Park, Beavis and Butthead were - dumb low-brow gross out humour very similar to Ren & Stimpy and Cow & Chicken.
Sadly this show does not have the dialogue and writing quality of the early seasons of any of those shows or hell even new modern ones.
Well I guessed it.... this art style cannot be fapped to ... especially with all the Happy Tree Friends shit going on.
>cannot be fapped to
you just have to believe in yourself, user. don't let your dick go limp in the face of cutesy cartoon animals -- just power through and think about how the soldiers in your country died fighting for your right to fap
Looks more to me like you go to weird lengths to defend your shaved armpit fetish
>can't write code in French
That's just you being a porc inculte
Deffo isn't like your average jap porn cartoon
>not my WEENIE
Why did this kill me?
I don't know man.... those dicks make me straighter than the pole Yea Forums dances on.
I mean is it too much to ask to draw good looking genitalia and fap in a non generic way with non generic sounds? Like sheesh one hand? what is this? amateur hour? You're suppose to use your thighs and feet while you jerk it off and you're suppose to it quietly.
Also balls bigger than the cock? seriously?
I mean this show isn't going to turn anyone gay I assure you that.
>you're suppose to it quietly.
What did he mean by this?
Hopefully they show her getting fucked HARD in season 2.
>ball bigger than the cock
Hate to break it to you, but that's typically the norm for most human beings. Balls hang low. Flaccid dicks tend to be compacted and only extend when aroused.
Because it’s funny
I don’t hate it, I just think it’s funny
>implying female body hair isn't hot as fuck
>shitting on The Aquabats
Wow that might be the worst taste I've ever experienced on this site
Is The Aquabats actually good? The only cartoons I’ve watched from The Hub are Dan Vs. (loved it) and the gorgeous Hanazuki short that apparently played before the Horse movie.
hard same
Pretty sure that never showing her, the object of all desire, having sex is meant to be a running gag.
>wins snk tournaments
Literally perfect breeding material.
If you like Homestar Runner, the humor of the show is like that crossed with Adam West Batman.
The albums are all pretty solid though. I'm seeing them live in September and I can't wait, I've heard they put on a hell of a show.
This. Every sexual act she does is shown off-screen, and she’s also the only character who actually wears undergarments below her waist, unfortunately.
You dont code in english either you literal fucking monkey.
wew lad
imagine getting mad at people that want to dick an anthro character
its like double pathetic
pathetic since we wanna fuck them and pathetic for him to get mad at just that
Spotted the American. Your genes suck dick you homo erectus.
I wanna smell Dr. Pussycat’s thong
it smells "Fishy"
Dr. Monique Lachatte
What? I prefer the French names.
>this whole thread
I don't like a jungle down there but a bit of hair isn't the end of the world. Plus he's French and they're really into that stuff down there.
>Tonio bullying Peepoodo
>Peepoodo being bullied in general
I want to taste Dr. Pussycat’s pussy
>over 24 hours later
>thread is still alive
So, THIS is the power of Big Fat Cat Tats...
$5 says it gets deleted if still up saturday
okay what the actual fuck am I watching
The mod is such a retard.
I have seen tame "furry" threads deleted within minutes here. But a thread about a show that is basically furry porn stays up for 24 hours!
The fuck is this guy doing?
What is okay to post here and what isn't?!
>Not to mention that incredibly out of place episode that felt like it was written by some resident twitter landwhale they let on the set. if you watched the show, you should know what O'm talking about
Yeah, that was ridiculous. I hope none of the artists involved are dumb enough to think that "rape culture" doesn't include artists who draw T&A like themselves.
I'd Draw LaChatte
I already speak English, Italian, and Japanese. I don't need to include a fourth incoherent mutt of a language.
yeah I think I'm done with this board
That’s a highly underrated AT episode. Season 5 wasn’t 100% full of stinkers.
I love this guy's porn.