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Other urls found in this thread:


can we not
it's too goddamn early for this shit

And it’ll still make ten billion dollars.

But I thought they automatically gave Disney 100%

Lmao what happened

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>Critics on social media

Embargo got lifted?

Cause you see, movie studios give first looks to people who historically give that studio, or movies similar to the one being previewed, good reviews

And it will still make more than any non-Disney movie this year so GET FUCKED Yea Forums

You forgot Aladdin. Critics hate it but audience like it.

>lacks the energy and heart
They could easily said it was soulless

It is of no consequence. Itll make a billion

Fuck yes. Hopefully between this and it screening at the same time as Spider-Man it'll tank into the depths of obscurity where it belongs.

Has a single Disney reboot done well? Mulan and Little Mermaid are fine stories, but their reboots are gonna bomb. Everyone was looking forward to Beauty and The Beast, but that bombed.


BatB made over a billion dollars which is what matters to Disney.

>but that bombed

Yet it will probably make a billion thanks to Nostalgiafags and Disneydrones...

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Even when the movie was in its planning phase I didn't think a live action Lion King would work, that might be due to the fact that I don't really like live action animal movies much, but the trailers solidified the fact this movie would be lackluster to the original. It surprises me that it's taking this long for people to figure out the film is not all as it's cracked up to be.

Yeah, this will also make a billion because there is a Disney logo, still gonna be shit?

Holy shit please be bait

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It's pretty much the same thing with Aladdin.

Everything was slow, half assed, and everyone in it seemed very bored. The musical numbers were dull and people barely moved around, the sets were small and not very decorated either.

Guess that happens when they shift to 4 remakes in a single year.

Dont care
But I want to see the remakes of the remakes out of morbid curiosity, how much can they recycle their shit?
How can they be so out of ideas

Well yeah, but people in these threads posting the RT score and celebrating as if it means the remakes will stop now. They're not going to stop until Disney runs out of movies or until people stop going to see them.

The first few did well but they seemed like they were trying a little harder with those. And they were all a year apart. Disney decided to speed up production 1000x more and churned out 4 of them in 2019 and the cracks are showing

WHITE people stole the show???

Colonized. When white people do it, it's called colonizing.

Especially in Africa

>The two characters voiced by White Men steal the show
Oh I am laughing right now

I actually genuinely liked Aladdin. I wouldn't have seen it if I didn't have friends visiting who wanted to go, and I'm glad I did. The only criticism I have is that they seemed to rush to get to the genie's introduction, then it moved at an acceptable pace.

>movie comes out 8 days from now
>Yea Forums already bitching about it

Buckle up, user. As long as Yea Forums movies keep coming out this is the future of Yea Forums. You think you'd get that by now seeing as Disney releases like 20 movies a year and Yea Forums bitches about every last one for months on end.

wait a day at most and see that reversed and everyone gagging over the black actors and screeching YAAAAASSSS KANG N KWEEN

Also, they cast a White/Indian biracial woman as Jasmine, instead of an Arab.

Aladdin was awful, what were you smoking.
Jafar was as threatening as a YouTube voice actor and none of the musical sequences aside from Friend Like Me had any proper spectacle to it.
One Jump Ahead was especially bad, what with the sped up footage and lifeless incidental voices ("Stop thief! Vandal! Abu! Scandal! etc)

>Has a single Disney reboot done well?

>Alice in Wonderland
1.025 Billion
758 Million
543 Million
>The Jungle Book
966 Million
>Through the Looking Glass
299 Million
>Beauty and the Beast
1.2 Billion
>Christopher Robin
197 Million
352 Million
925 Million

The only one I liked was Christopher Robin

You know looking at that list despite the one arguably changing the most about the original thus giving it a reason to exist - Maleficent's still the remake I hate the most.

You forgot Pete's dragon

The absolute state of Mouseketeers


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"Live Action"

Not really a remake of an animated film but since you asked.

>Pete's Dragon
143 million

People liked The Jungle Book remake but it's a dirty little secret that with the exception of some excellent Milt Kahl animation and two memorable songs the original is kinda shit.

All the remakes since then have been beloved classics that they're struggling to live up to. They need to remake another stinker. I propose live action Aristocats.


The fuck

But it had a sexy little girl in it.

they’re not white, they're jews

They are claiming this is live action because if they used actual lions you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

It's kind of bullshit.

Its just marketing
They know they are full of shit

Still gonna see it.

I thought it was because unions and taxes, or whatever, favor live action movies?

Cept you know they'd probably have eaten the hyenas, and the giraffes, just about everything else.

>Bad triumphs over good
Why would you be happy about that? A bad movie succeeds just because it's Disney.

>though for fans that may just be enough
>"y-you should totally go see it anyway!"

Wasn't there a pointless scene with poachers just to justify the live-action tag?

This movie basically breaks Stuckmann's mind.

Why do you watch these people?

Well, he said it. Movie is literally soulless trash.

detective pikachu won in the end

Because it didn't get really weird about things looking really "realistic".

Pokemon is literally the most lucrative multimedia franchise in the world

Aladdin has an identical critics score at the moment and it's closing in on a billion dollars anyway. (Note: Aladdin's audience score is 94%.)

Because I don't want to watch the movie and I prefer seeing reviews that aren't littered with shitty skits.

I know, right?

You're supposed to use a backslash.

>remarkably faithful to the original
All these remakes are "faithful" to the original in the sense they're copies so this is not remarkable at all.

>Zazu worries that the circle of life has become “a meaningless line of indifference,” but “The Lion King” more closely resembles a perfect ouroboros. It’s the work of a studio that’s gobbled up the rest of the film industry and is still hungry for more. “The Lion King” feels less like a remake than a snuff film, and a boring one at that.


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Yeah this movie is totally not going to make money because critics don't like it.

lmao this shit is so paid it's hilarious
Seth Rogen needs to never sing again

There's a fair share of people whose movie watching habits are influenced by Rotten Tomatoes

This is honestly depressing, worst case scenario.

This movie could have looked amazing.

who the hell though giving the lion King documentary color grading and removing all the human-like animation and expression was a good thing.

This was not an issue in the jungle book, what the hell bros.

Part of that's because game prices are high. Plus the wikipedia franchise numbers are too incomplete.

Pokemon, Hello Kitty, and Pooh are all about equally lucrative in my mind.

I do kind of wonder whose idea it was, since Favreau usually knows what he's doing.

I mean Billy Eichner is the most entertaining person in that cast. Which isn’t saying much

>Part of that's because game prices are high.
Except that besides Sword and Shield all of the pokemon games have sold for less than their contemporaries.

All the song bits released so far have zero energy to the point of it being insulting. Why even leave them if you are going to half ass it?

>Implying RT will turn against their Disney masters

Meta-Critic or bust

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Jesus what did Dumbo fuck up? Guess it wasn't nostalgia for the current parents taking their kids to see it.


Too bad it was a crappy movie.

it could get a 0% and it would still make $1bn+ ww

>Implying Through the Looking Glass or Dumbo were successful

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The shitty part is that from the previews they somehow made the animals less expressive than real ones

“Best”? Jungle Book and BatB get better RT scores. RT can’t even keep their own Disney scoring in check

Is Rotten Tomatoes essentially telling Disney fans that they have bad taste?

Most Jews are white until convenient to be considered otherwise

>The only white characters steal the show
Uhoh black Twitter gonna seethe

The original Dumbo was barely one hour long and its plot wasn't all that special or unique to begin with, on top of it being an almost 80 year-old film (so anyone who would be interested in seeing the remake because of childhood nostalgia would be too old to go to the theater or would be dead). Plus, people don't want to see a baby elephant be sad, especially a realistic one. My mom specifically said she didn't want to go see it because she didn't want to watch a baby elephant be sad.

No it’s because Jon “makes all his money off derivatives” Fartveau thinks animation is for babies and don’t want it to be associated with the art

Twitter is down.

And it genuinely was more live action than CG. At least compared to 0% filmed live action of Lion King

>Audience Score 94%

Fucking normies. Probably because expectations were so low. I admit that Aladdin wasn’t the cluster we all thought it was going to be, but it was far from a good or enjoyable movie

dumb butler

So the movie is good is what you're saying

disneyslaves, not even once

It will make a billion nonetheless

and yet the piece of shit bombed any way

Anybody else kind of feel bad for James Earl Jones having to be involved in this shitshow?


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Bitch, if he didn't want to come back he didn't have to. He's James Earl Jones.

>anyone feel bad for a man making literal shitloads of money
no not really

>Disney wanted this to compete for Best Picture at the Oscars

>anyone feel bad for a man making literal shitloads of money by starring in bad movies

I mean he's one of the things I've seen universally praised about the remake and he was in the original so if anything he's in a better spot then anyone else in this cast.

Yeah I'm sure the casts' careers are gonna suffer because this movie isn't getting good ratings.

Wasn't implying anything, just giving figures for all the live action remakes. Most of which have been successful while others were duds. Interesting though that two of the duds were directed by Tim Burton

Remember, the critic scores don't count. What counts is how much cash the film makes.

>implying movie "critics" opinions matter

Most critics don't talk in the language of Yea Forums meme buzzwords

>Even Scott

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You don't need to have been alive in 1941 to be nostalgic for a 1941 film, user. Tons of people watched it and the other films from that time through theatrical rereleases or home video in their childhoods. I think it has more to do with it being a circus film while people don't really go to circuses anymore.

>the original Jungle Book is kinda shit
I'll fucking fight you faggot

>blackwash the entire voice cast, which was mostly white in the original
>flick fails miserably
Who could have predicted this?

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They're essentially admitting that the people who go to see these remakes aren't very discerning and are just there to clap at that thing they recognize.

Are you retarded?

>150M budget
>429M gross
It did fine

>an almost 80 year-old film (so anyone who would be interested in seeing the remake because of childhood nostalgia would be too old to go to the theater or would be dead

People went to theatrical re-releases and home video over the course of those 80 years you dumb fucking zoomer.

>complaining about blackwashing in a movie set in Africa

Goddammit I took the bait

Wrong. Box Office doesn't matter only the Audience Score that agrees with Yea Forums's retarded contrarianism matters

>TIL lions are black people since they come from africa

>the lions should stay white because that somehow makes more sense

>seth rogen

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Only if you want sympathetic, noble, likeable protagonists.

Just watch more people will eat this up just to support black actors and not the story itself. Then the audience rating will shoot up.

Same, Christopher Robin was charming. Also helped that they got the old voices for Pooh and friends back and that the story was entirely new

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He's an old man with an established legacy of quality acting, I'm sure he was just happy to get a paycheck for not much work

That's because RT changed audience score

I’d much rather watch a nature documentary about lions than this movie. At least it would actually have life to it.

>audience like it.

That boggles me. Jafar was worse than shit, he was literally nothing. Jasmine's character was all over the place, made no sense. Aladdin suddenly turns meek because the movie turns into a Hitch remake halfway through. The "A Whole New World" sequence looks like ass, there's zero sense of wonder since they stare at nothing while on the carpet ride. And worst of all you can see all the shortcuts they took to save money on the effects, especially evident during the climax and the fact that the Genie barely does 'genie-stuff' outside of the stuff aping on Robin Williams. The only thing of note is that the cast (outside of Jaffar) was good and actually acted and Smith was serviceable if not exactly good.

>20 years later
>the money has been spent/saved, the reviews remain the only source of information on the movie's quality

Looks like a fluff piece designed to make the movie look better than it is. Critics general consensus is that it's mediocre like all these live action remakes.


Why does modern Yea Forums think this passes for a decent post or subject? Fuck these newfag millennial posters

>The real animals look too real

That was the point. Watch the original Lion king if you want exaggerated expressions. I simply want to see what I've wanted for years, realistic Lion King.

Mufasa one of the major characters of the story is voiced by a black guy. In the original they didn't care about shit like because they were fucking lions and nobody was stupid enough to question it. The original film was filled with voice actors of various races and ethnicites.

>What sounds like a Disney purist’s best-case scenario feels more like the switch from sugar-coated chewables to swallowing knuckle-sized gel capsules.

>Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave) chews up his scenes as Scar, but his number, “Be Prepared,” is also an unlikely victim, reduced to a rhythmic dialogue reading that sounds like Rex Harrison speak-singing Al Pacino monologues. The mood of the entire movie is “beige.”


>Fuck these newfag millennial posters
Try GenZ. There are millennials are 30.

"Timon and Pumbaa shine"

>"Timon, let's smoke this caterpillar"
>"Ah gee Pumbaa, are you sure that's a good idea?"

My brother-in-law worked on it. He also worked on the Power Rangers movie from 2016, and I still feel kinda bad for not seeing it to honor him.

I also had an acquaintance who worked on the VFX for Power Rangers
Lost contact with them since Skype became irrelevant

Why would you admit your own kin worked on such a shameful failure?

>It's real

That reminds me that I hope your brother-in-law gets to work on the Power Rangers sequel, if it ever gets made

the remake had Christopher Walken in a major singing role

It's fucking garbage and if you liked it you should have your brain examined.

How long will people fall for the early reactions meme? It's not just a DC thing, they can't be trusted for any movie

that bitch is in the GRAVE with its BARELY LIP SYNCHING ANIMALS

>Visual achievements
It looks like shit though

I'm not surprised. I saw the clip of them singing Hakuna Matata and they're just walking through the jungle. I think the film will open massively but have a big collapse.
It's going to be the BvS of Disney's live action remakes

>Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner

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who thought this was a good idea?

If it makes over 800 million it will be declared a massive success.

And lion sex

>Plus, people don't want to see a baby elephant be sad, especially a realistic one
This is literally the reason I skipped it, senpai.

I remembered how upset I was as a little kid when I saw the cartoon baby elephant getting picked on and ... nope.

>critics hating on a remake

How surprising and brave, it will still make a billion.

It didn't, and still doesn't fucking matter that the original lions where voiced by white people.

If you want diversity then throw some Asians, Hispanics and actually underrepresented people in to voice these characters, not the most proportionally underrepresented race on earth.

The critics who hate it don't really hate it. They hate that Disney is a successful capitalist company that is remaking their old material to make money and not being creative. The ones who like it don't give a shit

No Will Smith, no buy. If they would've just cast Will as Timon and Bumbaa both, the movie would've sold like hotcakes.

I hate that people don't realize that because of inflation and a ridiculous foreign market $800 million doesn't even mean anything anymore.

more than 50 titles in the last 5 years have exceeded that and nobody remembers them anymore. They're just consumed and dumped.

Christopher Robin would have been a 10/10 film if they didn't have that huge chase at the end and just had it be Christopher learning what to do from revisiting his friends.
Like, everything about the film's first half hinted that the characters didn't exist until he started to remember them. Hell, Pooh woke up cause he saw the old drawing he made of Pooh.

And I recall people claiming this would be Avengers Endgame levels of big...

>christopher robin did the worst
Fuck man. That was the only one that actually peaked my interest and gave me nostalgia.

Don't you know how this world works? Only the worst things succeed!

Ah fuck you, nigger.

Doesn't matter, Aladdin was critically panned but audiences loved it. This will be the same

et tu, mendelson?

A website called Black Girl Nerds said that this movie is a prime example as to how some classics should just be left alone.



I don't see your issue with Black Girl Nerds saying that "The Lion King (2019)" is subpar, unless it's in the grammatical error of the phrase "Black Girl Nerds" being used over "Black Nerd Girls".

You're the same person who defends blackwashing The Little Mermaid for the exact same reasoning.

Uh, they're about to ruin another classic to appease to black girl nerds.

Aquaman had shit reviews, it still went on to make a billion.

I could have sworn we had this exact same thread when the first Aladdin reviews came out.

Now if only said site was also a geek dating site. Then you would have my full uninvited attention.

>Detective Kino

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If you're trutheal your opinion doesnt count

It might very well be "disney's best live action remake yet". But that just speaks to just how atrocious and god-awful every single one of these live action remakes are.

Did somebody say Disney live-action remake??

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I don't get it, the Jungle Book animals looked mostly fine but this one looks like someone dubbed a nature documentary.

Its still garbage media.

They aren’t out of ideas, they just refuse to make anything new. Why risk anything if you can reuse what works?

Why make a movie starring a black lead to satisfy the black crowd when you can racewash a successful white character instead?

That was a rumor. Reviews say the movie is pretty much shot for shot

the jungle book animals had human facial expressions, these don't.

>Live Action Aristocats
Alibaba studios is already doing a cg Warriors adaptation.

Aquaman was fresh

Sword and shield will probably sell slightly less than Sun and Moon, due to the controversy, the lack of an install base (in order to reach SM levels, 1 in 3 Switch users need to buy it), and the general decline in sales the series has had since Gen 6. GO hasn’t helped the main series, it’s really hindered it. Why pay $60 + $300 for a console pokemon when you can catch them for free on your phone?

It's going to make 1.8 billion, just getting that out there now.
Really, the entertainment industry as a whole is frustrating. You want to think people don't have such shit taste, but then they demonstrably do, but the you don't want to sound conceited/arrogant by saying you're better than a good several thousand people when it comes to taste in something. [sub]But you apparently are.[/sub] How hard must it be for indie animators/writers to know they could unironically be 'to smart to be good'?

That depends entirely on the budget. IT made $700 million on a $35 million budget and will be a bigger success than Lion King even if it makes a billion dollars because the Lion King cost $250 million to make.

$800 million is impressive but the problem lies with rising movie budgets

Every single live action remake has sucked major balls no matter what big name they ham- fisted into it. I dont know why anyone thought this time would be different

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good news be prepared is in
bad news is its shit youtu.be/kLQ6SRH90s4

Modern critics are overwhelmingly corporate ass lickers, just look at the RT scores for the shittiest Marvel movies.

>another Disney live action remake is bland and mediocre

why is this surprising to anyone?

I think it's less that people are surprised it sucks and more people are surprised that the critical response is negative since they tend to like disney.

Release date 7-19? A date in the future?

Why can we never just let people decide for themselves?

>black girl nerds
Oh yeah?

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These remakes are soulless trash if you want to watch that be my guest but you should at least walk in informed.

>Disneydrones eagerly slurp up the Company's regurgitated styrofoam trash and calls for seconds. More as this story develops.


Walken's Louie was one of the highlights of that movie.

>hakuna matata
>seth rogan is off-key and just talks half his lines

Those two things you noted were all the audience loved it for desu. THat's why they rated it highly.

They all echoe'd the first two problems with the movie. That Jafar and Jasmine sucked.

How literally retarded do you have to be to think this is a "live-action" remake? It's an animated film by every sane definition of the word.

So many movie critics are in desperate need of a good beating.

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Jon Favreau is such a liar. I want to slap his fat face around a bit.

That is the biggest lie I’ve ever seen typed on screen.

Right next to “Iceland and Greenland are stupid”.

Does he feel personally insulted that his work is being referred to as live-action because apparently calling something animation is undignified?

And if not, why not?

Is it so hard to just keep everyone how they originally sounded? Mufasa should be a black voice actor, Scar should sound British.

It's an uncomfortable feeling to be sure.

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>My favorite movies this year all flop
>This shit is going to make billions
fuck life

they will

He explicitly stated that he wanted it to look like a nature documentary.

Saw a screening of this the other day, Can You Feel The Love Tonight plays during a daytime scene, lol

Where does a guy meet brown and black nerd girls. I need me one.

Inb4 Little Mermaid is the ONLY one of these with good reviews thanks to the fake controversy

That's something else that bothered me. It's like they only did research on animal planet documentaries, rather than actually looking at raw footage of how Lions or Baboons behave. A lion is just an overgrown housecat

Nintendo games never go down in price, hell, I believe it's an unspoken reason why their consoles sell less. Nobody wants to pay full price for 5 year old games

>fake controversy
Oh, the complainers were very real.

I kek at the fact that the Latino shitposts are so racist the blacks got offended.

So which is it? Low critics scores are "bullshit" when it comes to Godzilla or Boondock Saints, but for this its indicative of the film's quality? Pick a side

They spent all their shill budget on MCU and animated films, Live-action remakes historically get actual reviews because there's no use bothering with them due to being such a crapshoot.

On Yea Forums it's always "bad triumphs over good" logic.
People here love shitty things and they miserably hate quality content

Godzilla films, including some of what the fandom considers the best have been shat on by critics, such as 1985 and GMK

It’s hard to take critics seriously when there are quotes such as “I wanted to eat LEGO waffles with Millie Bobby brown, there should have been more stranger things references” “Godzilla is a reptar ripoff”

And last but not least

“Ghidorah is transgender”

All of these are from “verified film critics” btw

>Can You Feel The Love Tonight plays during a daytime scene, lol
I refuse to believe this. That's ridiculous levels of incompetent

>They hate that Disney is a successful capitalist company that is remaking their old material to make money and not being creative. The ones who like it don't give a shit
You know, that sentiment reminds me a bit of pic related back as the "DisneyFox" marriage was happening...

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It's real. Even the critic reviews have mentioned it.

Ah, but if it was an animated film, they'd be watching a cartoon. And only children watch those, right? Cartoons are the things you sit your kids in front of so you can have a moment of peace, not actual art.

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Because back then, all that mattered was finding the right voice to fit the characters the animators and filmmakers had in mind. Star power wasn't as big a factor as it is now.


>“Ghidorah is transgender”
Please tell me you're just making that up.

> Russian bots

>photo realistic CG lions aren't as expressive and fun as the original ones
>they also fucked the songs
>can you feel the love tonight is sung during the day
>be prepared, the best disney song ever was gutted
the last one is the worst bit for me at least
be prepared is so good and they fucked it over

>photo realistic CG lions aren't as expressive and fun as the original ones

That's not really true tho, the animation in the Jungle Book was pretty good.

Aslam is another Disney photorealistic lion that animated really well.

It's like they forgot why people like cartoons in the first place, it's because it allows you to draw "humans" in different ways to tell your histories.

If you just draw animals with no human traits you don't have a person that can be used as a vehicle for acting, you have a really unnatural creature instead.

>You think you'd get that by now seeing as Disney releases like 20 movies a year
I can't remember the last year that Disney put out more than 10 movies in a full year.

Chinese like its big cgi fight fest as Bayformers.

>shill hasn't had her morning coffee yet
Sucks, faggot. Get to work.

>That's not really true tho
you should stop "watching" based on brand awareness, you clearly shut down more than your critical sense when you pay those tickets

People don't inherently love shitty things, but controversial or contrarian opinions are easy bait that keeps threads alive longer. That's why they're called bait. Threads that consist of, "'Yeah that was good.' 'I agree,'" don't have a long shelf life.

Plus, hey, this is an anonymous imageboard. It will always attract the unpopular views that you can't afford to attach to your name or identity.

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It's shit then.

>That's not really true tho, the animation in the Jungle Book was pretty good.
That's cause the animals emoted more than "deadpan black eyed face"

In the Lion King remake, the animals don't do anything more than flap their mouths and stare blankly. Watch the Hakuna Matata clip from Jimmy Fallon- Simba has no emotion on his face.

where can i download the lion king sequels anyway

Can you go into more detail about that?

Twitter posts from Latino twitter users cracking jokes at Ariel being black. Hilariously this can get offensive and black twitter users took offense and yet are unable to stop them.


I like how woke movie’s critic consensus is still somewhat positive.

Awards are such a sham

Eating each other again? Lol

Outside of some weirdos, most Latinos are against that progressive crap, so they just don't give a shit and post this stuff. It's so funny to see black twitter users unable to do anything against those.

>implying Hispanics ever gave a shit about what the niggers think.
This nigga here got it right.

China hates it too.

>can you feel the love tonight is sung during the day
that's really funny.

>most Latinos are against that progressive crap
So that's why sjws never think about them. Interesting.

Fuck this annoying bastard.

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Your in-law knows what he needs to do

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How are critics going to get their press-screening passes without licking Disney's taint?

>Jenny Nicholson
the quintessential disney worshiping womanchild

>praising a blatant scene-for-scene remake as "remarkably faithful"
This is fucking shameless

Both are Jewish so to SJWs they aren’t white

Or modern Disney animators are just not as good as the Renaissance ones. The Renaissance animators for Lion King fucking brought in actual lions and animals into the studio to study every day. These guys just copied frames from YouTube and called it a day

>disney takes most solid shit yet in their diarrhea series!

Not sure we'll ever see another Glen Keane.

>"oh hey we're doing a spiralling CG shot of a ballroom dance, here's a grid showing the floor, could you draw the characters by hand?"

Attached: belle-dancing-2.gif (300x227, 1.25M)

That was James Baxter that did it, user, and he's alive and kicking

Still, Glen Keane did numerous talks on the animators at Disney during the Renaissance and those guys had to learn everything about art and movies, head animators had to be actual actors to understand facial expressions and movement

Pretty much any unnaturally smooth animation you can remember from your childhood, he was likely behind it
Rafiki, Quasimodo, etc

It’s always funny when there’s blatant evidence there are other races and ethnicities more openly racist than whites and no one gives a fuck

Say what you will about his doing work for Adventure Time and Steven Universe, but I'm pretty sure that and Cuphead are the most well-known examples of good traditional animation that zoomers have been exposed to.

Yeah this is true. I live in a border town and almost everyone is against that crap.

Why do you retards think its everyone else vs whites? You play victim almost as good as blacks.

>Beauty and the Beast
>1.2 Billion
>900 Million
Fuck. That's just depressing

Attached: Vegeta.gif (500x375, 756K)

If it makes you feel any better it was mostly because of the actors.

>Emma Watson
>Will Smith
>Making any kind of buck
Even more depressing