Aang Vs Edward

Aang is going to win hands down.
>But But...... Edward is ssmartter!!
Throughout the series we see Aang learn and adapt in difficult situations and in Avatar state is has the knowledge of all past Avatar(And one said avatar opened a ravine in the ground and lava bended
>But.. But Edward can just one hit him!1!1!!
Forget Aang is the avatar and forget about fire,earth and water. AIRBENDING IS ENOUGH to make sure Edward doesn't it anywhere CLOSE to Aang. LOL
>But.... but the if Edward uses the Philosopher's Stone.....
LOL! That's like BATMAN using a GUN, Edward doesn't like or has on him the Stone.
>But.. But Edward is faster112!!21!
NOPE! Aang can use airbending to increase his speed 10 fold kid. In fact he is so fast with bending he can stop an explostion mid-blast!
ALSO DONT FORGET!!! His limbs make it hard from him to swim, and the avatar is a waterbending lol
Aang has this in the god damn BAG!!!

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Now I want Edward to win just to enjoy the massive butthurt.

>Caring about Death Battle
>When being over 18

>>>/thread that's already in the goddamn catalog for this shit/

In general, alchemy seems weaker than bending. However, flame alchemy seems to overpower pretty much everything in both FMA and ATLA. If Edward were to bother to learn it, and if Roy could than Edward could, I think he would give Aang a pretty good fight. He may not win but it would be far closer than you make it out to be.

Alchemy is like bending but with actual chemistry. Edward is already OP as fuck because he doesn't have the debuff of having to draw a circle on the ground to wreck your shit. Aang is powerful but Edward can just smack him out of the air, face grab him, and turn his brain into steam.

I’m pretty sure Aang can fire end that explosion. Or he can sense the fire particles and dig himself on the ground, maybe getting Mustang wet and that’s a KO.

In Brotherhood, at least, flame alchemy's formula isn't public. Roy is literally the only person who knows how to do it.

Firebending in avatar works by shooting a (weak) flame out from one point, there is some travel time, therefore, time to react. Flame alchemy is instant, precise to the point of being able to target inside a person's mouth, and burns at a hotter temperature than anything we have seen in Avatar other than lightning. Roy's only weakness is needing his gloves for the spark and alchemic circle, a weakness that Edward does not have. Also, fire particles?
It is known that it is done by changing the concentration of O2 in the air, Roy even tells that to multiple people. The secret part is what alchemic circle would achieve that, but if you can get around needing a circle then flame alchemy is really easy. Roy even makes note of that when he gains to the ability to perform alchemy without a circle.

this thread is shit

well if we're going with techniques the character themselves didn't use then Aang can use airbending to create a pocket around him and remove the air from within

Yeah great. Flame alchemy's only counter move... constantly deprive yourself of oxygen.

around the other person, not Aang, you ding diddly dang dong

Alright, that still a fairly slow death. Still doesn't beat flame alchemy's instant results. There is a reason it was used to effortlessly kill two of the most powerful enemies in FMA. Honestly, there is no real logical reason why Edward never used it, it's just too OP to have made for an interesting story if he used it against every significant enemy in the same way Roy did.

Aang is going to win because the VA for Ed in FMA is being accused of being a pedophile/rapist by SJWs (including Rooster Teeth) and they want to throw the character under the bus.

This pairing doesn’t even make sense. Why these two? Because they are both young?

>Aang will win because of energy bending Deus ex machina powers that take away Ed's Alchemy

>It will be a tie because Ed uses some bullshit equivalent exchange power to kill Aang in his Avatar state at the cost of his own life.

I don't get why people even bring up energy bending
it's not a useful offensive power at all, the only reason Aang used it is because he didn't want to kill Ozai, had he been willing to actually kill him, at that point a rock to his cranium would have ended it
in deathbattle characters specifically do kill eachother so there's no real reason for Aang to ever do that

>Cover him in water
>Freeze him
What could Ed even do?

Because in essence you could use energy bending to do all kinds of things like ending some ones ability to breath. At the very least it makes his opponent completely helpless against a rock to the head.

>LOL! That's like BATMAN using a GUN, Edward doesn't like or has on him the Stone.
Al used a stone in a life or death situation. Why wouldn't Ed? Isn't the whole point to match characters at their best holding nothing back?


Also worth noting that he doesn't need to bother clapping with a stone so that's one hurdle removed.

He doesn't even need energy bending. All he has to do is disable Ed's automail and he can't even use alchemy anymore.

Flame alchemy was stupidly unbalanced. It's a surprise attack that teleports a fire bomb right next to you. No beams, no energy balls, It can be a one hit kill if it's a brand new enemy

Still though, nice to see fire represented accurately in a show. I'm sick of seeing fire attacks do jack shit other than power up regular punches. Avatar is one of the worst offenders, omitting lightning we see fire cause only 3 burns in the whole series, and aside from Zuko's they are minor. Korra was even shittier, fire was essentially used in the same way as throwing a rock.

There is still the 'transformation loses against nontransformation' curse, though


Has there been anyone who honestly think Ed's going to win?

Let's even say it's composite Ed who has everything from The manga, FMA, Brotherhood, the movies (both animate and live action), and the light novels.

Here's the thing, ANYTHING Edward can make Aang can bend, well besides Metal.

That metal arm is Ed's ONLY edge in this fight.

Not saying Ed is going to win because of this but you really glanced over the fact that Ed can create metal from rock.

You have to be 18 to post here.

Aang, hands down. Ed very rarely does anything half as impressive as even the non-avatar state bending Aang does, and nothing even in the same ballpark of what Aang does in the Avatar State, which by the end of the series he has full control over.

On top of that, Ed is a moron who decides to not use alchemy half the time but fight by making his automail arm sharp, which could totally just be a mechanical attachment.

Add to that Aang's way higher maneuverability, greater flexibility in the use of his bending powers in general and higher martial arts skill (bending is based on martial arts while for Ed his martial skills and alchemy just complement one another) Aang takes this easily.

Really? When have they done that?

True, but that is not his usual go to method of battle. It might come into play at some point, but not out of the gates.

Besides, if Aang gets Ed air born that's it. Ed will only be able to work with the object at hand and HIS OWN BODY.

Tell me how Ed loses with stone

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I hate how uncreative Ed fights. No special moves or anything. Just pillars out of his ass

Granted his metal arm is more convenient but one of his other go-to moves is to instantly pull metal weapons from the ground. When he does use rock its because it's easy, but we have seen alchemists quickly turn large amounts of stone to metal. For Ed, being one of the better alchemists, it should be no problem. Imagine but metal.

I mostly agree. Alchemy can do some truly terrifying things, and that's with the limitations of transmutation circles. Ed should be completely overpowered but I think it's for that reason that they tone down his fighting abilities so much, makes the fights seem more balanced.

Avatar characters are literally always gonna win these Death battles.
>Gaara is literally speed of sound
Doesn't matter, Toph can "sense" him
>Gaara's sand literally being amplified by Chakra
>Doesn't matter, Toph is a REALLY good earth bender
>Gaara literally tanking hits from atleast small city-busters

>G aara doesn't get Shikaku
>Toph gets abilities and weapons she wouldn't get until much older
>Gaara literally learns to move at the speed of fuck to avoid basic attacks in elementary school.
>Gets killed by a Lariot

Ed has absolutely nothing that beats Avatar State so Ed will win because that means more people will click on the video to argue it.

Did you just make a fucking thread about this you goddamn sperg?

Gaara vs Toph was retarded, but the takeaway shouldn't be that Avatar characters should never win. Ed just doesn't have the chops to go toe to toe with Aang.

Except it's not represented accurately since it's just created out of nowhere without one of the key parts of the fire triangle, fuel.

How the fuck does that work anyway? They always harp on in FMA about equivalent exchange but Roy just snaps his fingers and it causes the air to catch fire at zero cost to himself other than the effort of snapping his fingers. It's a bullshit OP power that only serves to look cool and inevitably make him Worf to the newest bad guy or just not be there in the scene, because if he was he would just wipe the floor with them. It's shit.

Out of the fucking hundreds of anime and cartoons where fire can be created out of literally nothing at least the magic fire in FMA behaves like fire. It burns like hell and will actually cause serious harm to anything living. Also, you have a pretty big misunderstanding of Roy's abilities. He uses alchemy to create and concentrate the fuel out of previously inert gasses in the air. The snap is not just to look cool, he has to wear special gloves that allow him to create a spark from the friction of snapping, similar to flint and steel. Its explained multiples times in the show, it's clear you never watched it.

>Forget Aang is the avatar and forget about fire,earth and water. AIRBENDING IS ENOUGH to make sure Edward doesn't it anywhere CLOSE to Aang. LOL

Aang would win because he's the Avatar and can AOE nuke the entire arena. Aang with just airbending probably wouldn't even be able to hurt Edward.

Yes you autist

I watched both the OG and Brotherhood animes, never read the manga, was a few years ago but how is he the only person who can do that if it's apparently so fucking easy? Shifting gasses around would be pretty simple compared to most of the transmutation shit that goes on in FMA. And it would be a massive fucking vacuum he creates every time he snaps because to get enough gasses concentrated to set the air on fire would de-pressurise a fairly large area around the ignition point. Also, if you basically have airbender powers and no scruples about killing, you might as well just suffocate them by replacing the Oxygen with Carbon Monoxide. The fire is just being flashy at that point.

A: It is clear that transmutation is difficult when done with circles. Creating an appropriate circle to create the ideal mix of gasses would have taken time. Every alchemist is a specialized genius if it were easy everybody would do it.
B: It does create a brief vacuum, the physics of the explosions are fairly accurate, Also keep in mind the combustion is the combination of elements into their previously inert stages molecules. For example, he has been shown to convert water into hydrogen and oxygen. The combustion of which just forms the original water.
C: Roy's alchemy was meant to cause large scale destruction in a war zone.

Again, all of this is explained multiple times. If you did actually watch the show you barely listened.

Vic did nothung wrong though, bryke did

>Aang with just airbending probably wouldn't even be able to hurt Edward.
Aang could cut him in half with an air slice or suffocate him.

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People keep bringing that up, and I get its a death battle. But would Aang seriously do that, the writers had to pull a massive plot convenience out of their asses because he was the first avatar who was not willing to kill.

One of the Death Battle rules is that they don't acknowledge any pacifism or no-kill rules. Hard to write a fight to the death when one party refuses to kill another. That said, they do take personality into account, usually when convenient so it depends whether they want Aang to win or not.

If Ed can convert the battlefield to non bendable substances. I think he has a good shot at winning.

I like ed, I really do, but with the death battle rules this should be a catastrophic one sided stomp. Aang works on a far, far larger scale even before the Avatar State- which adds power and thousands of years of experience...
Ed's only chance to win would be to make a gun and shoot very quickly, and if you think the DB guys are going to make a 4 second video you're wrong. After that all Ed can do is delay the inevitable.

Even getting over the no kill rule I just cant see Aang going to the suffocation thing. I do think Aang would win just by going into the avatar state, but it won't be that brutal.

Trips and Aang wins.

Singles and you're a dumbass.

Aang has won.

Beautiful trips user, marvelous.

well, would you look at that

whos idea what to put this two against it each other? there were one sided battles before but at least there were people who could make reasonable arguments for both sides, does anyone really believe fullmetal has a chance?

Didn't Aang learn Toph's seismic sense? Ed can't do shit to him.

There is zero creativity in this thread, alchemy is an insanely powerful tool, especially if you don't have to use circles. Example, seismic sense, and earth bending won't do shit if the ground were to be turned to metal.

> ground were to be turned to metal.
Aang can bend metal, and the same aply to Ed if Aang splits the ground beneath his feet, and lets see Ed crativity stop a tsunami

>Aang can bend metal
No he can't.

Because we're basing it off of what Ed actually does, not what he maybe can do. If we're going to give Ed a bunch of tricks he's never used because he might be able to do it, then we have to do the same for Aang.

weird, I swear I saw he metal bending but there is nothing on the wiki. but he can still fly away or blow away Ed with air or fire

If Avatar State is soul based it gives Ed a slight advantage.

Turning rock to metal is something Ed can do and has done. Metal bending is something Aang can't do. And I'm not saying that because of that Ed would win, but I feel like either alchemy is being underestimated or bending is being overestimated in this situation.

Ed alchemy output is just too low if compare him to Aang

Aang can beat Ed with air bending alone. Ed also has to have access to both hands to use alchemy, if Aang freezes his arms or breaks off his automail he instantly wins.

The way I see it, the only way for Ed to win is if he can copy Roy or Kimblee's alchemy, and that would be kind of bullshitty because he's never used it.

>Because in essence you could use energy bending to do all kinds of things like ending some ones ability to breath.

Except you have to touch the person to energybend them. If you were going to remove someone's ability to breathe, you could do that at range with airbending and just suck the air right out of their lungs.

imagine Yea Forums if Aang loses

They'll bitch whether he wins or loses.

>Oh, he didn't win the right way

>Oh, he should've done this, this and this...

There's no pleasing this fanbase.

>Implying anyone but western-weaboo tards would be mad.

FMA has a bigger following in Yea Forums than you think, my dude.

>Tell me how Ed loses with stone

>Ed makes anything made out of stone to attack Aang
>Aang, who has complete mastery over stone, bends it as soon as Ed makes it and crushes him with his own attack

The thing with Ed being able to make metal out of things is that he first has to realize that Aang can't bend metal, which he's not going to do until he's already getting his shit pushed in.

not even Yea Forums talks about FMA anymore

Unless he has a stone Aang wins because he still has the Avatar state the instant he might lose.

10 bucks Ed dies because his arm breaks in the fight

Well, Yea Forums mostly cares about waifus and they have moved on from what FMA has to offer.

It's really easy to beat a man of straw

>current Yea Forums post getting bitchslapped by Moot after their Naruto hateboner went off the rails
>the same current Yea Forums that Moot didn't try to fix the real issue with their waifu/loli shitposters
>capable of having good opinions.


While Ed winning would cause way more butthurt on Yea Forums, there will be enough from Aang winning to tide you over.
Don't worry. DB never fails to deliver a nice hefty heaping of extra shitposts onto Yea Forums after every release.

ok, but gaara vs toph need to be remade or deleted

Couldn't Ed just manipulate the water molecules in Aangs body and separate them back into their base elements and poison Aang? Or something like that, i know Aang is gonna win but wouldnt ed be capable of doing that kind of shit to the Avatar?

It's a dumb matchup, the characters operate on distinctly different powerscales.

One thing I never knew about that fight, did they use Korra feats for Toph? I never watched Korra so I don't really know how much stronger she is there.

if he can reach Aang he could just blow him up

Maybe if he could actually touch Aang, then yeah, but that might be difficult considering Aang can fly.

In the OAV (and for the purposes of this DB, they consider the OAV and brotherhood to be capable of the same feats) Ed changes sloth's composition from water to alcohol and she evaporates.

So that seems really possible considering he's definitely modifying the composition of water in someone else before. On top of that, he happens to know the composition of the human body pretty well.

I mean, hypothetically he could just disassemble a body to its base components, but the only character we see do that to living people is Scar who has no qualms about killing, where ed tries to avoid it. Scar also has some serious religious hangups with alchemy but that's seguing a bit.

He can do any number of things to Aang if he manages to get physical contact, that's part of what makes alchemy so strong. but getting that close to the Avatar would be near impossible.e

This is why Flash won over Quicksilver?

they brought up what elderly Toph could do for the breakdown but used a younger version of her for the actual match

>Throughout the series we see Aang learn and adapt in difficult situations and in Avatar state is has the knowledge of all past Avatar(And one said avatar opened a ravine in the ground and lava bended
This doesn't actually address the point, he still shows nothing at the level of what Ed
>Forget Aang is the avatar and forget about fire,earth and water. AIRBENDING IS ENOUGH to make sure Edward doesn't it anywhere CLOSE to Aang. LOL
Still a factor even if Aang has a way to deal with it, otherwise you could say that Aangs earthbending is a nonfactor because Ed can easily counter it
>LOL! That's like BATMAN using a GUN, Edward doesn't like or has on him the Stone.
Deathbattle ignores the characters moral judgements, but even then they probably wont because it would be an outside weapon not intrinsic to Ed
>NOPE! Aang can use airbending to increase his speed 10 fold kid. In fact he is so fast with bending he can stop an explostion mid-blast!
Ed has faster reactions, nobody is saying Ed is able to move quicker, just that he has reacted to people who are quick enough to dodge bullets, putting him as a bulet timer
Also quick enough to dodge no wind up lightning if the star movie is counted

Why can't you just make real arguments beyond Ed having a hard time getting to Aang, you don't need to be dishonest in a who would win debate

Aang can just rip the air out of his lungs.

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Pulling the air out of someones lungs takes a whole dance, and only worked against a defenseless queen

thou that user is right, I forgot Gaara is a ninja, even if usually doenst move and Toph would sense if he did, there is no way shes can react fast enough to stop him, thou I dont remember Gaara ever fighting this way

One of the first times he went into the avatar state in the show he started suffocating everyone around him by accident

Aang will win


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>takes a whole dance
hand move at most, this is not the Shamalamadan movie

wasn't that an accident. He has full control of the avatar state, I don't see that happening now.

>Ed has absolutely nothing that beats Avatar State so Ed will win because that means more people will click on the video to argue it.
Your logic makes a lot of sense, but someone in another thread brought up that RT is on bad terms with Vic Mignola. Ed's played by Vic in both anime series, so they might use this as a middle finger to him.

I don't see DB giving the win to Ed. I would honestly be surprised.

The thing with Ed is that he isn't even that great. In the show he's probably not even in the Top 15 fighter. Aang is one of the strongest people in Avatar by the end.

if he can do that on a accident he can do when he has full control

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>One of the first times he went into the avatar state in the show he started suffocating everyone around him by accident
>wasn't that an accident.
Do you think it might have been by accident?

>decimates them both

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>shoot stone bullets at a guy that can control stone

Brilliant idea, Ed. I mean, it didn't even work against the other Alchemist you tried to use it on, but I'm sure the guy that can make islands by breaking peninsulas off of the mainland won't be so lucky.

comon, even Yancha could beat them

Fuck, reading comprehension went to shit there. My point is though I just don't see him doing something that brutal. I think the fight would end the same way it almost ended with the fire lord. That four element drill think straight to the heart would be more likely.

Its really just shotting matter at a guy who can control all forms of matter. It would, however, give Aang some considerable trouble if Ed used metal.

>My point is though I just don't see him doing something that brutal.

Do you not understand the concept of Death Battle? Is this really your first rodeo?

Well yeah, but these things are best when thematic and kind of close

goddamit user, try to keep up

I really don't give a fuck about this kind of stuff but its a decent distraction tonight so yeah kind of is my first rodeo. But even disregarding the no-kill rule isn't some of the character's personality still taken into consideration. I'm not saying Aang would hold off killing Ed, I'm just considering the method of execution.

Both Edward and Aang rely on ranged attacks while yamchas killer move is a lunge. He's definitely stronger, but I think he'd probably lose in a matchup with either

Doesn't matter. If Death Battle sees sucking the air out of Ed's lungs as how he kills him, then that's what will happen.

You can have any fictional character beat any other fictional character anyway you want; they're not real.

Are we talking about moves and abilities they typically use in combat only, or the full potential of their abilities that isn't allowed on tv?

Yamcha can use the kamehameha, Krillin death disk and generic enegy balls, not to mention most dbz characters are powerful enough to blow up a planet, I think you only need a power level of 300 to do that and Yamchas is 1,480

Not that user, but Yamcha knows the kamehameha and the spirit ball.

I always thought that the air sphere and fire ring were really stupid and just there to look flashy, but the really terrifying thing there is how much water and rock he compressed down to such a small volume.

Death Battle was better before they added the shitty Whiz and Boomstick avatars.

youre underestimating air, if that spin fast enough it can tear you apart. it was most of of Aangs barrier and he was going throught pillars of stone with that shit

I just assumed we were talking about classic Pilaf Saga Yamcha since that was the era the Piccolo in question was from

Yeah if they tried to fight Saiyan Saga Yamcha they would be fucking done for

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This is a huge fallacy because most of Ed's favored weapons are metal, and he's noted for being observant of his enemies. If Aang is using the four classic elements to attack him, can manipulate anything Ed uses that consists of those four elements, but avoids or blocks everything else Ed's gonna pick up on that.

Toph is not faster than Lee. Even Lee couldn't beat Gaara. Toph would instantly get Sand Coffin.

This is like season 1 Aang.

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>You can have any fictional character beat any other fictional character anyway you want

Yup. You can even have them beat each other by sucking the air out of their lungs until they suffocate to death.

Or beat each other off by sucking the cum out of their balls.

Excuse me, sir. This is a thread about Death Battle. Please keep your personal hobbies out of it.

better known as the Katara devil twirl

>shoot stone bullets
Try lead bucko

No matter who wins this fight, Yea Forums is going to have a meltdown.

Personally, I think it'd make a much more entertaining show if they talked for an hour. Call it "My Dinner with Edward" or something.

>11 year old loses everything and thereafter becomes an atheist dismissive of anything that can't be rationally explained

>11 year old loses everything and thereafter values his faith to the point of endangering the world

It'd make for interesting conversation.

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But that would require Ed to think about “the elements” in terms of eastern mythology instead of western science. We don’t ever see Ed learning about these four elements, hell we don’t even know if fma asia has the same mythology.

Asspull flashback to Ed learning them when researching Alkahestry

Are you referencing something I forgot or are you predicting how DB is gonna justify their Ed win?

Aang has been tagged by other benders before. If the objective is "Kill the enemy, no questions" and neither has knowledge of the other's abilities, Aang isn't going to no he gets instagibbed if Ed lays a finger on him. He'll get tagged and explode.

Likewise, Ed will see Aang slinging huge amounts of raw matter around without ever using a circle and assume he's some sort of fucked up PS experiment and blitz.

Aang can only win this one if he gets into Avatar State early or learns ahead of time that he cannot under any circumstances get grabbed or trapped in metal.

Aang never fought with the intention to kill though. He's not going to hold back here.

There's some overlap between the two.

His intent is only going to matter if he doesn't get hit at the start.

At the risk of whining, a lot of these DBs seem less like a deathbattle between two characters, and more of a battle of their powers against each other. The characters themselves don't really enter into it.

Aang is not dumb, he will see Ed clapping and making a stick and decide is better not let that fucker touch him

I mean, that's cool and all, but that just means Ed doesn't suddenly disappear into a pit while his organs skoosh out. Aang can still fly, move super fast and bend three more elements in addition to Avatar State and whatever the fuck Spirit Bending might do.

And that's not even counting moon cycles or comets or any other crazy ass possibility.

Humm, that looks like stone, not metal.
If it was metal then it might do something.

>Fight starts
>Aang suffocates Ed to death from long range

It depends on when the two decide they're going to have to duke it out. If it's from a distance Aang can take it easily. If it's a bar-style fisticuffs that escalates Ed will have the drop on him.

I dont think Ed is a better martial artist than Aang, and even close he can do some crazy bending shit, not to mention if Ed charges in Aang can gain distance very easily

Aang is much faster in both movement speed and reaction speed.

Absolutely not. There are a lot of aspects where Ed has Aang beat, close quarters combat and reaction time are not among them.

Just like the Mewtwo/Shadow fight, it will drag on for a bit before Aang does what he could have done from the start and end it.

Aang's got the raw power and Ed's got the versatility and knowledge of how to use them. Love both series but it's way closer than people are making it out to be.
>Aang's glider gives him keep-away potential but it only has to be damaged by a gun-shot from Ed to ground Aang.
>Ed can turn the battle to his favor by transmuting the ground to metal to lock Aang out of his base earth-bending skills and can create a sealed environment to close-off his access to air-bending/fire-bending.
>The real deciding factor will be the Avatar State, but if they give Ed the philosopher stone, it's a moot point, Ed only needs one touch to win and the Avatar State isn't infallible.
No matter who wins, I hope they at least make it interesting.

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Aang can fly without his glider. Ed cannot cut off Aang's air bending or fire bending.

In the Avatar state sure, but if they start the match with Aang just in the Avatar state then what's the point? And why can't Ed cut off Aang's access to things like air/fire if he seals the area up? If the match is just going to be Ed throwing javelins and stone pillars at Aang until he's crushed by a chasm, then this whole thing will be a waste of a potentially interesting scenario. You've got a freight train of elemental power and a swiss-army knife of periodic table combinations and complex structures duking it out. I want to see what crazy solutions they come up with to get around each other's skill-set.

Edward is just japanese Aang. What the fight really comes down to is creativity. So the actual question is: who's more creative, Ed or Aang.

how the fuck would he cut accest to air?

the one that can throw mountains

So neither?

Fucking this. This fight is raw power vs unlimited creativity. It has so much potential for interesting discussion and people just want to focus on Ed's ability to lob a hunk of rock and Aang's ability to choke him.
If it is ultimately a creativity contest then Ed has the upper hand. Aang has access to 4 elements, favors one, and uses it in nearly the exact same way in every confrontation. Ed has access to theoretically at most 90 elements, has a good understanding of how they interact, and has been shown to use them in unique ways. One of my favorite examples is in his fight with Greed where he changed the structure of the carbon in his armor to something much weaker.

Not him, but what is "air" anyway? Oxygen? If so, then simply change the chemical makeup of the air.

If I recall right, Aang does have trouble with smoke.

Well they might just give it to you. They're shameless whores.

wouldnt stop Aang from bending it

I wonder, since most of bending required some form of complex movements to control, if it could be limited by some sort of metal shackling? Like if you slapped a ball and chain on Aang's arm, would it throw off his movements and ability to bend properly with the weight dragging him down?

Attached: waterbending.gif (500x333, 491K)

The point is to find out who would win in a fight. The animation is just supposed to be entertaining and doesn't represent how a fight would actually play out.

Air benders can easily move around clouds and gasses.

Prove it. Like I said, I'm pretty sure Aang has had trouble with smoke before, which is nothing but impurities in the air and the best he could do is blow it out of the way

Though I could be wrong, I haven't seen ATLA in awhile.

Worked on Azula. Hell, most firebenders are rendered useless if they just get too cold.

airbenders are notoriously crafty
aang has fought multiple people in shackles multiple times

"Moving" isn't exactly the same as wholesale manipulating it, like other bending entails

right up until he bends the metal

But Aang can't metalbend. He has the potential too but never learned how according to Toph.

Anng and Katara used waterbending to shape the coud, also, Ed gonna die

He can't do that tho, or any past avatars

There is plenty of carbon around and plenty of nitrogen. Combine enough of that into CN and you can make a cloud of Cyanide.

Speed always wins these things. Ed simply can't keep up.

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>Anng and Katara
>And Katara
Way to kneecap your own point.

>>Fight starts
>>Aang suffocates Ed to death from long range

This is my issue with the match, honestly. Ed has to do something at the start of the match in order to be able to win. He has to transmute a weapon, or close in to Aang to make physical contact, or something.

But Aang doesn't have to do anything. He can kill Ed at range with his opening move. It's not an even match.

Now, Ed's alchemy is pretty fucking fast and those guards obviously saw him coming for at least a few seconds. What do you think happens when a 12 year old traveling at that speed hits a pillar of rock.

because it doesnt matter you retard, that was to shape the cloud before the volcano detroyed the village, we saw Aang raising the level of the water to the treetops to put out a fire by the end of the series

>What do you think happens when a 12 year old traveling at that speed hits a pillar of rock.
He earthbends it? Aang has super human reaction speeds.

>Combine enough of that into CN and you can make a cloud of Cyanide.

>Ed makes a cloud of cyanide
>Aang airbends, locking the cloud in a bubble around Ed
>Ed can either die or try to transmute while choking on his own cloud of cyanide

Smooth move, ex-lax.

Energy bending incapacitates the person who got there powers removed while leaving the energy bender still standing. It is the most OP move in avatar as the avatar was almost killed multiple times by energy bending

To be fair that did take some time and concentration. Not to say powerful waterbending isn't some scary shit, there is a reason the southern raiders attacked the south on the chance they had one bender, Katara was able to take out one of their ships completely by herself. Granted Zuko was there but it's not like he contributed anything to that battle

Still doesn't fucking mean anything, since he still needed Katara's waterbending to help accomplish that feat. And besides, we're not talking about waterbending, we're talking about his capabilities with other harmful elements in the air, which to my knowledge he has never bent.

Please, by all means prove me wrong showing how any Aang or any bender has manipulated gases and smoke in the environment.

Maybe Korra has, but again, my memory is fuzzy.

I dunno about super-human but definitely peak-human. Ed probably does too though.

Its not like its visible. For some reason unknown to Aang he starts having trouble breathing, within a few min he is dead.

>What do you think happens when a 12 year old traveling at that speed hits a pillar of rock.

The pillar of rock wraps around him like a suit of armor and the 12 year old slams into Ed like a literal ton of bricks moving at 60 mph.

>Aang airbends, locking the cloud in a bubble around Ed

Airbending did not work that way in the original series. He can't make a bubble around someone else. He was considered a sublime prodigy for making one under his feet. They obviously aren't easy to make.

Korra is retarded and anything Zaheer did isn't canon.

Korra shows airbenders manipulating smoke from burning incense.

Plus, Aang has never seen half of the stuff Ed transmutes due the difference in technology. I doubt Aang would even recognize a gas-mask if Ed made one.

yeah, hi just gonna stand there and suffocate like anyone would

>Aang airbends
Again, prove that he can do that first.

>thinking Ed can't/wouldn't transmutate a gas-mask

>we're talking about his capabilities with other harmful elements in the air, which to my knowledge he has never bent.

He doesn't have to bend the harmful elements in the air, because he can just bend the air around them to disperse or even contain.

Ed can catch lightning?

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Not what I had in mind but that would be pretty fucking cool to watch.

Well that's something I guess. Though it's not exactly the same as it being weaponized

By the time Aang figures out what was going on he would have inhaled too much of the gas to do anything about it.

Yes, if he had a ball and chain on his arm it would limit his ability to bend. How the fuck are you going to shackle him in the middle of a fight? If he's immobilized to the point that you can do that, why not stab him in the throat?

holding your breath is a lost skill

And you don't think that Aang would sense the changes in air pressure and density? Or, you know, the big fucking light show that happens any time anyone does any sort of transmutation?

>"There were a bunch of sparkles in the air and now it's suddenly very hard to breather. BETTER TAKE A FEW BIG LUNGFULS JUST IN CASE!"


>kung fu boy is throwing gale force winds around like fucking confetti
>he thinks a gas cloud wouldn't immediately dissipate

I really don't think your plan is going to work dude.

That said, if we're assuming that the element of surprise is valid then all Ed has to do is alchemize up a weird-looking gun that Aang wouldn't think to dodge because he has no concept of guns. Only takes one bullet.

That isn't lightning. It's a projectile moving at roughly the speed of an arrow. The fuck is wrong with you?

See that's the issue, Ed can use that to advantage and is a straight hole in his bending.

Combined that with Ed potentially able to transmate the ground into metal or something or transmutate the water into liquid nitrogen

Then that leaves Aang with only fire bending as his offense

>Again, prove that he can do that first.

He can probably bend a 100% pure cloud of cyanide. He can definitely bend a cloud that is a mixture of cyanide and regular air, which is definitely what the cloud would be in any reasonable combat situation. So, yeah, he would bend the cloud away and that's that. Topic over.

>Pillar of rocks shoots up
>Aang prepares to bend it
>Ed turns it into an iron maiden at the last second.
>Aang's face.
God, this sounds stupid and fun. I really hope they get creative with this fight.

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While Ed is doing all this dumb shit Aang would have about fifty opportunities to rock him with various deadly projectiles. Ed loses.

You are deliberately missing the point. It is a colorless, nearly odorless gas that no person in the avatar universe knows about. If anything he would inhale, it's been described as smelling like almonds.
Dont underestimate alchemy's ability with gasses. Roy was able to concentrate flamable gasses for his flame alchemy to work with all sorts of crazy shit going on.

Real talk, have you actually seen ATLA?

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remember that gatling gun Aang made of compressed bolders? I hope they do that

No? You think Ed is just going to stand around waiting to be shot? You think nobody has tried to do that before while he fucks around with his environment?

That another big issue here now that I think about it. Ed has fought plenty of people like Aang, but Aang has never fought anyone like Ed, who can and will the change the very ground they walk on.

>but Aang has never fought anyone like Ed, who can and will the change the very ground they walk on
nigga you high?

>That guy over that rubbed his hands together and touched the ground, all that happened was some sparks
>better hold my fucking breath
Why all Aang would think is that his attack was some weak ass firebending. No rational person in the avatar universe would see some sparks and immediately think "better hold my dam breath and disperse this air"

I'll say it again: It's obvious Aang has the power advantage once he goes Avatar State, but the deciding factor isn't if or when he uses it- it's entirely on how Edward's character is written to use his alchemy.

Everyone keeps forgetting how insanely powerful being able to make chemical reactions at will is. Water into steam, air suddenly without oxygen, plain mineral earth turned into a minefield in every direction, shit even just moving the saline in the human body around a little would fuck up a person beyond recovery.... and Ed has spent his *entire life* studying where and how changes like that can take place.

>B-But Aang can adapt!!11!!
The fuck he can. No fuckin' monk in a temple in bumfuck nowhere bleating about "four elements" is going to be able to prepare you for chemical warfare. I don't care how adaptable Aang is- he's going to panic, go into the Avatar State, and look for a brute force victory. After that, all Ed needs to do is figure out how to survive a being with the power of a God. And goodness me, doesn't that sound familiar...?

>Ed potentially able to transmate the ground into metal

The entire ground? All of it? For miles around? And keep in mind that just because Aang can't bend the metal itself, doesn't mean he can't bend the earth UNDER the metal.

>transmutate the water into liquid nitrogen

You know he'd have to touch it to do that, right? He'd have to touch the water being used to try to murder him to transmute it. Which means that, were he successful, he would then be in directed fucking contact with a shitload of liquid nitrogen.

>Aang has never fought anyone like Ed...
>...who can and will the change the very ground they walk on

difference is, that door nigga never tried to kill Ed, if he wanted Ed would die, and his Uncle nigga was defeated by the door nigga not by him

>Aang freezes Ed's arms
>Fight is over
Wow so difficult.

shit, even Appa could defeat Ed

>The entire ground?
Just enough of it to get him out of trouble user.
>doesn't mean he can't bend the earth UNDER the metal.
Ah yes, because that's an option in the middle of a fucking fight. Bending requires consternation and an understanding of your environment, and it's gonna be a bitch when the thing your working with is suddenly useless.

>You know he'd have to touch it to do that, right? He'd have to touch the water being used to try to murder him to transmute it
It's be no harder than Aang's Earthbending, which remember Aang needs a supply of water to even be able to do it in the first place.

>Aang opens a massive canyon underneath Ed
>Ed can't transmutate the walls (they're too far apart)
>He can't transmutate the ground (his arms are fucked upon impact)
>He's left free falling to his death and this isn't even considering the possibility of Aang lighting that shit on fire or making the ground covered in spikes

Ed only defeated Pride because Kimblee held him back
He'd be gang raped by centuries worth of Avatars

He's not getting the stone
It wasn't mentioned as part of his arsenal in the researcher's blog

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Are you?

Yeah, but Father was essentially God by the end of FMA. He was a philosopher stone powered by hundreds of thousands of souls. The shit he pulled was insane.

>shit even just moving the saline in the human body around a little would fuck up a person beyond recovery
>bringing THE HUMAN BODY into this

No user, that will just screw over Ed faster.

Don't be coy, you know damn well what I meant.

Death Battle goes with who would win most of the time
They've said that in Strange vs Fate
Strange can win but Fate has the better odds

>Ah yes, because that's an option in the middle of a fucking fight
of course is an option in the middle of a fucking fight, Aang is always in the middle of a fucking fight. I dont forget he can feel the earth beneath the metal, and the other 3 elements he can bend at the same time

You're right. And thus far nobody has provided any reasonable evidence this is a stomp of any kind.

This. It's all about the most likely outcome, and Aang has the odds in his favor.

Metal is the only trick up Ed's sleeve that Aang would have a difficult time with.


avatar state

>Ah yes, because that's an option in the middle of a fucking fight.
That's like saying Ed can't transmute something because he's in the middle of a fight.

I don't get why people keep bringing up the metal arm
Just fuck up the normal arm and Ed can't perform alchemy anymore

Alright, let's say Ed has everything from the movies and light novels, does that help at all?

Has anyone even read those?

>Aang is always in the middle of a fucking fight
No he isn't? Hell most of ALTA is him RUNNING from fights.
> I dont forget he can feel the earth beneath the metal
Which is extra effort he can't afford.

>and the other 3 elements he can bend at the same time
Okay, he can bend one instead of the other elements. But Aang cannot bend all four elements at the same time user, unless he's in the Avatar State

Aang can't bend metal, so he can't block an attack if Ed turns his arm into a blade, something Ed has done a few times.

Why is everyone downplaying waterbending? Aang can literally end the fight in one move. If Ed can't put his arms together he can't use alchemy.

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Waterbending is what you meant, obviously. And there were entire episodes of ATLA devoted to the idea that water can be found in many places. Clouds. Plants. People. Katara bends her own sweat at one point to saw through the bars of a cage.

Aang could literally bend his own piss to use as a weapon against Ed. Or even Ed's bodily fluids.

>unless he's in the Avatar State
You know full well that this is Death Battle and they will give him his full power including Avatar State user.

That is literally what he fucking does you gimp. That's his battle plan, warping the land to suit his needs in the moment, which is on a molecular level

Something Aang cannot do.

you first two point are retarded, and for the third he doest have to bend them at the same time to make them useful, however if it was the case, as you said he could just go into avatar state

>Or even Ed's bodily fluids.
I doubt blood bending is going to come into play since it requires the moon to do stuff and as said, this is about who would win most of the time.

>Hell most of ALTA is him RUNNING from fights.


But this isn't ATLA. This is Death Battle.

The Avatar State managed to move this island

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Even then, having Aang evade and play keep away is to his advantage since it'd prevent Ed from coming close enough to use Destruction on him

And that warping that land does nothing but give Aang more to work with.

Ed's go to attack is attacking with STONE pillars, something Aang can block and counter without thinking at this point.

Doesn't need to be blood, friendo. Fighting is mighty hard work. Sure would be a shame if all the sweat on Ed's brow suddenly turned into tiny ice razors and started slicing his skin up.

That only makes it worse user. Since FMA has shown multiple times you can fuck up person by changing their own chemical structure. Also ATLA has shown how dangerous that can be, and only certain people have been able to use it. And I certainly don't remember Aang ever bloodbending.

before someone says, but that was Kyoshi
>The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars

This, Ed is a close range fighter.
Sure he has some ranged attacks, such as and warping the ground, but that's nothing Aang can't handle with ease.

Can Ed fly?

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Mother fucker, we're talking about warping on a MOLECULAR level, meaning Ed isn't making stone into more stone, he's turning stone into graphite or iron or something.

Would Alphonse stand a better chance?

>That only makes it worse
Yup, but only for Ed, since Ed would have to be in physical contact with Aang to do anything but Aang can do it at range.

>And I certainly don't remember Aang ever bloodbending.

He does in a Korra flashback, if that counts. He uses it while fighting Amon's dad.

Im not an chemistry biologist, but can he do that with just the earth on the ground? because he cant make new shit without shit to transmute and I never see him doing that in his fights

>muh Avatar State
Boy howdy, I'm getting Benfag "but Alien X" flashbacks

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He didn't bloodbend, he just resisted it

Even with flight, Aang was raised as a monk and would instinctively go in for CQC using his bending. At that point all Ed has to do is change the composition of any element Aang uses against him. Also, Ed has more imagination with altering matter components than Aang does for anything martial arts related to flinging the four elements at him.

But he doesn't do that. In both the manga and the anime he just uses his powers to fix things or to make weapons. He doesn't do anything remotely similar to roy or kimbly nor would he even get close to Aang.

These fucking death battles are retarded because they take two different beings from different universes and mash them together.

Eh, still requires a full-moon so I doubt they'll give him it since it's not a regular thing.

This match is Jotaro vs Kenshiro if Kenshiro couldn't come close enough to do his one hit kill and if Jotaro could fucking fly and level the environment

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>Im not an chemistry biologist

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He CAN do that sure, but most of the time for big attacks he does not. He just makes the ground shoot up or make the walls into the shape of fists.

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>Aang was raised as a monk and would instinctively go in for CQC
What? Dude is all about keep away not getting in close?

now I get it, youre a Halfag, I was wondering why anyone would defend Ed so hard

>Aang flies up and starts glassing the whole area
>Ed makes a metal dome to defend himself
>Aang just lays on the heat until Ed is broiled alive

Do you think his automail would get hotter quicker? Would all that metal start cooking his flesh from the inside?

Except Ed doesn't have any dials backing him
Hal is willpower bullshit incarnate and has fought plenty of space gods on par and even surpassing Alien X
Ed hasn't fought a being that can fly above him, render the ground he stands on near unusable (Aang reducing the ground into crumbled rocks prevents Ed from making anything substantial due to the limitations of Equivalent Exchange), and can rain down all sorts of natural disasters

Come on now, Aang gets Avatar State, and Ed gets his stone.

We all know that's what it comes down to.

Alchemy has literally only has some surface level shit to do with chemistry. It's literally magic fluffed up as psudoscience.

>his stone.
thats not part of his arsenal user, they didnt gave Batman a gun because he holded one once

Because why would they stop to say "yeah I'm going to turn this stone pillar into lead because exposition exposition"
No, FMA established what Ed can do in the first few episodes, they don't need to stop the plot to explain every little thing he does.

Depends on the stone. He can turn any stone into a metal weapon we know that much. The carbon content would depends on the rock I guess. I'm not even going to bring up graphite because it would be fucking retarded to use graphite as a weapon.

The stone isn't listed as part of his arsenal (him becoming one is though but even then his actual experience with it is limited)
Reason why its not on there?
It ain't standard equipment

now you're reaching user, the whole manga was based on chemistry, the only exception being the red stone of screaming souls

>You're just an "scapegoat"fag, that's why you're arguing

whatever works

He can, but he just doesn't do that when fighting throughout the series.
What part of that can you not grasp you nincompoop?

user, are you fucking for real? You should fucking read a goddamn chemistry text or 3 and figure out just how bullshit alchemy is.

Would Toph and the Elric brothers get along?

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I said it was based on chemistry, wich is better than reaching and saying is just magic he can do whatever he wants

What part of "they don't need to focus on that shit" don't YOU understand.
The important part of the sentence is "he can", that's it.

And I remember Brotherhood correctly, he was swallowed by Gluttony and used the blood and whatever to get his way out, which is him using his knowledge of chemistry to his advantage, which he does in all of his fights.

Its loosely based on chemistry
I remember the author drawing herself annoyingly having to purchase a bunch of chemistry and history textbooks for the making of FMA's universe

Her and Al would probably get along, being one the few things she can see
And I can picture he getting along with Winry

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She'd make fun of his height though

There's no way they aren't going to touch on Aang's past lives/souls in correlation with the philosopher's stone. This fights going to end with Aang getting tricked by Ed into standing on a hidden human transmutation circle and being transmuted into a stone which Ed pockets.

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>The important part of the sentence is "he can", that's it.
Wrong, they also focus on their tactics and common methods of fighting, and what you are describing does not fit with the way Ed actually fights.

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Lmao Ed is fucked.

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1. Ed has to get in close
2. He only defeated Pride because Kimblee held him back, Ed would be fucked because nobody is holding the literal dozens of Avatars back from curb stomping his ass

>hey also focus on their tactics and common methods of fighting,
Right. And Ed wins his fight by analyzing his opponent and making an on the fly strategy.
If Ed sees something that shoots spikes, he makes a shield, if he sees them making ice, he makes an ice pick.

And if someone like Aang manipulates the ground, he's going fight fire with fire and learn Aang's limitations.

>And if someone like Aang manipulates the ground, he's going fight fire with fire and learn Aang's limitations.
Reminds me of this post
>Ha! I noticed you can't manipulate metal, so I transmuted the floor of the room to iron!
>OKAY. [swallows entire room with a canyon]

Ed never made a shild that could stop the shit Aang can shoot

Where did I mention Pride? It's not about whether or not Aang would stomp, it's about what would be clever in the eyes of DB's writers. Mark my words, Aang will have Ed fucked up like pic-related, broken automail and everything. Move in for the kill, assuming Ed is crippled, and get fucked by a hand-drawn transmutation circle that Ed activates with his normal hand. Aang should stomp, but this is what will happen because DB likes to surprise people.

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>and learn Aang's limitations.
Limitations he can't deal with in time or on his own
Nothing is saving Ed from being suffocated or falling in a canyon
He's as useful as Captain Hindsight in this fight

It's funny whenever you're cornered you always resort back to "b-b-but the Avatar State"

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>All about keeping away
>The final fight with Ozai was decided by getting in close
Did you even watch the finale?

Yeah, and why the fuck wouldn't the Avatar State be considered?
Nobody has even brought up a viable way for Ed to counter that shit

>Nothing is saving Ed from being suffocated
When Aang ever fucking done this? You keep bringing it up because of something another bender did. By the same fucking logic, Aang should be able to Metalbend because Toph knows how.

> falling in a canyon
Unless Aang is in the Avatar State he cannot do this.

Why is it whenever you bring up Aang's best feats they're always attached to the Avatar State?

>>The final fight with Ozai was decided by getting in close
Because Aang wanted to end it without killing, he wouldn't need to get close if he was going to kill

>Yeah, and why the fuck wouldn't the Avatar State be considered?
STOP SAYING THAT. Of course it's going to be considered, but DB's based victors on who win majority of the time. And one super state does not guarantee victory most the time, ATLA itself has proven that to be case

Because why the fuck shouldn't the Avatar State be considered?
Its like asking why people resort to Super Saiyan for Goku's feats

Look at this thread. Edfags haven't posted a single notable feat of his that would actually impact how this fight would turn out. It's all wishy washy "MAYBE HE CAN DO X EVEN THOUGH HE'S NEVER DONE IT BEFORE."

Compare this
to this

>And one super state does not guarantee victory most the time
Spyro vs Crash literally ended the minute Dark Spyro came into play

See Also the AS does not fucking work like SSJ Goku or whatever. Aang can just "turn it on" whenever he likes.

>he makes a shield


Look at that shit. At one point Aang produces a gust of wind so strong that it weathers a stone pillar down to a hand's width in seconds. Ed can make all the shields he wants, it's not going to help.

And Dark Jak doesn't mean shit when fighting Ratchet

Couldn't Roy use fire alchemy without a circle anyway? I always saw him just snap his fingers with his special devil's matches-like gloves and do fire stuff.

>You will never see Armor-Alphonse bashfully letting Toph run around wearing him and murdering homunculi with their Extremis armor tag team hax.

but goku CAN turn SSJ on whenever he wants

I think you meant to say he cant turn it on whenever he wants, and he can. He did by the end of the series to raise the ocean and then again in the legend of Korra in a flashback

You are missing the goddamn point.
Ed fights by knowing who is opponent is, and figuring out their weakness on the fly, usually when fighting and nearly dying from them.

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Didn't Aang master it in the comics? I admit I haven't read them.

the circles are actually on his gloves

the circles were in the back of the gloves

>nearly dying
thats not gonna fly when his this outclassed

>Ground turned to metal
First of all how would Ed be able to tell without any prior information that Aang can't bend metal. Second how much of the ground would Ed even be able to transform at a given time. Third if anything this makes the battlefield a nightmare for Ed because Aang's Firebending will turn the area into a massive oven that would fry Ed.

>He did by the end of the series to raise the ocean
That was under duress and time of duty, which the AS usually appears in.
>Legend of Korra flashback
I'm pretty sure he was also in the heat of battle during it

No, you're missing the goddamn point. We all know how Ed fights, and I'm telling you it isn't going to do him any good.

user, he can turn it on and off at will

Again, you are missing the point. Ed is ALWAYS outclassed. By the end he's fighting a goddamn god.
But he survives anyway due to his smarts and staying on his toes.

Which goes back around to Ed has faced plenty of people like Aang before and survived.

Because Ratchet has actual ways of countering Dark Jak
Nowhere has a super form failed to make a difference solely because of "they can't activate it all the time"

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who hes faced whos like Aang and won?

at the very least, we should operate under the principle that if edward DOES turn earth into metal, then aang wouldn't be able to bend it regardless of whether or not he knew how to

If Ed is turning every single element in the earth into, let say iron, then aang wouldn't be able to bend it because there's no impurities

But that said, aang could at the very least utilize lightning on Ed because he has access to the avatar state and lightning is specifically stated to be a technique that only nobles know (Avatar Roku was best friends with a past firelord, and was also, you know, an avatar)

He needed help to survive

Show me some proof then user, because most of the time I remember him using it, including the finale, he was on the ropes with himself and his friends on death's door.

I have argued a lot for Ed in this thread but in the end it is an argument for it just being a closer fight. Remember Ed had a fuck ton of support by the end of the series including the Flame alchemist who is easily the most overpowered non-god character in the show,

*and lightning is specifically stated to be a technique that only nobles knew
Filthy commoners use it Korra

> We all know how Ed fights
Do you though? Because you seem to think Ed's just going to make giant fists and spikes from the ground.

Aang masterd the avatar state in the fight with him and Katara vs Azula and Zuko but he got his chakra blocked, it got unblocked in the fight with the fire lord when he hitted that stone

Yeah Aang can't metal bend and you can't bend pure metal those a two facts that limit him
Kyoshi uses it to create her island and she wasnt in duress

This match won't be heated they said
Avatar and FMA fans don't care about power levels they said
At least its not Ben vs Hal

The only reason he didn't use it more throughout the series is because until he trained it, it really was just a defense mechanism and after he trained it he immediately lost access to it

but as evidenced in the video, we can see that he accesses the avatar state after having defeated ozai, meaning the immediate danger was over

You mean counters can block "super forms" if they're played smartly, color me fucking shocked user.

But I suppose Ed's counters don't count because can just bend some lightning using the AS or something hm?

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In the korra flashback it shows him using it. Avatars in general can turn it on at will. Korra used it to win a race with two children.

>Filthy commoners use it Korra
key word, knew
Zuko, through WoG, made the information public knowledge during his reign
I was just giving an example as to why Aang would be able to in the avatar state

ok, how would Ed counter the avatar state?


Not that I think Ed would win, but Aang isn't Korra and I wouldn't argue that if I were in your place

Has Ed ever really fought anyone that could just hang out way up in the sky and rain fireballs down on him? Or can move huge boulders with the flick of a wrist?

That's because she was shit at using the avatar state, a mastered avatar only has a quick eye flash of white but when Korra uses it in the race her eyes stayed white showing she didn't have complete mastery

once, but he did have help

The point was that she can turn it on at will.If she is shit at using the avatar state then it should be even easier for Aang, by all means a better avatar, to turn the avatar state on at will.

>if they're played smartly
If they have the actual feats to outlast it or outright beat it
Avatar State Aang vs Edward Elric is less Dark/Light Jak vs Ratchet, Alien X v Hal Jordan, or Final Bison vs Shao Kahn and more Dark Spyro vs Crash Bandicoot and whatever the fuck Naruto's final form was against Ichigo

didnt he lost because of Scars reverse transmutation circle bullshit?

The fight against Father was very much a team effort iirc

Exactly going Aang AS is as easy as Goku going SS

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That’s actually an excellent point and one I wouldn’t have considered. Aang’s magic bullshit is just close enough to alchemy to confuse Ed, but it’s completely outside of the “science” he’s based his entire life around. Give him some time to study it and I bet he comes up with something cool, but in the heat of the moment it could really fuck him

Not Aang user

He was getting his ass kicked that entire fight user. He clearly couldn't just "turn it on" and was very much a last resort

Again, give more context because I sure as hell don't remember him just being able to use it. Also again Korra is not Aang, the AS varies between people.

To say nothing of LoK being bullshit about how it handled the AS and the mythos, but that's another can of worms,

Didn't Ed only beat Father in the manga because Father was already hemorrhaging energy at a profane rate due to the entities inside him actively fighting back, followed by Greed fucking him up? All Ed really did was quicken Father's inevitable decline.

And even then, Ed didn't really "beat" Father so much as put him before Truth and then Truth killed Father.


Like taking away Aang's ability to bend some elements by changing what they are?
That's a big one user,.

>He clearly couldn't just "turn it on" and was very much a last resort
This is wrong because he did it after the fight was over


>Ed has access to theoretically at most 90 elements, has a good understanding of how they interact, and has been shown to use them in unique ways
He’s a professional and a prodigy in his own universe, but don’t conflate his scientific acumen with our current level of understanding. In the universe of FMA the best of them are at high school level chemistry. As has been pointed out numerous times, flame alchemy is some basic bitch shit but in-universe it’s a super secret with only one practitioner

>Not Aang user

Technically, yes. Kyoshi absolutely is Aang. There was even an entire episode to that point specifically.

If the comics count for anything he can use it then. Plus every single fully realized avatar can use it at will, why should Aang be any different. Granted he had that block but that chakra block was unlocked during the fight with the Fire Lord.

>He clearly couldn't just "turn it on" and was very much a last resort
Dude he couldn't avatar state because his chakra was blocked, then deus rock machina fixed that and he could go back also after the fight was over and he stole the bending from Ozai it clearly showed him mastering it and being able to turn it on at will see he like Kyoshi did the eye flash then bending

can he transmute the whole atmosphere, or the entire ground, otherwise Aang is not running out of elements

"Beat" is relative term, he came up with a strategy and survived long enough to see it work.

Point is, he isn't dead.

you can't take away air or fire bending
airbending isn't bending a specific element, it's just the gases in the air/air movement
you might be able to cripple firebending, but not without removing all oxygen which ed isn't really able to do (he can do it, but he wouldn't because he needs to breathe as well)

Furthermore, aang can just source elements from the sky, namely clouds into water

Still FAR above the knowledge of anybody in the avatar universe.

>Implying Ed can turn every layer of ground into metal
That's like saying Aang can't earthbend sink a house because its floor is metal

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Considering an Avatar once moved a whole island the range on bending is fucking huge

He absolutely would be if he fought Father alone. He doesn't have his entourage in his fight with Aang.

So Ed's going to change every element that Aang could possibly use in the entire world? He's going to transmute quadrillions upon quadrillions of molecules? Every scrap of earth and stone for thousands of miles? Every drop of water? The entire atmosphere?

That's going to take Ed a while to do, man. That's a lot of circles and a lot of rock-touching. Plus if he transmutes all the air that might cause him some problems down the line in terms of breathing.

Which is irrelevant because they use magic chi shit and will continue to use magic chi shit.

We need more evidence to calculate Ed's specific alchemy range

While it's definitely possible to transmute a large area, would it be large enough to cripple aang?

Would aang not be able to overcome this by just changing the location of the fight with bending?

The fight was "over" when he fucking overpowered Ozai with it, and even then Ozai didn't go down without a fight no matter how one-sided
>But the metaphysics
That only applies to the AS, and I guess the actual show. For all intents and purposes they're different people.

Fair enough I guess, the LoK might prove you right in that regard, so I'll concede by that point he probably did have full control over it

That and a lot of clapping
I don't think he can clap that fast
He's Amestrian not American

>The fight was "over" when he fucking overpowered Ozai with it, and even then Ozai didn't go down without a fight no matter how one-sided
And then we see him go into the avatar state again after the fight is over
you just agreed that the fight was over and that Ozai did go down

Considering Aang once made a canyon surrounding the perimeter of Yu Dao, no I don't think Ed's range would be enough

Considering waterbenders can bend sweat it's going to be near impossible to get rid of everything bendable

He did once transmute ammonia from the nitrogen in an explosive, that takes a solid amount of chemical knowledge. Granted its a simple compound but still.

>Still FAR above the knowledge of anybody in the avatar universe.

The Fire Nation had death blimps, tanks, a giant mechanical worm to bore through walls, there was a group of hippies in the Air Temple that devised steam engines and were harvesting natural gas, and Sokka invented submarines.

You give FMA far too much credit.

>That only applies to the AS, and I guess the actual show. For all intents and purposes they're different people
user, you cant just pretend its not at thing just cause you dont like it

The point isn't that was weaker than Father, it's that he came up with the strategy to defeat him.
The feat is him figuring out a way to not die.

Not every feat is a show of raw strength

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Still, for the sake of argument, we need proof rather than just throwing feats at each other and saying "yeah they can probably do that"

Exploiting natural resources and actually understanding what is going on at a molecular level are two very different things.

That's clearly not how the last fight in that show went down. He managed to pull off a last transmutation with an iron rod piercing him AND with automail totaled.

>Anyway, the energy used for alchemy can come from varying sources based on the style of alchemy learned by the user. The alchemy that Ed uses is Amestrian alchemy and this form of transmutation draws its power from the energy of tectonic plates moving beneath the earth's surface. In contrast, another form of transmutation known as “alkaestry” is used by more eastern countries and taps into the chi or life energy present in the surrounding world.
>tectonic plates
You guys are seeing where this is going right?

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Wasn't a lot of that powered by benders? The FAN universe was at at least the technological level of post WW1. Avatar was JUST at the brink of its industrial revolution.

>draws its power from the energy of tectonic plates
Aang stopping the tectonic plates?

He came back because he sensed danger and had the reflexes to jump. He "turned it on" in the same sense you can dodged a baseball at the moment before hitting you.

Because all that is irrelevant. The entire show was Aang coming to terms that while he's countless other people, he's also his own person with his own demons he needs to face. Kyoshi mastering the AS is irrelevant when Aang isn't in the mode himself

Even worse
Lets say Ed somehow gets wanked enough to really do transmutate every ounce of soil and rock into metal like that one user is suggesting
He'd only cripple himself because he literally gets his alchemy from the very plates he'd be transmutating

Because he had a circle made by someone else.

the point was, in the AS Aang can do whatever the other avatar did before him, including Kyoshis moving the island feat

>He came back because he sensed danger
What danger Ozai was defeated his was on a pillar also you see him going into the state for a quick second or rather you only see his eyes flashing for that second

>Kyoshi mastering the AS is irrelevant when Aang isn't in the mode himself
But Aang did master it

>The plates are around 100 km (62 mi) thick and consist of two principal types of material: oceanic crust (also called sima from silicon and magnesium) and continental crust (sial from silicon and aluminium).
Good luck with that

That would make sense if Aang or any of the previous Avatar's had ever demonstrated that level of insane Earthbending required to pull it off. Moving islands and cities are one thing, but tectonic plates are fuck-huge.

>he sensed danger and had the reflexes to jump
except when aang was in more serious danger before, he didn't automatically enter the avatar state
so you're wrong about sensing danger sending avatars into the avatar state

Yeah it's probably impossible though would make for an interesting end to the fight

Because as well all know the tectonic plates are only a few meters below the ground and not countless miles and miles that most humans have never actually observed to any degree

So all Ed needs to do to win is keep Aang grounded

How the fuck is he supposed to do that?

Sure, but that's not what we're talking about right now.
Again this was more due to him already being in the state and basically working reflex

Not at this point he didn't

And he didn't do it before did he? Not until the last moment when came back swinging. and trashed Ozai

To have a chance yeah. Chances are though, that unless Death Battle wants to cite Ed as being smarter than Aang as a reason he would win, Aang stomps.

>this was more due to him already being in the state
He wasn't in the state thought until he turned it on

He was off, turned it off for a second, and when in danger it turned back on again likely to him already being in the state.

user, Im starting to think you're being retarded on purpose

>And he didn't do it before did he? Not until the last moment when came back swinging. and trashed Ozai
He was about to die in that fight
but after he took Ozai's bending away he posed no threat
but even if he did pose a threat, it wouldn't be enough to kill aang
so your theory is bunk on both ends

Alright you dumb fuck click this link and go to the time stamp of 17:00 minutes and watch for a whole minute. As you see after the energy bending ends he is no longer in danger Ozai is defeated there is literally no danger around him on the platform at 17:40 he enters the avatar state on his own and uses that power to deal with the far off fires which arent a threat to him. So right here proof he can enter the avatar state on his own without needing to be in danger

So how would Ed fare against his two other most requested matches?
Joseph Joestar and Eren Yeager?

It was because of Aang being in the AS he was no threat user. He took his bending and had a show of force, effectively wounding his pride enough to surrender since even powerless he'd still want to gain power if not for it.

I accept your surrender.

Sorry Ed Fags.
Aangs win this with feats, ability...ect..ect.
Ed is great but he is nowhere near Avatar level.
>But..but.. he will turn e..everything into metal
That is great that stops just earth bending.
>B..but...Ed will make a gun
Ed has never shown to make a gun in the show or use one. He always tries to fist fight or shoot earth pillars at someone. In fact if he was so willing to make a gun he could have won a lot of fights via Scar.

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For the last time, it's basically him running on adrenaline and making a show of force
Why are we even still talking about this, I already conceded by LoK he likely did have the AS mastered

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>Joseph Joestar
Joseph's a brilliant tactician, but he's still only human, a simple metal box would probably stop him.
>Eren Yeager
Eren's fucking busted with his latest upgrades, Ed would get eaten.

>it's basically him running on adrenaline and making a show of force
Because it isn't if it was adrenaline and not mastery his eyes would have been white the whole time

>Eren's fucking busted with his latest upgrades,
Didn't get that far in AOT isn't he just a tall dude what did he get that makes him better?

Tough one. I'd say Joseph is the more intelligent of the two, but his moveset isn't as impressive as Ed's alchemy.
Eren seems way to big and powerful for Ed to take down in titan form. All it would take is one solid hit to probably kill Ed.

>Implying they'll let one of Vic's characters win

He has the same armor ability that the other Titans have and he can create constructs for weapons. I like Ed, but Eren would just level everything in a fit of rage.

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>It's always fucking rocks
>Can transmute and create anything
>It's always. Fucking. Rocks.
Was the 2003 FMA this bad?

>Avatar State flies up a couple of miles
>Spams earthquakes, tornados, and tsunamis until everything within miles is fucking dead
>GG No Reeeee

This is Ed fighting a slightly less powerful Storm.

I don't get why people think they are doing this to spite Vic. Vic wasn't his characters and plenty of people watched the show subbed anyway.

They'll give Ed the win because they're contrarians.

Im not saying that Ed would win on this but he has made canons before. Really just a big gun.

Not really. While the avatars are ass, they coincided with Swan's promotion so their accuracy improved.

Post-Swan, they've been 100 percent right with their winner pics and the only FULL RETARD moment they had was the Mega Man NT speed feat which required not only the Internet to be as large as the universe because of a galaxy themed background in one stage that wasn't even connected to the rest of the system and fast to the point Lan's Mom's oven runs faster than the Enterprise.

>Yea Forums is going to have a meltdown
Naw. Ben vs Hal was a meltdown. This will mild by comparison.

Dude, its not just him
Its an entire team
Swan's cool but hyping him up as the sole reason why the show's gotten better for verdicts is foolish

This. I'd like it if they did fights where the character's personalities actually mattered. Like I could see Goku beating Superman if they just decided to spar because Goku would take it a lot more seriously than Clark who wouldn't mind eating a loss over escalating the fight.

Failure X went up against someone with a history of beating and killing guys like Failure X.

Ed doesn't have a running tally of space gods killed. Hal did.

Multiple times: Goku Supes, Kahn Bison, Tigerzord Gundam, Ryu Scorpion, Kirby Buu to name some