Aang is going to win hands down.
>But But...... Edward is ssmartter!!
Throughout the series we see Aang learn and adapt in difficult situations and in Avatar state is has the knowledge of all past Avatar(And one said avatar opened a ravine in the ground and lava bended
>But.. But Edward can just one hit him!1!1!!
Forget Aang is the avatar and forget about fire,earth and water. AIRBENDING IS ENOUGH to make sure Edward doesn't it anywhere CLOSE to Aang. LOL
>But.... but the if Edward uses the Philosopher's Stone.....
LOL! That's like BATMAN using a GUN, Edward doesn't like or has on him the Stone.
>But.. But Edward is faster112!!21!
NOPE! Aang can use airbending to increase his speed 10 fold kid. In fact he is so fast with bending he can stop an explostion mid-blast!
ALSO DONT FORGET!!! His limbs make it hard from him to swim, and the avatar is a waterbending lol
Aang has this in the god damn BAG!!!
Aang Vs Edward
Other urls found in this thread:
Now I want Edward to win just to enjoy the massive butthurt.
>Caring about Death Battle
>When being over 18
>>>/thread that's already in the goddamn catalog for this shit/
In general, alchemy seems weaker than bending. However, flame alchemy seems to overpower pretty much everything in both FMA and ATLA. If Edward were to bother to learn it, and if Roy could than Edward could, I think he would give Aang a pretty good fight. He may not win but it would be far closer than you make it out to be.
Alchemy is like bending but with actual chemistry. Edward is already OP as fuck because he doesn't have the debuff of having to draw a circle on the ground to wreck your shit. Aang is powerful but Edward can just smack him out of the air, face grab him, and turn his brain into steam.
I’m pretty sure Aang can fire end that explosion. Or he can sense the fire particles and dig himself on the ground, maybe getting Mustang wet and that’s a KO.
In Brotherhood, at least, flame alchemy's formula isn't public. Roy is literally the only person who knows how to do it.
Firebending in avatar works by shooting a (weak) flame out from one point, there is some travel time, therefore, time to react. Flame alchemy is instant, precise to the point of being able to target inside a person's mouth, and burns at a hotter temperature than anything we have seen in Avatar other than lightning. Roy's only weakness is needing his gloves for the spark and alchemic circle, a weakness that Edward does not have. Also, fire particles?
It is known that it is done by changing the concentration of O2 in the air, Roy even tells that to multiple people. The secret part is what alchemic circle would achieve that, but if you can get around needing a circle then flame alchemy is really easy. Roy even makes note of that when he gains to the ability to perform alchemy without a circle.
this thread is shit