'Bout to rewatch this for the first time since I was like 12.
What am I in for?
Jackie Chan Adventures
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Filler that's actually the basis for entire seasons later
only season 1 and 2 are good.
dang it, i hoped it would be secretly as good as i remember
The last season was so bad that I complete forgot to continue watching it
season 5 is where it really gets bad, but you do get to see valmont as a bus driver. one of the previous seasons is a repeat of talismans, but in animal forms and they have to go look for them again. nothing spectacular.
The season where there are different forms of shadowkhan is pretty great
I have never seen the boy or the lucha character before
Everyone else thought Jade was hot when they were a kid right?
I wasn't the only 10 year old waifuing her
Ignore thr people saying it gets bad later. Season 3 with Daolon Wong is great, 4 with the masks is tons of fun and is something different; and although 5 is just a rehash of 2 its still a fun season.
People in here expecting Breaking Bad levels of writing in a kids show kek. As long as its fun and comfy who cares how repetitive it gets?
i think he's the guy who had the bull or whatever strength charm was
the boy i have no idea
just you buddy
Comfy as fuck magic kung-fu adventures.
Honestly the writing still holds up, I rewatched it a year or so ago and it got some genuine laughs out of me
Where you watching it OP? Been waiting for a dvd set or for it to be on Netflix for years.
The lucha character is El Toro, if I remember correct he was in the first season at least. No idea who that kid is though.
Yep same user. Theres an a few early episodes of season 2 where the bad guys get all the talismans and I was laughing more than any sitcom kek.
I never noticed how much Jade looks like Azula
That's bullshit. Later seasons aren't bad, just different. Like comparing Jackie's golden age American and Hong-Kong movies to his silly Chinese comedies of earlier and later years. Both are entertaining, just in different ways.
first result for "watch jackie chan adventures online"
the quality is a bit shite but eh what can you do
It's all of the cute with none of the crazy.
If anything they're better. In season 1 they were still finding they're footing, voices and characters are a tad different, music's a bit different. Season 2 is where they get comfy and it becomes tons of fun. 4 with the different shadowkhan is pure kino
The kid is literally Scrappy-Doo in human form. The guy is a wrestler that had the Ox talisman. I have no idea why they are next to main characters like that since they only appeared a couple of times.
People keep saying that but I never did. She looked like a midget.
I was more pissed than I should have been when a couple of years ago I read the headline 'Jackie Chan Adventures coming back' with a pic of the show in the thumbnail.
Then I read the article and its just some 3d shit hes making in China with the same name but no connection to the original.
For a man in his 20's, i was fucking gutted.
yeah i did. I don't remember which one but there was an episode where she transforms into a monster or something that gave me love feels.
The episode where they meet Adult Jade from the future and she's voiced by Lucy Lui.
Holy mother of God...
At first I was mostly jealous of her. Then I realized that I didn't hate her like lots of other annoying kid side-kicks and started enjoying scenes with her more. Then I realized that she was cute and lovable despite her shortcomings, and really felt bad for her that time a demon broke her heart. She's surprisingly well written for her character archetype and justly competes for spot of top loli with Gwen.
Also I just realized my Jackie Chan folder has like 4 images in it. Someone help.
Ah, I remember that thread. It was disappointment all around.
there was a thread on that when the news dropped and people were let down
It's good. Season 2 is full of filler after the first 10-13 episodes. The seasons are good. The final season wasn't bad but when I rewatched the series last year, the ending felt kinda rushed to me. Overall, I definitely recommend watching it. And Xialon Showdown too.
I like how the show dabbles into the myths cultures of other countries besides Chinese. Like Aztec, Japanese, Irish, English, etc.
loli hip thrusts
You called?
Femdom futa loli is too rare for how fun it is.
I did too senpai but I was probably 20 21 when I realized it. It was Netflix for a while so I was I use to put it on for my kid. She reminded me of my mom's friends kid who roughly the same age as Jane and developed a crush on her. 5 years late said kid tells her moms I'm "so hot". She just turned 18. Should I smash fellas? My gf even got wind of what she said and now acts super jealous of her it's pretty funny
>Should I smash fellas?
>My gf even got wind of what she said
No user. You are in a committed relationship, don't be a piece of shit like that, you're better than this.
18 yr old poon though.. I just want to lick her all the way from her butthole to belly button
Shouldn't have gotten into a relationship then you sociopath.
Seriously, cheaters are some of the worst fucking people and deserve nothing but misery.
In order it goes Talismans> Demons> Animals (Talismans 2)> Masks> Demons 2, right?
The annoying tagalong kid character getting too much attention (I'm talking about Jade)
The most I remember of this show is the Deepercutt Youtube Poops
I've been meaning to rewatch this show but then I see it's like 90 episodes. I do remember how I missed so many episodes as a kid. Of the demon season I only saw the bat at the baseball field (if I remember right) but missed pretty much every other episode until the season finale.
People always seem to have nostalgia about saturday morning cartoons but all I wanted to do on the weekend growing up was sleep and no channel ever wanted to air reruns.
Season 1 is great. Season 2 is less great, but still good. Season 3 feels like a worse Season 1, albeit with a decent finale. Season 4 is pretty decent. Season 5 is to Season 2 what Season 3 is to Season 1, only more boring.
Season 4 isn't bad, but Season 5 is hot garbage.
How do you remember El Toro, but not Paco, the kid who is always following him around?
Pedophiles. Pedophiles everywhere.