Krypton Post Episode talkback & Webms thread

You motherfraggers couldnt keep the fragging live thread alive??!!

Attached: Lobo finger.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

I mean, it was fun while it lasted
But sure user, what do you want to talk about

haha that was a pretty good gag, better if he was flipping him off when he looked back at him

Downloaded the whole first season to get in on the show, but the media files won't work on my console, and I'm too cheap to pay for DC-stream app.

Attached: fuck you supergirl.webm (360x464, 1.61M)

Well I wanted to talk about how they went full GoT the episode at the end

Attached: Kypton Lyta Jax.webm (854x480, 2.52M)

She'll be fine
I'm still more interested in Brainiac and Seg's excellent adventure and Doomsday finally doing something

That is not a half bad Lobo, is the show worth watching?

What extension are the files and which console do you have?

You might need to mod your console and/or convert the files to play them on your console

Its decent if you keep your expectations low

Ehh, alright I'll just check out the Lobo clips I suppose?

>Wegthor has only one space elevator from/to Krypton

>Zod does not just evacuate his sagitari from wegthor and cut off / destroy the elevator to trap the rebels there with limited supplies, killing them in a matter of days


You thinking its a fake out?

I'm thinking she is dead for real but will be brought back with the codex

Any webm requests?

Does the codex work that way?
I mean, I know they got the clone tech with you know who being a clone, but is it an actual resurrection?

The eye laser please

>The eye laser please

Attached: Krypton Jax eye.webm (854x480, 2.11M)

>I mean, I know they got the clone tech with you know who being a clone, but is it an actual resurrection?

Yeah I meant brought back the clone way rather than resurrection

But then again, you never know

Much thanks user
How the fuck is that laser so powerful anyway
>it's powered by the force of anger alone

>How the fuck is that laser so powerful anyway

She says Kinetic energy built up by a powerful electromagnetic generator from whats left of her retina. That must be one hell of a generator in her eye


Sure but I would recommend the show if you have nothing else to watch

wouldn't it make more sense for it to be a tiny yellow sun light generator?

If they had yellow sun light generators they would all have been Superman now
Which does beg the question why Zod doesn't get a yellow sun instead of building the army

Does SyFy show this much blood on their channel?

>If they had yellow sun light generators they would all have been Superman now
>Which does beg the question why Zod doesn't get a yellow sun instead of building the army

You answered that in the first sentence