Would you be fine with the idea of Disney eventually owning every major entertainment property?
Would you be fine with the idea of Disney eventually owning every major entertainment property?
couldn't do that, cuz they'd need to own ur mum, and I beat them to it!
No and they don't even own majority of it now. They just own the majority of what you care about. Get better taste.
they may be rich but they're companies richer than them
*cough*WB because of AT&T
I would be content if they ceased to exist
the us should start doing trust-busting again
It’s not about wealth, It’s about cornering the market and restricting competition. AT&T doesn’t own nearly as many media outlets as Disney does
Any company/government/ect owning every major ___ is the worst thing possible in every regard
Absolutely not, since they mutate and ruin every IP they steal to be family friendly and PC
Endgame killed blockbusters. That's James Cameron's job.
As someone coming from a country which currently has monopolies on satelite broadcasting and free-to-air private TV, hindering freedom of our press from business interests...hell no.
As a shareholder, sure. As a fan, no.
While it would delight me to see all the tasteless, butthurt conspiracy theory dipshits on Yea Forums cry infinite tears, it would be very bad overall so no.
Disney wouldn't qualify under either Sherman or Clayton. Although it would be nice if they were broken up.
We absolutely should, starting with the cable companies and oil companies.
Everyone I talk to seems to think a Disney monopoly is a fantastic thing
yeah they should but only if they let the studios retain creative control, rather have everything under one roof than dealing with legal bullshit that goes nowhere i.e. dvd boxsets
Hell no.
What a nightmare reality. Imagine all the things that would never see the light of day again. Imagine all the fuckin’ wokeness.
exactly. I'll let Disney own everything just to piss you off.
But hate it when companies like AT&T start monopolies. I don’t care if they love or hate a Disney monopoly as long as they are consistent and not fucking hypocrites
>Disney buys Pornhub