After King's run ends i think a good successor would be Sean Murphy
Who should continue Batman?
Unironically Bendis
Unironically? Bendis?
Unironically this
He can juggle the extended bat family and nail street level action and intrigue
No, I saw what he did with Daredevil in the Ultimate universe. So he would make Batman the daredevil of the dc
Priest is the best choice by far. Then there's Ellis, but I doubt he'd do a monthly series at this point. Maybe they could get Gerard Way, Dan Watters or Spurrier on board.
This would a better gamble than most of the writers DC have. Bendis Tec 1K story was great. If there's a chance he could deliver something like that. With the other writers DC has, there's no chance it will be decent.
>handling more characters
I wish they would keep Batfamily out of it. Why does everyone want a thousand other vigilantes with no character crammed into one book? Just fuck off with this tumblr shit.
This. Priest would by far be the best on Batman.
Priest would be too divisive on the flagship title of DC. They should give him Tec.