I just watched this movie. Feels like it was limited by the rating and trying to be Disneyesque. But it had a cameo by Red, so it was good.
I just watched this movie. Feels like it was limited by the rating and trying to be Disneyesque...
a thread died for this
No worries. Ruber-posting will begin shortly.
>a thread died for this
If it got that low in the catalog then it wasn't worth saving
It's fucking sad how much potential this movie had. Was supposed to be a Ralph Bakshi-esque fantasy epic with an Arthurian backdrop until WB came and butchered it into a half-assed Disney rip-off that pretty much takes a piss all over Arthurian lore. Fuck, King Arthur is a joke in this movie, Merlin doesn't do anything, and the only thing remotely connected to the myths is Excalibur being the MacGuffin.
Even more sad when you see constant reminders of how great this movie could've been before WB ruined it.
elaborate more on what it was supposed to be like
The 'King Arthur' in this was such a fucking pussy, was nothing without his magic sword protecting him.
Meanwhile Ruber was punching dragons to death with his bare hands.
>Quest for Camelot was originally going to be directed by Bill and Susan Kroyer, the husband-and-wife team behind FernGully: The Last Rainforest, and the film was originally meant to be a much darker, more faithful adaptation of Vera Chapman's novel The King's Damosel. However, when Frederik Du Chau replaced the Kroyers as the director, he overhauled the storyline and turned it from a dark and faithful story into an very loose Disney-esque musical just to compete with Disney. It didn't work out so well and was a complete box-office failure. The move banished his career to the B and C lists in the end for it.
Before the executives were through meddling, some main characters were renamed after their children. Kayley was originally Lynette in the book — as in Arthurian legend.
Heck, it wasn't even going to be a musical! All of the songs were written by composer David Foster and lyricist Carole Bayer Sager in the later stages of the film's production.
Apparently everyone working on it, including the chick who would make that talking horse show hated making it
>execs biggest concern was who's daughter the protagonist should have name of
Had to get that from TVtropes though.
Ironic that QFC was a promising film that got fucked up by WB in hopes of aping Disney, when years later Disney would take a promising film and fucked it up in hopes of aping Dreamworks.
honestly just from reading about it on Wikipedia the source novel didn't seem so interesting
I guess I can look back and say that with Ruber going for the finished product
Even if he never up and used the whole fucking thing as a weapon, it would have been sick to see Ruber fucking pick up the sword AND the stone
And couple of years later Disney copied Pixar and it worked! Also they bought them.
"You do you" is a lost art.
>TFW we're never get a proper adaptation of The King's Damosel now due to the fact that boomers will constantly whine that it rips off a shitty Disney rip-off.
i miss ruber posting
why did it have to die
would you really say it has? there are threads not all that infrequently. shit, there's basically 2 in the catalog right now
>The 'King Arthur' in this was such a fucking pussy, was nothing without his magic sword protecting him.
not much different from the real story, where Arthur was a literal cuck who needed his knights to do all his work for him, and who was only decent in a fight when he had Excalibur and the scabbard which made him immune to injury.
When I was a kid I never wanted to see this because the uneven-ness of the dragon's two heads annoyed me, and the lead character looks like a girl. Am I missing much? Is it worth going back and watching?
She is a girl
>lead character looks like a girl
user, I...
Also the movie is pretty bleh overall but Ruber himself is super fun, especially studying his absolutely manic animation
I meant the dude with the mullet. I thought he was the lead, and looked like a girl. I never saw the movie so assumed the guy was the lead.
he's basically the second
but if we're being real, Ruber is the star
Disney already made the perfect Chicken Little cartoon, so that movie really didn’t need to exist.
So Mr Mullet is the Finn to Kaylee's Rey and Ruber is Kylo Ren?
Not exactly
She's the fresh faced kid rushing out to save her family/prove herself and he's the jaded world weary loner who begrudgingly helps her
Good. It's a great movie.
>mfw reading the book this movie is based off
well, that certainly is something different
The scene with the Griffin stealing Excalibur is a great example of this. It's well shot, the music's tense, he's silent and ominous and huge and nearly unstoppable. When one of the knights blurts out, "It's a griffin!", it's more than just being Sir Obvious the Unnecessary, it's an indication of just how dreaded it's reputation is.
Then he opens his mouth and out comes Bronson Pinchot doing a Demongo impression crossed with Daffy Duck and the audience never takes him seriously again.