How's Your Webcomic? #577

How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?

Don't just post an image, let us know what your comic's called, and link us to it!

>/hyw/ CONTACT SHEET - add your webcomic site, contact information, etc


Character Design:

Create your own:

Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme:
Dos and Don'ts for starting a site: (embed)
Promoting your comic:


John Cleese on Creativity: [YouTube] John Cleese on Creativity In Management
Terrible Writing Advice:

>Brush Packs

Previous thread:

Attached: hywm.jpg (1200x1165, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread: #2 (2).pdf?dl=0

How do you come up with a pseudonym for your work (and its promotion)? I already have an online fingerprint, but it's a little conservative and that can be a liability in today's market so I need an identity apart from that.

What's wrong with just picking a random name or referencing something?
If you want to be completely disconnected from your old username, you're going to have to start from the beginning anyways.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
I just want cold war setting.
>What makes this setting better than another?
I'd say consistent rules, stakes, being more or less down to earth. If you heard about warhammer fb vs aos your probably will get what i'm talking about.
>What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?
I have character sheets for everyone, zodiac sign, blood type, family, childhood, scars etc.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
For this instance I tried to make up a world where everything could co-exist.
>What makes this setting better than another?
Honestly, nothing much.
>Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?
Probably some of the alternate takes for the story and characters.

Ibrahim Coyle is just your regular con-man and a self-proclaimed PI, secret agent or whatever the client needs, as long as there's some cash on him . These are some of his wackiest adventures, so mostly all of them.

Going back to one update a week. The main story gets a breather for now, but it will be back soon enough.

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Reposting last update

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
The settings in Tom N Artie change when they're on the job due to dimensional travel. The main bar location mostly was inspired by my time sitting at bars with my buds and seeing all the weird people that would come in. Bolt Reaction (the bar) is supposed to be a hub area and the reader will always notice something going on in the background between characters who may or may not be relevant later.

Attached: TNA 2 Letters Page 012-01.png (1032x1568, 1.95M)

Also a sticker design that my main artist finished just in time for SVCC next month.

Attached: Tom and Artie v2.png (2049x2048, 421K)

Have of you put your webcomic on a service like Tapas? Although the offerings there seem a little ... gay. How was the experience?

Attached: Tapas-logo.png (512x512, 92K)

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
I initially drew the characters first and then tried to think up of a setting in which they fit the best. After recently playing Dark Souls, I liked the ideas of environments with special elements to them. It wasn't that far of a jump to want to create dungeons with unique qualities to them.

>Have of you put your webcomic on a service like Tapas? Although the offerings there seem a little ... gay. How was the experience?

Yeah, my comics are on Tapas. There's so much BL that they had to make a special section to help separate genre from all the other webcomics lol. I like tapas just a bit more than webtoons because I can see my stats just a bit more easily. I might be small brain and webtoons has an analytics page I've missed, but it's a hassle to find out how my comic is doing there. Tapas is a lot more intuitive on that part. Tho it'd be nice if people would comment on my pages more often instead of just passively reading it. Q_Q

Finished up the minotaur. I tried new rendering methods to get that intimidating look. I find that smaller hatches really bring out the "realism" of the characters. Too bad it's a big pain to draw it out. I'll probably limit how often I draw my characters in this way. Oh, this pic also far off into the future, so consider this a sneak peek!

Tomorrow I'm updating M&P, so catch up if you haven't.

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>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
we had this godawful plot and setting from fucking years ago, and then one day we realised that making it train themed fixed literally every single issue we had with it
>What makes this setting better than another?
kind of an unconventional and more unique take on some various tropes, i don't really want to get too specific about it yet though

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
First grade elementary school. Teacher thought it would be a good idea to coax kids to learn to write by attaching it to drawings i.e. making comics. I managed to draw a two panels long comic about a funny animal kid getting to the school gates. It's a good way to put misfits in the same room, also draw any number of cute girls there for no reason.
>Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
My comic will be about making and running a superhero talent agency. I needed a setting where superheroes were already established, but the business side of things hadn't been handled yet.
>Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?
A lot of the cultural aspects of the environment. I go into detail in the novel version, but it just wouldn't translate to the comic, like the governments (failed) PSAs promoting using powers for good rather than evil.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
It's exactly the same as Earth, but there's no Mexico. This is done for no particular reason.
I wouldn't say it's better, but I'm glad I don't have to do a lot of world building.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
Read a lot of japanese Youkai lore and wanted to adapt some of the stories I read into one narrative. Cultural appropiation much.

>Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?
Probably the process of demon-hunting and techniques used by demon hunters to beat onis. In some initial drafts Rau would get a lot of training from the priest regarding how to beat her own kind, but I had to drop that idea because I want a somewhat short story here.

lots of BL, but/(and?) also lots of great series there!

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What makes you special? Think about something that relates to that.

worked for me. wish my teachers had thought of that.

I'll go with Dr. Suess or Mark Twain

>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
Fantasy kitchen sink. Cliche now, but at the time it wasn't. I took a lot of inspiration from Gargoyles and tried to put that same care and cohesion into a regular ambiguous-medieval-time-period setting. Everybody does that now. Makes a gent feel proud.

I'm afraid those are taken

Are you sure?

Make something up and see if it’s taken on

I just realized I've been checking a particular comic twice a day because somehow I bookmarked it twice, and I only realized it because it's been down for days.

well technically they're dead, and you misspelled one of them. but I still think it's better to do what they did, rather than take their names. Like take a title such as doctor, and put it in front of your middle name / mother's maiden name

>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
i was just reading Naruto back at the time, and then i thought to myself "Huh, it would be cool if this was set in modern times, imagine having a Tailed Beast breakdown while you are at the math class."
Ghadar Adventures here:

Attached: gothies.png (1680x1827, 443K)

Naruto is set in modern times

I'm fucking struggling to draw eyes, especially female eyes. I want them to be cartoony but a little bit realistic.

Is there a reason why someone would want to take a female pen name?

No one can criticize your work because you're part of an oppressed minority?

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
I had some of the environment stuff appear in my dreams, I used these elements to build the city of my comic.

>Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?
Probably the porn.

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to show up all those women who 'needed to take a male pen-name to be taken seriously' ?

Post helpful videos. This one blew my mind.

Because it’s your name and you like it.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
the whole thing was heavily inspired by megas xlr.
my setting was the last thing i came up with really. since the intention was to make fun of all my favorite mecha series, i had to figure out a way to make all these different series i was parodying coexist. the end result is "general urban environment". having it so loose makes it my personal sandbox where i can dump lawyer friendly parodies of power rangers, voltron, transformer, gurren lagann, gao gai gar, etc. and see what happens.
i decided that any world building would be done through jokes and gags since it wasnt important.
my usual response is that it is our world with all the same history, just with giant robots and kaiju inexplicably present. Washington still crossed the delaware, he just did it on the back of a sea monster, and the second amendment guarantees your right to own a mecha.
>Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?
i love desiging characters and writing little bios for them. problem is many of them i fear will never get a chance to see the light of day. i have my script finished and at this time i cant really shoehorn any more in. right now i am saving many of them for padding, cameos, or possibly future projects if necessary.

Ask me for resources or books and stuff to learn how to draw next shit

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*N shit

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I have a concern and I didn't know who to ask but /ic/. I have been running a webcomic for a few years now and I see that every independent webcomic goes to tapas or webtoons. Is it possible to go anywhere without going through those 2 sites? If possible I want to avoid that, I don't like how limiting the sizes can be.

Reply to this post and Ill draw lewds of your webcomic.

Let's see a sample of your art first.

No. You go in blind here.

Pls do me first

Yes and No

You can host your comic in a less popular site but unless you have some kind of presence in a popular one, you won't get your influx of viewers

If you don't want to bother with management of social media to be popular. Just recycle/use the content you are already making (like making a speed drawing / stream drawing in youtube and twitch, post your good drawings in a subreddit and twitter, etc)

which one is your comic?

So basically I need to make a tumblr and twitter and do fan art I gotcha.

Attached: ch2-pg6.jpg (3035x4299, 3.47M)

>tapas or webtoons
so these are good ways to go about things rather than running your own domain and stuff?

Not what I meant but go ahead.

Any means of making yourself known and whatever site you host your stuff in, is good

Like I said, you don't have to pander or put a lot of effort in your social media. Just post content you already made that you think could attract eyeballs (like streamning yourself drawing, posting drawings you made into an interesting format like your drawing skill progression, lewd drawings you've made, etc) in a popular site.

This is good information, thank you. :D

reposting this faggot shit.

do et.

Attached: 25.png (2863x4082, 401K)

Pretty much. You have to follow their rules and have to compete with others being hosted, but if you can't afford the time or money to create your own site it's a good alternative to that.

I've been trying to improve my linework as I have a habit of making them too thick.

Attached: cat.png (350x450, 27K)

It's interesting how you don't hold yourself to always connecting the lines but it looks fine

Smackjeeves and ComicFury

Thx love you XOXOXO!

not that user but can you set up a comic on comicfury and have it redirect to your own website while still using the comicfury features like subscribing to comics?

Who the fuck took my name on twitter

>my twitter handle is @laundrymom_ cause some white mom made a twitter called @laundrymom and it hasn't tweeted since 2012

Attached: anger.png (165x222, 14K)

That’s why you lock down everywhere at the same time

I think I just thought of a good new business.

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I know you weren't born yet when that show was out, but this is when you need to tell Filmation to suck it and be The_REAL_Laundrymom
... or surely laundry_mom

finished this page!

Attached: page 6.gif (1364x2000, 545K)

in the first panel you make a error (the black dot)

>tfw someone made lewds of my comic on their own volition
shame i cant ever show it to anyone

Attached: Untitled.png (301x249, 81K)

thanks dude, i'll clean that up.

Not as good as the last shootyshoot one, but more animated than my comic has ever been.
Wait where? I don't see a dot.
Why not? Also awesome, those things from that game deserve lewds. Horn perspective is a littl eoff but still.

Three new WIP pages from the Sci-Fi comic I write for/create with the help of an artist/colorist.

A few things still need to be rendered (the cockpit, some people, etc.) and then colored before the pages are complete.

Attached: Anchor_lineart_page_13.jpg (595x842, 119K)

Attached: Anchor_lineart_page_14.jpg (595x842, 139K)

Attached: Anchor_lineart_page_15.jpg (595x842, 136K)

I haven't uploaded my comic in this site yet so i'm not sure about that but you can ask people there

Their forums is very active

They are less noticeable once the color is in.

Attached: cat.png (350x450, 43K)

Yeah plus a lot of professionals do that.

Yeah, but in some cases it makes it more difficult to do coloring since you can't do quick fills as easily.

Help a fellow out: Is it relatively clear what is happening in this three page sequence?

Attached: CI_Ch1_Pg82.png (940x1216, 987K)

Attached: CI_Ch1_Pg83.png (940x1216, 1.07M)

Attached: CI_Ch1_Pg84.png (940x1216, 752K)

No, but I don't have an art degree so I can't give valid feedback.

Yep. That's probably why clipstudio introduced a setting just for that. automatically ignoring small gaps.
I wish they had a setting so that when you turn a corner with a pen and 'trap' some individual pixels, it automatically fills them.

Looks like he's casting a spell and/or just sending out a capeful of spores to lay on the field for whatever reason
the inset panel doesn't work when A) the surroundings of the inside of the panel are the same color as the stuff behind them and B) the only thing inside the panel isn't remotely being contained by it.

Shepherd/prophet looking dude and his rabid wolf descend the golden mountain (?), to face the masked invaders perhaps. He moves his cape and his body dissolves into a lot of those things I dont know the english name for. Plants.

We call them dientes de leon here, lionteeth, and kids use them to grant wishes. At least I think they are those.

>dientes de leon
well now I know where 'dandelion' in english comes from. Thanks anonmigo.

so THAT was the word for them. I was this close of calling them "dandruff" because I vaguely remembered it sounded like that.

There's a tool sort of like that, I think it's called fill marquee.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
I was extremely inspired by a temple I was at during my first visit to Tokyo, leading me to make Oni x Fox, set in feudal Japan.

The setting for Space Pack took a long time to decide. Eventually I based it on the town I grew up in as a kid.

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I got bored and decided to make a spiderman fan comic. Anything constructive helps.

Attached: spidersketch.jpg (1000x1000, 227K)

Is there?
but using a separate tool for it would defeat the purpose, it would just be nice if lineart recognized "oh theyre doing lineart, let's not leave little white bits"

roughs.Wanted to do this to make a color scheme for the characters.
How are you supposed to come up with more exaggerated poses? I tried and the figure just came out as more distorted.

Attached: Twin Genie P6.jpg (800x617, 50K)

I have no idea, I think some people just 'get' poses, and I'm not one of them. I bet those people also know what to do with their hands at parties.
but you're visibly getting better.

For poses try using lines before solid shapes. Colors lower the saturation.

Another page done. The tide is turning, but at what cost?
I said when i started this that I expected the first chapter to be about 30 pages. I thought that was over estimating. Turns out I was right.
I am so close to being done with this chapter though, I am so excited.
The next two chapters are more gag stories, so they are considerably shorter. Then chapter 4 is a big plot relevant one that will be about another 30 pages.

Attached: Tad Danger page 24.png (664x940, 473K)

nice angles bro

Thanks, I try to keep it interesting.

>Colors lower the saturation
what do you mean

On the color wheel you can either drag the cursor to the more grey area. Keep the color values low enough so its easy on the eyes. I can do a tut meme if you want.

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what does that have to do with poses?

>you aren't learning to work with a group
As intended, it's risky to have other people involved and it would take away the purity of the comic.

Not if you do it right.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?
I enjoyed reading/watching fantasy stories set in modern times, but often wished some went a little further and made an alternative version of Earth. No Americas or China, just unique regions set in modern day. Makes me think of new cultures and locations without worrying about how it translates to our world.
I feel like it's something more urban fantasy stories should take advantage of, it's pretty fun if you're into worldbuilding and wish to take a different spin on urban settings. I came up with a bunch of ideas on how magic would work in current society if it's been around since the beginning of mankind.

No polite way to phrase this but its better said than not- I have no idea what the fuck is happening in your comic or why. Did anything about the gangsters amount to anything? I actually like the characterization and the action but I have no context for it further than 3 panels back.

That’s all rather depressing.

>Listening to an unproven autist on Yea Forums just cause he can speak authoritatively

Having trouble sketching a car in the next page so I might as well post these sketches in the meantime.
It's in spanish right now because I'm making shit up as I draw and I'm the beanest. Will translate if I ever finish these pages.

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boy I'm glad someone else said it first. I also can't follow the story.
I'm mostly reading it for the character interactions, which are top notch

muy bueno. Hope you continue, this looks awesome. What is it with you beaners and making good webcomics? It's almost like you're the same as everyone else and a reasonable proportion of you are going to be good artists and vice versa.
Also cars are hard. Just use a 3d model of a car or a toy car. Also I would respect any comic that just invented new kinds of cars for their setting that are easier to draw. The ones in Doug always looked pretty easy.

>Also cars are hard. Just use a 3d model of a car or a toy car.
No a bad idea, thank you

Even Cruella DeVil's car was a toy and they flat-out rotoscoped it. Nobody can really expect you to draw cars by hand.

looks great man keep going

I'm not dead bois, alive and based as ever, next story from Continental Breakfast is coming: RINGS
here are some wips!

Attached: prev.jpg (800x3464, 1.26M)

Fuckin love it
so is CB an anthology then? Or is this tied in to the previous story

CB is an anthology but all the stories happen in the same universe, thought they are about very different things, if we had a timeline Romance would be the endgame and Rings the first one to happen!

Are any of you actually making it?
What's your highest follower count on one site?

>telling people with a dream to give up.
Is like pissing in the wind

Eh. I have a ways to go.

Attached: followercount.png (288x46, 5K)

If you create art only to "make it" you lost since the beggining. Focus on getting better and knowing what your public likes.

I’m in the process of planning it out and working on concept art. I can’t officially put it out for a year because I want to be able to keep a steady update schedule and there is no way I’ll be able to do that until next June.

why bother with a pipe dream

Because it can inspire you to do things? Also you should start small, no one will write a magnum opus on first try.

>Because it can inspire you to do things?
Yet, only to fail miserably.

If you're WEAK.

>Because it can inspire you to do things?
name one

Drawing obviously?

>can nail the vibe/aesthetic i want to create for my setting
>can't draw or write or create characters or have full story ideas
where to even begin

Find someone drawing approximately the comic you have in mind. Pitch what you have.

tell me about the comic

>Did anything about the gangsters amount to anything?
It's about to. During this month the main story is going on a break so July is going to be a "short story" month (basically filler, even though all of the stories have some world building threads in them). Starting from August there's gonna be a huge storyline to bookend this whole arc and it's going to revolve around Coyle, the gang and the rest of the town.

I'm really glad both of you like the characters and I sincerely hope you stick around, because, starting from here, the story quality is going nowhere but up. And thank you very much for your input. I'd rather read and respond to criticism then to anything else.

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>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?

I came up with Verloren while writing down ideas on my notepad at work. The whole thing came about when I was conceptualizing a robot society with social classes based on memory loss and build quality.

I like to think that it's a better cyberpunk setting than most because it doesn't focus on hacker bullshit. It's a survivalist setting.

>What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?

There's a bunch of side stories exploring topics like robots in nature that I may not be able to do as full comics.

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how many of you gave up before you even started?

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>gave up
I didn't. Webcomics aren't my end goal, but they're still good for doing a throwaway project that I can focus on and that'll help me become a better artist than just doing nothing. At least this way, I'll be able to apply and work on different aspects of drawing (anatomy, perspective, color, construction) than just one and stagnate.
It helps for one to have an obsessive desire to tell a story.

It's out. A small change in updates. Instead of 4~6 pages every week, I'm limiting it to 1~3 instead. I don't to burn through my buffer too fast, considering that I have 60 more pages minimum to complete.

I like this a lot! Got a link?

No, no, that's Boruto you're talking about

I forgot if I posted Wednesday's strip but here's today's that finally shows the other main character. Three more strips next week to conclude this "chapter" and then a week hiatus to try and build a small buffer.

I'm not reading all of that but my comic is a combination of a newspaper comic and a continuous story, so I think I should be alright.

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colored my new page in like an hour this morning, I've had so much work lately I'm happily surprised I've been able to keep drawing.

Attached: page54.jpg (940x1199, 705K)

The ending of Naruto made it clear that it was set it in modern times, making the whole series set "in modern times" in retrospect.

Attached: speedhuh.png (236x239, 50K)

I'm not wrong


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I like these "surreal adventure" type comics
I think I'll keep my eye on this

Is it possible to turn your webcomic into a money making scheme so you don't have to work anymore?

New update to Tom N Artie Tales! The job gets more complicated for the duo when the locals decide to get involved on Artie's part!

Tom N Artie Tales is the spin off to the main series. It's focused on shorter jobs the duo have done along with a different artist for each story.

Attached: TNA Mini 5 Letters Page 09-01 TAPAS.png (790x1200, 1.32M)

And another sticker design with that!

Attached: Tom and Artie Buddies v2.png (1242x1756, 296K)

Can't wait!!


whoa prequel

Yeah I got the feeling we should just be patient. Glad I was right.

I mean, we've all been there..
nice shading

Jesus Christ why drawing female faces so hard. I always make them too manly or fat.

Attached: 9Uqc2nh.png (1080x801, 825K)

start removing details. girls are just children.

It's all about the chin and eyes. I can't get it right.


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Early WIP of page 2 for Transients Issue #2.

Attached: Page 2.jpg (827x1296, 621K)

Honestly nothing to show yet. I'm just starting, and i'm mostly trying to draw same characters more than once for consistency purposes as preparation for the real thing. So far i don't have a problem with male characters, females are mine kryptonite.

Attached: Sam.png (960x1280, 190K)

oh hi
well show us your females when you get one drawn and we will help.

a lot

fooq brah, dat's sum gud sheet

is this a fetish?

I wouldn't say gave up, I realized I couldn't make a scheduled webcomic with my current life (and issues) with it being both on par with what I expect from myself as well as not sacrificing what little joy I have for my hobbies right now.
So, more on the backburner till my shit gets sorted out.

How is this french webcomic called where a women turns her CEO into a girl and gives her an bulgarian dialect?

Now that I lost my job I am free to work on my comic every day haha

Attached: wechsel35.png (1988x3056, 2.72M)

So you've got nothing.

Just say you've got nothing. Nobody cares about your backstory, just what you actually produce.

it's someone's fetish

congratulations! feels good man.
get some freelance work so you can put off getting a real job.

lemme add up some of the discussion:

1- Passion projects are a gamble that most of the time won't pay off. If you look at famous authors and what their favorite characters, books, etc are. They probably will end up picking a "literally who" in their collection. Their Magnum Opus tend to never be what they worked on for years.

I remember on Yea Forums people talking about an author that worked for a decade in a book only for it to get shit reviews and the rest of his work be held in a pedestal.

If you are focusing only in one story, S T O P.

Either do one shots of different ideas and see if any people like it or doodle half assed ideas and see if anyone likes or whatever, but NEVER put all of your effort in a single basket.

2-Your passion project should be a sidebitch income. use what you know to get a degree in graphic design, web page design, social media manager, art teaching, etc. Shove whatever kind of pedigree you can in your portfolio and get a job doing that.

Art is not a necessity, is a luxury, very few people will drop bucks into buying art.

If you are rock bottom and can't afford some framed toilet paper you can hang in a office saying you mastered a career, just make an improvised stall and offer portraits and sell whatever doodles you want to get rid off.

Commissions included and all of that as well.

Reading about marketing will help you a lot with art

3-Actually learn, at least superficially, about Social media and web page management, art, writing and marketing plus the regular criticisms thrown at web comics ( )

4-If you can somehow convince yourself to let your web comic be a hobby rather than serious work, it would be preferable. Like user listed the reasons above, web comics is a niche on a niche (Art, comics in art, digital comics in art, indie digital comics in art, indie digital comics in art, etc)

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>Either do one shots of different ideas
"Do one shots" is the advice people who never make comics give to comic creators. Don't do one shots unless it's actually your goal to make one shots, just fucking jump in to the project you want to make and go for it. If it doesn't work out, oh well, you can always quit and you'll have a lot more experience for next time around.

>If you are focusing only in one story, S T O P.
I do have an other story in mind which will probably a be a lot more appealing to many people but I still want to go on with my passion project even when it will take about 3 years to finish.

>If you are focusing only in one story, S T O P.
This is really bad advice, please don't listen to this guy.
>Art is not a necessity, is a luxury, very few people will drop bucks into buying art.
What? Tons of people pay money to see movies, watch TV and read comics. Comics are even called the Ninth Art.

You can look up all the claims the posts are making. You will find very little incongruities.

You shouldn't give up, however, you should have realistic expectations about the outcome.

Webcomics are at the bottom of the bucket in glamour and fame when talking about arts.

Expect dirt as a payment is you want a spot in the non-lucrative world of digital webcomics.

Partially this.

Sometimes you have to take it up the ass if you want to survive in a industry.

Make porn of your characters and put them behind a paywall, get a shitty youtube channel where you upload clickbait tier content like drawing with jazza and Butch Hartman, draw dumb shit for famous people that they can retweet, do commissions, etc.

If you only want what you want, don't be surprised that people don't pay attention to your creation, because is not what they want.

Lastly, is not a super hard unachievable goal. Even though is a super niche thing, there are a few people out there that have famous enough creations despite being digital only artists.

Think of the comics /pol/ likes to shitpost like ben garrison and the not so subtle hwite supremacists or whatever, and the people in the L O L threads in Yea Forums.

Even L O S S started as a passion project and ended up being a meme that just wont die, which would be pretty flattering to me, at least.

Or even shadman that somefuckinghow incidentally creates famous enough characters to get fanart (the latest ones being the depressed edgy black haired boy and the male mewtwoo) and get some fame around the internet.

Also, READ ABOUT ONLINE MARKETING. Seriously, memes and online presence is the judge if your comic lives and dies.

Good subjects to dissect:
>the entire channel awesome scandal and the rising up back from demo-reel
>/pol/ shitposter comics
>the entire lol threads in Yea Forums really. they talk about rules for web comics a lot and give a lot of feedback. Check the archives

You talk big about all these ways to get popular, but do you have any substance behind it? What's your comic?

I'm having fun writing this, though I don't think I have any audience whatsoever. Also it looks like shit. But yeah it fun.

Attached: comic29.png (640x480, 60K)

Re-read what I wrote.
The point is not no be an octopus and work in 5 different projects and get overworked.

Just don't put all your eggs in a basked. Do a small comic, entertain other ideas and present them to audiences in some way and check how much people are interested.

Just don't put all your effort in a single project you may work for years that most likely wont pay off.

Like I said, authors tend to have the most love for works that tend to not pay off as much as others.

It's even a cliche in youtube, hearing people say "I worked in a video for so long and a lot of people didn't see it and yet I worked for a day in this video and got me the most views" etc.

You are a massive fucking retard or delusional.
Studios pay for licenses.
If you were to milk money from comics, it would be for characters, comics in themselves make dirt in profit.

Take 5 random people, and ask them the last time they paid for a comic.

My pedigree is the fact that I earn money from art you massive retard. I explored different avenues.

What makes me the most money at is just doodle portraits and dumb shit weebs ask for in public places.

Very people go out of their way to donate.

Even projects that were formally planned in person fell off just because the person with the big bags of money just kinda got bored or forgot about it or for whatever reason just didn't want to work in whatever you were planning.

You are all overestimating how much people are willing to go out of their way to pay an artist, or even to pay for art.

Attached: 1552750741431.jpg (546x565, 106K)

>My pedigree is the fact that I earn money from art you massive retard. I explored different avenues.
>What makes me the most money at is just doodle portraits and dumb shit weebs ask for in public places.
I'm asking if you actually make a comic, friend. Making webcomics is not the same as making meme art online. If you really are making big bucks from art, post your work.

I am not making meme art online you cock gargling retard.

I draw various types of art (mainly portraits) in around one hour per costumer.I'm extremely familiar with deadlines, rough sketching, etc. The very few times I've made comics have been more or less the same except you get breaks to drink enough coffee to burn a hole trough your stomach and to look up tutorials online because you don't know how to draw woody texture or a lot of particles or wathever

Here is a shit inking doodle I made years ago that was on my desk.

The brown stuff is coffee

Attached: 20190712_193744.jpg (2576x1932, 1.79M)

please don't post here again

>I don't have any counterpoints so I'll just tell him to go away

Attached: 2sre1p.jpg (326x294, 23K)

>Posting that
So you don't actually make webcomics. Thanks for the confirmation.

>They probably will end up picking a "literally who" in their collection
Why is this important

I made comics you massive retard.

How fucking low cognitive you have to be to read a post.

I posted that because is what I have at reach.

ant to see other shit I've made? fine.

How about you idiot actually point out a flaw or stop trying to make "hey there is a typo in your post though luck pal haha" tier points.

>Actually going for the post your work meme, that is well known in drawing circles for being a shit argument
>Not even posting your work

Ballsy to be a retard and have no fear of displaying it

Attached: Carson_shitty_colored_compressed.jpg (2992x2324, 777K)

Authors are bad at purposefuly making master pieces.

They tend to attach themselves to works that won't be as praised as others in their library.

that's one of the most backwards ways of saying a true thing I've ever heard.
that's like saying "people in the hospital tend to stand underneath falling objects and in the path of oncoming vehicles"

I see a flaw in this drawing, and it's not the coloring.

forgot to add, pic was a conceptual character sketch for a VN, which never released I think.

and my design was thrown out for something more realistic.

what the fuck do you want me to do about it

nothing I guess, just don't blame creative people for wanting to do something that won't perform as well, blame the idiot executives in charge of sinking anything new and creative.

>PoSt YoUr WoRk

But seriously, I haven't done a clean character design in literal years. I don't think I have saved in my PC one of those.

Like I said, it's pretty rare that I get involved in a project that goes beyond the brainstorming.

have a cow eye

Attached: mbw64wXdWLY.jpg (546x663, 72K)

New layouts! Need to make an adjustment to Page 7, Panel 1's PoV, but otherwise we're getting there!

Attached: layouts.jpg (6504x2792, 3.57M)


Do you really need a script before working on a comic? Can't I just write a short story and base it off that or do anything else. I don't see how writing a script will help

you dont need anything
you dont even need words in your comic, it could be entirely just visuals, or the opposite of that

Having a script allows you to visualize what you're going to do before you do it. It also makes sure you hit the right beats, don't forget anything, and confirms that your dialogue and actions actually make sense within the confines of your narrative. What is more important than the script though is your premise (or outline), as it should be about a page long and explain in summary what your story is about, the major plot points, characters, etc. When you're making a comic you typically start with a log line, then go to an outline, and then you start do the script (or in some cases you might make a spec, if that's requested of you but you don't necessarily need to do this unless you want to chart out the entire story before actually sitting down and writing it).

The length, and detail put into each panel (or shot) is entirely up to you though. I tend to follow Moore and Morrison's script examples and write about a paragraph per panel. This translates into roughly 50 pages per 20 page script.

>or the opposite of that
I think that would be called a book

I am trying to imagine Bendis writing a book.

hoes mad

epic post

Would you ever make a comic about?


>/hyw/ outright rejecting hard-to-swallow-pills

Nah but what I wanted to ask the thread is, how do you deal with the Superman problem? How do you write around a character being too strong to challenge? I'm not on Yea Forums often and it seems the board to know
All I know offhand
>make the story a comedy, don't hinge anything on the conflicts
>threaten something they care about
>they end up in a situation they can't beat physically
>someone even stronger shows up after they got used to being on top and starts kicking their ass

Not likely, but it's nice to have somewhere where the all foreshadowing and complex lines are written down

Attached: yN0OQCuu.gif (171x174, 372K)

I like that last one. What made STAS so cool was he was frequently going after ludicrously strong guys, so you really felt like he had a niche in this setting.

Made this page just to test out character color schemes. I messed up the faces and lots of other stuff, but idk. Are any of these good or needs something better?

Attached: Twin Genie 6 - Color Test.png (900x678, 694K)

janey's hair is conspicuously brighter than her skin, and that coupled with her dark sclerae that apparently Bonnie has too but not Jinny, makes the hair kinda too neon and stand out too much.
I feel like Sammy on the other hand isn't saturated enough. Overall the balances of brightness and saturation seem really uneven. But the basic color choices are good.

you give him challenges worthy of him. if your average villain isnt a threat, then he should regularly be facing physical gods.
a hero should never be too powerful that nothing is a threat, should always be a bigger fish.
otherwise you get one punch man.

Gonna be honest, I have no clue what you mean by brightness and saturation. Isn’t the skin for Dee the same? Why is her hair not too neon? How do I make it less of that?

Janey's skin looks less saturated to me. Really it might just be the dark sclerae, why'd you do that? Most people in most cartoon styles leave them white, unless they're already white like ducks or something, then they might get light blue ones.
brightness and saturation are settings in your program. Play with them a little, get a handle for how they work. You'll learn more in a few seconds than I could explain to you in a quarter hour.

I used a color picker on a random cartoon picture's eyes and I got a dark color for the sclerae

what happened to my reply? I swear I made one
Anyway, the thing about that is you have to think about the entire color scheme, cohesively. different scenes are going to apply different changes to the colors, for example night-tinting them. It took me a really long time to figure this out. eyedropping the entirety of a character will help you see it more clearly.

I usually give strong characters crippling personality or literal flaw.
One of my characters is 6,2 robot. So she wouldn't dominate every fight she has a set of drawbacks because of her flawed design
>exposed easily destroyed joints
>constant requirement of water for her nuclear reactor
>very limited ammo capacity
And she doesn't want to improve design in any form because it will make her "perfect machine" and less human.

Attached: BrokenFirstFoal-mobile.jpg (640x360, 14K)


Yes. Get a Patreon and some followers to pay you to make regular updates in exchange for money.

Drawing comics is fun, so even if you have to do it for 10+ hours a day every day to ensure you make the update deadlines and hence earn payment, it doesn't count as work.

Attached: 2019JUL11_rococo_doodle_colored.jpg (848x1200, 162K)

Draw Rococo doing abs someday please.


Attached: tumblr_inline_mspwp6xDOC1qiz0qc.jpg (500x375, 24K)

Happy Saturday update HYW!

We got a new Stardust!

And a new (short) episode of The Trespasser!

Attached: 21-page.png (810x1268, 685K)

I don't really have a retirement plan when I burn out from making my magnum opus. I see myself going "Guess I'll just die" and then post content like once a year. It's like accepting death, I readied myself mentally for when it happens. Lauren Faust wanted to do her original Galaxy Girl series but the industry only allows her do brands for MLP and DC. The other possibility is to hit it big posthumous which LOTR did. I try not to think about it too hard and just enjoy the journey while still being able to make it with as few compromises as possible. Can you imagine keeping something going for 10+ years and only getting breadcrumbs in Patreon? Makes you want to quit and just doodle on paper plates for five bucks each forever, or some other boring moneymaking gig.

Attached: 63aadbb6f4b45b6780714321f92d2404d58c2e48bd6a66064b0ac945cff3cfed.jpg (576x576, 48K)

I'd rather die trying to do some creative endeavor having said that I lived my life kicking and screaming and fighting toward my goal than live a life of mediocrity and "safety" as nothing more than a nameless cog in the machine.

thank you

>forgot to add, pic was a conceptual character sketch for a VN, which never released I think.
Soooo whe have no proof you made comics ? Way to go chap.

Page 24 uploaded!

Attached: The Gang.png (1730x1852, 488K)

Post your work

Don't listen to this dumbass

Okay retard

Are you going to make a point or just be a sperg

this is why she is so short. You need to stretch more between exercises, bunnygirl.

No. You don't deserve one until you stop being a dumbass!

Robot cop.

Attached: robot.jpg (1363x1489, 1.15M)

I've never wanted to quit something I never started so badly.

Attached: IMG_8203.jpg (550x640, 50K)

Is not about giving up the expectation of your comic atracting eyeballs

>One punch man
>That one spooky korean comic
>Penny arcade / Akward zombie / Nerf now / Tim Buckley / jagodibuja /etc
>Chris chan / tails gets trolled
>cyndane and happiness
>/pol/ack tier comics

And so on and so on

Is not that is not feasible ( even something as hard to sell as adventure like one punch and home stuck ) but that it becoming your catapult to fame is expacting waaaay too much

It should be A project, not THE project you want to rely on.

Attached: XoLSaWH.png (582x638, 389K)

I just want to make a cool webcomic fun thing. I don't necessarily want to enter the industry. but ive put it off multiple ideas for years. I'm just accepting I'll never put anything to paper.

Attached: IMG_1903.png (750x1334, 969K)

... Bury*

Ignore that faggot. He's just some rando with a lot of opinions of webcomics, he knows about as much about making them as your average clueless layman.
Make your comic and go for it, user. You can do it. I made the comic I wanted to make and I've managed to get a fairly sizable readership. The worst decision you can make is to give up before you start, feeling demotivated because of an user's shitposts is for chumps. You can do it if you try!

It all feels so weird
When the western comic and illustration population and it’s industry seem to fall apart from stuff like politics, general entertainment audiences not being interested or see comics in at least a half serious light, and oversaturation of the field/interest in general,
I see Japan have a better battleground, with more creative freedom and self publishing, with more than a few even succedding, but yet there’s still problems in it like some of the above and etc.
Both have so much stuff made in the last decade, and yet so many no matter what have to to stand out/survive among other people who want a dream to be real or just want to do something with their lives.
I feel small, only trying to chase autistic thoughts I think are dreams in order to cover up my insecurity of having wasted my best years. I’m shallow for daydreaming of fame, and buying and taking art supplies from my family, to make myself feel like I can be a creative guy. It doesn’t get better when I consume more art, and love it more than making it
I don’t know if I should to try to regret. Sorry for the weeaboo tier thinking

Attached: AA949DC1-ED7C-4E76-8623-51F3BC260548.jpg (400x335, 37K)

New Oni x Fox update! The Kappa are back!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at 2.13.20 PM.png (782x406, 215K)

they're total bros.

Who is Giveboy?

After ten tries i made something resembling a female. Still not sure about the chin and eyes size. Also should i use different line work size, or change it in any way. Because i'm not sure about it, something looks off.

Attached: take two.png (960x1280, 161K)

>How did you come up with your comic's setting?
i'm drawing from personal experiences as well as random fleeting things i encounter that I think are cool or neat. merge the external and internal.
> What makes this setting better than another?
I has grounded elements that make it relatable, but those elements are subverted to provide that sense of wonder / bewilderment.
>Alt Q: What are your favorite elements that you come up for in your comic that won't get to be shown in-comic?
the meta-media rabbit hole i'm trying to build. I might be 80 years old by the time i've got 40% of this shit constructed but dammit I've got PLANS
i think in japan there is more of a structured accessibility to the industry that provides independants with lots of opportunities to become peers of well known mangakas, and the nature of those structures promotes experimentation. definitely worth reading Araki's book "manga theory and practise"

Attached: ch2_pg04.jpg (2550x3300, 1.85M)

that's still a pretty big nose, but it's not wrong. She looks like Catherine Tate.
Lines are nice, but you should start trying to work in different line weights and use pressure sensitivity. Also, that perfectly-even rimlighting makes the head look like a flat embossed image on a coin.

>you should start trying to work in different line weights and use pressure sensitivity
Can you show me where i should make them thicker/thinner?
>Also, that perfectly-even rimlighting makes the head look like a flat embossed image on a coin.
Yeah, i sometimes forget to think 3d.

Attached: take three.png (960x1280, 161K)

Was he trying to shade?

how should I know?
better lighting.
the nose looks better now, but now it feels like you should lower the eyes and the ears with them, creating more forehead. or bring the hairline down with it, creating more cranium. But this kind of facial proportion is popular right now, the Train Your Dragon designs all have a big distance between eyes and nose.
>where i should make them thicker/thinner
it's too complicated to explain. Just look at how others do it.

>the nose looks better now, but now it feels like you should lower the eyes and the ears with them, creating more forehead. or bring the hairline down with it, creating more cranium.
I have problem with circle for a head part. If i'm following lumis method i have no problem drawing male heads, but with females it falls apart.
Here is example someone posted not so long ago. The circle used completely different compared to lumis.

Attached: 1562432534407.png (889x816, 193K)

I would try looking at how Bruce Timm stylizes his females. The ways he does eyes is very simple, but also very aesthetically pleasing.

Here, the eyes seems to be drawn as though we were looking at her head on, the right eye (her left) is what causes the illusion the most - her inner corner should taper to a fine point. In cartoons, they treat eyes as more of a flat surface, which is fine because the rest of the art style seems to match. Here it's almost a mix, with the flat eyes and depth-head. The head is also not round.

I like your designs! Sam is really cute.The art could be buffed out some but for a comic I think it's fine right now. Your art will improve as your draw more so long as you continue to think about it critically.

Attached: lf.jpg (361x600, 64K)

well everyone's different.
Look at where the eyes lie on that head, from chin to the top of the head (ignoring hair)
Now look at yours. For one thing, your woman has a longer lower face, which is a more masculine feature. You could just shorten up the lower face and you'd have an approximately Melissa Joan Hart kinda somewhat-round face.
but you can also just increase cranium size. There's a lot of different kinds of proportions, you have to play around with it during the sketch/construction phase until things look right.

Another thing is that in general, you want eyes to have one eye-width between them. Now obviously if your eyes are very very horizontal or very vertical, that's not going to work as well.
But some of that has to do with arranging the features so they wrap around the head instead of just on a vague flat plane that ignores the rotation of the head.
If the head's rotated to one side, make the centered feathres moved over too, the nose and mouth should be over there, and the 'far' eye should be more compressed horizontally (but they both should a little. that's part of rotating things)

People who don’t make webcomics typically know more about them than those who do. Same goes for music and other things like movies.

I now have 2 months worth of buffer. Can't wait to get to the big fight scene of the chapter since I'm currently drawing worldbuilding and setup/exposition for future events.

Attached: q92mF8p.png (495x450, 55K)

Darn right!

He's the main Oni team's horse! He first appeared in Chapter 17!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at 5.29.42 PM.png (360x276, 101K)

Today I wanted to draw and just couldnt. Hope this is not a feeling that persists.

This was like the best i could do, Douma of the Thousand Demon Parade and human Shuten from my comic.

Attached: douma shuten.png (1600x1200, 1008K)

and this was supposed to be a concord initiative fanart, but ill do it better later. It actually started as an attempt to draw Sutak but somehow my mind slipped towards another character.

Attached: Ilustración.jpg (1600x1200, 422K)

>Talk about precautions you should take
>"but don't give up"

>"wtf I wanna give up now"

>"Don't listen to them, they have no proof they have made a comic, everyone can make a comic, except for them who obviously have never made a comic"

Attached: okay-retard.jpg (265x265, 47K)

If you have a webcomic, post it, friend.

I am not doing anything atm.

I was thinking of doing one page comics like shad shitty comics a week

meeting a quota of pages per week is a pain in the ass

Attached: Pixlr_20180220211542744.png (492x637, 335K)

Thumbs for Pages 9 and 10.

Attached: layouts_lucas_9_10.jpg (1781x1355, 419K)

let's webcomics again
let's webcomics again


Attached: paginas-4.png (573x806, 313K)

why is it in spanish?

Because I'm making it up as I draw/write the script, and spanish is my native language. Gonna translate it as soon as I draw the real deal.

Would you a girl dwarf?

Attached: wfxkul7li6a31.png (640x797, 530K)

no, but that six-eyed bitch is going to feel really bad when she realizes this guy went to all this work for her..

Wouldn't it be more strongly written if it was written in the target language first, or am I just thinking backwards?

Being fluid in my native language lets me write the script more naturally, since I don't need to think twice about the grammar or vocabulary in english

I would that sword

Drafts for the coming pages. It took 90+ pages, but the relevant antagonists have finally arrived. We have 2/3--Velasco and Maestro. Estella will have to wait another chapter.

Attached: CI_Ch1_Pg85.png (940x1216, 762K)

Attached: CI_Ch1_Pg86.png (940x1216, 504K)

Early lines for Page 3 of Transients #2

Attached: 03.jpg (1654x2592, 1.95M)

thanks a lotttt I hope to keep posting the progress I make! (also I can't wait for space pack)
here you go buddy!
beautiful stuff as always magi

What kind of mirrors do animators use? Where can I buy one?

for the love of god man where can i fucking read the rest of your comic

Just finished this little short.... I was looking up jackets to get myself for my birthday and thought up this exchange haha

Awesome!! Looking forward to your progress! And thank you!!! Working hard to get Space Pack ready to go!

Attached: ShirtvsJacket_Spacepack.jpg (800x1731, 1.1M)

Who is the girl on the left

She's the protagonist of my next webcomic!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-13 at 11.59.40 PM.png (499x797, 361K)

I bet if Lilo went to school, she would have tried that shit with Stitch

Nismo looks straight shook in panel 5. I love it.

Looks amazing.

Thanks for the feedback. My general plan is to consistently nail down faces, then i move to face expressions, then to hands and dynamic poses. To start a comic i need 5 characters and some background practice (cities, jungle) I hope to start it in 3-4 month.
Unrelated question. Do you like warhammer?

Attached: 070.png (600x821, 898K)

Why does everyone hate ic here?

ic is just crabs
we have our fair share of crabs here but it's not literally 100% of the posters like it is on ic


begone underage

Is this some discord tranny thing?


Attached: batsy pissing himself laffing at you.jpg (400x400, 76K)

I downloaded sakimichan’s free brush set and they are just heaven to use.

>Do you like Warhammer?
I'm familiar with Vermintide and that's about it. I like Vermintide.

The feel of this page is ominous.

Working on Morgan's redesign now, but I'm having trouble with her color scheme. Originally I had her red/black, but then I realized I was using red in all of the MC's designs. I really like black/yellow knights so I've been tampering with that. Having some trouble getting it to look right on her though.

Attached: M color test.jpg (3988x3300, 2.28M)

Here are some more variations I've been tinkering with.

>How did you come up with your comic's setting? What makes this setting better than another?

I got the setting idea from shovel knight. I liked all the goofy knight types like a king knight, plague knight, and viking knight and thought about making a world that expands on that. Make knighthood like going to college and getting a degree to become a doctor knight or baker knight. Give them all secret techniques and fighting styles and you've got an interesting setting.

Attached: M color test 2.jpg (5100x3300, 2.14M)

Thank you.

here's this page you've already seen but this time you can see it in full res and get me $0.0001 for looking at it

Attached: 25.png (1718x2449, 705K)

Because almost everyone here is a /beg/ and doesn't want to accept it

d, less yellow in the middle drawing attention away from the face

I hope so--it's the debut of the most relevant antagonist of the whole arc.

Whatever fits your needs. Large mirror, maybe two or more for angles, so long as you have the space. Realistically a small pocket/hand mirror or your computers webcam (or phone camera) will do just fine.

im /beg/ and i accept it
i wouldnt be drawing if i wasnt making a comic


Attached: p032.png (600x800, 40K)

Attached: p033.png (600x800, 54K)

She definitely would have!

Haha, thanks!! Poor Nismo!

I agree, I think D is the best one!

How do people come up with ideas for short stories?

secrets tier has what you seek

despite there being red in many other characters' design, it just plain looks good with all that dark desaturated blue, so I say stick with it. It's only trim, that isn't overload. adding a bit of yellow is just distracting, it might as well be limited to three colors so it's not super busy.
I say go with 1, but keep the original's darker parts of the shoes, and the original's shade of the underclothing (rather than the new less-blue version from 1-4)

Is this how profile works? Does this look right?

Attached: Twin Genie P6 sketches.jpg (351x423, 43K)

Roughly. Right lady's eyes are too low, and that's not how hands work at all, but basically that's right.

It's a fist

I gathered that.
Try doing the pose, and mentally look at your hands (I hope you don't have to actually look at them, since from that angle you can't. maybe use a mirror if you do)

would the thumb go on the other side of the hand

New page out now! what do you guys think? should damien and alegro be bros?

Attached: Ale n Zo chillax.png (2700x2100, 1.51M)

I'm back on track with drawing. Had a bit of computer trouble, but it's all good now. Hopefully I get at least two pages done tonight!

Attached: file.png (842x507, 133K)

you drew the same hand twice, for people facing opposite directions.

They seem pretty friendly and I love close relationships between friends

Its sunday! 4 new pages baybee.
I hope i never have to draw those damn stegosaurus plates ever again. Fuck those little diamond bitches.

Attached: the Drak Shak.png (752x300, 103K)

good-ass taste in music
I love that his ideas to override their weapons involve fucking breaking them

the music is something i want to do for each chapter. kinda give each one a theme song.
Tad likes Dad rock.

Gigidigi finally giving up and canceling Cucumber Quest was also a wake-up call for me. Webcomics and long-form storytelling just don't mix. There's a reason most attempts at this end up completely abandoned after spinning their wheels for years. There's a reason no story-based webcomic has pacing even remotely approaching reasonable. This is a mistake. Most of you are hurting yourselves and wasting all of this time and effort. If you think you're an exception, you're probably wrong. Get out while you can.

okay. I'll give trying storytelling forever

Spending hours a day on webcomics is blinding me from new things, creative stuff is nice but it's really counter productive. Even when producing a page per day the pacing is terrible.

Id say as a general rule, unless its a novel, keep it somewhat short.

I think Alegro was a bit too judgemental and Damien was a bit too nervous. I like Alegro but I cant have any symphathy for how uncomfortable he gets around loving fans.

the early parts of CQ are good and will always be good, no matter what else happens
just be-good-at-comics and don't get-worse-at-comics

I see it as one less person as competition.

Well, two less, in this case. :)

Finished this page!

Also, question for readers, for the saga of west tree, would you rather have it inside or outside of the academy?

Attached: page 7.png (2250x3300, 2.77M)

this is why i wrote my script in its entirety before starting and was meticulous with each chapter and have a definite ending set.
provided i keep my same pace, it will be finished in a year and a half, and i can move on to something else. (if i stop updating, just assume i died in a helicopter crash.)
knowing when to stop is important. i always respected BiTF for it. he quit at the top of his game just because he didnt want it to get stale. at least that is what he said officially. im sure there is more to it, but that is beside the point.
you dont want to languish with nowhere to go.

schools are the worst setting. besides theyre all old enough to go sixthies on an apartment and make that their crimefighting headquarters now. with sexy results.

BiTF was goddamn beautiful.

schools are the best setting. have it completely within the schoolgrounds

he has his reasons, i will reveal em eventually but i like the slow boil style of character building, gives a deeper understanding of their character quirks

Attached: Ambra.png (1200x1800, 328K)

>very few people will drop bucks into buying art
Unless we're talking about furries

Attached: watermelon wolf.jpg (960x731, 152K)

Is it normal to get grain when converting brightness to opacity in CSP? I guess the colors are okay here, I think.

Attached: Twin Genie P6 Dee and Janey.png (1000x1062, 1.37M)

it really was.

>converting brightness to opacity
what grain are you talking about?
good job fixing up the hands, though I feel like you don't have an understanding of what the lines under their eyes represent. is that today's lesson?

new one, from rough to finish only took a few hours. I figured out how to load screentones as a photoshop pattern which offers a major improvement in the workflow.
definitely gonna be hossing on this since I'll have more free time soon

Attached: ch2_pg05.jpg (2550x3300, 1.2M)

Cardinal Junction update!

Attached: 66.png (1291x2000, 2.56M)

Those are just lines to emphasize angry eyes, or other emotions that I see used all the time.
>what grain are you talking about?
If you look under the lamp, there's a line that's still there when I pressed "convert brightness to opacity" in CSP, to convert the traditional pen to digital ink. There's more all of the picture and I can get rid of them by using the magic wand and deleting each section, but that makes the lines smaller.

Attached: Capture.png (358x672, 40K)

Would anyone like their script read?

The grain is probably artifacts from the paper. I would try to just adjust brightness and contrast manually in the Edit

Huh, I always just used threshold.

There is no competition, readers are consumers and they will consume what they like. This is not a guarantee that they will like your comic lol.

I'm just going to think out loud for a sec:
Novels are already short compared to full series. And what's the minimum count for novels, something like 240 pages or so, right?
Once you factor out the narrative bits that still comes down to about 100 pages of comic (more or less). At 25-40 pages a chapter, that's only about three or four chapters give or take a few.
A novel still comes out as a pretty short comic story, to be quite honest.
Still a lot of work involved if you are the artist and writer, though.

Oh hey didn't get a good opening to say this- your colors are largely fine except for the odd burgundy backgrounds and the two snakes. I don't know what Sammy's design is going for and Coatl's name immediately makes me compare them to Quetzacoatl, which looks odd and garish but pulls it off.

Current problems I can see are in drawing level which I addressed in pic related. Unless I was wrong and this looks bad, in which case, hey check it! It's fanart!

Attached: twin genie copy copy copy - Copy.png (2046x1062, 2.21M)

I took Sammy's color from an albino milk snake, idk. He's supposed to be a cobra that's part cloud. I had no clue how to color the snakes, so they came out weird.
>design is going for
>which looks odd and garish but pulls it off.
What do you mean?

>Current problems I can see are in drawing level which I addressed in pic related
Do leotards have folds?

I don't think you can see the navel in profile

well, the gold looks better
but why would you turn a perky nose into a beak one? Or do ... any of the other things you did?

>What do you mean?
The Quetzacoatl looks cartoonish, but it pulls it off. It is a good design. And the first thing Coatl would be compared against.
>Do leotards have folds?
Not a clue. Those lines are along her hip and spine, however, and give the impression of a 3d shape. The top would have folds.

>Sammy's design
I think it's the spots on the hood, they immediately make you think of Mario mushrooms. RE:animals+clouds, look up the pokemon Raikou and Altaria. They incorporate them well.

>Or do ... any of the other things you did?
In general: Because I could. I wanted to see if any changes were worthwhile. I don't lose anything by trying.
In specific:
>beak nose
Contrasts better against Dee-Jinny's. She also has a downturned nose in the group shot but I wasn't thinking of that at the time
Appeal/simplicity. Faces were very busy with it. Expressions remain unchanged with it gone.
>Dee-Jinny's mouth, Janey's teeth, Janey's eyes
Janey appears angry whereas Dee-Jinny just looks baffled. Emphasizing this.
Dee-Jinny's leg second leg is visible. It does not look in profile.

By the way, it's just an edit. I act the way you act when I'm trying desperately to not call something shit. If you think I'm wrong, say so. It's not like it's gonna hurt my feelings

Attached: Quetzalcoatl_telleriano.jpg (560x477, 78K)

Well that's an unusual thing to do, but I guess you have a point. It doesn't hurt anything.

It's funny that the /hyw/ rejects discord ended up just being CF, Dewd, and underage children just talking to themselves all day.

not my own, but I'm sure someone could get off to it

Attached: 20190712_012322_0001.jpg (2550x3300, 838K)

yep, I'd love to have more new people coming in, but any time I talk about discord here I get banned.

Well, at least I got one page done.

Attached: file.png (984x473, 293K)

Dewd used to have an excuse for being dogshit because he was a kid, but he's a college graduate now, he has no excuse anymore.

I think I just realized why I have so much trouble with my attempts at literally everything going on in this page
when you do it right, you don't see it as a deliberate result of drawing techniques, it's just a living real depiction of events. Kinda hard to check your work and be like "do I stop seeing it yet?" or to analyze what other artists are doing right when I can't see the puppet strings as it were.


Wait, are you in the rejects discord?
That's also pretty crazy. I can somewhat understand that the mods don't want to see constant advertising for discord, but an outright ban seems overly harsh.

maybe she shouldn't live in california, then

Attached: _light.png (266x431, 262K)

yeah, I created it actually, if you and I mean the same server.

been fucking around in CSPs animation tools the last couple days. cant show most of it cause this is a blue board but I did this. I have being limited to 2 seconds of work tho. I really want to upgrade.

Attached: Devils Moon OP 1 Tommy heavenly6 - PAPERMOON [TV size] (720).gif (1280x720, 167K)


Fix the staging, you want to show the vase breaking before she vanishes. You want to present an idea clearly, and it muddles the animation when you have competing actions. I mean, i guess it does take place right after, but it should hold for a few more frames or use more anticipation to make it clearer. Although, you probably did that because of the strange limit. The overlapping action of the hair should also be fixed. An easy way to think of this is pic related. It might just be me, but it doesn't look like the vase has any weight or depth.

Attached: simple-hair.gif (850x478, 172K)

An average shot length (asl) in animation is around 3-6 seconds. If you want something longer than that right now you can just edit the scenes together using ffmpeg (for now), which would let you focus on one action at a time. It might put you over 4 mb limit though, and be harder to flip. ASL in live-action is usually longer since it is less expensive to just keep the camera rolling and do no cuts, but in animation it is usually shorter since it is more costly. Especially for 3D, because of the rendering and time costs. This is why you'll see so many cuts in animation.


Das right. Gotta skip "story telling" and go straight to making #relatable comic strips. Everyone does it, so clearly it's the best and only option. Pfft, no audience wants a narrative. That's why Game of Thrones was hated so much.

Newest Tom N Artie update is live! Now into the Director's lab where he conducts unspeakable experiments.

Attached: TNA 2 Letters Page 013-01 TAPAS.png (790x1200, 1004K)

And the last sticker design finished

Attached: Tom N Artie Rocket Launcher v2 .png (1242x1756, 348K)

Game of Thrones was hated by the end.
Everyone still loves Garfield.

>Everyone still loves Garfield.
the fuck you say

Here's the new Monster Lands page:

Attached: monsterlands.184.png (792x1224, 876K)

Thank you, I appreciate it.

These all look amazing so far. I am looking forward to seeing more. These all look very high class big 2 house style. Whenever I see stuff like this, as well as stuff like Devil's Candy I get really inspired, because beyond just technically good, they also looks fun drawings to work on as well.


Sometimes I lose track of my own lore, I have been carrying this world building project for too long, meet the big bad for Rococo Comic, but technically she is just some normal girl down the street.

Attached: 2019JUL15_rain_profile_draft1.jpg (848x1200, 208K)

Attached: Vector-and-Raster-10.png (1600x1200, 352K)

Still in college actually.

Thing is, what you tell in one page of a comic, you might tell in one or two paragraphs of a novel, and the work that goes behind each is incredibly different. A novel allows you to keep a constant flow of narrative, while a comic has you designing, sketching, inking, coloring, etc a few pages that advance the plot way more slowly. I think I could make a novel about any webcomic posted here in 1/4 the time or less the authors take to finish it. Probably WAY less.

Proofreading not included.

How get idea for comic on web?

what kind of story do you want to tell?

Attached: 2019JUL15_helga_profile_draft1.jpg (848x1200, 180K)

Needs idea.

I'm still can't figure out how to draw eyes. They are either psychotic evil or stoner scared. Send help.

copy anime.
why do you want to make a comic, if not because of a pre-existing idea?



Draw porn for that.

seconding this. How write idea for comic on web?

webcomics rarely make money

Are you an actual idiot?

you can't get money for drawing porn

Thumbs for Pages 11 & 12.

Attached: layouts_lucas_11_12.jpg (1738x1344, 510K)

The real misstep she did was hand lettering her comic. Holy shit why? Only a few characters used different fonts, too

hand lettering can be fun

tell that to the artists that get commisions

I made this simpson doodle comic

Attached: AFAC0BE9-AF9F-4B92-8442-CD69AE5149CC.jpg (1812x2046, 752K)

shit bruh it looks awesome

Thank you.

Is the triangle with the fist in it supposed to be a transition panel to him grasping his cloak and turning into those seeds?

If that is the case you should move it closer to the second panel, maybe switch it and the text bubbles places. As it is, it kinda disrupts the panel flow, leading the eye into the upper right corner.

I tried making it more feminine using mspaint lasso tool. Try looking at the differences between them, hope it helps.

Attached: anattempt.png (1956x1280, 306K)

Any guides on drawing folds on clothing?

Little doodle from last night!

Cute art style!

Awesome thumbnails. Looking forward to seeing more.

Attached: Cass_Sonny_Spacepack.jpg (1162x1363, 698K)

Seems like Jackets won.

there are individuals who spend over 1k on references for their shitty fursona user

Looks like it! Now she's celebrating with her favorite mascot, haha

Updated the logo for Urchin, old one on top, new on bottom.

Attached: LogoOldNew.png (3384x2760, 2.45M)

saw this on twitter, very nice work.

an actual idiot would be refreshing nowadays.

Early lines for Page 4 of Transients Issue #2.

Attached: Page_4.jpg (1654x2592, 1.67M)

I think we all knew this would happen.

it's been upgraded from exellcent to excellent!
Urchin in a nutshell

yumpin yiminy, don't let it fall off page 10

don't know if I already asked, but do you want to be in the discord? or are you already in??

this artist is already in the good discord, you should come join us
actually I think you are already. It's so hard to keep track.

Toast needs some better coverage moves.

(Read the rest at etc shill shill self-promote)

Attached: p84smol.png (770x1155, 748K)

>dat underboob

Attached: 1524972257145.png (361x500, 397K)

I'm also quite a fan of the navel-high waistline holding down those dress flaps.
I don't fully get this though, I assume we saw him charging a lightning attack on the previous page, but the birds don't even seem damaged, only the cutie in the magic antigravity skirt seemingly being carried by legless birds whose beaks aren't attached to her in any way
I don't mean to nitpick so hard, I like this a lot.

Is it weird if I’m scared of drawing or writing something because I know it won’t be good?

Start with the outline and then create the script.

The first draft of anything is shit, so you need to get feedback.

it's not weird to be scared, it's weird not to be
but it's cowardly to make decisions based on fear, rather than being cautious based on rational judgment

I don't know how many pages it'll take to write. If it should only be less than three or more than fifty, and fifty sounds really daunting for a first time writing any story. Sometimes I want to draw something that's out of my comfort zone, but I just get scared knowing that it'll end up looking bad and I procrastinate drawing it for a long time.

instead of being afraid, groan at how that page is going to take you twice as long because it involves something you're not practiced in
then, next time you want to practice, remind yourself you're saving time next time something like that comes up because you'll be more prepared.
and don't worry, page numbers will fly by once you're in the swing of things.

The idea was that it was a fire blast, and it didn't hurt the birds because the birds resist fire, as established earlier in the chapter. But my reference image for "make it look big a big cool anime attack, like thhis" was a kamehameha, which introduced some visual confusion that made it a little unclear to the artist, and thus the reader.

I still procrastinate even when I think I’m just practicing. I don’t know how to stop that

oh I see, so he is criticizing himself that he chose the wrong one, and all it did was toast the girl.
and the two different effectiveness reports are for the bird and her. Now I follow.

just get in the right zone.


if you've never gotten into the zone, I don't know what to tell you.

Just write. Imagine how much you could have gotten done already if you sat down and started typing stuff into Word instead of waiting for strangers to give you all the answers.

I had same problem with gym, I was making up excuses to not start doing exercises. It's like therapy where you are exposed to something you afraid of. You need to just do it, even if results will be laughable. You need to do more to fail more and faster. And share your shit even if it's bad, you can't grow without critique. You are procrastinating because you don't know how to tackle task ahead of you. Alternatively pick battles you can take on.

Trying to figure out this guy's colors still. I like 3 and 4, but at the same time feel like they're not quite there yet.

Wish I had a better color instinct, I feel like I always struggle choosing ones that look good.

Attached: KaptainKadaverColorLineup.png (6792x2424, 1.93M)

>Want to show off how lonely my character is, like Carl in up
>It's boring because he has no one to interact with
How do I write my way out of this one?

Attached: 1548630827032.gif (250x381, 278K)

Up did it with a montage at the beginning, then spent basically no time without anyone for Carl to interact with. If you actually want the character to spend a lot of time isolated, you're either going to need some kind of montage to compress the time the character spends alone, make him talk to himself possibly going crazy like in Cast Away, or focus entirely on visuals, possibly with other conflict like man-against-nature or man-against-self where you don't really need any dialog to convey what's going on. Following all of the above to varying degrees is usually your best bet depending on the kind of story you're trying to tell.
'in the zone'
Do a session of anything non-electronic until you enjoy it

How do you feel about writing dialects in comics? Are they too distracting or do they add authenticity to the story?

They add color. Often they are just a thin pastiche meant to mask a lack of genuine character. So if you're going to use them, they should match the character's background, mannerisms, beliefs, etc.

Better question how do i show people talking in different languages?

In italics if you want the reader to know what's being said, squiggles if you don't, or find a translator.


new episode

Attached: plot.jpg (250x209, 32K)

I like 3 as well maybe make it slightly more reddish purple or more saturated? perhaps something between 1 and 3

Well after a couple computer crashes I finally got my punk-rock knight girl finished.

Attached: Morgan post.jpg (5100x3300, 2.54M)

Now with more spinning.

Attached: Morgan-animation.gif (573x934, 241K)

>rook knight girl
Why does she like rooks?

because they rooks nice.

Gold star sir, top notch

I will defy my dick and not click this

I am finally sketching the 1st chapter of my comic and listening to some advice videos and something is catching me off guard.
One piece I have heard is dont start your 1st big comic as the one you have the best idea for. Do little comics/ short one 1st then when you finish those work on the big one after you have gotten experience.
I have been developing this story and characters for a few years now along with editing my art style to something I am ok with presenting. I know it will change no matter what I do anyway.
Would it be best to make a short comic to get my feet wet 1st then create the big story I want? Or just dive in head 1st?

Attached: the void.gif (500x375, 371K)

If every chapter can stand on it own as self contained story i don't see the problem.

i did a couple of gag strips with my characters before i dove into the actual story. there is no harm in it.
helped me get a feeling for composition.
i actually notice that a lot with comics is that they seem to start with just non sequitur comics before a narrative even becomes apparent. Shag n Scoob and It Hurts being good examples.

Due to the way my story is constructed each chapter is supposed to be a different story
(anthology) which later goes into the main story here and there. So I could make it that way to where simple stories start 1st then it ramps up to harder.
Although that would call for a longer chapter or shorter chapter and weirder update times....a fuck it its a passion project I should not stress so much about the tiny details and just create.

damn i'm in the same position as you. my first comic is pretty big and i've been planning it out for years, i'm relatively satisfied with what i've got now as well as my skill level and i don't want to hold off on it any longer. what i'm doing first is i'm putting out a few smaller comics that tie into the main comic, but aren't necessary for the story itself and are pretty self-contained (they basically just provide a bit of background info for a few of the characters) as sort of a practice thing and to try and build-up a little more traction for myself and the comic

thanks user
guess i should go with my earlier stupider draft.

I say 4 but turn up the saturation on the jacket
your instincts are great, you just have a lot of them. i know what it's like being so creative and having so many ideas you can't pick

I also think he should change jackets with each new appearance in the story, so you can have your cake and beat off too.

imaginary friend, or talking to a pet.
shit, sometimes gaming gets me into the zone
I love this comic. her mannerisms are just.. I want to give her the babies.

she rocks. The transparent design bits viewed through the hair make me want some character with a tactical turtle shell now
bringin that upper lip up as you rotate. as if smirking at the audience.

I just wasted two days trying to bullshit my way through the thing i barely grasped.

Attached: a6bpo79_700b.jpg (700x491, 45K)

Attached: file.png (940x694, 1.07M)

Attached: abf.jpg (960x960, 179K)

Dainty lil feet on that minotaur.

Its will stay in the planning period for good if you dont get it off the ground one day. Art means shit if you got a good enough story. Case and point One punch man.

Attached: layouts_lucas_13.jpg (809x1304, 283K)

I actually finished the second chapter's storyboard. This is the cover inked but I wasn't too happy about it, although I am thinking I should just go on ahead and work on the rest of the chapters

The high stakes confrontation is always fun.

looking forward to seeing it to be continued.

Attached: ROCOCO_03_cover_inked_wip_2019JUL16.jpg (848x1200, 260K)

I want to have sex with all webcomic characters.


i know user, the main comic is coming out in winter. the short ones are just as a bit of practice that i plan on releasing in a couple of weeks

you aren't planning to do shit


Any examples on writing action scenes in a script?

I adore this, but it needs line weights to help them stand out


What sort of action? I have some examples of my own that might interest you, but I don't want to lead you in the wrong direction.

Hey is there a guide for drawing low detail hands anywhere?
Two days and three hours. What was thing?

Attached: 1483009889444.png (396x310, 77K)

Attached: take my hand.jpg (1600x4185, 698K)

same as high detail hands but ignore the details, keep the direction, angles, and basic shapes.

Attached: hildalewd.png (285x368, 24K)

>What sort of action?
I'm looking for anything.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-09-15h51m14s217.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

Even the males?

I am hoping coloring might help, I guess we'll see.

Attached: 2019JUL16_old_lady_rococo.jpg (641x1000, 128K)

It's perfectly acceptable to just copy what works IRL. Here: #2 (2).pdf?dl=0

Skip to the page labeled Page 9 and then read from there to page 18. I will post the actual pages so you can compare them to the script, and to the video that I instructed the artist to use as a basis for the motion.

Attached: 1561602115223.jpg (2063x3150, 3.81M)

Attached: 1561602181669.jpg (2063x3150, 1.75M)

Attached: 1561602248798.jpg (2063x3150, 2.36M)

Attached: 1561602314837.jpg (2063x3150, 2.04M)

Attached: 1561602380628.jpg (2063x3150, 1.63M)

Attached: 1561602447688.jpg (2063x3150, 2.29M)

Attached: 1561602514171.jpg (2063x3150, 2.15M)

Attached: 1561602580642.jpg (2063x3150, 1.98M)

Attached: 1561602647691.jpg (2063x3150, 1.97M)

Attached: 1561602713996.jpg (2063x3150, 1.92M)

someone once gave me some great advice on hands.
"How do you do hands?"
"Ehh its something that has to be done so I just don't worry that much about it anymore"
repating "its just something that has to be done" helped me get over the anxiety. NOt sure if it can help you but starting with a triangle helped and getting sibiling to pose a hand helped too.

Attached: fuck the extra finger.jpg (1000x1427, 316K)

Quick head's up, you're supposed to specify when someone asks that. If the topic is too broad there's no opening to say anything pertinent

Finished this page!

Attached: page 8.png (2250x3300, 3.15M)

actions that give personality to characters and how to research said actions

Well... Action is anything that happens in the scene. So I don't really know what you're asking for. Do you mean someone's motivation?


I thought maybe you meant "the structure of script writing, how to indicate an action"

What you're looking for isn't going to be found in a script. You would do this in the outside planning. When you generate a character you must determine what part they will play in the plot (otherwise you just get hanger-ons that serve no purpose as the plot moves forward), determine their personality, etc. Once you know what they're going to do, you just figure /why/ they're going to do those things. Typically you do this with their backstory or with the present circumstances of the script itself.

Batman wants to be a vigilante because his parents were murdered in front of him. That's his motivation. His personality informs his actions and how he shapes his moral code.

I can't help you much beyond this. Just... figure out your plot first.

what happened to comics full of drunk people?

They got boring. New in thing is comics full of high people.

That new Clip Studio update is supposed to drop tomorrow, any body going to test out that new text tool and report in?

>*Looks around*
What happened to comics full of high people?

I just did a picture that really could have used that tool. Had to switch to photoshop for that.

You missed it. Now the new thing is existential depression and anxiety filled slice of life comics.
C'mon man, keep up

oh wait, I just found the filter -> transform settings. on the other hand, there's no way to preserve aliasing with that, so I really could use the ability to keep that with vector'd text.

I appreciate your enthusiasm

Attached: specializes in hand jobs and foot jobs, but not head.png (424x300, 55K)

oh god, the loose toed sock. see this is the attention to detail that is going to make you a superstar someday when your art skills catch up with your creativity and taste. I personally can't wait, I'm already loving this as it is.

Popping in just in time to make a new thread.
Keep the conversation going, I'll get that new thread posted when we're ready.
just be warned, you might want to go well past the bump limit in case posts get deleted again. Post some roughs/wips if you want, the thread's ending so it's not like you'll have to look at it forever

Thank you my man.

Attached: dee expression sheet.jpg (1000x771, 74K)

cloud designs, i guess

Attached: sammy and coatl designs.jpg (1296x1000, 88K)

P7 sketch

Attached: Twin Genie P7 sketch.jpg (837x329, 62K)

As far as I got, tonight. This page is tough, but I think it's finally starting to coming together. Applying heavy shadow and morning light will help a lot.

It was meant to be, yeah, but the resounding opinion is that it ends up being a dud. There are a couple things about that damned page I'm going to fix when i finish this chapter. I think you've given me an actionable solution to that problem, so thank you.

Attached: CI_Ch1_Pg85.png (940x1216, 675K)

Slowly making progress. Designing backgrounds is the hardest thing to start.

Attached: ch2_6.png (617x863, 123K)

What is this from?

That top right one looks really good, you should try doing some more unique angles and poses like that more often.

I thought it turned out bad, why is that one better?

It's more interesting to look at. The other drawings look more like generic references while that particular one actually made me wonder what that was for.

I haven't drawn anything this week except this doodle I did watching an old tomodachi stream

Attached: two.jpg (317x314, 76K)

I can tell you from experience, especially when you are new to art like I am, dont be afraid to do really creative poses.
Its better to draw what you want to see, rather than what you are good at. Not only is it great practice since it gets you out of your comfort zone, but it also is just better to look at in general.
Also dont shy away from feet and hands for the same reason. They are a bitch to draw, but its better to have them than not.

To add on to this in some of the comics I've read hands are like 50% of the expressions from characters, even poorly drawn hands that emphasize an expression are better than nothing

I like these expressions a lot!! Loving whatever you've been studying
make sure to keep in mind ears more or less line up with noses though. they're a little below eyes (the ear shaft that is, the top of the ear comes up to the eye level) always imagine what if she had glasses on, where would the arms go

i thought the contrast-imaging dye was for CT scans, not MRIs

especially if steve ditko drew 'em

I had to look the guy up, but yeah it looks like his stuff might be a good example

>I had to look the guy up


I recognized the name (sort of) but couldn't place the art.
Give me some of your favorite comics so I can get more informed

Both are capable, but MRI dyes don't contain iodine. I wanted to use MRI here since I think more people would be familiar with what MRIs do than CT scans.

I sure thought I knew what MRIs did until now.

They are NMR machines, and you are the sample (neat).