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I’m at work. Summarize it

King is too stupid to figure out what Frank Miller says

OP mistakes bantz for BTFO

Basically he says that you don't have to keep writting a shitty Batman because you are depressed

Good lord I watched that. King says Superman is boring because he has no flaws or tragic backstory.

Nobody has time for this OP
What's/when's the actual exchange that you're pushing here?

Obviously Superman needs to have PTSD and be suicidal.

dumb phoneposter


Frank Miller has the best idle face

King must love Snyder films.

I'm agreeing with everyone else OP. Give the link and a summary because not a lot of people care enough to see an exchange where KING BTFO.

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Autism is not knowing when a person is joking.

God damn...

Well, he does keep using Batfleck for his comic....

He has Thomas Wayne wearing the Knightmare costume from BvS in his current story and he thinks using superficially 'deep' things like referencing poems or literature makes your story 'deep'(better) so pretty obviously yes, he's one of the narcissists who revel in their superior ability to appreciate work as deep and meaningful as BvS

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daily reminder that King still wrote the best Marvel comic of the decade

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To be fair, the same society that gave BvS a 28 percent gave a far worse film, The Force Awakens, a 90+ percent.
So yes, King and Snyder are much smarter than your average American.

>he thinks using superficially 'deep' things like referencing poems or literature makes your story 'deep'(better)
We got a mind reader over here boys.

I hated both of those movies, do I get a prize?

We live in a society...

You know, people can disagree without it being a zero sum game where one guy is BASED and the other is BTFO.

And OP is still butthurt about King leaving that shithole of a publisher.


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A shithole of a publisher.



Yeah, no. Youre times not that valuable, just watch it.

just start the video at the 1:50 mark

their language body shows how insecure king and tynion are

King is literally so dumb that he shoots his own foot at 30:33

But what does OP want to talk about?

>Superman is boring

I agree but i don't like King's Batman so it's validating to see his ideas rub Miller the wrong way too

Honestly they should have just given King a character that doesn't matter, he fucked up Mr Miracle with meaningless meandering bullshit that made him and by transitory effect, the New Gods, quaint and 'small'(not words that should be affiliated with the New Gods) and he fucked up Batman by validating all the worst aspects of the character

I mean, the reason he was given these opportunites is because of the fucking Vision. Nobody cares about the Vision, it was carte blanche. Fucking Didio, that dumb bitch

Basically King says Bruce Wayne hates having to be Batman, Miller disagrees tells him that Bruce actually loves being Batman and you don't dedicate your life and keep doing something if you hate it and makes you depressed. He then goes on to tell King that Batman as a comic book character can literally be anyone or anything so why should he be "you." It wasn't mean spirited, just banter, but the point was made. King really had no response, but to keep yammering about his emo Batman. That's pretty much the only relevant part. The rest is just the typical comic con panel where the writers are talking about what they're doing in their respective books.

god damn stan

you are my hero user

Oh, Miller also implies that being Batman is also what makes Bruce happy. He uses The Dark Knight Rises as an example, pointing out how at the beginning of the movie he's broken down and decrepit, but when he starts being Batman again, he's invigorated. Suddenly he's full of energy, and even looks younger later in the movie.

>the best Marvel comic of the decade
not even, top 10 is fine, but Immortal hulk has been far better, and there there have been mini's and event tie in's that were better.

it's cos they're fat and sat against a bunch of DChads.

i did find it weird that DC just put King on Batman as his first project for the company. he did some good things at marvel, and had some heat, but not enough to take on DC's bestselling title. they should've put him on Detective or something else, like they did with Snyder, and let him earn it.

true, Sean Murphy was relaxed as fuck. he was probably back stage finger blasting cosplayers 2 at a time before the panel started.

i was surprised at that huge spare tire King is sporting. the only pics you ever see of him are head shots, and from his CIA days in the middle east. he must using food as medicine for his depression

sean murphy is the best batman writer at the moment

Damn, Miller actually gave a good jab to King.

Damn, the old guard does not fuck around. They are cut and dry.

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t.doesn't actually read comics

Wtf are you talking about? Mister Miracle has been about his normal life with Barda since the 80s.

Rebirthtards confirmed to not having read anything before Rebirth. King was at DC since before Batman.

When on earth is Millers time gonna run out? Seriously, I'm just surprised anything is even functioning anymore when you look at him.

Meet The Skrulls was better

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God bless Frank Miller

Shit that's good. I hated Bruce Wayne moping around for 7 years like a broke dick dog. Bruce broods and then usually has to get pulled off of thugs he's fucking brutalizing or he pushes himself too hard to get out of his head. He doesn't turn into a soft shell taco of a man.

It's basically what happens to Bruce in the Dark knight Returns too.

This was a fun book


That doesn't mean it was written well you fucking retard. That's his point. It sucked. The stakes felt small even when the drama behind the actions were built up in the narrative to be big Scott would just no of sigh and mince around like a fucking faggot. He wasn't interesting to read and he tackled every obstacle by hiding behind Big Barda like a bitch.

>drama behind the actions were built up in the narrative to be big Scott would just no of sigh and mince around like a fucking faggot

he stabbed Darkseid in the eye

I sincerely hope this isn't true. The Vision was not a good comic.

I didn't care for it but thanks for the insight.

It was all a dream.

I wonder if King's point is that Bruce seeing Batman as a duty he must do to protect other people is noble and admirable. Giving him a lot of benefit of the doubt here.

Sure thing you King dicksucker.

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I don't think he is, judging by his run on Batman.

>Basically King says Bruce Wayne hates having to be Batman

how can anyone read any Batman story and come to that conclusion? H O W ! I mean Batman IS a sacrifice but Bruce is willing to take that, he goes all the way to turn his trauma and life into one big sacrifice, he doesnt hate, he enjoys it to some degree, he IS Batman! You can make all sorts of readings on how he is mentally broken and Batman is nothing but an expression of unresolved trauma but even then he doesnt hate being Batman.

unironically this

its not even the best comic with Vision in it from recent years

user did you enjoy Tom King projecting his U.S army hate through this?

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I'm pretty sure Bruce hates existing, and his existence is being Batman. I don't think "he hates being Batman" is technically wrong to say, though it's misleading. It's not like he would rather not be Batman, he's just a miserable person.

I cannot beñieve I agree with Miller. This maay be the second time I've done so, and that's unbelievable.

Shut the fuck up King. You read TDKR and misunderstood it like every other brainlet who "discovers" it at thirteen and doesn't bother to read any Finger or silver age to gain context. You have the perspective of every pseudo-intellectual ever and should unironically just fucking kill yourself the way we all know you want to back lack the balls to actually do.

>it's validating
That's pathetic.

>you don't dedicate your life and keep doing something if you hate it and makes you depressed
You would if you're obsessed.

Didn't they have a similar exchange about Superman?

No, it's refreshing knowing you aren't crazy and that King's Batman actually does objectively suck dick

holy shit Frank sounds fine. He looks like he died 10 years ago but his voice and all is actually fine.

I imagined him having slurred and very slow painful speech.

lol no.

Frank miller was giving a reason why Bruce wouldnt cure cancer... But got interrupted. What do you think his reasoning was going to be lol